Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Crazy Kids

I met a lady named Dolores Bowers and these were her kid's names...

1. Arnie
2. Kid Number 2
3. Pop Tart
4. Pop Tart the 2nd
5. Pop Tart the 3rd
6. Todd
7. No Name
8. Messy Marvin
9. I Don't Know What to Name him, So I guess this'll be His Name
10. The Tenth Kid
11. He's the Best
12. Dolores Jr.
13. Buttram
14. Dottie Butt
15. Chief Diamond Phillips
16. My Last Kid

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Magnolia Robbers

Amanda girlfriends would always bring over lipstick and nail polish. She tried to like it, but couldn’t. Amanda preferred playing sports and reading mystery novels. She was always good at guessing who did it before she even got to the last page. Her favorite sport was football and she became good friends with her teammates. They included Mickey, the lineman; Daniel, the receiver; Roger, who plays center and Aaron, the quarterback.

It was a yucky and rainy day, so football was cancelled, unfortunately. Amanda went to the bank to make a deposit for her mom. While Amanda was waiting in line, she saw Jessica, her best friend and a senior in high school. “Hey Amanda, what’s up?” Jessica asked. “Hey Jessica, did you get a haircut?” Amanda asked. “As a matter of fact I did” Jessica said. “Yeah, your hair looks so…, but Amanda couldn’t finish because two strangers with ski masks came through the doors. Screams filled the bank. “Everyone, get down!” one yelled. Amanda paid close attention to the voice coming through the ski mask. It sounded like a thick southern accent. Amanda wanted to scream out, but she managed to stay quiet. One of the bank robbers started to dig through the cash register, while the other robber yelled, “Everyone, if you stay down and shut up, no harm will come to you!” Once the robbers were done emptying the cash register, they ran out of the bank.

Amanda got up and was shaking. Everyone else got up, too. Amanda saw that something was left by the cash register. It was a magnolia. She picked it up and a note fell out of it. She read it out loud, “You have been robbed by the Magnolia Robbers.”

Meanwhile, a police car had pulled up in front of the bank. “What happened?” Chief Jackson asked. “A robbery!” everyone said. The police explored the crime scene and couldn’t find any clues.

Amanda and Jessica left the bank after being interviewed. As they were walking down the street, Jessica said, “I wonder who would want to rob the bank.” “Me too,” said Amanda, thinking about possible suspects. It felt like she was a character in one of her mystery novels. Just then, Roger jumped out of the bushes and said, “Yo, I heard you guys were at the crime scene.” “You know, I’m heading to a meeting at Liam’s house where we are going to discuss possible suspects. Want to come?” he asked. Liam was the best player on Amanda’s baseball team. Jessica hesitated to go, but Amanda, on the other hand, said “We’ll come!” She was ready to solve the mystery and figure out who the men were behind the ski masks.

The meeting was downstairs in a huge basement with a bar and pool table. Roger led the way. Amanda saw a lot of her football friends there like Mickey, Aaron and Daniel. Liam was standing on top of the pool table and yelled “Now everyone, we are going to list the possible suspects in today’s bank robbery. I’ll start it off by saying that it was Daniel who robbed the bank!” “WHAT??” Daniel yelled. Amanda got up and reminded everyone that there were two robbers, not just one. “I think it was Aaron and Roger who did it,” Mickey said. Aaron and Roger stood up and Aaron spoke for the both of them. “Hey, I thought we were on the same team here!” Everyone began to argue and the room got really loud. “Hey, if ya’ll shut up for the rest of the meeting, you can have a very tasty cake my mom just made!” Liam said while still standing on the pool table. The room finally became quiet. Liam cleared his throat and said, “Now let’s get on with the meeting.” “I think Mickey and Daniel did it. No doubt!” he said. Everyone started arguing again. “So what makes you so sure?” yelled Mickey in anger. “Yeah!” Daniel yelled. Roger got up. “I say Liam did it!” Roger yelled. “Yeah!” Aaron yelled. “I agree,” Daniel said. Everyone got up and started attacking Liam , except Amanda. “Guys, stop it!” Amanda yelled. No one listened. Liam was tied to a chair with rope.

