Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Whenever someone mentions the year, 1992, only one thing pops into my mind, the Abductions of Crosspointe, because I live in Crosspointe and I’ve been horrified by it. In 1992, a 9 year old girl named Dana, disappeared from her bed on September 27, 1992. There was no hint of break in and all of the doors were locked and untouched, but one thing in her room remained that was never there before, a sign written in blood behind a Whitney Houston poster on the wall. The sign was a rectangle with lines going through it. No one knew what it meant and the police found no fingerprints in the room.
Later that week, a 5 year old boy named Jackson was playing outside with chalk and his mother went inside to get lemonade and was only gone for 3 minutes. When she came back, Jackson was gone and the symbol found in Dana’s room was written in chalk on the driveway.
Parents began to panic and wouldn’t let their kids go anywhere unsupervised. A week later, at the Elementary School nearby, a 12 year old boy named Noah disappeared at recess and there were no clues to his disappearance besides the symbol carved on a tree that he was last seen at.
Cops were soon patrolling the whole neighborhood and would walk kids to their bus stops. But all of it wasn’t enough, because the minute they were unsupervised, they’d disappear and the symbol would be there. Cops thought it was a child abductor, but no child abductor would be this stealthy, and could carve the symbol that fast.
After 2 weeks of disappearances, 12 kids were taken, and the abductions just stopped. No one found out who did it and about a year later, the investigation stopped and everyone went back to normal.
10 years later in 2002, on September 27, a 48 year old man disappeared and the only thing of his that remained was his finger in his car, and on his finger was the same symbol from 10 years ago carved onto it.
People began to panic for their children, and I was only 3 years old at the time. But surprisingly, no children were taken, instead, dozens of adults and the symbol was always there carved onto a body part left by the last place they were seen. Fortunately, my parents didn’t disappear, and once again, the disappearances stopped after 2 weeks again.
I’ve been terrified to go into the woods and have wanted to move, but it stopped and even though it’s creepy, it’s over, or so I thought…

My name is Ian and I’m in 8th Grade. I was riding home on the bus on a crisp autumn day. Light brown leaves were falling from trees and they would make the crunching sounds if anyone stepped on them.
I was sitting next to my best friend, Jaden on the nice leather seats in the bus.
“So can you hang today?” Jaden asked. Jaden is, in a way, kind of self centered, but he’s really nice to me, and we always have fun sleepovers together.
“Yeah, I think so. I’m SO glad that it’s Friday!” I said smiling.
Jaden smiled and nodded. “Me too, it’s time for a sleepover!”
Our good friends who were sitting in front of us, Kayl and John, looked over and smiled. Kayl is a very talented drummer and a good actor. We’ve been in a ton of school plays together. He’s kind of quiet, but he’s really nice. John is Asian and is my craziest friend, which is awesome, because he has a great sense of humor, and can get along with anyone.
“Were you planning to invite us?” John asked smiling.
Jaden smiled. “You think we wouldn’t?”
“Well, if I remember correctly,” Kayl said taking out a notepad. He looked at it. “You guys had a sleepover without me on December 14, 2010,”
John laughed.
I smiled. “That’s because you were sick with the Flu!” I laughed.
Kayl shrugged his shoulders smiling. “Still counts,”
Kayl, Jaden, John, and I all laughed. “Hey, do you guys know where Brian was today?” Jaden suddenly asked. Brian was a good friend of ours who’s very kind but kind of a know it all.
John thought. “I think he was sick,” John said.
“Come to think of it, he was blowing his nose a lot yesterday,” I said.
The bus stopped at our stop. “Here we are,” Jaden said getting up. The 4 of us hopped off the bus and saw 2 of our friends who’re at the bus stop and who’re in 9th Grade and get home earlier because their school starts at an earlier time than ours. Their names were Franco and Ethan.
Franco is the best actor in his school and he’s the nicest guy I know. He’s very kind and will help anyone at your time of need.
Ethan has an afro and is very nice and although is cocky at times, he’s a very good friend of ours.
“Hey guys, what’s up?” John asked smiling.
“Well, nothing at all, really,” Franco said, trying to force a smile to make us feel more comfortable, which I know immediately that something’s wrong.
