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Monday, December 20, 2010

Star Wars 7: The Soro Campaint

Chapter 1

Darth Sackin

Colonel Carson looked out the window into space to see the ship that was carrying the emperor’s long lost son, Lilton Sackin. He was to wait on the planet Kamino until the emperor died, than after the emperor died he would take his place.
Colonel Carson kept on thinking if he would be cruel or fair. The answer was obvious.
Colonel Carson turned around and got back to his work with his two partners, Private Gates and Corporal Edwards.
“So how do you think Darth Sackin is going to treat us?” Private Gates asked.
“Duh, terribly,” Corporal Edwards answered.
“We better go down to see him for the first time,” Colonel Carson told. They went down to the hanger.
Luke Skywalker was following Darth Sackin’s ship for quite some time. He was keeping his distance. Thanks to the satellites on Endor they tracked him down.
Han Solo’s voice came on the speaker.
“Hey Luke, have you seen the ship yet?” he asked.
“Been following it for about 20 minutes, we’re almost at the newly built death star,” Luke said.
“Good luck,” Han said.
Darth Sackin’s ship entered the hanger.
Luke put on a mask with air so he could breath and jumped out of his ship and floated toward the hanger entrance he floated without being seen and he dropped through a door. Colonel Carson looked over and saw Luke. He picked up a blaster but Luke sliced off his head. Corporal Edwards and Private Gates gasped but before they knew it they were sliced in half by Luke. Luke started toward the door. He ran out and saw Darth Sackin walking out of his ship. His face was like the emperor’s except greener and scarier.
“Hey!” Luke yelled.
All the death star workers looked over and pointed their guns at Luke.
“Now, now, let’s not be rude,” Darth Sackin laughed. All the death star workers put their guns in their pockets. Darth Sackin took off his hood and got out his light saber. He pushed the button and a flash of red light came out.
Luke jumped down and pressed his light saber button.
“So Skywalker, I have finally meet you, you see these gloves I’m wearing, well they protect my hands from a burning of a light saber,” he said.
He pressed the button again and 4 other flashes of red light came out. Luke ran to him and they started fighting. Darth Sackin started twirling the light saber so fast. Luke walked back a little. Darth Sackin walked toward him. Luke tried to go in for a stab but Darth Sackin cut off his arm!
“Aaaaah!” Luke screamed.
Darth Sackin started to laugh.
“You idiot!” Luke yelled.
“Hey, shut up,” Darth Sackin said.
He pressed the button and 4 of the red lights went in and there was one light left. He pointed the light at his neck.
“You helped kill my father,” Darth Sackin said.
He stabbed Luke in the heart. Luke shut his eyes and fell down dead.
“You see, my father never did that,” Darth Sackin said.
Everyone bowed.
“Now I ask you to create these solders called Mallet troops,” he said. “These are the blueprints,” he said pulling out papers.