“You guys are insane!” Liam yelled. Everyone just laughed and went upstairs for cake. Then they heard a scream. It sounded like it was coming from Mickey who was already in the kitchen. When they got to the kitchen Mickey was on the floor with his eyes closed and a big bump on his head. They saw a broken plate next to him. Jessica screamed, “Is he de, de dead?” Roger checked his pulse. “No, just knocked out, fortunately.” “Who would do this?” Amanda asked. All of a sudden the power went out.

Amanda got really scared. She couldn’t see a thing. Luckily, the lights came back on. Amanda looked around. Everyone had disappeared but Liam who was still tied to the chair downstairs and Mickey who was still on the ground. “Liam, are you okay?” Amanda yelled from upstairs. “I will be after you untie me!” “Where is everyone?” Liam asked while Amanda was untying him. “They’ve all disappeared except for Mickey who was knocked out by a plate.” Amanda found a cell phone and called 911. “What’s your emergency?” It was Chief Jackson who had picked up the call. Amanda said, “Chief Jackson, hurry, the robbers are here, the robbers are here!” We’re at Liam’s house and his address is 3497 Tuelub Street.” “I’m on my way!” said Chief Jackson.

While waiting for Chief Jackson, Liam and Amanda heard a noise. Liam grabbed his lucky bat from the closet. The noise was coming from the bathroom, specifically behind the shower curtain. With Amanda close behind, Liam slowly opened the shower curtain. Standing there was a man in a ski mask! It was the same ski mask worn in the bank robbery. They gasped. Liam started to swing the bat and was able to knock the ski mask off his face. “Oh my gosh!” they yelled. It was Roger! Roger was one of the bank robbers! They quickly managed to tie him up. But, who was his accomplice, Amanda thought.

Just then they heard Mickey whispering to someone in the kitchen. “I thought Mickey was knocked out,” said Amanda. They walked near the kitchen where the voices were coming from and quietly looked through the door to see who Mickey was talking to. It was Chief Jackson. Amanda realized there was something different about Mickey’s voice. It was the same southern accent she heard from the robber. “Oh No!” she said to Liam. “The second robber is Mickey! They could hear them whispering about where the money was hidden. Roger and Mickey had buried the money under an old magnolia tree behind Chief Jackson’s house. “Liam, you know what this means, don’t you?” “What?” said Liam. “Chief Jackson is in on it too!” “Liam, you know what to do, right?” said Amanda. “Right!” said Liam. “Start swinging!” Liam was able to take down Mickey and Chief Jackson with his lucky bat while Amanda called 911. This time, help was really on the way. Roger, Mickey and Chief Jackson were put in handcuffs. On their way out the door, Amanda asked “Why did you do it? Was it all for just a little bit of money?” “Yeah,” said Chief Jackson. “All for a little bit of money.”

Meanwhile, Jessica, Aaron and Daniel were found tied up in the closet. Chief Jackson had been very busy behind the scenes while the meeting was going on at the house. He managed to turn the lights out, tie up as many kids as he could and hit Mickey over the head with a plate to make it seem like he was a victim. But, he wasn’t able to get rid of Amanda. If only he knew that Amanda was such a great mystery solver!

Amanda headed home for the evening. When she walked in her house, she handed her mom the bank deposit receipt from earlier in the day, sat down at her computer and began writing her first mystery novel called The Magnolia Robbers.

Monday, October 11, 2010

World War lll 3: Last Stand

It’s been 5 years since General Tahir was killed by Cottonmouth. Since then there was no word on Cottonmouth or Shawn’s men.
In those 5 years, I’ve become a Sergeant, Sidewinder is now a pilot and drops Rubix Force 122 soldiers off.
I’m Sergeant Scott Yoder and lately we have only been battling Africans. We’ve been after an African named General Nassor for over 3 years and his partner Zulaykha.
Right now we’re on a mission to get to a base called Echo base that is surrounded by a highway over 1,000 feet in the air to search for a squad called Charlie team that went to the base 4 hours ago and never returned.