“What happened?” I asked nervously.
“Brian, just, disappeared!” Ethan sighed.
Jaden, John, Kayl, and I all gasped. “What?”
“As you know, Brian was sick and had to stay home and since his mom had to go to work, she left him alone with a cell phone to call if he needed anything, and when she came back, he was just gone! What freaks the heck out of me though, if the same symbol that was left behind at the child abductions 20 years ago, was written in blood on the ceiling!” Franco cried.
The 4 of us became pale and my heart sank. Why didn’t I see it before? Every 10 years, starting on September 27, they either start abducting adults or children!
I gasped and told them about it. Jaden, John, and Kayl gasped, but Ethan and Franco nodded.
“Yeah, cops are going to be on a 24/7 watch in the neighborhood,” Ethan told.
“That didn’t work so well last time, did it?” Jaden said nervously.
“They’re doing all they can,” Franco answered.
“Let’s check this out,” John said running to Brian’s house. We followed.
When we got to Brian’s house, cops were all over the place and people were watching the house while being pushed back by cops.
“Wow, this is insane! We have to look for him, or something?!” Kayl panicked.
“If the cops couldn’t find anyone last time, you certain-,” Ethan then stopped himself from saying it. Kayl sighed.
Brian’s mom was going nuts on the porch while being interviewed by cops. Brian’s little brother, Jason, who we’re good friends with as well, was expressionless.
“This sucks!” Jaden cried in tears sitting on the curb. Franco started to comfort him.
“Should we, should we go home?” John asked.
After he said this, I turned towards the woods, and on the trail, I could see someone who was in all black, and the face, the horrible, horrible face had only two greenish brownish eyes on the figure’s face, and nothing else! No mouth, no nose, no ears, just these two horrifying eyes.
I screamed in fear, but not loud enough for the crowd of people to turn around. Franco, Kayl, John, Jaden, and Ethan spun around.
“What?!” John gasped.
I pointed to the woods at the figure. “Right there, look!”
But as I turned around, he was gone. I looked in the woods confused.
“I don’t see anything,” Jaden said.
“But, but, it was right there!” I cried.
“What’d it look like?” Franco asked.
I explained to them what it looked like but later thought I was having hallucinations.
We all went to my house and watched TV for a while, scared out of our minds. My mom came home and was all over me about if I was okay and all. It soon became 7:00.
“Hey, can you guys sleepover?” I asked.
“I don’t know if my mom wants me too, seeing how this kidnapping just happened, I think I have to go,” Ethan said getting up from my bed, because we were playing video games in my room.
“Okay, see you later,” we all said as he walked out.
“I know I can, I’ll call my mom to see if she can bring my sleeping bag over,” Franco answered taking out his cell phone as we paused the game.
“I know I can, I already told my mom and brought my sleeping bag,” John answered showing us his sleeping bag.
Kayl and Jaden also answered that they can stay. Franco got off the phone.
“Okay, I can stay, I’m glad too because it’ll get my mind off of the abduction,” Franco told.
“Why haven’t the police interviewed us yet? Seeing how we’re friends of Brian’s,” Kayl asked.
I thought about it and shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know, probably have to get every little bit of information from his parents,”
“They must be flipping out,” John said while playing Mario Kart Wii with Jaden.
“Let’s not even talk about it,” Franco sighed.
Taylor, my annoying little sister peeped into my room. She’s 2 years younger than me and is extremely cocky. “Hey losers, Ian’s mom is bringing Brooke (my other sister who’s 4 years younger than me) and I to the Nail Salon,”
“She’s going to leave us alone?” Jaden asked without turning his head because he’s playing Mario Kart.
“Hey, all the abductions that had happened in a house, there was only one person in a room at a time, so always have 2 people be in a room at once,” Taylor said in a “Duh” manner. She left and hopped downstairs.
3 hours later, while we were watching a movie upstairs in my room with popcorn, something crashed downstairs.
We all hopped up in terror and the popcorn fell to the ground and made a mess. I almost had a heart attack.
“What was that?” Kayl gasped.
John shrugged his shoulders in fear. “I don’t know,”
Franco quickly went to lock the door but was suddenly picked off of his feet and slammed against the wall outside of my room. We screamed as my door slammed and literally locked itself from the outside.