Chapter 2

Marko Solo

It was 20 years since they discovered Endor and the rebels blew up the death star but since then Han Solo and princess Leia had a baby named Marko Solo. He is now 20 years old and is in charge of most of the rebels. He has blondish blackish hair.
He was sitting outside on a bench in the woods loading a gun. Corporal Jacob was riding by on a speeder. Corporal Jacob was a young rebel at the age of 19. He joined the rebels 3 months ago and was still being trained. He stopped it and jumped down.
“Hey Marko, they don’t have a clue where Skywalker is,” Corporal Jacob said.
“He’s probably dead,” Marko said still looking down at his gun.
“I hope not,” Corporal Jacob responded.
Two ewoks ran up to Marko and Corporal Jacob.
Marko and Corporal Jacob looked down.
“Yup, yup” they said.
“They are saying that they found a tube with a body inside it,” Marko said.
“You mean like a dead body,” Corporal Jacob said.
“I don’t know,” said Marko.
The ewoks started running. Marko and Corporal Jacob followed. The ewoks came to a bush. It had a tube in it.
“What is that?” Marko said.
They both pulled the tube out and saw Luke Skywalker’s body in it.
“Eeeeee!” the ewoks screamed while running away.
Marko and Corporal Jacob looked at the body.
“He was stabbed with a light saber,” Marko said.
“No more jedis,” Corporal Jacob said.
“My dad won’t like this,” Marko said.
They carried Luke’s body to the base. The guards saw the body.
“Oh my god Luke,” Captain Harold said.
Everyone ran outside. Han Solo ran through the crowd. He gasped.
“No, Luke!” Han yelled.
Princess Leia, Lando, and Chewbacca ran through the crowd of rebels. They all gasped
“No more jedi,” Lando said.
“Poor Luke,” Leia said.
“He was stabbed with a light saber,” Marko said.
“By who though, did he kill himself?” Lando said.
“Impossible, I know Luke, he wouldn’t do that,” Han said.
They picked up Luke’s body and put his body on his bed.
“I wish I knew what happened,” Captain Harold said.
“Yeah,” Corporal Jacob said.
Later Marko Solo, Corporal Jacob, and Captain Harold went into the woods on speeder’s looking for a person with a light saber. They got off their bikes and started to look around.
“Me and Captain Harold will go search the north and east part of the woods and Marko will search the south and west part,” Corporal Jacob said.
“I’ll use this to protect myself,” Marko said pulling out a blaster.
“Fine, we’ll use this,” Captain Harold said pulling out a pistol.
“Okay then,” Marko said.
They split up. Marko was walking down a path with his blaster. He looked up and saw the death star!
“That’s odd, wasn’t the death star destroyed,” Marko said.
Wicket and Furball (two ewoks) jumped out of the bushes.
“Hey guys,” Marko said.
“Yup Yup,” they said.
That means an enemy was near!
Marko raised his blaster and started to look around. He heard a gunshot and saw a huge bullet coming toward him! He jumped out of the way and looked around. He saw a red trooper with a big jetpack on his back. The red trooper started to fly in air with his jetpack. Marko shot the jetpack and the trooper caught on fire! The red trooper fell to his death. Marko ran up to the body and looked at the body.
“It’s not a storm trooper,” he said.
He looked and saw a word on the suit and it said Mallet troop. He then heard rustling in the bushes. He aimed his gun at the bush but then saw Corporal Jacob.
“What are you doing here?” Marko said.
“Me and Captain Harold were split up because of a ship that crashed,” Corporal Jacob said.
“Better go search for Captain Harold,” Marko said.
“Yeah,” Corporal Jacob said. They started walking around.
“So what do you mean by a ship crashing?” Marko asked.
“Well me and Captain Harold were walking side by side until this mysterious ship crashed between us and we were separated,” Corporal Jacob said.
“Enemies have found us,” Marko said.
“I was thinking the same thing,” Corporal Jacob said.
They then saw a body on the ground.
“Is that Captain Harold?” Corporal Jacob asked.
Marko and Jacob went to check it out. It was Captain Harold dead. His head was cut open.
“It looks like he died by a light saber that cut his head open,” Marko said.
“By who though?” Corporal Jacob said.
“I have no idea,” Marko said.
All of a sudden a Mallet troop jumped out of the bushes and fired his gun like crazy. Marko and Corporal Jacob dodged the bullet and shot the Mallet troop but the bullets just bounced right off.
“That’s odd,” Marko said.
The Mallet troop shot fire but Marko and Jacob dodged it right in time. Marko shot the Mallet troops jet pack and the Mallet troop caught on fire.

