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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Modern Warfare 3 (My Version)

Soap, Nikolai, and I are wanted for killing Shepherd. The bitch betrayed us and killed Ghost and Roach. Now we’re the most wanted from the world. The Rangers have been sent after us to kill us and we’re still after Makarov. Colonel Harris has now taken Shepherd’s place. He’s worse than Shepherd, more eager to kill Makarov and us. I’m Captain Price and right now Nikolai is driving us away from Shepherd’s base.

Soap, Captain Price, and Nikolai were escaping Shepherd’s base. Choppers were chasing after them.
Their ship shook. “Dammit! Soap, get on the chopper gunner!” Captain Price hollered.
“Right,” Soap responded getting on the chopper gunner. He started to fire at the choppers that were behind them.
More gunners started to fire at the cockpit. Captain Price quickly ducked and got back up walking over to Nikolai.
“Where are you taking us anyways?” Captain Price asked.
“We’re going to see Sergeant Kamarov and his men, they know what happened,” Nikolai answered.
“With all of these choppers, we’ll never make it their alive, the Rangers are waiting to shoot us down a few miles from here,” Soap called.
“Right, Captain Price, Soap, grab these parachutes,” Nikolai said passing parachutes to them.
“What about you?” Captain Price asked.
“I’ll be alright, come on, drop, Sergeant Kamarov and his men will be waiting for you 3 miles from here,” Nikolai told.
“Right, Soap, grab this parachute, we’re getting out of here,” Captain Price told passing Soap a parachute.
“Okay, Price, let’s move to the edge of the ship, we’ll jump off when you’re ready,” Soap said putting the parachute on.
“Okay, on my mark, 3, 2, 1, mark!” Captain Price called.
“It’s been an honor, Price,” Nikolai said.
Soap and Captain Price then jumped off and once they did, Nikolai’s chopper blew up.
“Okay Soap, pull the chute!” Captain Price called.
They then pulled the chutes and started to float down. A helicopter then shot rockets at them but they quickly floated over to the right. Soap then got out an AK-47 and shot at the chopper’s pilot. He then died and the chopper started to crash.
“That’s some nice shooting Soap,” Captain Price commented.
The chopper then started to spin over to Soap and Captain Price. “We got a problem here!” Soap screamed.
Their parachutes then caught onto the wrecking helicopter and they started to fly down with it.
They then hit the ground hard but were still in one piece. They then both got up.
“Okay, Kamarov must be over those hills, come on, we’re in woods, they can’t see us that well, let’s go,” Soap said.
“Right,” Captain Price responded.
They then started to run towards where Sergeant Kamarov was.
Meanwhile, Sergeant Foley and the Rangers were getting ready to attack Captain Price and Soap.
“Okay, we need to all get ghillie suits on and hide in the grass and behind trees, we’ll jump out and ambush them when they come along,” Sergeant Foley commanded.
“Right, Ramirez, get yourself and me ghillie suits,” Corporal Dunn commanded.
“Copy,” Private Ramirez responded.
“Okay, everyone into their positions,” Sergeant Foley then commanded.