Franco started to scream in complete terror like he’s seeing something.
“Franco!” Kayl and John cried running to the door trying to open it.
During all of this, things started to fall everywhere from downstairs and the alarm went off and doors started to slam.
“Call the police, or something!” Kayl panicked trying to open the door.
“It feels like someone’s holding the door!” John cried. Jaden was huddled in a corner in fear.
I was in too much shock to move but got over it and ran to my cell phone on the desk and called 911. It rang but out of nowhere, someone, or something, yelled NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!, in a very angry and loud creepy, cold voice. I gasped and dropped the phone in horror as Franco continued to scream from the outside of the room.
John and Kayl gave up trying to open the door and turned to me. “Did you call 911?” John asked.
“Yeah, but some very loud and angry voice yelled no!” I answered.
“Where’s your mom? Shouldn’t she be back by now, and why would she leave us alone?” Kayl cried.
“Guys, the window!” Jaden suddenly gasped. We ran to the window and saw the same faceless being with only two eyes staring at us from across the street in Ethan’s yard.
“Ethan!” we gasped.
We suddenly saw Ethan screaming from his bedroom window and banging on the glass but was suddenly pulled back by God only knows what.
“No!” we cried.
Suddenly, the racket in my house stopped and the door to my bedroom opened.
The 4 of us stood in place nervously until we heard Franco whimpering nervously downstairs.
“Franco!”I gasped starting to run downstairs. Jaden, John, and Kayl followed.
While running downstairs, I noticed that nothing was ruined at all surprisingly, and nothing even seemed touched.
We saw Franco on the floor of the Dining Room, groaning. We ran to him.
“Franco, are you okay?” Jaden asked as we helped him up. Franco stood up.
“I-I think so, I, I feel like someone was holding onto me and poking me, but no one was there, a Ghost maybe, I know it sounds crazy,” Franco sighed.
“I-I don’t know, why isn’t anything wrecked?” Kayl asked walking around looking.
“Wrecked? What are you talking about?” Franco asked confused.
“You know, things being thrown all over the place, the alarm going off,” John answered.
Franco looked at him oddly. “None of that happened, no alarm went off, nothing was thrown over. The only thing that was happening was me being dragged around,”
I looked at him oddly and then remembered about Ethan.
“Oh my God, Ethan!” I cried.
We all gasped in fear and sprinted across the street.
“W-what happened?” Franco asked while running.
“Ethan, he was being dragged away from his room,” I told nervously.
We ran to his black front door and banged on it in horror, but the second we touched it, it turned to ashes! We gasped and ran inside.
Everything, and I mean everything, was messed up. The couch was ripped up, antiques were thrown on the ground, and most creepy of all, the most horrifying and old Ventriloquists you can think of were hung by a noose all over the ceiling!
“Oh my god, oh my god, I’m getting out of here,” Jaden said completely pale and horrified. He ran outside and vomited. We stared at him sickened.
“I’ll, stay with him,” John said nervously walking outside.
Kayl, Franco, and I looked up the stairs in horror and slowly started to walk up them. “Don’t worry you guys, I’m right behind you,” Franco comforted, which actually kind of helped.
When we got to the top of the creaky stairs, the same sign with the rectangle with lines going through it were carved all over the ceiling. We shook in horror and saw Ethan’s door and scratches from something that can’t be human were all over it. We walked towards it shaky and pale. I was sweating.
“I-I got it,” Kayl slowly said pushing the door open. The second he opened it, the faceless figure with only eyes, was standing there and screamed at the top of it’s lungs, “Mortalitas!” and then the door slammed in our faces without the thing touching the door!
We screamed in tears and fell to the ground in horror.
“What the heck was that?” Franco cried.
I got back up pale nervously and slowly opened the door to find the symbol written in blood all over the walls and ceiling and rotten apples and the old Ventriloquists lying everywhere.
I backed out of the room in horror as Kayl and Franco saw what was inside. “Brian, Ethan, gone!” Kayl sighed.
We then heard one cop car stopping by the front of my house across the street. The 3 of us quickly got up and ran downstairs to see a cop looking talking to a horrified Jaden and John.
