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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Laughing Until You Die

The horror all began when I broke my foot. I had to have surgery on it because all four bones in it were broken. I had to stay in the hospital for a few days after the surgery to recover. When I was in my bed watching TV a clown came in to cheer me up. He looked so creepy and I’m not afraid of clowns! I didn’t want to talk to him. He took a seat by my bed.
“Hey kid, like balloons?” the clown asked.
“Um, could you leave? I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m, uh, thinking,” I said.
“Hey kid, you want to die?” the clown roared getting up. I stared in horror.
The clown then sat back down all calm again. “Now, my name is Bert The Clown, let me make something from the balloons,” Bert told making an odd thing.
“Uh, what’re you making?” I asked in horror.
He then gave me this very weird thing.
“It’s your liver, if you tell anyone about this, I’ll pull your liver out of your body,” Bert growled.
I stared in horror. The clown then got up and left. I was pale with fear. I couldn’t get Bert’s face out of my mind!
When my mom and dad came to see me I was too afraid to tell them what happened.
About two days later, I was in my hospital room getting ready to get my cast off when I looked out the window and saw that same clown looking at me smiling. He then pointed at me and then made this choking sign.
I stared in horror about to scream but I didn’t let it out.
Then 1 day later I left the hospital with my cast finally off with my mom and dad.
“Finally, I’m out of the hospital!” I cheered.
“Yep, when you get home you can go outside,” my dad told.
I then got in the car and when we were about to leave I looked outside and saw Bert The Clown standing about 300 feet away from the car.
He then raised balloons and said “Die laughing kid,”
I screamed. My mom and dad looked back. “What?” they asked with an odd look on their faces.
“Um, nothing,” I answered as they drove out of the parking spot.
Bert The Clown waved to me smiling as the car drove away. I then turned away pale and scared.
When we got home I rode my bike to Zack’s house and went on the driveway. Zack was two years younger than me but could still hang with sixth graders. He was cool.
Seth and Natalie were there too. Seth was my age. He was fun. And Natalie was a girl my age who was aggressive and kind of pretty.
“Hey Ian!” Zack greeted.
“What’s up guys, it’s nice to get out of the hospital,” I responded getting off my bike.
“How was the hospital?” Natalie asked.
“Pretty boring, but guys, there was this clown that was stalking me at the hospital and threatened to kill me!” I gasped.
“A killer clown at a hospital? What, did they take out your brain during the surgery?” Seth asked.
“Wait! What was his name?” Zack gasped.
“Bert The Clown,” I responded.
Zack turned pale. “When I broke my arm when I was 6, I was brought to the hospital to get in a cast and while I was in the waiting room, a very freaky hospital clown walked up to me and whispered in my ear that I’ll die soon!” Zack gulped.
“Are you all crazy?” Natalie asked.
“Maybe, but it freaked me out so much!” I gulped.
All of the sudden a rusty old van parked in front of Zack’s driveway.
We all started at the van oddly. Bert The Clown then came out of the van giggling with balloons in his hand dancing around.
Natalie and Seth giggled but Zack and I stared in horror. Zack and I tried to sneak away but Bert then grabbed onto us and it really hurt but it looked like it was soft. Zack and I groaned. Bert then whispered something to Zack and I.
“Your eyes will be torn out and be used as my big nose,” he whispered. Seth and Natalie couldn’t hear.
“Well, free balloons,” Bert giggled letting go of us and giving us 4 balloons.
“Cool!” Natalie laughed.
Bert the clown then danced away into his van and drove away. Seth and Natalie then started to cheer. Zack and I were shaking in horror.
“See, that clown was funny,” Seth laughed.
“Well, didn’t you hear him whisper to us?” I asked in horror.
The van then parked again and Bert the clown came out of it.
“Great! The clown again!” Natalie cheered.
Bert the clown then came out of the car dancing around. “What’s up Bert?” Seth giggled.
“You kids want to die? Laugh till you die!” Bert the Clown growled walking back into his van and drove away. We stared in horror.
“See? That’s what happened,” I explained.
Natalie, Seth, and Zack were still staring in horror.
“Well, let’s, let’s just go inside,” Seth stuttered.
“Okay,” Natalie agreed.
We then walked inside nervously and sat down and turned on the TV.
“So what is this clown, a killer?” Zack then began.
“I don’t know, but this clown really freaks me out,” Natalie gulped.
The doorbell then rang. We then looked at each other. Seth and I then snuck over to the window and looked out the window and saw Bert the clown’s van! We gulped. All of the sudden Bert the clown then jumped up from the ground smiling!
Seth and I screamed and fell back. Zack and Natalie curled up in a ball on the couch in horror.
“Don’t you kids want balloons?” Bert the clown asked.
“Get away from us!” I yelled.
Zack’s parents then came through the door.
“Mom, dad! A clown is stalking us!” Zack cried.
I looked back out the window and saw Bert the clown gone!
“What?” Zack’s mom asked.
“Uh, never mind,” Zack then said. Zack’s mom then walked up the stairs.
Seth picked up the computer and typed in Bert the clown on Google.com.
“What did you find?” Natalie asked as I sat down.