Captain Price and Soap were still running. They then stopped and looked around.
“Be careful of the Rangers, Soap, they could be anywhere” Captain Price warned.
“I’m already looking,” Soap responded.
A ghillie Ranger then jumped from the grass and ran towards Captain Price trying to stab him. Captain Price then punched him in the face and he grabbed the knife from him and stabbed him.
“See that, Soap? Always be careful, let’s move,” Captain Price said starting to run to the hill. Soap followed.
A chopper then started to fire at Soap and Captain Price.
“Chopper! Get down!” Captain Price called
“Right,” Soap responded.
They then both got down in the shadows. A bunch of Rangers then walked by with guns looking around.
“Stay down, stay down, go!” Captain Price commanded starting to run to another hiding spot while Soap followed.
They then got down and saw a soldier alone smoking against a tree.
“Soap, enemy stopping for a smoke, take him out, but quietly, we don’t need company,” Captain Price commanded.
“Copy that, I got an aim,” Soap responded taking a knife out. He then threw it at the guard’s head. The guard fell down dead.
“Okay Soap, there’s choppers all over the sky searching for us, keep it quiet,” Captain Price told.
They then started to crawl through the woods. Meanwhile, Sergeant Foley was in the grass with a ghillie suit on looking for Captain Price and Soap with binoculars with Corporal Dunn and Private Ramirez.
“Wait, I think I saw something crawling in the grass, stay down until I give the signal,” Sergeant Foley whispered.
“Okay guys, we’re going to take these traitors out when Sergeant Foley gives the signal,” Corporal Dunn whispered to everyone who didn’t hear.
Captain Price and Soap were still crawling. Captain Price then stopped Soap.
“Soap, I saw movement, we’re going to be ambushed, get ready,” Captain Price whispered.
“There’s seems to be Rangers patrolling the whole woods, we’ll never make it,” Soap whispered.
“We always cheat death, Soap,” Captain Price whispered.
“Attack!” Sergeant Foley then screamed.
All of the Rangers in Ghillie Suits then jumped up and started to fire at Soap and Captain Price.
Captain Price jumped behind a tree and Soap grabbed onto a Ranger and used him as a human shield and started to fire at the other Rangers.
Corporal Dunn then came over to Captain Price and hit him in the head with a Desert Eagle. Captain Price then fell down injured and Corporal Dunn was about to shoot him until Soap quickly ran up and shot Corporal Dunn in the head. He fell down dead.
Soap then grabbed onto injured Captain Price. “I got you, Price,” Soap told starting to drag Captain Price behind cover while firing at some Rangers. They then got behind cover and Captain Price got up wiping off dirt off his suit.
“I’m okay, Soap,” Captain Price told getting out an AK-47 and he started to fire at the rest of them.
Sergeant Foley and Private Ramirez were still behind cover as the only Rangers still alive from their squad.
“Shit! They killed Dunn!” Private Ramirez screamed.
“They’re going to pay for that!” Sergeant Foley growled contacting Colonel Harris (the new leader of Shadow Company and the Rangers).
“Harris! We’re the only ones left down here! These guys are tough! We need chopper support, pronto!” Sergeant Foley called.
“Copy that Sergeant, I’m sending in a chopper and more reinforcements,” Colonel Harris responded.
“Okay, so we have to stay here till they get here?” Private Ramirez asked.
“Well, there’s choppers all over the skies, they just have to get a clear shot,” Sergeant Foley answered.
Captain Price and Soap were trying to fire at Sergeant Foley and Private Ramirez while they were behind cover.
“Price! Chopper aiming right at us!” Soap then screamed.
Captain Price looked up. “Soap! Run!” Captain Price then yelled.
Before the helicopter could fire, a missile hit it and a bunch of Makarov’s men then flew in, attacking all of the Rangers and Shadow Company.
“Soap! It’s distracting them! Keep running to the hills!” Captain Price commanded starting to run. Soap followed.
They saw Sergeant Foley and Private Ramirez escaping on a helicopter with Colonel Harris.
“We’ll see them later, just keep running!” Captain Price called.
They then saw some flanking Rangers. “Fire at them!” Captain Price commanded.
They then started to fire like crazy at all of them and killed them all.
“We’re almost to the extraction zone, keep running!” Captain Price called.
A chopper then came into view in front of Captain Price and Soap.
“Shoot the gunner!” Soap yelled.
They both started to fire at the pilots and killed them. The helicopter started to crash and did.
“Nice shooting, Soap,” Captain Price commented continuing to run.
They then got to the extraction point. Captain Price contacted Sergeant Kamarov.
“Kamarov, where are you? We need to get out of here!” Captain Price hollered.
“I’m on my way Captain Price, long time no see,” Sergeant Kamarov responded.
“Right, just get here!” Captain Price said.
“Pop some flares!” Sergeant Kamarov said.
Captain Price and Soap then popped red smoke and started to wave it back and forth in air.
A bunch of ships then landed firing. They saw Sergeant Kamarov in a helicopter.
“Come on! We got to get out of here!” Sergeant Kamarov called.
Captain Price and Soap then got in the helicopter and all of the helicopters started to take off.
They all then started to fly away from the woods. Captain Price and Soap then dropped into the seats gasping.
“That was too close,” Soap brought up.
“Whoo, we sure got out of there well,” Sergeant Kamarov laughed.
A soldier then walked into view. He had a cap on his head and had heavy armor and was carrying a mini gun.
“I’m Vulture, welcome to Alpha Team,” Vulture greeted.
“Let’s just get to the base and get some intel on Makarov,” Captain Price then said.
The chopper then flew off to the base.