We sprinted across the street and yelled “Ethan is gone!”

After that, the cop interviewed us on what happened and they turned Ethan’s house into a crime scene. The cops tried to get a hold of my mom and dad but none of them picked up. The cops found my mom’s car at the side of the highway and the car completely empty of everything. They searched my dad’s house and found it ransacked and my dad gone! Plus, Franco’s parents were missing as well, but for some reason, Kayl’s, Jaden’s, and John’s weren’t.
The cops made Franco and I stay at Jaden’s house since both of our other relatives were missing as well! The cops were going to guard the house and patrol the whole neighborhood. There were absolutely no fingerprints in Ethan’s room or Ethan’s parents’ room. They were hysterical.
Franco and I were sitting at Jaden’s dinner table with expressionless faces. Jaden’s mom was trying to comfort us.
“It’s okay guys, they’re doing a 24/7 patrol of the neighborhood and they’re investigating the disappearances, they’ll find the culprit,” Jaden’s mom said forcing a smile, sitting across from us.
Jaden frowned and shook his head while sitting next to his mom. “Mom, you don’t understand, this thing was supernatural. It wasn’t human!”
“Jaden, you were seeing things,” Jaden’s mom hissed.
Franco spoke up. “I don’t mean to be rude, but I was literally picked off my feet and thrown against walls!”
“Did you see if anyone was pulling you? Maybe it was rope,” Jaden’s mom idiotically said. Jaden and I rolled our eyes.
“No, but I felt like something was there!” Franco said raising his voice a little, which is very unusual.
“It must have been rope then,” Jaden’s mom repeated.
After that dumb conversation, the police interviewed the 3 of us again and then left. We went upstairs and got completely ready for bed.
We started to play video games and while playing I glanced out the window and saw the same being staring at me from the woods. I gasped in horror dropping my controller shaking in terror.
Franco and Jaden turned their heads. “What is it?”
I pointed to the woods but saw, of course, that nothing was there. “I saw the same, I don’t know, thing over in the woods,”
“Um, it’s-it’s okay, we’re protected by cops who’re patrolling outside,” Franco comforted.
Jaden spoke up nervously. “The cops can’t save us, the being can easily just appear in this house, no, all we can do is pray that he doesn’t get us, which won’t happen,”…

Somehow, we went to sleep that night, but none of us slept well. I had nightmares of the thing following me wherever I went. I woke up with nervous sweat dripping down me.
Franco, who was messing around on his laptop in his sleeping bag, looked up at me. “Hey sleepyhead, rough night?” Franco asked looking back down on his laptop.
I smiled a bit. “You bet,” I then looked around nervously and saw that Jaden wasn’t in his bed.
“Where’s Jaden?”
“Relax, he’s down having breakfast,” Franco answered.
I let out a sigh of relief. “Good,”
Franco got up and stretched. “Let’s go eat,”
I got up and we walked downstairs and saw Jaden eating Cheerios while searching the internet.
We sat down and got some Cheerios. “How was your night?”
I asked.
“I’m sure it was the same as you 2, by the way, I typed in a chapped pale face with only eyes on Google Images, and this came up,” Jaden said turning the computer towards us.
Franco and I flinched a little because it was a drawing of the exact same face we saw in Ethan’s room.
“That’s it! That’s the face!” Franco gasped.
Jaden turned the computer back to himself. “Well, according to this article, it’s called the Marduk, sights of it have been seen around the world. People who have seen it and haven’t disappeared right after seeing it, have all become completely different people. Every single one of them turns evil, into murderers, or thieves, or abductors. Everyone else has disappeared and are never found again,”
“Wow, how come the police never looked at that?” I asked.
“Because, the police never saw the face. Anyway, we don’t even know if this is what it is,” Franco mentioned. Jaden and I shrugged our shoulders.
The doorbell rang. We jumped in fear but then calmed ourselves. The 3 of us walked to the door and opened it to see Kayl and John standing at the door as cops eyed them from the front yard.
“Hey guys, everything alright at your houses?” I asked.
Kayl nodded. “Yeah, are you and Franco doing okay?”
Franco and I nodded. “Yeah, thanks for asking,” Franco thanked.
