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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Mysterious Dolls

My sister always collected baby dolls and some kind of freaked me out.
None of them really freaked me out that much until she got baby dolls called back to life baby dolls…

It was my sister’s birthday. She was opening her presents while my mom, my dad, and I watched her. She got a necklace, a stuffed animal, and she was about to open her last present. It was big.
“Well Taylor, open it up,” my dad said.
She then opened it and it was two baby dolls. They looked SO freaky! It was called Back to Life Baby Dolls. They looked so freaky!
“Oh thank you, thank you!” Taylor thanked smiling picking them up.
I stared in horror at them. They looked so creepy!
“You’re welcome sweety!” my mom responded.
When Taylor picked one up the doll blinked at me! I then screamed. Dad, mom, and Taylor looked at me oddly.
“T-that doll bl-blinked at me!” I stuttered pointing to the doll in horror.
“Ian, it’s just your imagination,” my mom said.
“No! I’m serious!” I gasped.
“Ian, you and your stories, there’s such thing as Charles Manson, you’ll die if you only eat pickled eggs, and if you jump over the fence off the trampoline you’ll break your foot, and now this?” Taylor stupidly said.
“Fine! Whatever, I’m going to Zack’s,” I growled walking out the door. I got on my bike and started riding to my friend Zack’s house.
I couldn’t get the image of the doll blinking at me from my mind! I shivered in horror.
Anyways, Zack is pretty cool. He’s one year younger than me and is a REAL joker!
I then rode onto the driveway of Zack’s house and saw Zack and Daniel Riffe hanging out on the drive way.
Daniel’s also younger than me and is also pretty fun.
“Hey Ian, what’s up?” Zack asked as I rode onto the driveway. Daniel waved.
“Hey guys, I needed someone to believe me, there’s these two very freaky dolls my sister got called back to life baby dolls and one blinked at me!” I told.
“Did you say back to life Baby dolls? Those things are SO scary and creepy!” Daniel gasped.
“Blinked at you? Were you in a mental hospital?” Zack responded.
“You guys got to believe me!” I growled.
“I wouldn’t believe you for a million dollars!” Zack laughed.
“Look, I’ll show you that I was telling truth and show you the dolls,” I told.
“Fine, we’ll see some stupid dolls for nothing,” Zack replied starting to ride to my house.
Daniel and I followed him on are bikes. We then got to my house and went inside it.
“Okay, where are these so called “Live dolls” huh?” Zack asked.
“In my sister’s room, there’s two, one named Cynthia and the other named Molly. Cynthia is the one that blinked at me,” I told.
The 3 of us walked upstairs and snuck into Taylor’s room. We saw the two dolls sitting on the bed.
“Yikes, those are creepy! But that still doesn’t prove that one of the dolls blinked at you,” Daniel said.
We then walked over to the dolls and looked at them oddly. Zack rolled his eyes.
“So when will they blink?” Zack asked impatiently.
“Look, I’ll stare at Cynthia for a while until she blinks,” I said starting to look at her.
The face was so freaky and realistic! I stared for about 3 minutes shivering.
“Well?” Daniel asked.
“You shall all die” the doll then whispered.
The three of us screamed and stepped back in horror. The doll just stood there doing nothing like it didn’t say anything.
“W-what the HE-double hockey sticks was that?” Zack gasped.
“You know believe me?” I asked in horror. Daniel and Zack both shook their heads in horror.
The doll then grunted. “We should throw these dolls in the fire!” Zack gasped.
Taylor then walked in the room and growled. “What’re you idiots talking about, are you going to burn Cynthia and Molly?” Taylor growled.
“Taylor, it’s alive!” Daniel screamed.
“Shut up!” Taylor growled.
The three of us then walked into my room afraid. We sat on my bed nervously.
“Okay, so these dolls are alive?” Daniel gasped.
“Yeah, but how?” I responded.
All of the sudden we heard a knock on the door. We turned are heads.
“Who is it?” I asked.
No answer. There was then tiny breathing. We got scared. I grabbed a baseball bat and walked to the door nervously.
“Ian, be careful,” Zack gulped.
I then opened it up and saw no one. Zack and Daniel then walked over and looked around and we saw no one.
“Hmm, I could’ve sworn that was one of those freaky dolls,” Zack then said.
I closed the door and we turned around and saw the Cynthia doll on the bed!
We all gasped and stepped back on the door. The doll then blinked!
“Set a fire and burn this doll!” Daniel screamed.
Taylor then walked in and saw Cynthia on the bed and growled and got mad.
