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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Mystery of the Lost Friend

Once, I went to a sleepover at my friend’s house. His name was Brian and his younger 9 year old brother was named Jason.
Other friends were William, his brother Daniel, and Treavaun but we all call him Trey.
Brian’s parents were going to be gone all night.
I soon walked over with William and Daniel at 8:00 AM with sleeping bags.
We came in and saw Brian, Trey, and Jason playing Xbox 360 online.
William, Daniel, and I walked in.
“Hey guys,” Trey greeted.
“What’s up,” I responded going over to them.
“We’re playing Modern Warfare,” Brian told.
“That game is beast,” William said. The doorbell then rang. Daniel got up.
“I’ll get it,” Daniel called running to the door.
We then watched them play so we didn’t watch Daniel. We then felt the door was open.
We looked over and saw the wind blowing the door. No Daniel! We gasped.
“Where’s Daniel?” Jason screamed.
Trey, William, and I grabbed flashlights and ran outside in horror. We looked around and saw no Daniel, but tire tracks in the lawn!
“Oh my god!” Trey screamed.
Brian and Jason ran outside with flashlights.
I saw a note on the front porch. “A note,” I announced picking it up.
Everyone crowded around me. I started to read it.
“If you want to see your friend again, go to where you guys play war,” I read.
“The garage! We play Nerf War there!” Jason responded.
We all ran over to the closed garage. William and I started to open the garage. When we did a big hairy rat jumped on my face!
“Get it off!” I screamed.
William got a mop and hit it off me. It flew to the yard. A note fell from it.
“Another note!” Brian said picking it up.
“Read it!” Trey urged.
“Go to where Colonel James was created,” Brian read.
“Colonel James?” William asked.
“Wait, when we play toy soldiers downstairs we made up Colonel James, the basement!” I explained.
“Right,” Jason agreed.
We then looked around and saw that Trey was gone!
"Oh no, Trey's gone!" I screamed.
The four of us gulped.
The 4 of us went inside and towards the basement door. William opened it up and we saw only darkness in the basement. I flipped the light switch but no lights to the basement came on.
“Wait,” Brian said walking to a closet. He opened it up and pulled out 4 night vision goggles.
“Here, we can see downstairs,” Brian told giving all of us night vision goggles.
“Radical!” William cheered putting them on.
“Okay, let’s go,” I began starting to walk downstairs. Jason, William, and Brian followed.
When we got down we saw everything wrecked! Creepy dolls were hanging up on the wall, and notes were all over the ceiling and wall saying You’re Next!
“Oh my god!” Jason gasped.
All of the sudden the door that lead upstairs magically closed! We gulped.
We then heard footsteps upstairs.
“Who is that?” William whispered to us nervously.
All of the sudden we heard everything being wrecked and thrown over!
“Wow, who is this person, or thing?” Brian gulped.
I looked at the You’re Next note and turned it over and said that Nosaj is next.
“It says Nosaj is next, who’s Nosaj?” I asked.
“Who knows,” Jason responded.
All of the sudden a note flew out of the air vent and hit me in the face.
“Ow,” I said.
Brian then picked up the note and read it. “Read backwards,” Brian read.
“What does that mean?” William asked.
“Wait a second!” I screamed running to the You’re Next note and flipped it over. I read Nosaj backwards and it said Jason!
“Jason!” I screamed.
We all turned around and saw Jason screaming being dragged off into the other room by a person we couldn’t see into the next room!
“Jason!” us three screamed.
We ran into the room and saw no one. It was only Brian, William, and I left!
“Oh god, no!” William sighed.
All of the sudden are night vision goggles ran out of batteries and all we could see was darkness! All of the sudden we heard someone walking downstairs! We stood still in horror.
“Don’t-move-a muscle,” William whispered in horror.
We then heard footsteps walking into the room that we were in. I shook so hard in fear. The footsteps then stopped in front of me! I nearly peed in my pants!
All of the sudden that person shoved a note into my mouth and right after that the lights came back on. Brian and William let out a sigh of relief.
I started to cough the note up and coughed it out of my mouth groaning.
“Whoa, that was so scary!” Brian gulped.