“Oh my god, Bert the clown actually came up and it says that he was born in Maryland in 1959, he graduated from Virginia University in 1982 and moved to Pittsburgh and was a school teacher for 5th grade and his second job was a clown at a carnival. He soon started to like stalking kids for amusing himself. After his job at school he would follow an 11 year old girl named Jenna Brevig. He started to like her and watched her at every minute, even when she was sleeping!
One night, Bert snuck through the window of Jenna’s house and murdered her parents and took Jenna from her bed and kept her for a week tormenting and torturing her. He later killed her and was arrested for life. One night, when a guard came to give him his dinner in his cell, Bert grabbed his neck and strangled him to death and grabbed his key and escaped from his cell and freed the other prisoners to use them as help to escape from the prison. Only Bert escaped with his life by running to the train tracks and boarding a train to Virginia in 1990.
During the past years in Virginia, over 9 kids disappeared and was later found dead in Virginia and had his calling card, a balloon, on the kid’s body,” Seth read.
We all looked at each other nervously. We then looked out the window and saw Bert the clown across the street staring at us with a scary grin on his face.
I then growled and grabbed a baseball bat and ran outside staring at Bert.
“You get away or I’ll bash your head in!” I roared as Seth, Zack, and Natalie ran out the door.
Bert then showed balloons. “You kids want balloons?” he asked with a scary grin on his face.
“Come on, Ian, let’s go inside,” Zack said grabbing onto me.
I then stepped back into the house with Seth, Natalie, and Zack and closed the door.
“Okay, let’s sleep over here and plan against the clown,” Natalie brought up.
“Okay,” Seth agreed.
We called are parents to ask for a sleep over because we were too afraid to go back to our houses.
Later at 8:00 at night we went downstairs and played video games while talking about a plan to stop Bert the clown.
“We should just keep the baseball bat because our parents won’t help because they won’t believe us,” Seth mentioned.
“Yeah, but who knows how he’ll strike,” Natalie said.
All of the sudden the TV turned to this freaky room with blood on the white walls.
“What is this?” Zack asked.
Bert the clown then came into view with an evil grin on his face holding balloons.
“You kids want to die laughing?” he asked. We stared in horror. The TV then turned back to the video game.
“Oh my god! He’s everywhere!” Zack gulped.
“Wait, Zack, didn’t your dad have a gun under his bed?” I asked.
“Yeah, problem is, none of us know how to use a gun,” Zack sighed.
“Wait Seth, didn’t you use to go to gun ranges?” Natalie asked Seth.
“Wait, yeah, Zack, where’s the gun?” Seth asked.
“Under my parent’s bed, they’re not here, at a movie, you and Ian should go get it,” Zack said.
“Okay, Ian, let’s go,” Seth said starting to walk up the stairs. I followed.
We went upstairs and got this black box.
“Okay, this must be it,” I thought while Seth opened it up.
We saw a clown doll in it with red eyes laughing. It had a note on it that said, you kids want to die laughing?
Seth and I gasped. We then heard Natalie and Zack screaming from the basement.
“Oh no,” I gulped running down to the basement with Seth.
We saw Zack on the couch in horror shaking. Seth and I walked up to him.
“What happened?” Seth and I asked.
“Bert the clown was hiding under the couch, he jumped from under it and grabbed Natalie and ran into that dark room over there,” Zack told pointing to a dark room.
“Of course he had to go in THERE,” Seth sighed.
“Come on,” I then motivated walking over to the dark room while Seth and Zack followed.
We walked in and felt very cold. We shivered.
“What’s so cold?” Zack shivered.
We then heard a horn go off. We gulped. We then heard 3 balloons pop.
“Hey! Why don’t you fight us, you coward!” I hollered.
All of the sudden someone knocked me over and I heard Seth and Zack screaming and groaning.
I then tried to feel the feet and felt a huge foot. I then tripped the clown without seeing him and he fell back and fell on me! I groaned.
I then wiggled out of him and ran out of the dark room with Zack. Seth started to run out gasping.
“Come on, Seth!” Zack called.
All of the sudden a hand from the darkness grabbed Seth’s leg and pulled him into the darkness while he was screaming.
“Run Ian!” Zack screamed.
We both ran up the stairs while we heard footsteps running after us!
We then ran outside into the night and ran into the woods and kept running until we didn’t know where we were.
We both looked back panting. “I-I think we lost him,” I wheezed.
“Yeah, we got to go back and save Seth and Natalie,” Zack brought up.
“Yeah, but the only problem is that we’re lost!” I gulped looking around.
All of the sudden we heard footsteps coming near us! I saw a sewer.
“In the sewer,” I whispered.
We both ran into the sewer and heard a horn.
“Oh where, oh where could they be,” Bert the clown said above us walking around.
“Let’s go deeper into the sewer,” Zack whispered.
All of the sudden Bert the clown looked down at us in the sewer upside down!
“Well hello there, ever wondered what you heart looks like?” he laughed.
Zack and I then ran as deep as we could into the dark sewer until we didn’t see him.
“God, that was to close, we need to get out of here,” I brought up seeing a hatch at the top of us that we could get out of.