Sergeant Foley and Private Ramirez were being flown with Colonel Harris to their base.
“Anyways Harris, exactly how did Task Force 141 betray us?” Private Ramirez asked.
“Well, when they went to go find Makarov at the safe house and in Afghanistan, they decided they-uh, take credit for killing Makarov so they decided to betray Shepherd,” Colonel Harris lied.
“Hmm, okay let’s go in the base Ramirez,” Sergeant Foley then said jumping off the chopper as Ramirez followed.
“You know, a lot of things were wrong with Harris’ story, I’m starting to think Shepherd betrayed Task Force,” Sergeant Foley said while walking.
“But they killed Dunn,” Private Ramirez reminded.
“True, who knows, it could either be the way they say, or the other way,” Sergeant Foley responded.
Meanwhile, Colonel Harris and Shadow Company HQ were talking.
“Well Shadow Company HQ, I don’t think we can trick the Rangers much longer, we’re going to have to dispose of all of them soon, because a Sergeant just almost got it out of me,” Colonel Harris told.
“Well, don’t worry, they’re worthless,” Shadow Company HQ responded.

Captain Price, Soap, Vulture, Sergeant Kamarov, and most of Kamarov’s men were sitting around a big computer putting intel in it.
“Okay, let’s hope are intel isn’t off, he’s in the underground by this metro in Western Russia,” Captain Price brought up.
“Okay, let’s go,” Soap then said getting a M4A1 out.
“To the chopper,” Vulture said.
They then all got on the chopper but all of the sudden a bunch of Rangers then breached the door and came in and started to fire at everyone in there.
“Shit! They’ve breached get us out of here!” Captain Price yelled to the pilot.
The chopper with Captain Price, Soap, Vulture, and Sergeant Kamarov was taking off.
Soldiers started to fire at the helicopter!
“Shit! They’re firing at are chopper! Soap, get on the gunner!” Vulture screamed.
“Copy!” Soap responded.
Soap then jumped to the turret and started to fire at all of the Rangers coming towards the ship.
The chopper then took off along with two other choppers with them to where Makarov was.
Colonel Harris and the Rangers cleared out the rest of the soldiers and went over to the intel.
“Well, there it is, Makarov’s data,” Sergeant Foley said.
“Ramirez, take it out,” Shadow Company HQ commanded.
Private Ramirez then looked at the data and saw where Makarov was.
“He’s underground by a metro station in Western Russia,” Private Ramirez told.
“Good, thanks for the help,” Colonel Harris thanked shooting Private Ramirez in the back with a M9. Ramirez then fell down silent.
“No!” Sergeant Foley screamed taking out a gun, but Shadow Company HQ shot him in the side of the head.
They both fell down, dead. Colonel Harris then laughed while the rest of the Shadow Company soldiers killed the rest of the Rangers.
“No more tricking people, let’s go to get Makarov and kill the rest of the 141,” Colonel Harris then said getting the intel and getting on a helicopter. Colonel Harris got in the nose cannon and Shadow Company HQ got into the top gunner and they flew off with the rest of the soldiers.