“Ian! If you steal Cynthia again, I’m telling on you!” Taylor growled kicking me.
“I’m not!” I yelled.
Taylor grabbed Cynthia and walked out angrily. I then closed the door.
“Now if we burn it, we’re in trouble!” Daniel sighed.
“Screw that! We need to burn that doll before it kills us!” Zack screamed.
“Okay, let’s sneak into Taylor’s room and steal the dolls, put them in a sack, and throw them in the fire,” I told.
“Right,” Zack and Daniel agreed.
The 3 of us then snuck out of my room and into Taylor’s room. We saw Molly and Cynthia just sitting up and staring at us. We both shivered and ran towards them.
I quickly put the sack over the two of the dolls and tied it up! “Oh yeah! That’s how we do it!” Zack laughed.
All of the sudden we heard these two very creepy baby voices saying “Mama, mama,”.
We then turned around nervously and saw the Cynthia and Molly on top of Taylor’s desk!
I then took out the dolls in the sack and saw that they were two other dolls Taylor has!
We then looked at them in horror. Molly then whispered something.
“If you come in here again, we’ll make a doll from your body parts!”
Zack, Daniel, and I screamed and ran downstairs to the basement to the bookcase.
“We have to stop them,” Zack panted.
“Guys, actually we can, they’re just two stupid little dolls!” I reminded.
All of the sudden Daniel accidently fell backwards and hit the bookcase. A book fell from it and hit Daniel in the head.
“Wipeout!” I laughed.
Zack then picked up the book that fell off the bookcase. He looked at the cover and gasped.
“What is it?” I asked.
“It’s called Cynthia Gerald and Molly Herman, the Doll Killers,” Zack answered.
“Oh my god, read it,” Daniel urged.
“Cynthia Gerald was born in 1764 and lived in a village in the center of the woods, Molly Herman was born in 1767 and in the same village. Cynthia’s father gave her this little doll that he made for her and Cynthia adored it. Molly Herman got a baby doll when she was 5 years old as well. Cynthia and Molly then became best friends when Cynthia turned 8 and Molly was 5. They would always play with their dolls, they would set up a little tea table and pretend to have tea with their dolls,” Zack read.
“Whoa, this is kind of creepy, keep reading,” Daniel urged.
“In 1779, Cynthia’s dad, and Molly’s mom were both killed by the English who attacked and killed most of the people in their village and burnt the whole village down.
Cynthia and Molly were outraged and swore that they would both get revenge on the English. So on Cynthia’s 20th birthday, Molly and Cynthia went to one of the English’s villages and killed every English leader there. But instead of leaving the bodies there, they brought the bodies back to their new village and made a bunch of dolls out of their body parts!” Zack read disgusted.
“Oh, that’s disgusting! Keep reading!” I gasped pale.
“Cynthia and Molly played with the dolls laughing and decided that they wanted to make more dolls from dead people. So they decided to start killing people and making them into dolls. They even sold some of the dolls to people for money. Soon Cynthia and Molly were caught murdering someone and making him into a doll. Word got out and the whole town was outraged and an angry mob went after them and killed them both, and as revenge for making the dead people into dolls, they made Cynthia and Molly’s bodies into dolls and buried the bodies,” Zack read in horror.
We all turned pale with fear.
“S-sickos,” Daniel stuttered.
All of the sudden something jumped on my back and started to choke me! It was Molly!
Zack then grabbed a penknife on the desk by the bookcase and was about to stab Molly until Cynthia then jumped out from behind books from the bookcase and stabbed Zack in the back with a stick!
“Oh good!” Zack then screamed.
Daniel then nailed Molly and Cynthia off of both of us.
“You shall burn in hell,” Molly muttered.
I then got a trash bag and put the two dolls in it and tied the bag up.
“Let’s throw these losers away!” Zack cheered.
We then walked outside and threw the bag in the trash can. A garbage truck then came by and put the bag in the back with the crusher.
Zack, Daniel, and I then cheered and rode over to Daniel’s house to celebrate.
We parked are bikes on the driveway cheering.
“Finally, dolly down!” Daniel laughed.
“Yep, let’s get some hot chocolate to celebrate!” I cheered.
“Yeah,” Daniel and Zack agreed.
All of the sudden a HUGE scream came from the end of the street! We gulped.
“W-what was that?” Zack gulped.
“Let’s find out,” I responded getting on my bike. Daniel and Zack did the same and we rode over to the end of the street and saw the garbage truck stopped in the middle of the road!
“Oh god,” Daniel gulped.
I rode over to the front seat and looked inside and saw a doll of the garbage man!