“Well, can you guys come out, cops are everywhere, so we’re safe,” John asked.
Jaden nodded. “Yeah, we can, we just have to get ready,”
We got dressed and we walked outside with Kayl and John. We walked around talking while cops were watching from a distance. We were all different from our usual selves. John wasn’t as talkative or cracking jokes like he used to. Jaden would usually make know it all remarks, but not today. Franco was still caring, but he wasn’t as social as he usually is. Kayl could always have a smile on his face, but not now. And I was different in every way.
“See anything last night?” Franco asked John and Kayl. They shook their heads. “No, thankfully, how about you guys?” Kayl asked.
I nodded. “Yeah, sadly, it was the Marduk,”
“The Marduk?” John asked.
“We don’t know for sure that it’s an urban legend come to life,” Franco said.
Jaden explained to Kayl and John what we read. “Ah,” John replied.
That’s when we saw 2 great friends of ours named Collin and Monica. Collin was the best singer at our school and for some reason, he gets bullied by the “Jocks” at our school, but he doesn’t care because he has us. Monica is a very pretty girl with black hair and blue eyes and is in Franco’s grade. She’s very sweet.
“Oh, hey guys, how’s it going? I heard what happened, I’m very sorry,” Collin greeted.
“Don’t be sorry, be hopeful,” Jaden hissed a bit.
“Knock it off, Jaden,” Franco said.
“We were coming down to say hey, and hang out,” Monica said smiling.
“Thanks, that’d be nice,” Kayl thanked smiling. It was obvious that Kayl and I like her.
We all started to walk and talk. We told Monica and Collin about what we think it is. “So, the Marduk is what you guys looked up?” Collin asked.
Jaden nodded. “Yep, I found it,” he said it in his usual know it all manner, which was actually a relief.
“You actually saw this attack Ethan?” Monica asked.
“Yeah, what I want to know is what the symbol means,” I answered trying to get the thought of Ethan getting attacked out of my mind.
“The rectangle with a line through it, right?” Collin asked.
“Exactly, it horrifies me, it’s eerie,” John added.
“The Ventriloquists scare me the most,” Franco shivered.
“Oh yes, I heard about that,” Monica said.
Suddenly, it started to get very cold and we started to shiver. We noticed the wind was blowing faster than it was just a second ago.
I looked around and noticed that the cops who were watching us at the sides of the road were gone!
“Guys, the cops are gone!” I cried.
Franco, John, Jaden, Monica, Collin, and Kayl looked around as well and gasped in horror.
“Oh my god!” Jaden gasped.
“Run to my house!” Collin cried since his house was closest. We started to run.
Suddenly, a very loud screaming started to erupt inside my ears. It screamed in a deep voice, “Mortalitas, Mortalitas, Mortalitas!”
I screamed and fell to the ground blacked out. The screaming went on as I saw while seeing black because of my black out, the thing staring at me with the blank expression. I cried out when all of the screaming stopped and the thing disappeared and that’s when I heard John screaming. It faded away as I opened my eyes and saw the blue sky above me. The wind stopped.
I quickly got up and saw that I was lying on the sidewalk. Franco, Jaden, Monica, Collin, and Kayl were still on the ground twitching. I looked around and saw no John!
“Guys, get up, John’s gone!” I gasped.
They then opened their eyes. “W-what happened?” Collin gasped grabbing his head in horror.
“I-I saw him, but, I don’t know what happened!” Jaden stuttered nervously.
I suddenly saw the symbol written in blood on the sidewalk where John was standing.
“Oh my god!” Monica cried in horror.

The cops ran to us after that and said that they didn’t abandon their post and were there the whole time. We didn’t understand at all, because we didn’t see them at all.
John’s parents were hysterical, and our County Police Force issued a curfew, stating that no kid is allowed to leave the house unless they are with cops by their side. I felt no hope at all that any of them would be found. There would literally be cops in every home that has a kid living there watching for any threat. The cop in our house was named Officer Holmes.
Franco, Jaden, and I were sitting in Jaden’s room in tears. “First Brian, then Ethan, now John,” Jaden sighed.
“It, it was the most horrifying moment in my life. I heard a terrible screaming in my ears and could see the thing,” Franco said shaking.
