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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Welcome to the Haunted House

When I went over to my friend Jaden’s house is when the horror began.
My name is Ian and people say there is a haunted house in my neighborhood but no one has really proved it, until the day me and my friends went inside.
“What do you want to do now?” Jaden asked me.
“Let’s go outside,” I answered.
“Okay,” Jaden agreed.
We ran outside. Jaden got a football out.
“Go long,” he called to me.
I ran out and he passed the ball. It went a little too far so I couldn’t get it. It bounced by friend, Nick Rogers’ feet.
“Missing something?” he asked picking up the ball.
“Yep,” I answered.
“Over here Nick!” Jaden shouted from behind us.
Nick threw it high for Jaden to catch it so it bounced off his hands across the street.
“Where’d it go?” I asked running over to Jaden with Nick.
Jaden turned pale and pointed over to a house. We looked over and saw it crashed through the window of the so called haunted house.
“Should we just leave it?” I asked.
“But that was signed by Clinton Portis,” Jaden whined running up to the house.
“Guys, it’s not haunted,” Nick told.
“Oh yeah, well if you’re so dang sure, then why don’t you go inside?” I growled.
“Fine, I’ll show you guys it’s not haunted!” Nick said walking on the porch.
The house was wooden, looked very old. The windows were cracked.
Once Nick put his hand on the knob I could see him shaking.
“Come on,” I urged.
He then slowly opened the door. All of a sudden the door magically shut behind him!
“Oh my god!” Jaden and I screamed.
“Help me!” Nick screamed from inside.
Jaden and I ran to the porch. Jaden and I banged on the door while Nick was screaming.
“You okay?” I nervously asked to Nick.
“Something has got me!” he screamed.
“Stand back,” Jaden commanded as he stepped back. I got out of the way.
He then ran full speed towards the door. He then broke the door down.
We both ran in and saw Nick and a bunch of furniture floating in air! Jaden screamed out loud.
“We’ll help you!” I screamed.
I got a broom but all of the sudden I floated straight up to the ceiling. I screamed at the top of my lungs. Jaden just stared in horror.
I then started to fall! I screamed and hit the ground hard. I didn’t break anything though.
Nick and all of the furniture fell.
“L-let’s get out of here,” Nick stuttered.
All of a sudden a deep voice came out of nowhere. “Stay away,” the voice said.
Nick, Jaden, and I shivered. The doors upstairs started opening and closing!
We all screamed. Jaden grabbed the football and we all ran out. The broken down door floated up and was put back into place.
We kept running until two girls from are school named Natalie and Alaina jumped out from the bushes tackling us. We all screamed.
Natalie and Alaina started laughing.
They were both trouble makers. They think they’re sisters and both have tan skin with blue eyes. Alaina had kind of a wide and big face. Natalie was a little skinnier and was tough. I think she is pretty but I don’t tell anyone that.
“Why are you guys screaming like little girls?” Alaina laughed.
“Um, no reason,” Jaden lied.
“Were you scared of a little kitty?” Natalie laughed.
“We were scared of the ghosts in the haunted house,” Nick admitted.
“You believe in that crap?” asked Alaina.
“It’s true,” I responded.
“Alaina and I will go into the house and prove it’s not haunted,” Natalie said.
“Okay, have fun,” I responded.
We followed Natalie and Alaina to the house.
“Okay, go in,” Nick urged.
Natalie and Alaina walked on the porch. They started to shake.
“Come one,” Jaden commanded.
Natalie and Alaina opened the door and it closed behind them.
“What will we do when the ghosts kick in?” I asked.
“Save them obviously,” Nick answered.
All of the sudden we heard them scream.
“There it is,” Jaden said.
We broke the door down and saw Natalie floating up and down and saw Alaina floating in air getting thrown against walls!
“We’ll help you!” I yelled.
We all went in but all of the sudden I was magically picked up and was thrown against the wall!
I hit it hard and I was knocked out for 30 seconds and then woke up.
I looked over and saw Jaden and Nick trying to help Natalie and Alaina.
Then I felt like I was getting punched.
“Oh!” I screamed.
It must have been ghosts punching me.
That same voice that Nick, Jaden, and I heard talked again. “Stay away or your insides will burn and your skin will be eaten off of you,”
We all screamed.
Natalie and Alaina fell to the ground.
“Ian, let’s get out of here!” Natalie screamed.
I then floated back up in air and was thrown outside!
I landed on the ground and I had cuts and bruises on my legs and arms and my nose was bleeding.
Nick, Jaden, Natalie, and Alaina ran out of the house and the door magically closed behind them. They ran over to me.
“Ian, you alright?” asked Alaina?
“No,” I groaned.