I screamed. Zack and Daniel rode over and saw it too!
“Oh my god!” Zack gasped.
We then saw a picture in the pocket of the doll. I got it and looked at it. It was a picture of the two dolls sneaking behind Daniel’s older brother William with a knife!
“Let’s get back there, quickly!” Zack screamed.
We rode as fast as we could back to Daniel’s house. We parked are bikes in the garage and ran inside.
It was completely black! The door then closed behind us! We gulped.
“Alright guys, let’s do this,” I whispered grabbing a butcher knife from the kitchen.
Daniel grabbed 3 flashlights and gave two to us. We turned them on and saw dolls lying all over the living room!
We gulped.
“Be careful,” Daniel warned looking around.
We then heard some heavy breathing from upstairs.
“Let’s go upstairs, but be careful,” I warned. The 3 of us then walked to the stairs looking around.
We then walked into William’s room and heard some slight screaming from the closet.
We looked at the closet nervously.
“Daniel, ladies first,” I said pushing him towards the closet.
“No!” Daniel cried stepping back.
“Let’s do it together,” Zack said.
We all walked against the closet door and nervously put are hands on the knob. We quickly opened the closet and saw William and William’s mom tied up!
We gasped. All of the sudden Molly grabbed onto my face and pushed me towards the window! I then fell through it! I screamed and grabbed onto a window before I started to fall.
I then climbed to the top of the roof. It started to thunderstorm out and lightning started to happen.
Molly then got to the top of the roof and threw a knife at my leg! I screamed in pain and fell to the ground groaning.
“Mama, mama, you shall die and be turned into a doll,” Molly the doll said getting out another knife walking towards me. I gulped.
All of the sudden Zack ran towards Molly the doll and tackled her and picked her up about to throw her off the roof but Molly the doll then cut Zack’s finger and Zack fell to the ground screaming in pain.
Molly the doll then walked towards injured Zack with a knife. I gasped and started to pull the knife out of my leg. I then pulled it out screaming in pain.
Molly raised the knife about to stab Zack until I threw the knife at Molly’s head. It went right through her doll head!
“Yes!” I cheered.
Molly the doll then screamed and tripped back towards the end of the roof and fell of it.
Zack then got up groaning. Daniel and William then climbed to the top of the roof and helped Zack up.
“One idiot down, one to go,” Zack said.
William then walked over to look at my leg and put bandages on it.
“Thanks William,” I thanked getting up.
“You’re welcome, let’s now find Cynthia and get revenge,” William brought up.
“Right,” I responded.
We then started to climb back through the window into William’s room. William, Zack, and I made it back in and Daniel was getting through the window.
All of the sudden Cynthia the doll jumped onto the back of Daniel’s head!
“Guess who, fat boy!” Cynthia laughed.
“Oh my god!” we all screamed running to the window. Cynthia then pulled Daniel off the window and they fell into a big bush!
“Let’s get down there!” William screamed.
The 3 of us then ran downstairs and outside to the bush and didn’t see them.
“Where’d they go?” Zack asked.
We then heard screaming in the distance. We looked over and saw Daniel dangling by a rope on the top of a HUGE treehouse.
“Daniel!” we called.
Cynthia the doll then climbed onto the top of the tree house and over to Daniel with a knife.
Daniel’s legs were wrapped around with rope and he was looking down dangling by it.
“Daniel!” I called again in horror.
Cynthia put the knife on the rope. “Say good bye to little shrimp!” Cynthia called cutting the rope.
Daniel then started to fall screaming. We gasped. Zack and I dived forward and caught Daniel. He didn’t break anything though. Zack groaned.
“You’re so fat!” he groaned.
Cynthia then jumped on my back and pushed me through the next door neighbor’s window. I then landed in the living room. The neighbor’s weren’t there. I was so injured I couldn’t get up.
Cynthia then jumped in with a knife looking at me laughing.
“You’re so pathetic, after I’m finished with you, I’ll turn your friends into dolls, and then your stupid weirdo sister into one,”
All of the sudden Zack jumped into the house with a rock and started to beat Cynthia’s head in. He then knocked the head off killing her.
William and Daniel then came in cheering.
“Way to go Zack!” William cheered.
I then got up and shook hands with Zack. “Thanks man,” I thanked.
“Hey, thank you, just returning the favor for you saving me from Molly, thanks,” Zack responded.
The 4 of us then had a sleepover that night to celebrate. We were laughing and joking until about 2:00 when we started to go to bed.
I looked out the window and saw something on the branch of a tree. I got up and got a closer look and saw Cynthia with a missing eye staring at me, waving.

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