“Look! Ian coughed up another note!” William exclaimed picking it up. He read it.
“If you want to find your friends, go to where you guys went to a funeral,” William read.
“What? A funeral? I’ve gone to funerals only to where my Great Grandmother lived which is in North Carolina,” I announced confused.
“Yeah, what’s going on?” Brian asked.
William didn’t respond, he was just crouched thinking. “Was there any funerals near here at all?” William asked.
“Wait a minute! Remember how we were in the woods and we saw a dead mouse and we named it Mouse and we buried it and gave it a plank grave, then we had a funeral for him in which we invited all of our friends to it,” I told.
“Of course! But that means we have to go into the woods,” Brian sighed.
“So, let’s just go,” William said.
The 3 of us went back upstairs and saw that the lights were back on.
Brian then reached into the same closet again and took out three flashlights. He threw William one and me one.
“Let’s go,” Brian cheered.
The 3 of us ran outside and started to walk towards the woods. We turned are flashlights on.
“You do know one of us will be taken,” I announced.
“We all know,” William responded.
When we got towards the entrance to the woods, we started to cross a pool parking lot.
All of the sudden we saw some big beast like bigfoot walking across the street!
We all gasped and ducked in horror.
“What is that?” Brian whispered to us in horror.
“Who knows man,” William whispered back.
The beast then started to walk into the woods and vanished! We all got up in horror.
“Who knows what that was,” I said.
We started walking into the woods and saw the creature’s footprints.
“What is this creature?” I gasped.
The funny thing about the footprints is that it got bigger and bigger as we walked. Then the footprints disappeared!
We looked around on the ground.
“Where’d the footprints go?” I gasped.
“Who cares, let’s keep walking,” William responded.
We then got to Mouse’s grave and saw the mouse dug out of his grave!
We gasped and ran over to Mouse.
“Someone dug him out!” Brian screamed.
I saw writing on Mouse’s wooden grave. I read it.
“Beware of the beasts, go to the tree that people get hurt at,” I read.
“The thorn bush! Remember how Ian cut himself on it!” William cheered.
We ran to the thorn bush. We saw a note on top of it.
“I’ll get it,” Brian said starting to climb the tree.
William then got out binoculars out and looked through it and looked through it and looked over at the street. He then looked closely at the neighbor’s backyard.
“What do you see?” I asked.
William took the binoculars off his eyes staring towards the yard. I couldn’t see because I didn’t have binoculars.
William then looked through the binoculars again and gasped.
“What is it?” I asked.
“That’s impossible! The secret is- but William couldn’t finish, because he fell through a hole!
“William!” I screamed.
Brian then fell off the tree and towards the hole!
“Brian!” I screamed.
He then grabbed onto a branch but dropped the note into the hole!
“No!” I screamed.
I then picked up the binoculars and looked over to where William was looking.
“What was William looking at?” Brian asked.
“I don’t know,” I answered still looking.
I then saw a tire track in the yard.
“Follow me,” I said to Brian.
We both walked to the yard and when we were walking across the street we heard this odd, scary whistling.
“Who is that?” Brian gasped.
The two of us ran into the lawn and saw the tire tracks and a secret door hidden in the grass.
“Let’s check this door,” I said opening it up.
It was really dark! I dropped a penny to make sure it wasn’t deep. It hit the ground.
“Okay, let’s go,” I said putting my legs in it.
We then saw a big giant creature cross the street!
“Go!” Brian screamed.
I jumped in and Brian did too. We shut the door and turned are flashlights on. We started down this passageway.
“We’ll find out the secret,” Brian said.
Are flashlights ran out of batteries!
“Oh no, not again!” I screamed.
We heard someone walking towards us! I nearly wet my pants. The person then whistled that same scary tune.
“Run Brian!” I then screamed running to the door.
Brian followed me to the door. While I was opening it, someone knocked me over and I heard Brian scream.
“Brian!” I screamed.
Brian’s scream then faded away. I gulped and opened the door and went back outside.
“I’m the only one left!” I gulped.
It started to rain! I ran back to Brian’s and opened the door. The electricity was back on.