Chapter 3

The Soro Campaint

“Is that a new type of solder?” Corporal Jacob asked.
“I guess so, we have a new enemy,” Marko said.
“Yeah, both of us weren’t around to see the emperor,” Corporal Jacob said.
“Yeah, can you show me where that ship crashed?” Marko asked.
“Sure, I remember where it had happened,” Corporal Jacob said.
Corporal Jacob and Marko Solo went down to the crash sight.
Marko looked down on the ship. Marko opened the door to it. There was a machine. It said Soro Campaint on it.
“Soro Campaint?” Marko said.
“Do you know what Soro Campaint means?” Corporal Jacob asked.
“No, this is some machine,” Marko said.
Marko picked the machine up, but all of a sudden a rebel jumped out of a bush and pushed Marko and Corporal Jacob to the ground and above Marko and Jacob was a huge bullet that would of hit them. The rebel picked up a blaster and shot a hidden Mallet troop. The rebel looked down at Marko and Corporal Jacob.
“You guys bee more careful,” he said.
“Who are you?” Corporal Jacob asked.
“I am Major Sergeant Jackson, a highly trained rebel,” he said.
“I’m Marko Solo and this is Corporal Jacob,” Marko said.
“I know who you guys are and do me a favor, get away from that machine,” Major Sergeant Jackson commanded.
“Why?” Corporal Jacob asked.
“Because, me and Lilton Sackin, the emperor’s son, built it and the machine can bring people back to life, and I trusted Lilton but it turned out he was an enemy and he will use it to bring his dad back to life,” Major Sergeant Jackson said.
“Well maybe we could bring some jedi back to life,” Corporal Jacob said.
“Okay,” Marko said picking up the machine.
“I want 3 of the best jedi to come back,” Marko said.
“Hey not so fast,” Major Sergeant Jackson said but it was to late and 3 people appeared. There was a guy with a long beard, a little green guy, and an African American.
“Oh my,” Major Sergeant Jackson said.
“I am Qui-Gon-Juinn,” the bearded man said.
“And I am Mace Windu,” the African American said.
“And I am Yoda,” the green creature said.
“Wow, 3 jedis,” Marko said.
“How were you killed Qui Gon?” Corporal Jacob asked.
“By one of the emperor’s scum apprentice’s, Darth Maul,” Qui Gon said.
“Was it painful?” Marko asked.
“Very,” Qui Gon said.
All of a sudden comet’s started falling from the sky!
“What the heck?” Major Sergeant Jackson said.
A huge ship came down into the woods shooting bullets. Mallet troops came running in the woods shooting their guns. Qui Gon, Mace Windu, and Yoda clicked the buttons on their light sabers and flashes of light came out. A cloaked figure was flying through the air and landed on the ground. He got out a light saber and clicked the button and a flash of red light came out. Qui Gon, Mace Windu, and Yoda started fighting with the stranger. Major Sergeant Jackson, Marko and Corporal Jacob started fighting. Marko got a sniper rifle out and started firing away. A Mallet troop was flying down and pushed Corporal Jacob down and was going to shoot him until Major Sergeant Jackson shot the Mallet troop’s jetpack and the Mallet troop caught on fire.
“Thanks,” Corporal Jacob said.
“Don’t mention it,” Major Sergeant Jackson said.
A bunch of bombs started dropping everywhere.
“Look out!” Major Sergeant Jackson yelled pushing Marko and Corporal Jacob out of the way. A bomb landed on Major Sergeant Jackson and it exploded and he disappeared.
“That was brave of him,” Marko said.
More bombs started dropping.
Marko and Corporal Jacob ran to an At-Te walker. They got inside of it and started it up.
“We’ll escape with this,” Marko said.
They made it walk but all of a sudden a bomb hit the machine and Marko and Corporal Jacob got knocked out.