“Will you admit now that it’s the Marduk?” I asked.
Franco sighed and nodded hating himself for admitting it.
“Wait, let me find out further information about this Marduk,” Jaden then said getting up and getting his laptop.
Franco, without moving said, “There’s no point, we’re done for,”
“Franco, stop it. Don’t be in such denial, this isn’t you!” I hissed.
Franco sighed. “Just leave me alone,”
Jaden and I looked at him suspiciously as we looked up the Maduk.
“Okay, so far we know what this Marduk looks like, he looks just like the figure we keep seeing,” I clarified.
“Correct,” Jaden replied.
“We also know that sights have been seen of him around the world and anyone who has seen him has disappeared or turned into a murderer, or a thief,” I said.
“Yep, let’s see here,”
Jaden clicked on a link to The Marduk and started to read. “Sights of the legend Marduk, have been seen since the 1300s in England. The first knowledge of him was from a diary entry from a man named Henry Cavendish, “I saw the demon again. It follows me where ever I go, if I’m having tea with the Masons, it’s there. If I’m playing checkers with Cleandro, it’s there. The horrible demon has only two godforsaken eyes on it’s face. They stare at you with a blank expression. It doesn’t move, just stands there, with all black.” Henry disappeared from his home a few days later when as his wife said, he woke up screaming in fear and ran out of the house running and screaming. He never came back. A symbol of a rectangle with a line through it was found written on a mirror in the house in red. More sights were seen in England, and later all over Asia. In Mesopotamia, a pot with the Marduk painted on it was found buried deep in the ground.
“In 1891, a very nice boy named Daniel who lived in Philadelphia with his mom, said he saw a man with no mouth and no ears but with only two eyes and the man was in all black. His mom ignored him and later found him carving the rectangle with the line through it all over the walls. When his mom asked what he was doing, he didn’t speak and didn’t speak for a whole day. Finally, when his mom wanted an exorcism, Daniel yelled foul language to his mother in a voice “Completely unlike his own” as said by a neighbor. His mother was later found murdered and Daniel was gone, like he vanished off of earth.
“People began to call it The Marduk, another word for death. More and more disappearances started to happen and suddenly, they stopped in 1972. Summed up, if you see The Marduk, you either disappear, or turn into a terrible person. If you have any sort of sighting of The Marduk, report it immediately,” Jaden read in horror. I was pale with fear.
Franco started to laugh creepily. He started to sing Mary Had A Little Lamb in a voice unlike his. Jaden and I then turned to each other nervously knowing what was happening. Franco was experiencing the personality change!
“Uh, Franco,” Jaden said tapping him.
Franco suddenly jumped up in horror and grabbed Jaden’s hand. Jaden started to scream in pain.
“Nothing is wrong with me!” Franco yelled. I could hear Jaden’s hand starting to snap. Jaden screamed even louder.
“Franco, stop!” I yelled attempting to pull Franco away from Jaden.
I suddenly heard Jaden’s mom scream downstairs and multiple footsteps downstairs. I let go of Franco in horror watching the door. Jaden fell unconscious as Franco smiled in a very eerie way at me.
“Here they come,” he said still smiling at me.
I gasped and ran towards Jaden’s door but it slammed out of nowhere and locked. I screamed in horror and turned to Franco who was smiling at me still. “Franco, don’t do this!” I cried.
“Don’t call me Franco!” Franco roared moving his hand. I was suddenly thrown against the wall without him touching me and made a huge dent. I fell to the ground groaning.
Someone or something started to bang on the door to Jaden’s room. “They’re coming,” he repeated.
I looked around on the floor for anything to help me and saw a baseball bat not too far away from me.
“Now it’s time for you to go as well,” Franco hissed walking towards the door smiling.
I quickly grabbed the bat and bashed it on Franco’s head. He fell to the ground knocked out. The banging on the door became louder and louder and I heard heavy breathing. I was shaking in horror and looked around and saw Jaden’s window. I smiled and broke the window open with the bat and looked out the window. It was a long fall, but I defiantly wasn’t going to stay in this room. I suddenly remembered Jaden and turned to his unconscious body nervously.
I shook him nervously. “Jaden, wake up, wake up!”