I then heard voices upstairs. “I hear a voice, no, voices! They’re coming from upstairs!” I said.
I walked upstairs and saw a record player in Jason’s room. It said something.
“Looks like you’re the winner, now follow the tire tracks,” the record commanded.
The voice sounded like an elderly person said it.
“Oh, the tire tracks!” I exclaimed.
I then walked downstairs and ran outside and saw the tire tracks. I started to follow the tire tracks into the woods and I looked down at the creek and saw a bunch of those beasts sitting around growling.
I dropped to the ground watching them. One then spotted me and roared! I gulped and started running.
The beasts then kept running after me.
I then went to Brian’s house and tried to open the door but couldn’t!
“No! Don’t kill me!” I screamed as they gathered around me.
All of the sudden, I heard laughing and the beasts disappeared! I made a confused face and saw William and Trey walk across the street with holograms laughing.
“What’s going on?” I asked confused.
The locked door then opened and I fell in and saw Daniel and Brian laughing.
“What is this?” I asked. William and Trey walked in.
“Us 4 decided to trick you and Brian by putting notes and clues around for you guys to figure out this mystery, we decided that Daniel should play his part first, he would walk outside and run off to the woods, the tire tracks came from a person we paid to drive through the yard and put a clue down on the porch, and when we went to the garage, we got the guy to put a clue in the garage but happened to also put a giant rat in there, but we didn’t mind, so I, William picked up the note and when I did, Trey would run to Brian’s backyard and through the woods and meet with Daniel, now with downstairs, we didn’t plan everything being destroyed, the guy did that, but we did plan the dolls.
Jason then was supposed to scream while he was being dragged off and made it look really real, it even scared us when we knew that he was faking it!
Now it was only me with Brian and Ian, the two suckers.
So when we put the night vision goggles on, before we went into the basement , I quickly took the fresh batteries out of Brian and Ian’s night vision goggles and put almost to be dead batteries into them so they would go out.
When they did go out, the guy we paid would walk down in night vision goggles and shove a note in Ian’s mouth, and run upstairs and turn the lights on.
We then would go to the woods.
That beast we saw was only a hologram made by Trey and Daniel. And the freaky noises were from the guy we hired. He did by putting a speaker in the woods.
Daniel and Trey then made the beast’s footprints and the guy dug out Mouse which we thought was too far but we thought, whatever.
When Ian, Brian, and I then went to the thorn bush tree, I pretended to see something with the binoculars and I planned to sneak away because of Jason distracting you from growling sounds but for some reason he didn’t and I fell through a hole the guy set up. The note that said “Go back to the house,” dropped in the hole.
The guy then whistled in the distance to scare you and when you walked in that hole, the guy grabbed Brian and when you went back to the house, we explained to Brian what we were doing.
The record player then told you to go to the woods and we ended up here,” William told.
“Wait, so the only people who weren’t doing this was me or Brian?” I asked.
“Yep,” Daniel answered.
“Wait, where’s Jason?” I asked.
“We actually don’t know,” Trey responded.
All of the sudden, the Emergency Broadcast System went off on the TV saying this is not a test.
“W-what’s going on?” Brian gulped. We sat down on the couch and watched.
A reporter came on.
“In Farifax Station, Virginia(my neighborhood) an escaped lunatic is on the loose and is known for “Playing games” with his victims by leaving around notes and clues around the house, he plays with exactly 6 people and always takes one person and torments that person for a month and then let’s that person go ONLY if it’s a kid, if not a kid, he kills his victim, he keeps his victim kid for a month and then releases him, and about a week later, he goes back to the same house and takes a kid and torments him for the rest of his life! So lock your doors and be safe,” the reporter told.
We started at each other in horror.
“I knew we shouldn’t of trusted that guy!” Daniel cried.
“Jason was captured, and a week after Jason is released from torture, he’ll take one of us forever!” William gasped.
“We’ll be ready,” Trey growled.
The door then slightly opened and we saw a note on the porch! William and I grabbed baseball bats and ran to the front porch and saw no one.
Brian, Trey, and Daniel ran over. Daniel picked up the note and read it.
“In one month, one of you shall be mine,
To Be Continued…

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