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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Magnolia Robbers 3

Jake couldn’t take much more of the torture. He was being tortured by Mickey, Roger, and Chuck.
“Go ahead and kill me, you piece of crap!” Jake yelled tied to the chair.
Mickey then picked him up and threw him against the wall. Jake groaned.
“That all you got?” Jake growled coughing up blood.
Mickey picked him up and punched him growling.
“Don’t kill him, it’s want he wants!” Roger yelled.
“You don’t have the freaking guts!” Jake growled being held up. Mickey kicked him in the groin and was thrown down.
“Where’s Amanda?” Mickey growled.
“You aren’t going near her!” Jake growled.
Mickey punched him in the back of the head.
“You’re asking for it, piece of crap!” Mickey yelled.
“Take it easy!” Chuck yelled.

Meanwhile, Amanda, Liam, and Jessica drove to a police kiosk and ran in and saw two cops.
“Mickey and Roger have taken over the police station down the street with the prisoners and are killing a cop!” Amanda screamed.
“Take it easy, I’m Chief Moore, and this is Deputy Bowman, now tell us what happened from the beginning,” Chief Moore said.
“Well, a bank was robbed about 2 months ago and their calling card was a Magnolia and they were known as the Magnolia Robbers, it turned out that two of our friends, Mickey and Roger, were the robbers and Chief Jackson was their accomplice, they then escaped from jail and attacked the police station we were at and killed a bunch of cops there and 2 of are friends, Chief Jackson was killed, so me, Liam, Jessica and a cop named Jake made it out but Jake was taken hostage and we’re now here,” Amanda told.
“It’s true,” Liam added.
Chief Moore and Deputy Bowman got up smiling.
“We broke them out of jail, and when they robbed the bank, Chief Jackson, Deputy Bowman, and I told the cops nothing was wrong so they could escape, we then split the money and we helped out Mickey, Roger, and Chief Jackson break into the jail,” Chief Moore told smiling taking out a pistol and pointing it at them.
“Oh my god!” Liam gasped.
“And when you guys were having the meeting of finding out who did the crime, we were let in and helped Chief Jackson capturing you guys, we escaped but Chief Jackson was arrested, and we couldn’t of all got in there without setting off the alarm if it wasn’t for some help by a certain someone,” Deputy Bowman added.
“Who?” Amanda asked.
A gun was then put to the back of her head.
“This someone,” Jessica growled.
“Oh my god,” Liam gasped.
“You were helping out Mickey, Roger, Chief Jackson, Chief Moore, and Deputy Bowman?” Amanda gasped.
“Too bad for you, isn’t it Amanda?” Jessica laughed.
“Why?” Liam asked.
“Because, Roger and I were secretly in love, I noticed no one seemed to care much for me anymore because of you, Amanda, you were miss little popular, beautiful, cheer captain, what else do I need to say? When Roger and Mickey were planning to rob a bank I HAD to help out,” Jessica told.
“You sick little idiot!” Liam growled.
“Shut up Liam!” Jessica shouted.
“This is it, let’s take them out right now,” Chief Moore said cocking his gun.
Liam then quickly grabbed onto Jessica and stole her gun and used her as a human shield as he shot Moore and Bowman in the legs.
He dropped Jessica and ran outside with Amanda to the car.
“Let’s get out of here!” Amanda screamed.
The car then was shot at by Jessica. Liam and Amanda ducked gasping and started the car. Jessica jumped in front of the car pointing her gun.
“See ya later!” Jessica growled.
Liam then drove straight towards Jessica and was shot in the shoulder but Liam still ran into Jessica.
Jessica was still alive though and got up growling. She ran into a car and drove after Liam and Amanda.
Liam was screaming in pain.
“You okay Liam?” Amanda asked taking the wheel for Liam.
“I-I’m bleeding, I need a doctor,” Liam groaned.
Bullets then hit the car and they both looked back and saw Jessica driving after them.
Amanda then went into the driver’s seat and Liam went into the passenger seat groaning.
“Step on it, loose Jessica! Go, Go!” Liam screamed.
“I don’t have a driver’s license yet, I’m only 15!” she screamed.
“Just do your best,” Liam said.
Amanda then saw a huge truck coming and quickly turned and kept driving kind of badly. Amanda then saw a truck coming right in front of them! Amanda screamed.
“Turn!” Liam screamed.
Amanda turned and the side of the car scratched against the car. A bullet then went through the back window and hit Liam in the ear!
“Oh god! I’m messed up!” Liam screamed in pain with his ear bloody.
The chase was only beginning.

