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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Legend of Rieko Lake

My name is Will Turner. My backyard has this huge lake called Rieko Lake.
There is a legend that there is this big sea monster in the lake. When I was 7 years old, I was afraid to go down to the lake, but now I’m 12 and not as scared. But boy, I did not know what was coming to me.

My friend, Jake Kling pushed past me to the lake where we were going to fish.
“Hey!” I yelled.
“Better catch up, Will!” Jake laughed.
I chased after Jake. He stopped at the lake and put his bait on his hook and casted his string out.
“Let’s try and catch the Rieko Monster,” Jake announced.
“Come on Jake, no one believes in that anymore,” I said casting my line out.
“You used to believe in it,” Jake laughed.
“Shut up!” I shouted.
I then felt a tug on my fishing pole.
“I got something, I got something!” I announced.
“Cool,” Jake responded. It was a powerful tug. “It’s fighting hard,” I mentioned.
“I’ll help you,” Jake offered.
We both started tugging but then the fishing rod was pulled straight out of our hands! Jake and I both gasped.
All of the sudden a huge 50 foot green skinned creature with a long neck and had fins and looked like the Loch Ness Monster jumped straight out of the water!
Jake and I both screamed. It then dived back in.
“It’s the Rieko Monster!” I screamed.
“That-was-so-cool!” Jake enthusiastically cheered.
“Dude, we now know this is real, so we can make millions catching it,” I told Jake.
“Yeah,” he agreed.
“I’ll get my family’s canoe and secretly get my dad’s harpoon gun,” I told.
“Okay,” Jake responded.
I ran into the shed where we keep all of our lake related things. I got are canoe, put paddles in it and pushed it down to the lake.
“I’ll be back after I get the harpoon gun,” I told Jake.
“Okay, I can’t wait to go find the monster,” Jake responded jumping into the canoe.
I ran back to the shed and snuck over to the cabinet that had the harpoon gun and grabbed it and snuck out but noticed that my 9 year old brother Gordie was watching me. Gordie was tall for his age and had short black hair with bluish eyes and was a trouble maker.
“What are you doing with the harpoon?” he asked.
“Um, nothing,” I lied.
“Will, whatever you are doing, I won’t tell if you let me come along,” Gordie surprisingly said.
“What did you say?” I asked surprised.
“You heard me,” Gordie responded.
“Okay, Jake and I saw the Rieko Monster and going to hunt it,” I told.
“I believe you, I’ve always believed in the monster,” Gordie responded.
Gordie and I walked down to Jake. When Jake saw Gordie his eyes widened.
“What’s he doing here?” Jake asked.
“He blackmailed me so he’s coming along,” I answered.
“Um, okay,” Jake responded.
We started paddling moving out.
“Alright guys, a canoe is like a cracker to the monster, so watch out,” I warned.
“Wait, I just saw something,” Jake announced standing up aiming the harpoon gun.
“You think you saw the Monster?” Gordie asked.
“Yeah,” Jake answered still aiming the harpoon gun. I stopped paddling.
“You still see it?” I asked Jake.
“Yeah, I bet it is the shadow of the Rieko Monster,” Jake told looking around.
Then something bumped into the canoe.
“W-what was that?” Gordie stuttered.
“It’s obvious,” I said.
All of a sudden the monster came straight out of the water roaring! We all screamed. The monster then fell on to our canoe!
I was pulled straight under water! I had my eyes open and saw the creature clearly eating the canoe! I screamed under water and came up for air.
I kept gasping for air. I looked over and saw Jake swimming onto shore.
I went back under water looking for Gordie. I saw him with his eyes closed sinking.
I started swimming down to get him. I then grabbed onto him and swam back up.
I looked over and saw the Rieko Monster with the canoe in his mouth swimming away.
When I came up, I gasped for breath.
“Will, over here!” Jake called, who was on shore.
Holding knocked out Gordie, I swam over to Jake.
“Is he okay?” asked Jake as I laid Gordie down.
“I think so,” I responded. Gordie then woke up gasping and coughing.
“Gordie, you okay?” Jake and I asked relieved.
“My arm really hurts,” Gordie whined.
“I think you broke it,” I said.
“I’ll get my mom,” I added.
“Tell her what happened,” Jake said.
“I can’t, she’ll think I’m insane,” I responded.
Jake shrugged his shoulders. I picked Gordie up and walked in our house. When my mom saw Gordie, she screamed.
“What happened?”
“Um, we were climbing a tree and Gordie fell,” I lied.
My mom then took Gordie out of my hands.
“Come on Will, we’re taking Gordie to the Hospital,” my mom told.