Chapter 4


Marko and Corporal Jacob smelled smoke and heard screaming. They opened their eyes and saw that they were strapped on two separate tables. The tables started moving. Other rebels were strapped to other tables. They went toward this blade that would cut you in half! Rebels were getting sawed in half! Marko and Corporal Jacob tried to get out of the rope but they were strapped tight. Marko’s table was next! Only Marko and Corporal Jacob were left. Marko was only inches from death. The saw started to cut the table and was half an inch from Marko’s feet until the saw stopped going and the table stopped moving. A Mallet troop and a guy with a greenish face with a hood were standing on a platform above Marko and Corporal Jacob.
“What did you do wrong?” the green faced man asked the Mallet troop.
“I don’t know,” the Mallet troop replied.
All of a sudden Major Sergeant Jackson came down firing everywhere. The Mallet troop started firing at Major Sergeant Jackson. Major Sergeant Jackson shot the Mallet troops jetpack and he caught on fire. Major Sergeant Jackson cut the ropes.
“How did you survive?” Corporal Jacob asked.
“I’ll explain later,” he said.
The green faced man jumped down.
“Who are you?” Marko asked pointing his sniper rifle at him.
“I am the emperor’s son, Darth Sackin, and I killed Skywalker,” Darth Sackin said.
“Lilton?” Major Sergeant Jackson said.
“Oh if it isn’t my old friend, looking for this,” Darth Sackin said holding up the soro campaint.
Major Sergeant Jackson ran toward him but Darth Sackin pulled out a light saber and pushed the button and Darth Sackin cut his gun in half. Major Sergeant Jackson fell down to the ground. Darth Sackin was about to stab him until Marko shot his gun at Darth Sackin. Darth Sackin turned around and blocked the bullet. Marko dodged the bounced back bullet. Major Sergeant Jackson kicked Darth Sackin in the stomach. He fell down. Major Sergeant Jackson was about to shoot Darth Sackin until Darth Sackin kicked Major Sergeant Jackson. Major Sergeant Jackson fell down on a table and hit his head. He was knocked out. Darth Sackin jumped up to the platform and pressed the button and the table that had Major Sergeant Jackson on it started moving towards the saws. Marko started firing at Darth Sackin while Corporal Jacob jumped down on the table to get knocked out Major Sergeant Jackson off the table. Darth Sackin blocked Marko’s bullets and made them go toward Corporal Jacob and knocked out Major Sergeant Jackson.
“Look out!” Marko yelled to Corporal Jacob.
Corporal Jacob dragged Major Sergeant Jackson off the table before the bullets landed on the table. Darth Sackin laughed.
“You guys look like you would be better off dying by Mallet troops,” Darth Sackin said.
He clicked a button then he opened a door went inside it and shut the door.
“What is he doing?” Corporal Jacob asked.
“I don’t know,” Marko said.
Major Sergeant Jackson woke up.
“What’s going on?” he asked.
“Lilton knocked you out,” Marko said.
Major Sergeant Jackson got up. He grabbed a blaster.
All of a sudden all the doors opened up and Mallet troops came in pointing their blasters at them.
Marko, Corporal Jacob, and Major Sergeant Jackson raised their guns at them.
All the Mallet troops started to fly in air with their jetpacks. Corporal Jacob shot a Mallet troop’s jetpack while a bunch of other Mallet troops were around him. Over 10 Mallet troops caught on fire.
The Mallet troops shot all over the place. Major Sergeant Jackson, Marko, and Corporal Jacob dodged every bullet.
Marko and Jacob were using a table as cover and Major Sergeant Jackson was using a dead Mallet troop as cover.
Major Sergeant Jackson then got shot in the knee cap!
“Oh god!!” he screamed.
“Corporal Jacob, you stay here and back me up while I go help Major Sergeant Jackson,” Marko commanded.
Corporal Jacob nodded. Marko then ran into the Mallet troops view. Bullets were missing him by inches. Corporal Jacob was shooting every Mallet troop that tried to shoot Marko. Marko grabbed Major Sergeant Jackson and ran for cover.
“We have to get out of here,” Marko advised.
Corporal Jacob shook his head. Jackson got up.
“If you’re asking I put some bandages on my knee so I can walk, but here’s the plan for getting out, I’m going to create a distraction while you and Jacob sneak to that door and shoot the Mallet troop’s jetpacks and I will come over there and we will go to the hangar and get out of here,” Jackson answered.
“Can do,” Corporal Jacob said.
Major Sergeant Jackson then came out into sight.
“Hey I’m over here, come and get me!” Jackson yelled to the Mallet troops. The Mallet troops started firing at Major Sergeant Jackson. He dodged the bullets.
“Okay, here is are chance let’s move,” Marko said.
Marko and Corporal Jacob snuck to the door. They both pointed their blasters at the jetpacks and fired. They caught on fire. Sergeant Jackson ran over.
“Nice work,” he commented.
They then went to the hangar got in a ship and flew out of the death star.