Meanwhile, Sergeant Kamarov and the rest of his men were flying over to the train station.
Captain Price was smoking a cigarette and looked down and saw the train station.
“We’re here,” Soap said.
“Right, let’s land,” Vulture added.
“Take us down here!” Sergeant Kamarov called to the pilots.
The choppers then landed and they all jumped out of the chopper and they searched around the train station.
“Okay, it’s too quiet, they must be planning to ambush, keep low,” Captain Price warned.
“Private Derginama, go check out that cargo train over there,” Sergeant Kamarov commanded.
“Copy,” he responded running to the train. All of the sudden a click went off and the Private blew up.
“Oh god, get down!” Soap screamed jumping down. A lot of Makarov’s soldiers then jumped up from behind cargo and started to fire at a lot of soldiers.
“Crawl under the train with me, Soap,” Captain Price whispered.
They then crawled under the train and shot everyone in the foot and when they fell they shot them in the head.
“Sir, where’s Makarov?” Soap asked.
“He’s probably hidden in the cargo train, come on, let’s climb on,” Captain Price said.
They then climbed on and the train then started to speed off. They saw Sergeant Kamarov and Vulture trying to run for the train but didn’t make it.
Sergeant Kamarov then contacted Captain Price. “Captain Price, Vulture and I missed the train, we’re taking a chopper and are going to cover you,” Sergeant Kamarov told.
“Roger that, Kamarov, we’re going to go search for Makarov,” Captain Price responded.
“Okay, we’re going to have to move, we’ve been after this bastard for a year!” Soap said.
“And today’s the day we succeed,” Captain Price said starting to walk.

Meanwhile, Private Ramirez was lying face down, but he wasn’t dead, the bullet barely missed his spine. He faked to fall down dead.
He looked up and he saw a shadow company soldier shooting the rest of the Rangers.
Some Rangers then landed and walked in. The shadow company soldier looked over at them smiling.
“We’ve been ordered to come here by Colonel Harris,” one of the soldiers told.
“Isn’t that nice,” the shadow company soldier laughed raising his gun at them.
The soldiers gasped and were about to be shot until Private Ramirez quickly grabbed a gun on the ground and shot the soldier in the head. He fell dead.
“They’ve turned against us,” Private Ramirez warned getting up groaning.
“What? Why?” another Ranger soldier asked.
“They want credit for killing Makarov, THEY betrayed 141, we got to go kick their asses,” Private Ramirez told.
Sergeant Foley then got up with his cheek messed up. “That’s right, let’s all get in a chopper and fly to where Colonel Harris is, which is at a train station in Western Russia,” he said.