Yoder’s squad were at a base called Alpha base getting ready to set off to Echo base.
The people in Yoder’s squad were Corporal Lee and Private Miller.
The General in Rubix Force 122 is named General Mark. He came on speaker.
“Okay, everyone get to Seagils, we’re casting off to Echo base to search for Charlie team,” General Mark announced.
“Okay Lee, get Miller and we’re going to get on that Seagil,” Sergeant Yoder commanded loading his ammo.
“Copy Sergeant,” Corporal Lee responded.
Sergeant Yoder walked over to the Seagil and got in it. Corporal Lee walked over to the Seagil with Private Miller.
“Ready sir,” Private Miller told getting on the Seagil.
The Seagil took off and over 20 Seagils followed.
“Okay, remember, we’re going over to Echo base to search for Charlie team,” Yoder reminded.
“Yes sir,” Miller and Lee responded.
They landed 2,000 meters from Echo base. Corporal Lee and Private Miller got into a jeep, while Sergeant Yoder got into an Elite Cycle.
“Okay men, let’s move,” Yoder commanded.
They started to drive over to the base looking out for enemies. General Mark started to talk to all of the soldiers on their radios.
“We have no sighting of Africans by the front door, it’s clear,” General Mark told.
They then stopped by the front door and walked toward it.
“Lee, Miller, Grant, breach the door,” Sergeant Yoder commanded.
Corporal Lee but the bomb on it and started to type the code on it.
“What’s with the wait?” Yoder asked.
“They seemed to lock the systems down pretty well, this will take 5 minutes at most,” Lee told.
Africans with jet packs then floated down! They all turned around and pointed their guns at them.
“Too late, men defend Lee!” Sergeant Yoder commanded.
They fired at more of them. They saw a Mega Tank (a flying tank) flying down towards them!
“Miller, take out the Mega Tank with your RPG!” Sergeant Yoder commanded.
“Copy,” Private Miller responded pointing his RPG at the Mega Tank.
He fired and hit it.
“Come on Lee!” Sergeant Yoder commanded.
“Got it!” Corporal Lee cheered.
“Yes,” a random soldier cheered.
The doors opened and it showed that Africans were aiming their guns at the door!
They shot and killed Corporal Lee and a bunch of other soldiers except for Sergeant Yoder, Private Miller, and a rifleman named Private Kent.
“Get to cover!” Yoder screamed.
The 3 of them dodged the bullets and got behind the jeep. Yoder got a grenade out and threw it at them and it killed all of them.
The 3 of them ran into the base. It was filled with armor and had a giant door and stairs.
Sergeant Yoder contacted Sidewinder.
“Sidewinder, remember, pick us up once we found the squad,” Sergeant Yoder commanded.
“Copy my friend,” Sidewinder responded.
“The control to that door is upstairs,” Private Miller told.
“Right, move up the stairs and grab a riot shield, we’re going to need cover,” Yoder commanded running up the stairs.
“Copy,” Private Kent responded.
More Africans ran out of the door to the control panel and one grabbed the key and ran off.
“Push through, catch that African!” Sergeant Yoder commanded.
They shielded themselves with riot shields and went through shooting.
A big African covered in armor then came down with a riot shield and a sword defending the African with the key.
Sergeant Yoder, Private Miller, and Private Kent stared at him.
The African then ran towards them attacking. They started to shoot at him.
The African then broke through Kent’s riot shield and stabbed him in the heart. Private Kent fell dead.
The African tried to do the same to Miller but was shot in the head by Yoder.
“Thanks,” Miller thanked.
They looked over and saw the African shaking. Sergeant Yoder and Private Miller walked towards him.
He then dropped the key and his weapon and put his hands up shaking.
Yoder and Miller smiled. They grabbed him and tied a roped to his shoe and made him hang backwards. They didn’t kill him.
“Miller, grab the key and let’s get through that door,” Sergeant Yoder commanded.
“Copy,” Miller responded. He grabbed the key and they opened the door.
It revealed a bunch of dead people on the ground with blood everywhere.
“Oh man,” Private Miller gasped loading his gun.