Jaden woke up a bit. “What?”
Right after Jaden said that, the door broke open and dozens of kids with the palest skin ever and black eyes followed by wrinkly old people started to walk into the room. I screamed and jumped out the window. I landed on the ground hard snapped something in my left leg. I screamed in pain starting to grasp my left leg.
I could hear Jaden scream and then fade away. One of the old ladies in black looked out the window at me. That’s when I started to hear whispering in my ears saying “Collin, Collin, Collin,”
“Collin!” I gasped getting up. I saw The Marduk standing in several places at once staring at me. I ignored it and ran while limping to Collin’s house. The whispering continued saying horrible things.
No cops were in the neighborhood anymore, every single one of them were gone.
When I finally got to Collins, the door had the symbol carved onto the door. I gulped. “NO!” I cried.
Suddenly, his door opened and a bunch of other kids and old people walked out of his house at me muttering “Ian, Ian, Ian,”
I backed away in horror but was grabbed onto from behind. I screamed but suddenly saw that it was Monica. “Monica, are you okay,” I asked in horror.
Monica looked at the people. “I’ll tell you after we’re done running!”
She started to run to her house. I followed. Once we got into her house, it looked exactly like Ethan’s house. Ransacked, and Ventriloquists hanging by nooses. “Up here!” Monica yelled running upstairs. I followed. She pulled down the attic ladder and quickly climbed up. I followed and got into the dusty attic and she quickly pulled the ladder up.
“Wh-What’re we doing here?” I asked.
Monica lit a lantern. “I hid here when these people came,”
“They came to your house as well?” I asked nervously.
“Y-yes, it was awful, that’s when I found out something,” Monica said breathing in nervously.
“What?” I asked anxiously.
“The Marduk, it, it takes souls to stay alive, like it took Ethan and John’s souls. But sometimes, The Marduk brainwashes a person it takes, so that they can be “Peasants” to it. The Peasants created the sign of the rectangle with a line through it to represent The Marduk when it needs souls. Every 10 years, The Marduk travels here to get souls from here and get new Peasants. When he isn’t here, he all over the world doing this, there’s no stopping him. What I think he’s been doing, is you said you saw him first, right? After you found out Brian was gone?” Monica asked.
I nodded in fear.
“He’s been saving you for last, and letting you watch your friends fall victim, and your family,” Monica sighed.
“And, how do you know all this?” I asked nervously.
“Because, I saw my own mother being consumed, but my dad turned evil,” Monica answered.
We suddenly started to hear whispering. “Found you, found you, found you!”
We looked around in horror and saw a bunch of the Peasants in a circle around us. Monica and I screamed.
I saw my dad, my mom, my sisters, Franco, Collin, Monica’s dad, a bunch of other kids from past abductions of Crosspointe, and I happened to see Henry Cavendish, from the explanation page of The Marduk! I could tell it was him because there was a painting of him.
The Marduk appeared out of nowhere right in front of us. Monica and I screamed and fell to the ground in horror. Monica suddenly floated off the ground screaming. “Monica!” I cried.
She was spun around dozens of times and hit the ground with chalk skin and black eyes whispering terrible things. I walked away nervously and shaking in horror when suddenly, the weak attic floor couldn’t take it anymore and I fell through screaming. I hit the floor downstairs hard. Groaning, I didn’t want to give up and attempted to crawl away. Suddenly, I saw Kayl run into Monica’s house and gasped looking at me.
“Ian, are you okay?” Kayl gasped running over to me helping me up.
I shook him panicking. “We have to get out of here! Monica, Collin, Franco, they’re all brainwashed!”
I tried to run out the door but Kayl grabbed onto me. “Why leave, when this party is just getting started?”
I turned to him confused and saw his blonde hair fall to the ground and grey hair appeared. His skin turned completely pale and his hazel eyes turned completely black. He started to whisper. “You’re done for,”
I screamed and started to run but Kayl moved his hand and I was thrown against the wall groaning. When I opened my eyes, The Marduk’s face was completely facing mine with his peasants behind him.
I gasped in horror and the ringing happened in my ears again and the world to me appeared black with The Marduk staring at me, and that’s when everything faded away…