Chapter 5
Mos Eisley

Marko was driving while Major Sergeant Jackson and Corporal Jacob were in the back.
“So where are we going?” Corporal Jacob asked.
“First we’re going to Endor to see if anyone is there,” Marko answered.
“How far away is that?” Jackson asked.
“Just sit back relax and leave everything to Marko Solo,” Marko announced.
Later after about 10 minutes they landed in the woods of Endor.
All 3 of them got out of the ship with blasters and looked around. There was burned down trees, old rebel helmets on the ground, nothing but ruins.
“Gee, the empire sure beat this place up,” Marko said.
“Just follow me to the base,” Major Sergeant Jackson commanded.
Major Sergeant Jackson, Marko, and Corporal Jacob walked through the ruins.
They soon got to the base. It was beat up bad. Marko tried to open the door but it was stuck.
“I can’t open it,” Marko admitted.
“Stand back,” Major Sergeant Jackson commanded. Marko and Corporal Jacob stepped back. Major Sergeant Jackson kicked the door as hard as he could and it opened.
“Nice kick,” Corporal Jacob commented.
All of the sudden a bullet came flying by them. They dodged it by an inch. They looked over and saw Lando pointing the gun.
“Lando?” Marko asked.
“S-sorry, I thought you guys were Mallet troops,” he said.
“What happened?” Major Sergeant Jackson asked.
“They came into the base and killed all of the guards, the two leaders are Darth Sackin and the Mallet General,” Lando told.
“What happened to my mom and dad?” Marko asked.
“They captured Han and Leia along with Colonel Harker,” Lando explained.
“What about Chewbacca?” Major Sergeant Jackson asked.
“They hypnotized him to be a ferocious guard wookie,” Lando answered.
“You know where my mom and dad are being kept?” Marko asked.
“I think they where brought to Mos Eisley spaceport,” Lando assumed.
“Then that’s where we’re going next,” Marko said loading a blaster.
Marko, Major Sergeant Jackson, Lando, and Corporal Jacob walked back toward the ship. A spy for the empire named Dorm was watching them. He got out a radio.
“I found them, they are going to Mos Eisly spaceport, send in Mallet troops along with the Mallet General to take out the trash,” Dorm said to Darth Sackin through the radio.
Meanwhile Marko flew Major Sergeant Jackson, Corporal Jacob and Lando to Mos Eisley.
They landed at a landing platform. They all got out and looked around. People buying things, people selling things everywhere.
“Where should we start?” Corporal Jacob asked.
“We should split up, Corporal Jacob and I will take the east side and Major Sergeant Jackson will go with Lando on the west side,” Marko commanded.
“Fine,” Lando said starting to follow Major Sergeant Jackson.
Marko and Corporal Jacob walked into a bar.
“So who should we ask?” Corporal Jacob asked.
“Well we should ask people, and hide your gun,” Marko answered.
Marko and Corporal Jacob split up.
Marko walked up to a bunch of tough people arm wrestling. He spoke up.
“You haven’t happened to see a lady with blackish hair in white robes or a guy with brownish blackish hair wearing a half tan half black shirt did you?” Marko asked.
They all turned around and eyed him angrily.
“Are you interrupting us during our arm wrestling battle?” a big guy with a cold low voice said.
“I suppose I am,” Marko answered crossing his arms.
“We’re giving you 3 seconds to get your ugly face out of sight or face the consequences,” a stronger guy warned.
“Hit me with your best shot,” Marko demanded.
The strongest guy through a punch but Marko dodged it.
“Is that all you got?” Marko asked.
The guy through another punch but before he could hit Marko he was shot. Marko gasped. The guy fell down dead. Marko looked over and saw the Mallet General with a couple of other Mallet troops. Everyone screamed.
“Now, now, I am looking for 4 guys named Marko Solo, Corporal Jacob, Lando Callirisian, and Major Sergeant Jackson. Anybody know anyone by that name, anyone, my reward is 1 million big ones for one of them, and 5 million for all of them,” the Mallet General told walking around while holding his gun.
Marko looked over at Corporal Jacob. Marko pointed to the door. Corporal Jacob shook his head and they both snuck over to the door until Marko slipped and fell into the Mallet General’s sight.
“Well, well, if it isn’t Marko Solo, you’re dad and mom are being tortured like heck,” the Mallet General laughed.
Marko gulped.
“Kill him,” the Mallet General commanded.
The Mallet troops raised their guns but all of the sudden Yoda jumped into sight and started to stab the Mallet troops. Marko got up got his gun out and started firing. Corporal Jacob did the same. The Mallet General ran out of the bar cowardly.
A Mallet troop shot a bullet at Yoda. Yoda raised his light saber to block it but the bullet went straight trough the light saber and the bullet shot Yoda in the face. Yoda fell dead.
“Oh my god, their bullets can’t be blocked!” Marko yelled to Corporal Jacob.
Marko and Corporal Jacob killed the rest of the Mallet troops and ran out of the bar.