“Some could of survived, follow me,” Sergeant Yoder said starting to walk loading his gun. Private Miller followed.
They started to walk down a hall and then saw a soldier getting thrown against the wall. He was killed.
They looked over and saw two Africans with a bunch of armor on.
They roared and started to shoot at Yoder and Miller. Sergeant Yoder threw a sticky grenade at one’s head. It screamed and he ran towards the other one and they both died.
They kept walking and soon got to the bottom of the place.
“Miller, put your night vision goggles on,” Sergeant Yoder commanded since it was dark.
They both put their night vision goggles on and walked down the hall.
They saw two Africans patrolling without night vision goggles.
“Miller, I got the one on the left, you right, on my mark,” Sergeant Yoder whispered.
They got into position.
“Three, two, one,” Sergeant Yoder said. They then shot and killed the two Africans.
They moved and then got to the jail cell. They took their night vision goggles off and looked around.
“Okay, Miller, you got left cells, me, right,” Sergeant Yoder commanded.
“Copy,” Private Miller responded.
They searched the cells. Sergeant Yoder then opened one and saw one prisoner beating up a guard.
Sergeant Yoder shot the guard killing him. Private Miller then ran over to see what was going on.
The prisoner turned around. He had blond hair, bluish eyes, and pretty good looking.
“You part of Charlie team?” Private Miller asked.
“Leader, Captain Anthony,” Captain Anthony answered.
“Here, we’re getting out of here,” Sergeant Yoder told passing him an ACR.
Captain Anthony loaded it while Sergeant Yoder contacted Sidewinder.
“Sidewinder, we got one of the soldiers, wait for us outside in your Seagil,” Sergeant Yoder said.
“Negative! Over 1,000 African soldiers are headed towards the base, along with 50 tanks, 10 Mega Tanks, 5 Eagles, and 3 Mega soldiers, along with General Nassor controlling a giant turret, I’m going to need to call in a bunch of Seagils and once you’ve cleared them all, I’ll pick you up,” Sidewinder told.
“Right Sidewinder, call the Seagils for us quickly,” Sergeant Yoder responded.
Sergeant Yoder turned around to Captain Anthony and Private Miller.
“Okay, there are hundreds of soldiers out side, we’re going to have to get riot shields,” Sergeant Yoder advised.
“Hey, I’m in command here,” Captain Anthony said.
“Fine,” Yoder and Miller responded.
They grabbed riot shields and followed Captain Anthony. They soon got to the giant room to the outside.
A bunch of Africans breached the door and ran in. Captain Anthony threw 3 grenades down and it blew up half of the people.
They started to fire at them. It bounced off of their riot shields.
“Be careful,” Captain Anthony warned.
Sergeant Yoder kept on blowing off their arms and legs with his MPK 45.
Captain Anthony then saw a jeep above the Africans. Captain Anthony shot at it and it fell and killed all of the Africans.
“Good idea,” Private Miller commented.
Sergeant Yoder was kind of jealous.
“Okay, follow me,” Captain Anthony commanded going down the steps.
They breached the door and shot all of the Africans. There was an Elite Cycle and a jeep.
“Okay, I’ll take the Elite Cycle and Yoder and Miller will take the Jeep,” Captain Anthony commanded dropping his riot shield.
“Copy,” Yoder responded.
They got into their vehicles and drove and shot all of the Africans. General Mark then came into contact with them.
“Captain Anthony, the Seagils can’t come in unless you 3 take out the Tiger Tank,” General Mark told.
“Copy sir,” Captain Anthony responded.
“What is it sir?” Sergeant Yoder asked.
“We have to take out the Tiger Tank by the cliff so Seagils can come in,” Captain Anthony answered.
“Right,” Miller agreed.
They drove and started to fire at the Tiger Tank. A bunch of Eagles (flying motor boats with turrets) swooped down and shot at them.
Captain Anthony shot all of the Eagles down and the Eagles crashed onto the Tiger Tank and it blew up the tank.
Sergeant Yoder contacted Sidewinder.
“Sidewinder, we destroyed the Tiger Tanks and Mega Tanks, come pick us up,” Sergeant Yoder told.
“Copy, I’ll pick up Miller, but you and Captain Anthony stay to take out General Nassor, more men will be sent down to help you guys out,” Sidewinder told.