“Let’s go to my house and get Ian bandages,” Jaden said.
“Okay,” they all agreed.
“Should we tell are parent s about this?” Nick asked.
“They won’t believe us,” Natalie mentioned.
We went over to Jaden’s house and got me bandages.
“Thanks,” I thanked on Jaden’s bed.
Nick looked out the window looking at the haunted house. “Since our parents won’t believe us, we’re going to have to stop it,” Nick told.
“But how,” asked Alaina.
“They don’t like light, so we could bring flashlights,” I added.
“Yeah,” Natalie agreed.
“How about we stop it by sleeping over at the place,” Jaden brought up.
“What should we tell our parents?” Alaina asked.
“It’s obvious, Alaina, you tell your parents you’re sleeping over at Natalie’s, Natalie will tell her parents she’ll sleep over at Alaina’s, Nick will tell his parents he is sleeping over at my house, Ian will tell his parents he is sleeping over at Nick’s, and I’ll tell my parents I’m sleeping over at Ian’s,” Jaden told.
“Nice plan,” I commented.
“Let’s do that,” added Natalie.
Alaina and Nick agreed.
Later that night we all came over to Jaden’s house and met outside the house.
“Did you all bring flashlights?” Jaden asked.
“Yep,” we all answered.
“Okay, h-here it goes,” Jaden stuttered.
Nick, Natalie, Alaina, Jaden, and I walked onto the porch.
I grabbed the knob shaking and opened the door. We all walked in. The door then closed behind us! We all gulped.
“Okay, well let’s lye are sleeping bags out,” Natalie brought up.
“Okay,” we all agreed.
We layed are sleeping bags out.
“Nothing bad has happened,” Nick said.
All of a sudden are sleeping bags floated in air! We all screamed. We then floated in air!
“Yikes!” Natalie screamed.
I turned my flashlight on and saw these poltergeists holding us up! They were chalk faced and had blood all over their faces!
We all screamed. The ghosts covered their eyes because of the light and let go of us.
Everyone fell on the ground but I fell through the floor! I screamed and hit the ground hard. I could smell dust everywhere.
“Ian, you okay?” Nick called.
“I-I guess,” I answered.
I then them scream upstairs.
I turned my flashlight on and saw skeletons everywhere! I screamed.
All of the skeletons then stood up! I screamed again.
The skeletons ran at me! I shined the light at the skeletons but it had no effect!
I then bashed one with my flashlight. The skeleton broke apart in front of me.
One skeleton took a bone from his body and threw it at my head. I fell down and they all walked in front of me about to eat me.
I saw a big chandelier above the skeletons.
Before the skeletons could eat me I threw my flashlight at the chandelier and it fell on the skeletons crushing them.
I got up and grabbed my flashlight and ran to the stairs but before I got to the stairs I saw a big hole.
“What the?” I asked.
All of the sudden a giant rat about the size of a Golden Retriever came out of the hole!
I screamed. I then tried to turn the flashlight on but it ran out of batteries! I gulped.
The rat then ran at me! I dropped the flashlight and started to run up the stairs. The rat chase after me!
I ran to the top of the stairs, opened the door and shut the door behind me.
I looked over and saw Jaden, Natalie, Alaina, and Nick floating in air!
“Help us!” screamed Jaden.
I got a broom but then that voice happened again! “Die, die, stay away, your insides will burn, and you shall have your flesh eaten,”
“Shut up!” I shouted throwing the broom at a lit candle. The broom knocked the candle over and the floor caught on fire!
Natalie, Jaden, Nick, and Alaina fell to the ground.
“Let’s get out of here!” Alaina screamed.
We all ran out of the burning house.
We turned around.
“Wow,” Natalie said.
Soon the firemen came and put out the fire.
“You guys alright?” one of the firemen asked us.
“Yeah,” we all answered.
“Who lived in that house before?” Nick asked.
“A couple, the Clarks if I remember correctly, well these killers murdered them both one night, so that’s why there are rumors that it is haunted, but the last people that went the house were poor sick people but they were saved and were made healthy by what they called “Voices” but no one believed them,” the firemen told.
“Wow,” Alaina responded.
Later the next day I was searching for my notebook in my mom’s room but I then saw a diary page and read it. I then gasped.
It said Donna Yoder, who was Natalie’s mom, Jaden’s mom, Nick’s dad, Alaina’s dad, and my mom were mad at the Clarke’s (Which were the old owners of the Haunted House) well it said that they were mad at the couple because of stuff they did to them from the past so they murdered them.
I gasped. That’s why they tried to kill us, to get revenge on our parents! Because they weren’t bad ghosts, they didn’t want to kill anyone else except for Nick, Alaina, Jaden, and Natalie! They only wanted revenge!

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