Chapter 6

The Torture Building

The Mallet General ran back to an old ware house. He went into the basement to a bookshelf.
He took a book about ships out off the shelf, he took a book about planets off the shelf, and finally a book about creatures throughout the galaxy and the book case opened to reveal a room. He went inside and closed the book shelf. He saw Darth Sackin and a Mallet troop torturing Han Solo.
Han’s legs were being held by a rope and he was upside down being shocked by a wire.
Darth Sackin looked over.
“Oh, General Mallet, what did you find?” Darth Sackin asked.
“Well, I found them but they took out my whole team and I got away,” the Mallet General answered.
Darth Sackin started to choke the Mallet General to death without touching him.
“You have failed me again General Mallet,” Darth Sackin said.
The Mallet General fell dead.
“Colonel Mallet!” he called to Colonel Mallet.
Colonel Mallet ran over to Darth Sackin.
“You are now the new leader, General Mallet,” told Darth Sackin.
“Thank you sir,” General Mallet thanked.
“Follow me,” Darth Sackin commanded starting to walk.
General Mallet started to follow Darth Sackin.
“My dad used to tell me about his favorite apprentice and he always said his favorite was Darth Maul,” Darth Sackin told.
They both walked to the Soro Campaint.
“So I have decided to bring him back to life with the Soro Campaint,” Darth Sackin finished.
“I see,” General Mallet began.
Meanwhile Marko and Corporal Jacob were walking across the streets of Mos Eisley.
“That was a little to close,” Corporal Jacob gasped.
“Yeah, we got to be more careful,” Marko began.
Marko and Corporal Jacob then saw a Mallet troop run straight into a warehouse. Marko and Corporal Jacob ran after him until they both bumped into Major Sergeant Jackson and Lando.
“We got to follow that Mallet troop!” Lando yelled.
“Right,” Marko responded.
All 4 of them stepped into the warehouse and ran down the stairs. They then ran to an open book case. They heard the screams of people being tortured inside.
“Okay, I’ll go in first and kill as many as I can, wait for my call for you can come out,” Major Sergeant Jackson whispered. Marko, Corporal Jacob, and Lando nodded in agreement.
Major Sergeant Jackson quietly opened the door and started to fire at Mallet troops.
Darth Sackin had already brought Darth Maul back to life. Darth Maul ran toward Major Sergeant Jackson with his light saber.
“Now!” Major Sergeant Jackson yelled. But Mallet troops snuck behind Marko, Corporal Jacob, and Lando and grabbed them and held guns to their heads.
The Mallet troops with Marko, Corporal Jacob, and Lando came into the room.
“You 4 are outnumbered, now, you must die,” Darth Sackin announced.
“General Mallet, will you do the honors?” Darth Sackin asked.
“With pleasure,” General Mallet responded.
General Mallet walked up to Major Sergeant Jackson loaded his gun and was about to shoot until Qui-Gon-Juinn and Mace Windu jumped through the window with their light sabers. Darth Maul smiled once he saw Qui Gon.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the dead master,” Darth Maul laughed.
“This battle will prove who is the best,” Qui Gon replied.
They started to fight with their light sabers. Marko then got out of the cuffs and grabbed his blaster and started firing at the Mallet troops.
“Kill him!” General Mallet commanded.
They started firing at Marko.
Major Sergeant Jackson, Lando, and Corporal Jacob broke out of their handcuffs and started firing.
While Qui-Gon and Darth Maul were fighting Mace Windu and Darth Sackin were fighting, and Marko, Sergeant Jackson, Corporal Jacob and Lando were fighting with Mallet troops.
Marko, Corporal Jacob, Sergeant Jackson, and Lando ran behind cover.
“Okay, Sergeant Jackson and Lando will fire at the Mallet troops distracting them while Corporal Jacob and I run over and free my dad, my mom, and Colonel Harker,” Marko told.
They all agreed.
Sergeant Jackson and Lando started to fire at the Mallet troops while Marko and Corporal Jacob snuck over to Han.
“Son, I’m so glad you’re all right,” Han said relieved.
“Okay, now I’m going to get you out of here,” Marko told.
But before they could get him out evil Chewbacca appeared and tried to maul Marko but Marko dodged him.
Corporal Jacob then shot Chewbacca killing him.
“Oh my god, Chewy,” Han cried.
“Sorry Han,” Corporal Jacob apologized.
They released Han and moved on to Princess Leia and got her out and then went onto Colonel Harker and freed him to.
“Come on!” Colonel Harker screamed.
Marko, Sergeant Jackson, Corporal Jacob, Lando, Han, Leia, Colonel Harker, Qui-Gon, and Mace Windu ran out of the ware house to their ship.
“Come on, come on!” Sergeant Jackson screamed.
Mallet troops started to fire at them.
Everyone got on except for Corporal Jacob who was firing at the Mallet troops.
“Come on Jacob!” Marko screamed.
“I’ll cover you guys!” he told.
“Don’t be an idiot soldier, get on!” Colonel Harker commanded.
Corporal Jacob ran to the ship but was shot in the heart!
“No!” Marko screamed jumping out of the ship bending down looking at Corporal Jacob.
“G-go ahead,” he gasped.
“No, I’m taking you with me!” Marko screamed.
“N-no, y-you h-have been a great f-friend M-Marko, g-go,” Corporal Jacob gasped.
Tears fell from Marko’s eyes. Corporal Jacob fell dead.
“Come on, Marko!” Princess Leia screamed.
Marko then ran over to the ship, got on and they took off.

