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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Little Surprise

I was in the nurse's office. I had ice on my huge cut. All of the sudden I heard the principal(Dr. Mackin) talking to someone.
"No, you couldn't fit in the seats," Dr. Mackin mentioned.
"Oh yeah," said another voice.
"What are you going to do, eat me?" Dr. Mackin laughed. I put the ice down and went to look at what was happening.
I then saw a shark in a chair! The shark then jumped from his seat and ate Dr. Mackin! I closed my mouth trying not to scream.
The shark then picked up a phone and called Mr. Tagert(my teacher). The shark then changed his voice into Dr. Mackin's voice.
"You are having a new student, yes, okay, good," the shark said putting the phone down.
I had to get to the room before he did. The shark then walked out of the room. I quietly followed him and I saw the shark running down the hall. Kids were screaming running away.
The shark then saw a big fat boy. He laughed. "Come back here butterball!" the shark laughed chasing the kid.
"Don't make me run! I'm full of choclate!" the kid screamed running.
I then grabbed a kid's backpack and stuffed it under my shirt to make me look fat.
"Yoo hoo, Mr. Shark, I'm fat and juicy," I called to him waving. The shark then licked his lips and ran towards me. I then started running gasping.
The shark then grabbed onto me and started to shove me into his mouth! I started to scream until a whole S.W.A.T crew crashed through the windows pointing their guns at the shark nervously.
"Oh god, not again," the shark sighed taking me out of his mouth. I then hit the ground groaning and got up.
"Both of you, put your hands up!" a S.W.A.T guy called on a microphone.
"But I'm a human!" I yelled.
"Quiet, or you will be shot!" he called.
The leader of the S.W.A.T guys, then walked through the door. He only had underwear on and a hat that says Julia Roberts is hot, hot, hot.
"Okay, both of you, tuck your pants into your socks," The S.W.A.T leader called.
"Wait, he thinks Julia Roberts is hot! Take him out!" a S.W.A.T guy screamed. They then all shot him with their tranquilizer guns.
The shark then jumped up in air and landed on a bunch of S.W.A.T leaders and started to beat them up with karate moves. Some S.W.A.T guys shot tranquilizer bullets at the shark but the shark did a back flip in air, dodging the bullets.
"Hi-Yah!" he cheered finishing the last S.W.A.T guys off.
He then jumped on a windowsill 50 feet above ground dancing with joy. "S-u-c-c-e-s-s, that's how you spell suc- but the shark couldn't finish because he tripped back and fell out the window!
I gasped and ran outside to see what happened to him and he wasn't there! I then looked around confused. I looked up and saw the shark about to land on me and-SPLAT!

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