Meanwhile, back at the police station, Jake was half dead. Mickey, Roger, and Chuck were torturing him so much. Jake was tied up still.
“Had enough?” Roger growled looking down at him.
“When’s Jessica going to call? She was supposed to kill Amanda and Liam over 30 minutes ago! You girlfriend better come through!” Mickey growled.
“She will, don’t worry,” Roger responded.
“I just want to end this,” Jake groaned.
Chuck’s cellphone then rang. Chuck picked it up. “Hello?” he greeted.
He then put his ear from the phone and gave it to Roger.
“It’s for you,” Chuck told.
Roger picked it up. It was Chief Moore. He told that Liam shot him and Deputy Bowman in the legs and they drove off and Jessica drove after them. Roger then hung up the phone and looked down at Jake taking a gun out.
“You’re no use to us anymore,” Roger said shooting Jake in the head. Jake then died.
“Finally, the idiot goes down, what’s the news?” Mickey asked.
“Jessica is chasing after Amanda and Liam, come on, let’s go to the car, we’re going on a chase,” Roger announced.

Meanwhile, Amanda was still driving crazy while Liam was pale and bleeding to death whimpering lying down in his chair.
“We’re going to get a doctor, Liam, after this stupid idiot goes away!” Amanda said. Liam was in too much pain to answer.
Amanda then went on an icy road and started to slide off the road! She screamed.
She then turned the other way and started to go through a construction place! She screamed and started to beep the horn and came close to running over people. Jessica, who was behind them kept on running over people on purpose. Amanda then drove out of the construction place and back on the road and started to drive as fast as she could. Jessica was still driving after them.

Mickey, Roger, and Chuck drove to police kiosk that Chief Moore and Deputy Bowman were at.
They walked out of the car and walked in and saw Chief Moore and Deputy Bowman on the ground groaning.
“Where’d they go?” Mickey asked bending over at Chief Moore.
“They, they went right and drove off from there, don’t know where they went from there,” Chief Moore groaned on the ground with his leg bleeding.
“You’re no use to us anymore,” Roger growled taking out his golden Desert Eagle.
“Don’t kill us!” Deputy Bowman screamed on the ground.
“Chuck,” Mickey called.
Chuck walked in with a huge machine gun and shot them both to death.
Roger then called Jessica on his cell phone to see where they were.
“Jessica, where are you guys?” Roger asked.
“These little idiots are still ahead of me, I’m around Nosliw neighborhood, you coming to get these weirdo’s?” Jessica asked still driving after them.
“Yeah, we’ll be there honey, bye,” Roger replied putting his cell phone back in his pocket.
“We’re driving down to Nosliw neighborhood and going to catch up with Amanda, let’s go,” Roger told going to the car with Mickey and Chuck.