“Copy,” Sergeant Yoder responded.
“What is it?” Captain Anthony asked getting off of the Elite Cycle while Private Miller got out of the Jeep.
“Sidewinder will come and pick up Miller but Anthony and I will stay and take out Nassor by the turret on the cliff,” Yoder told.
Soon Sidewinder came and picked up Private Miller and dropped off other men.
“Okay men, let’s kill Nassor and end this war,” Captain Anthony commanded starting to walk. All of the men followed.
They soon saw the gun in the distance. A bunch of Africans were guarding the turret. The Africans started to fire at them.
“Get down!” Captain Anthony commanded.
A bunch of men were shot except for Captain Anthony, Sergeant Yoder, and 2 other soldiers.
Captain Anthony shot an African holding a grenade and he fell to the ground and the grenade blew up all of the other Africans.
“Keep moving,” Anthony commanded.
An African then jumped into view with a Magnum and killed the two riflemen.
Captain Anthony and Sergeant Yoder shot that African.
“Okay, let’s kill Nassor,” Captain Anthony commanded.
“Right,” Sergeant Yoder responded.
General Mark then contacted Anthony and Yoder.
“Anthony, a drop ship is coming to pick up Nassor, get to the turret, quickly!” General Mark told.
“Okay Yoder, get into an Elite Cycle and follow me,” Captain Anthony commanded.
“Copy,” Sergeant Yoder responded.
Sergeant Yoder got into an Elite Cycle and Captain Anthony got into one too.
They drove over to the turret firing at all of the Africans. Two Elite Cycles gained on Sergeant Yoder moving in back of him. Sergeant Yoder slammed the brakes and he moved to the back of them. He then sped straight over to the one Elite Cycle going towards him. They would both be killed if they crashed. Sergeant Yoder then jumped up and the two Elite Cycles crashed which killed the other African. Sergeant Yoder flew onto the other Elite Cycle and slashed the driver’s throat and kicked his body off.
He continued to follow Anthony to the turret. They soon got to the turret and saw General Nassor running to a drop ship!
“Fire!” Captain Anthony commanded.
They both fired and missed and he got into the drop ship. The drop ship turned around and shot at Captain Anthony and Sergeant Yoder.
Anthony and Yoder jumped off the Elite Cycles before the bullets hit the Elite Cycles. The drop ship started to fly off.
“This isn’t over,” Captain Anthony announced aiming his ACR at the drop ship. He shot at it and the engine exploded and the ship crashed into a village across the cliff.
“Yes, that’s how we do it!” Sergeant Yoder cheered.
General Mark then contacted Anthony and Yoder. “We got information that General Nassor and his partner Zulaykha survived the crash and are killing civilians in the village across the cliff, get over there and take care of them, Sidewinder and Private Miller will come to pick you two up after you kill Nassor and Zulaykha,”
“Copy General,” Captain Anthony responded.
Sergeant Yoder then saw Cottonmouth’s ship crashing down towards the village! Sergeant Yoder stared in horror.
“What is it, more Africans?” Captain Anthony asked.
“No, worse,” Sergeant Yoder gulped.
“Which ship is it?” Captain Anthony asked.
“Cottonmouth’s,” Sergeant Yoder answered.
The ship crashed into the village. General Mark contacted Captain Anthony. “Anthony, Cottonmouth and his newest partner Viper have landed in the village and are searching for Nassor while killing civilians, good luck,”
“Okay Yoder, follow me, it will be hard to take down Cottonmouth,” Captain Anthony said starting to walk to the village. Sergeant Yoder followed.
Sidewinder contacted them. “Hey old friends, I’ve sent in a bunch of evacuation ships to the village, save as many civilians as you can and bring them to the evacuation ships, good luck,”
They went into the village and it seemed deserted. A bunch of Cottonmouth’s soldiers then came and fired at Anthony and Yoder.
They ducked behind a garbage can and started to fire back. Sergeant Yoder shot a bullet and it went through all of the Africans killing them.
“See Anthony, that’s how we do it,” Sergeant Yoder laughed.
They then heard screaming coming from inside of a house.