She put Gordie in the front, so I had to sit in the back. My mom drove over 80 MPH!
“Um, don’t you think you’re going too fast mom?” Gordie asked holding his arm.
“Don’t tell me what to do!” my mom yelled. My mom goes insane when one of us gets hurt.
We then stopped in the middle of a bridge because of traffic. The Rieko Lake was below us.
I looked out the window and saw the Rieko Monster swimming below the bridge!
“Mom, I just saw the Rieko Monster!” I screamed.
“I’m not paying to hear you talk!” shouted my mom. All of the sudden the bridge shook.
“It’s the Rie- but before I could finish the bridge started to break and cars slid straight into the water!
All of us in the car screamed. Our car started to slide down!
“It will be okay,” my mom comforted.
Are car crashed into a piece of bridge which stopped it.
“Oh, thank god!” Gordie yelled.
But then a car slid on the side of our car and my door was torn off! I then fell out!
I screamed and slid down the bridge! I then fell straight into the water.
I opened my eyes and saw the Rieko Monster eating a bunch of cars with people in it!
I screamed under water and went up gasping for breath. I looked up and saw 3 cars falling down towards me!
I screamed and quickly went down in the water and dodged the cars.
I then came up again and started to swim over to shore. When I got onto shore I didn’t see the monster anymore.
A bunch of firemen came and put a blanket on me. My mom and Gordie who had a cast on, came over to me.
“Oh thank god you’re alright,” my mom said kissing me.
“It was the monster!” I ignored.
“Stop that Will!” my mom yelled.
“It’s true,” Gordie defended.
“They said it collapsed because it was old,” my mom told.
“I saw it underwater,” I brought up.
“They said it was measured 20 killed and 5 injured,” my mom said on a totally different topic.
We then went home.
“Can I go outside?” I asked my mom.
“Okay, but be quick,” my mom answered.
I ran over to Jake’s house. I knocked on the door and Jake came to the door.
“We have to stop the monster once and for all,” I began.
“I agree,” Jake agreed.
“Will you get your motorboat and your dad’s harpoon, since my dad’s boat is in the belly of the Monster,” I said.
“Okay,” Jake answered.
“I waited by the lake. Jake then came down with his motorboat and the harpoon gun.
“Okay, the gun only has 4 harpoons, so let’s use it wisely,” Jake told.
“Okay,” I responded.
He started to drive the boat while I was sitting down loading the harpoon. I started to aim it.
“Okay, remember, use it wisely,” Jake warned.
All of the sudden we saw the monster jump straight out of the water!
We both screamed. I took a shot and missed! The monster eyes basically widened once it saw we had a harpoon.
It started to swim away. We could still see it because of it’s shadow.
“Follow it!” I commanded.
Jake sped the motorboat to go as fast as it could go. I kept aiming but couldn’t get a clear shot.
We then got past the boundaries to the open lake where everyone boats.
I took another shot and missed. 2 harpoons left. I got nervous and loaded the harpoon gun again.
The monster bumped into a boat and the people fell into the water. I looked back and saw that they were okay.
“Come on Will, I don’t have all day,” Jake said.
“Okay, okay,” I responded.
I aimed again and took a shot and missed again! Only one harpoon left!
“Use it wisely, use it wisely,” I told myself.
The monster then crashed into a dock with people on it! The people screamed and fell into the water.
I aimed and took the last shot and hit him.
“Yes!” Jake and I yelled.
The monster roared loudly and sank down dead.
“We did it!” Jake enthusiastically yelled.
All of a sudden this speeding boat crashed into us! The world went black to me.
I dreamed I was the monster swimming around and eating boats.
I then woke up in a hospital and saw my mom and dad, Gordie, Jake, and a doctor.
“Oh honey, thank god you’re alright,” my mom said kissing me smiling.
“Champ, you, Gordie, and Jake were awarded with 1,000,000 dollars for a reward for killing the Rieko Monster,” my dad told.
“Wow!” I cheered.
“So what do you want to do with the money?” Gordie asked me and Jake.
“Well I think to help everyone out, we should use it to fix the bridge,” I answered.
“Yeah,” Jake and Gordie both responded.
“That’s very selfless,” my mom said proud of us.
So we got the bridge fixed but still had money so we bought new motorboats and canoes for the family and new harpoon guns.
So that’s my story of how my friends and I stopped the Rieko Monster. But the only problem is I think the monster had babies, because I see weird shadows down by the water lately.

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