Chapter 7


They flew out into space while they chased after them. Bullets from Darth Sackin’s ship were missing their ship by inches.
Han and Lando were flying the ship while Colonel Harker was telling them to go left or right.
“Jackson, Marko, get on the turrets and take the ships out,” Colonel Harker commanded.
“Copy,” Sergeant Jackson and Marko responded.
They both got into turrets and started firing.
“Okay Jackson, take out the little ships first, than take out Sackin’s ship,” Marko told.
They fired at the little ones and hit them.
“Okay, moving on to Sackin’s ship,” Sergeant Jackson told.
But before they could fire at his ship his ship hit their ship. They then started to go down.
“We’re going down!” Han screamed.
They went down to the planet Mustafar. They crash landed on a platform and the ship sank down into the lava!
“Get out of the ship!” Marko screamed.
They ran out of the ship while it sank down into the lava.
“That was close,” Princess Leia gasped.
Darth Sackin’s ship then came down and started to fire down at them.
“Run!” Major Sergeant Jackson screamed.
They ran into this building and locked the door.
“So we’re on Mustafar?” Lando asked.
“Afraid so,” Marko answered.
They looked around and saw a bunch controls to control the lava.
All of the sudden a bunch of bullets broke through making a big hole into the lava.
They all started to slide down but they all grabbed onto something.
“Hold on!” Leia screamed.
Lando screamed and slipped off of what he was grabbing onto and almost fell into the lava until Marko grabbed onto him.
“Don’t let go!” Marko screamed.
“I can’t hold on!” Lando screamed.
“Hang on Lando!” Han screamed.
Lando then slipped out of Marko’s hand screaming and slipped into the lava.
“No!” Han screamed.
All of them then got climbed out of the hole.
“Lando, dang!” Sergeant Jackson gulped.
Darth Sackin then broke in with Darth Maul and the Mallet General by him.
Qui-Gon made an angry face at Darth Maul. Darth Sackin laughed.
“Looks like you guys can’t escape, Mallet troops are all over the place sniping and scouting,” Sackin laughed.
“Where’s the Soro Campaint?” Colonel Harker asked.
“We stored it in are ship, and now you shall die!” General Mallet answered. Sergeant Jackson growled sliding under Darth Maul.
He put a grenade on his groin and slid towards the bridge. Darth Maul screamed and blew up, dead.
Qui-Gon and Mace Windu started to fight with Darth Sackin with light sabers.
Marko, Han, Leia, and Harker then got out guns and started to fire at General Mallet.
The bullets bounced off his armor and he flew out to the bridge.
While Qui-Gon and Mace Windu were fighting Darth Sackin, Sergeant Jackson, Han Solo, Marko Solo, Colonel Harker, and Princess Leia were battling Mallet troops.
They shot their jetpacks and they were set on fire.
“Guys, move towards Sackin’s ship and let’s get the Soro Campaint,” Sergeant Jackson commanded holding a rocket launcher.
They all started to run across the bridge over the lava. All of the sudden while they were running, Princess Leia was shot in the head by a sniper!
“No!” Han and Marko screamed ducking with Sergeant Jackson and Colonel Harker.
“Crap!” Marko screamed.
Han then got out a sniper and aimed it out and saw General Mallet holding a sniper that was just shot.
Han then shot his jetpack and General Mallet set on fire! He screamed and fell in the lava.
“Okay, Leia was a great women, but let’s go,” Sergeant Jackson said getting up.

