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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Magnolia Robbers 2

Amanda Grant looked out her window at the rain that was falling. “No football today,” she thought.
She was alone
There was a knock on the door. She went to the door and saw two policemen outside. She eyed them suspiciously and then opened the door.
“Sorry to disturb you but I’m Chief Henry and this is Chief Spencer and we are here to take you to the police station,” Chief Henry said.
“Why?” Amanda asked.
“Because Mickey Gordon, Roger Felix, and Chief Jackson have escaped from jail,” Chief Spencer said.
Amanda gasped.
“That is why the police have to protect you, and your mom already knows,” Chief Spencer said.
Amanda nodded and went into the police car and was driven to the police station. When she went inside she saw some of her old friends. They were Jessica, Liam, Aaron, and Daniel.
“Hey Amanda, what’s up,” Jessica said.
“Hey everyone, how is everything going,” Amanda said.
“Hey Amanda, I guess you’re being protected to,” Liam said. All of a sudden a gun fired behind the door. Everyone jumped out of their seats.
“What was that?” Daniel asked.
“I don’t know,” Liam said.
All of a sudden Chief Henry ran into the room with bloody Chief Spencer in his hands. He then locked the door.
“What’s going on?” Amanda asked.
“Mickey, Roger, and Chief Jackson are here. They came into the lobby and shot the chief in the chest and then shot Chief Spencer in the stomach,” Chief Henry said.
“Can’t you call the other police in the building,” Aaron said.
“They shot my radio,” Chief Henry replied.
“I-I’m l-losing b-blood,” Chief Spencer stuttered.
“I know, we’re going to get a first aid kit,” Chief Henry said.
A bullet came through the door. It missed them by an inch. An ax then came smashing down the door.
“Let’s get out of here!” Jessica yelled.
Chief Henry picked up Chief Spencer and they ran out of the room to another room. More police were in the room. They were Jake, Dan, and Stuart.
“Guys the magnolia robbers are here and they are trying to kill us!” Liam yelled.
They all got up and got guns out.
“We’re going to where they are,” Dan said.
Chief Henry put Chief Spencer down and followed Jake, Dan, and Stuart.
Liam saw an ax on the table and grabbed it for protection.
“Why would they try and kill us?” Jessica asked.
“Because they’re crazy,” Aaron said.
They looked down at Chief Spencer and saw that he died from bleeding to death.
They then heard screaming and heard gunshots. Jake and Dan ran out of the room and told them to run. They all started running toward the stairs and up the stairs. They soon got upstairs and ran into a room and locked the door.
“What happened?” Daniel asked.
“We went into the room and three masked people jumped out and shot Stuart in the head and we started to fire at the masked people but they managed to dodge are bullets and they shot Chief Henry in the back but Dan and I managed to escape,” Jake said.
“Poor Chief Henry,” Amanda said.
All of a sudden a hand broke through the window and started to choke Dan!
Everyone screamed. Jake raised his gun to the masked stranger and shot him. Dan fell to the ground dead. The masked figure fell down to the ground. Daniel looked out the window but then he was grabbed by a hand and stabbed to death. Everyone screamed. Daniel’s body fell 20 feet to the ground when he was only 16. They then saw Chief Jackson climb up madder then ever! “Chief Jackson!” Liam yelled.
Jake raised his gun and shot him in the head. Chief Jackson fell to the ground.
Amanda, Jessica, Liam, Jake, and Aaron all looked at each other.
“I wish Daniel was here,” Liam sniffed.
They then heard voices outside.
They tiptoed to the window. They saw Roger and Mickey!
“What the hell?” Roger yelled.
“They killed Chief Jackson!” Mickey yelled.
“By the looks of it he killed Daniel before he was shot,” Roger said. Mickey got out a shotgun. “Don’t let them get out,” Mickey said. They split up.
“Losers, they were such idiots in junior high,” Aaron said.
“We should try are best to get out,” Jake said. Jake loaded his gun and Liam got his ax ready.
“We should go out of an emergency exit that they don’t know about,” Jessica said.
Amanda was still crying a little from Daniel’s death.
Jake then opened the door. He went out first and looked around.
“It’s okay,” Jake said.
Everyone else came out. Jake led the way with the gun in his hand.
“The emergency exit is this way,” Jake said.
“Is there any policemen left in this building?” Amanda asked.
“I don’t know, I hope so,” Jake said.
All of a sudden footsteps were running toward them.
Amanda looked back. A masked person with a gun was running toward them!
“Jake look back and fire!” Amanda yelled.
Everyone looked back. Jake raised his gun and fired but missed and Roger got out a gun and shot Aaron in the face.
“No, Aaron!” Liam yelled.
Aaron’s body fell to the ground. Liam raised his ax and was going to cut Roger in half but Roger ran away.
“Yeah you run away you freaking coward!” Jessica yelled.
“Poor Aaron,” Amanda said in tears.
“We better get out of here,” Jake responded.
Amanda, Jake, Liam, and Jessica started to head to the emergency exit.
“Okay, we’re going to get out and I’m going to call for back up to search the building,” Jake said.
All of a sudden an alarm went off.
“Why is that alarm going off?” Amanda asked.
“Oh crap, that’s not good!” Jake announced.
“What’s not good?” Liam asked.
“That alarm means that all the prison gates have opened, all the prisoners are walking around the prison!” Jake screamed.
“Oh no,” Jessica added.
Jake loaded his pistol. “We have to run,” Jake said.
They started to run until 3 prisoners stepped in front of them with guns in their hands. Jake pointed his revolver at them but one prisoner shot Jake in the arm before he could fire. He fell to the ground injured. The one prisoner was about to shoot Jake until Liam beat him to death with the ax. He then did the same to the other prisoners.
Jake then got up with his bloody arm.
“Thanks,” he said to Liam.
“No problem,” Liam said.
Jake picked up his pistol.
“Let’s get out of here,” Amanda assured.
“Right,” Jake said.
They headed out the emergency exit to outside. They ran toward a police car.
“Okay, I’ll drive,” Liam said.
Liam got in the driver seat while Jake got into the passenger seat and Amanda and Jessica got into the back seat.
“We’re out of here,” Liam claimed.
They then saw a person in a ski mask with a baseball bat in his hand standing outside of the jail. Everyone gasped.
Liam tried his hardest to start the car but something was wrong with the engine.
“Oh crap!” Liam yelled. The stranger (Possibly Roger) called out something and the entire sudden all the prisoners ran out of the prison and ran toward the car!
“Liam, start the car! Start the freaking car!” Amanda screamed.
“I’m trying!” Liam yelled. All the criminals then crowded the car hitting the windows.
The passenger door then opened and they pulled Jake out!
Liam then started the car and drove as fast as he could into the city.
Later they knocked out Jake with a baseball bat and dragged his knocked out body into the jail. They tied him up in a room.
He later woke up and found out that he was tied up. He saw Mickey, Roger, and some stranger in the room.
“Who, who are you?” Jake asked the stranger.
“Names Chuck,” Chuck said.
“Now you’re going to tell us where they went,” Roger said.
“I’m telling you anything you blond haired thing!” Jake yelled.
“We’re going to make you tell us,” Roger said taking out a stun gun.

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