Meanwhile, Amanda was still driving as fast as she could looking for a hospital while Jessica was chasing them.
Liam was so pale with blood all over the passenger seat and was about to die any minute.
“Hang in there Liam!” Amanda called to him in tears.
Jessica then drove really fast and came to the back of the car and rammed it.
Amanda’s body shook forward. She looked back with an angry face.
“I hate you!” she shouted to Jessica.
The car then started to twirl around because of the icy roads and they went down a hill into the woods and crashed into a barn house deep in the woods.
Amanda then got out with a broke arm and started to knock on the door.
“Hello? Help us please, we got a bleeding 16 year old here, help us please!” Amanda cried.
Jessica’s car then came down and she got out pointing a gun at Amanda.
“Think you’re funny don’t you?” Jessica giggled.
“Shut up Jessica! There’s a reason why I was popular instead of you!” Amanda growled.
Jessica cocked the gun. “And what is that?”
Amanda gulped. “I was kind and smart, unlike you,”
“Bad choice,” Jessica growled about to pull the trigger.
All of the sudden she was stabbed in the back by limping Liam who was so pale! Jessica then screamed in pain and fell dead.
Liam then fell to the ground groaning. Amanda ran over to Liam in tears.
“Y-y-y-you go a-ahead and k-kill Mickey and R-R-Roger, you go o-on, you’re beautiful, y-you survive,” Liam stuttered.
Amanda started to sob and she kissed Liam as he died. She then stopped and Liam died.
Amanda then got up and wiped the tears away and grabbed Jessica’s gun and walked up to the street and looked around and saw Mickey, Roger, and Chuck driving towards her.
“There she is!” Mickey then announced getting a gun out.
Amanda then shot the tires and the car then drove right off the road.
Mickey, Roger, and Chuck got out of the car groaning.
“Well, we finally have got you, Amanda, and now you shall pay, pay for being little miss popular and treating you REAL friends like slugs,” Roger growled.
“You stupid girlfriend is dead, she got what she deserved for killing Liam!” Amanda growled.
“Impressive, but now YOU will die,” Roger growled also getting out a gun.
Amanda pulled the trigger but no bullet came out! Chuck pointed the machine gun at her and she ran off into the woods before he could shoot her.
“After her!” Roger yelled.
The 3 men chased after her into the woods. Amanda was running to the farmhouse and hid inside it. It was really dark.
Amanda started to breath nervously because it was dark. Rats then fell from the wall into her hair! She was about to scream but covered her mouth afraid that Mickey, Roger, and Chuck would find her. She rubbed the rats out of her hair.
Meanwhile, outside, Mickey, Roger, and Chuck saw Liam and Jessica dead.
“Oh look, Liam was shot,” Mickey laughed.
“Amanda will pay, wait, the barn house! Search it Chuck!” Roger commanded.
Inside Amanda gulped. When Chuck walked in and looked around, Amanda quickly grabbed him and grabbed his gun and knocked him out.
“Oh Amanda, great that you’re in there,” Mickey laughed.
“It’s over for you,” Amanda growled pointing the gun at them.
Roger then threw a Molotov Cocktail towards the door and the barn house started to burn down! Amanda screamed and started to go towards the window but started to cough from the smoke and fell down to the ground about to go to sleep, Chuck then woke up and saw Amanda and thought what Mickey and Roger were doing was wrong. He then grabbed sleeping Amanda and jumped out the window.
Amanda then coughed and woke up.
“Amanda, you okay, I’m sorry what I’ve been doing,” Chuck apologized.
“I still don’t forgive you, after all you’ve done,” Amanda then growled.
“I understand” Chuck said helping Amanda up.
“Well, well, well, what a pretty sight,” Roger then laughed across from them.
“Why do you do this?” Chuck growled.
“Shut up Chuck!” Mickey yelled shooting Chuck in the head. Chuck fell dead.
“Now, the very final one,” Mickey laughed pointing his gun at Amanda.
Amanda then pulled Chuck’s gun from her pocket and shot Mickey, killing him and pointed the gun at Roger. Roger laughed.
“Very good, I was hoping though that a beautiful girl like you and a quite good looking football player like me have a little Bonnie and Clyde thing going on, what do you say?” Roger asked smiling.
“Go to hell,” Amanda growled firing the bullet that shot Roger in the head. He fell to the ground dead.
Amanda then fell to the ground crying about everything that had happened.
She had no more innocent friends like Liam, Daniel, or Aaron. She felt like she would never stop crying. All of the sudden. Liam started to cough up blood and got up still bleeding but alive.
Amanda then saw him and smiled in tears. “Liam!” she cheered running over to him kissing him.
“I-I’m okay,” Liam said getting up.
“We got to get you to a doctor,” Amanda said.
“Yeah, you did a nice job,” Liam laughed looking at Mickey, Chuck, and Roger’s dead bodies.
Amanda could only laugh. Liam was then brought to a doctor and Amanda got a cast on for her broken arm.
Liam and Amanda then became boyfriend and girlfriend and made a lot of new friends.
“What a night,” Liam said after he was better.

1 comment:

  1. You certainly have a vivid imagination, Ian! We enjoy following you and witnessing it bloom! Good job!