The four of them started to run towards the ship firing at enemies.
Meanwhile, Mace Windu and Qui-Gon were still fighting Darth Sackin.

Chapter 8

The End

They were fighting on a thin pole above the lava.
“You shall die, Sackin! If it kills us!” Mace Windu yelled still fighting.
Darth Sackin laughed. “Never!” he yelled stabbing Windu in the heart!
“No!” Qui-Gon screamed.
Mace Windu fell into the lava, dead. Qui-Gon made an angry face.
“You’ll pay for that!” Qui-Gon yelled cutting the pipe with his light saber.
He then jumped onto a platform while the pipe broke. Before Darth Sackin fell, he jumped over to the bridge in front of his ship standing in front of Han, Colonel Harker, Marko, and Sergeant Jackson.
“You!” Harker growled.
Darth Sackin laughed. “No escape, THIS time,” he growled getting out his light saber.
The four guys shot at him but he deflected their shots and jumped on top of his ship.
He got out the Soro Campaint.
“Lilton, don’t you dare!” Sergeant Jackson yelled.
“Good luck bringing back your friends now!” Sackin laughed about to cut the Soro Campaint in half.
"Damn You! Sackin!" Qui Gon yelled jumping onto the ship. He then cut Darth Sackin in half. Darth Sackin screamed and dropped the Soro Campaint.
Qui Gon picked it up and watched Darth Sackin. Darth Sackin's top body then fell into the lava, same with his legs.
Marko, Harker, Sergeant Jackson, and Han cheered.
Qui Gon then jumped down and held the Soro Campaint up. All of the sudden, Mallet Troops fired at them.
"MAllet troops!" Han yelled.
Qui Gon then jumped towards them and started to cut them all with his lightsaber.
"Fire!" Colonel Harker demanded.
The 4 of them fired at all of the Mallet Troops' jetpacks and they all caught on fire.
"We did it!" Marko cheered.
Qui Gon came limping over and took the Soro Campaint. "We will bring our families, everyone we have loved that perished back to life," he said.
"Oh thank god, I'll be reunited with my wife, Chewy, Lando, Luke, and many other old friends!" Han cheered.
"Yes, this is good! I'll See mom and Corporal Jacob again" Marko cheered.

The 5 men then brought everyone they loved back to life, they then moved to Naboo and had a peaceful nice life, they lived forever, because whenever someone died of old age, they brought them back to life. Everyone lived happy, forever.

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