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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Reggie the Platypus

One day I woke up.
"Shoot! I have my SOL test today!" I sighed. I went to my knees and prayed to god.
"Please god, please make someone else do the test from me, you can even make a lion, a tiger, or even a platypus to do the test for me, plese!" I prayed.
I went downstairs to eat breakfast.
"Hey Ian, I got oatmeal instead of those awful Frosted Cereal," said my mom. I stared in horror at the oatmeal. I did not like oatmeal. I stretched it, I stirred it, I patted it, I sniffed it.
Whew! It stinks! I thought.
"Stop playing with your food and eat it!" my mom yelled.
"Yahh! Death to oatmeal!" I yelled stabbing it.
Later I went to my classroom and I went to my desk. I started doing my SOL test.
"Psst, kid, let me help you with that," a voice whispered.
"Who are you?" I randomly asked looking around. I then saw a platypus under my desk.
"I'm Reggie the platypus, and I'm going to help you with your test," answered Reggie.
"Okay, what's 7x3?" I whispered down to him.
"73," he stupidly whispered back. I wrote it down.
"What about 8x13? I asked.
"Atlanta Georgia," he stupidly whispered again.
Later I finished the test and 2 monthes later I got my results back and sadly I got an F- on the test but at least I didn't have to DO the test.

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