Meanwhile, Captain Price and Soap were running on the cargo train to where Makarov was.
A bunch of Makarov’s men then jumped out and started to corner Captain Price and Soap.
“Oh shit! Kamarov, we’re outnumbered here, where are you?” Soap screamed.
“We’re here, boys!” Vulture cheered.
A chopper then came into view with Vulture as the gunner and he started to fire at Makarov’s men.
“Thanks Kamarov, Price out,” Captain Price thanked who continued to run.
All of the sudden, Colonel Harris and his choppers then came into view and started to fire at Kamarov’s ship!
“Kamarov, look out!” Soap screamed.
Kamarov’s chopper started to go down but Vulture and Sergeant Kamarov jumped out of the ship and Vulture landed on the train but Sergeant Kamarov barely grabbed onto it and started to slip!
“Help!” he screamed.
Captain Price then dived forth and grabbed onto Sergeant Kamarov. “Got ya!” he called to him.
All of the sudden Sergeant Kamarov was shot in the head! “No!” Captain Price screamed. Captain Price then let go of his body and it flew off the train.
“Come on, we still got a job to do,” Vulture then said.
They then started to run again while Colonel Harris was firing at them.
They ducked behind cover again.
“That chopper is going to rip us apart, Soap, get that Javelin, we’re going to have to take it out,” Captain Price commanded.
“Roger that,” Soap responded crawling over to it. He picked it up and aimed at the helicopter. He shot and hit it.
“Yeah!” Vulture cheered.
Colonel Harris then jumped out of the helicopter and over to the train with a knife. He was about to land on Soap to stab him until he smashed him in the head with a Javelin and crack his head open. He then hit Colonel Harris again and he slowly died.
“Nice job, Soap,” Captain Price commented.
They then started to run until a bunch of Colonel Harris’ choppers gathered around them about to shoot them until all of the choppers blew up.
A bunch of Ranger helicopters then came in.
“Rangers!” Vulture screamed.
Sergeant Foley then contacted Captain Price. “We know what happened Price, we’re here to help you,” Sergeant Foley told.
“It’s bloody good to hear that, mate!” Captain Price responded.
“There are on are side now?” Soap asked.
“Yeah, let’s keep moving,” Captain Price responded starting to move up.
All of the sudden bullets started to hit what held the car of the train in place.
“Look out! Jump!” Captain Price yelled starting to jump to the other car. Soap and Vulture landed safely.
All of the sudden grenades landed down towards them. They gasped and jumped out of the way but it exploded and they fell down injured.
Soap could only hear ringing. He looked over at Captain Price who got up and started to fire in the distance.
Soap looked over and saw Vulture behind cover and Makarov and his men walking towards them. Vulture was sweating behind cover. Makarov couldn’t see where he was but he heard him moving so he stabbed him in the head while he was behind cover. Vulture then died.
Captain Price then looked at Soap closely. “Get up!” he yelled to him.
“I-I can’t,” Soap groaned.
All of the sudden Captain Price was shot in the stomach. He fell down heavily injured bleeding to death.
Sergeant Foley and the rest of the Rangers then fired down at Makarov.
“Fire at them!” Makarov yelled.
His men then started to fire at the chopper but Private Ramirez took out all of his men except for Makarov. Makarov then fired at the pilots and the chopper started to crash and Sergeant Foley flew out and hit the ground hard and died.
The chopper then crashed hard on some of the cargo. Makarov started to walk forward with a gun and saw Captain Price on the ground injured. He couldn’t see Soap though because he was behind a piece of cargo.
Makarov then walked up to Captain Price and pointed his gun at him.
“You! Price, I should’ve killed you in the gulag,” Makarov growled cocking his gun about to shoot.
Soap then tried to reach for something useful and grabbed onto an axe that was for emergencies on the train.
He then grabbed it and smashed the axe right into the back of Makarov’s head. Makarov screamed out in pain.
Makarov then fell down, dead. Soap then got up groaning and limped over to Captain Price.
“Price!?” Soap yelled down at him.
Captain Price was coughing up blood. He was bleeding to death. Soap grabbed onto his hand, no point of pretending to think he was going to be okay.
Captain Price leaned in to Soap. "S-Soap?"
"What?" Soap asked in tears.
"C-clear your n-name," he sputtered. Price slowly closed his eyes and died.
"No! Price! No, no, no, no, no!"
Soap looked at Price's lifeless body and he set him down. Soap couldn't believe it.
They then saw Private Ramirez crawling out of the crashed helicopter groaning. Soap ran over to him.
“You okay?” Soap asked.
“I can’t walk! We’re going to have to get out of here,” Private Ramirez groaned.
“We certainly are getting out of here, we’ve proved we’re innocent by the Rangers,” Soap said.
Soap picked up paralyzed Ramirez and saw a gap off a bridge on the train tracks. "We're screwed!"
“We got to get off this train!” Private Ramirez screamed on Soap's back.
A Ranger chopper then came into view with Ramirez’s old friend, Private McCord on the ship.
“Jump on, now!” he called.
“McCord, it’s about time you came!” Ramirez cheered.
Soap handed Private Ramirez on the ship.
“Come on Soap! We’re running out of fumes!” Private McCord called laying Private Ramirez down on the ground.
Soap then jumped and a split second after he jumped the train fell down the gap.
Private McCord grabbed onto Soap. “Private McCord, get us the hell out of here,” Ramirez groaned
They then flew off to civilization where all of Task Force 141 was cleared.

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