“Hey Zack, let me hold you can open the hatch,” I said picking him up. He opened the hatch and climbed out and looked down at me.
“We need to stop by a store so we can call the police,” Zack suggested putting a hand out. I grabbed onto it and he pulled me up.
I got up and we looked back and saw this ENORMOUS prison! We both stood up.
“Whoa, okay, let’s get the cops from in there,” I said.
“Okay,” Zack agreed.
We both walked in it and saw that it was abandoned. It was SO creepy looking. Rats running all over the ground and spider webs everywhere.
“Whoa, maybe there are still some cops in it inspecting it,” I suggested lighting a match so we could see.
We started to walk through it and saw all of the empty cells and saw a bunch of bones in it and rats nibbling on the bones.
“Whoa man, no one has set foot in this place for years!” Zack said looking around.
All of the sudden I heard sobbing. It was very scary sobbing. I looked around with the match in my hand.
I then saw this very freaky person who was naked, bald, scars all over his face, and had no teeth except for wooden teeth and saw that he was missing a hand!
“Oh my god,” Zack and I gulped.
He then went forward and tried to grab us through the bars with blood all over his face! Zack and I screamed and stepped back.
He then screamed angrily and picked up a rat and ate it alive! I felt like throwing up.
He then looked at us and smirked and sat back down on the cold floor. Zack and I got closer to the bars.
“Who are you?” Zack asked.
“I-I was a rich man with a with a wife and a family back in the 90’s, until one night I was walking to my car from my office and was beaten up and was taken by this clown named Bert, he brought me here and starved me and I had to survive by eating rats, he tortured me, he lives here and I saw him bring kids here too, he tortured them and they all died of starvation, my name is Andrew Sanborn,” Andrew told in tears.
“Well, we got to get you out of here,” I then said trying to open the cell.
All of the sudden Bert the clown walked in with a sack with Seth and Natalie inside it crying. He threw them in a jail cell and looked over at us.
“You two!” he roared getting out an ax.
Zack and I screamed and ran up the stairs. We then heard Bert scream in anger and he started running after us.
Zack and I kept running up the stairs and ran into a room and shut and locked the door.
“We got to get out of here,” Zack screamed starting to open the window.
An ax then went through the door smashing down the door. I gasped and fell back.
“You kids want to die?” Bert the clown asked through the hole in the door from the ax.
“You shut up!” I roared kicking his face. He then roared in anger falling back.
Zack then opened the window. “Got it!” Zack cheered. Zack and I got out the window and almost fell off the ledge. We stood on the skinny ledge nervously. Just a half an inch away from falling!
“Walk over to the roof!” I screamed.
All of the sudden we heard giggling behind us and we were pushed off the ledge by Bert the Clown in the window! We started to fall screaming. We then grabbed onto another skinny ledge below. We let out a sigh of relief.
“Climb up!” I screamed.
We started climbing to the roof but all of the sudden a knife flew towards us! It barely missed us!
“Oh my god!” Zack gasped looking up.
We saw Bert the Clown throwing knives down at us! I looked over and saw a ledge on a sniper tower across from us.
“Jump!” I screamed jumping to the ledge on the sniper tower. I then grabbed onto the ledge with one hand! I then put my other hand up and pulled myself up.
All of the sudden a knife flew into my hand from Bert the Clown! I screamed in pain. Zack then jumped to the top of the sniper tower and grabbed onto my good hand and pulled me up. I then sat back groaning because a knife was in my hand.
“Come on Ian, we got to go!” Zack screamed.
All of the sudden, Bert the Clown jumped over to us and pushed me over and got out a knife looking above me.
“Better hope they have balloons in hell, kid,” Bert the Clown growled raising the knife about to stab me. He started to push the knife towards my heart until Zack grabbed onto Bert screaming and he started to push him towards the edge and pushed him straight off the edge. Bert fell to the ground screaming and landed on the ground hard, dead.
Zack then let out a sigh of relief and limped over to me groaning.
“Ian,” he groaned falling down in front of me.
I then started to pull the knife out of my hand in pain and finally got it out. I then screamed in pain.
“C-come on, let’s call the cops and get Seth, Natalie, and Andrew out of here,” Zack suggested getting up.
We then went down to the cells and got Andrew out of his cell and then got Seth and Natalie out.
“Yes! I’m out of here!” Andrew cheered.
“Oh man, I thought I was going to die, what happened to Bert anyways?” Seth asked.
“He fell off the roof,” Zack giggled.
Natalie then walked up to Zack and I smiling. She then kissed us both on the lips!
Zack and I then got lovestruck faces. "Thank you, for saving my life," she thanked walking away.
Later, the police searched the prison grounds for Bert's body. Zack and I were both talking.
"Dude, nice job with Bert!" I laughed.
"Yep, everyone should watch out for the Zack attack!" Zack laughed.
A cop then ran over to us nervously, "Guys, he's gone!" the cop screamed.
Zack and I gulped. Andrew then fell off the roof of the prison and landed on the ground hard, in which he died.
Zack, Natalie, Seth, the cops, and I all screamed. We then could all hear Bert's echoing laughter in the distance.

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