“They must be torturing a family, we’ll torture them,” Captain Anthony growled walking over to the fuse box to the house. Captain Anthony got out scissors and cut the electricity. The house went dark.
“Let’s put night vision goggles on and scare Cottonmouth’s troops,” Sergeant Yoder suggested.
They both put on night vision goggles and busted in. It was dark outside so it was still in the inside.
They saw Cottonmouth’s troops walking around in horror breathing hard. Sergeant Yoder went behind one and covered his mouth and slit his throat. Captain Anthony did the same. They walked upstairs and saw more of Cottonmouth’s troops walking around in the darkness.
“Take them out with your silencers, I got left,” Captain Anthony whispered.
They both shot the two of the guards. They then went and opened up the door silently and saw Cottonmouth’s men walking around in horror while a family with a dad, a mom, and a baby girl were tied up crying.
Captain Anthony and Sergeant Yoder decided to really scare them. They started to tap there knives on the pipes to the house.
“Who’s there?!” they screamed randomly firing their guns.
Captain Anthony snuck behind one and stabbed him in the chest while Sergeant Yoder slit the other soldier’s throat.
They then untied the family and told them to follow them and trust them. The family agreed and they ran out of the house. The little girl was crying.
They then saw in the distance a lot of evacuation ships.
“Follow us,” Anthony commanded.
They ran to the middle of the village and saw Cottonmouth and Viper plus his men killing a bunch of civilians.
“Hide,” Sergeant Yoder commanded to the family. The family hid behind a garbage can while Anthony and Yoder went to kill Cottonmouth.
Cottonmouth then saw Yoder. He smiled and got out a big sword.
“Cottonmouth!” Sergeant Yoder yelled.
“Yoder, long time, no see,” Cottonmouth laughed.
“We’re going to take you down!” Captain Anthony growled.
“That won’t happen,” Viper laughed.
A Mega Tank then came down firing at Anthony and Yoder. They both took cover.
“Better save Queen Amanda,” Cottonmouth laughed getting on the Mega Tank with Viper.
“He’s going to kill Queen Amanda from the planet Chinron!” Captain Anthony yelled.
They fired at Cottonmouth’s Mega Tank but it got away.
“Kill the rest of the men!” Captain Anthony commanded.
They shot and killed the rest of the men. The family and the rest of the civilians got into a group waiting for the drop ships.
Sergeant Yoder contacted Sidewinder. “Sidewinder, where are you?” he asked.
“We’re only 600 meters from your position,” Sidewinder told.
Some more of Cottonmouth’s men came over and pointed their guns at them.
Captain Anthony and Sergeant Yoder pointed their guns at them.
“Don’t you dare shoot these civilians!” Sergeant Yoder yelled.
“Drop the weapons!” one of the enemies screamed.
“No, you drop the weapons!” Captain Anthony roared dropping his ACR and getting out a M9.
They all got pistols out.
“Just go away!” Anthony roared.
Anthony and Yoder were outnumbered. They then all fired their weapons and Captain Anthony was shot in the stomach and Sergeant Yoder ducked in time and shot the rest. ¼ of the civilians were killed.
“Oh god!” Captain Anthony screamed on the ground injured. A bunch of bodies were on the ground. One injured African then got up and pointed his pistol at Sergeant Yoder. Yoder turned his head and saw him pointing his gun at him!
Sergeant Yoder tried to make a reach for his gun but the African almost pulled the trigger until his head was then shot off!
Sergeant Yoder looked up and saw that Private Miller shot him with a sniper from a drop ship.
The drop ships landed. Civilians then started to climb on ships.
Sergeant Yoder then noticed he was shot in the liver. Captain Anthony was still on the ground bleeding groaning.
General Mark, Private Miller, and Sidewinder jumped out of the ships while some ships were taking off.
They ran over to Sergeant Yoder and Captain Anthony.
“Whoa, some big shoot out, civilians were even killed,” Sidewinder began.
“We need a medic,” Yoder said pale holding his wound.
General Mark quickly grabbed Captain Anthony and took him to the drop ship.
“So, a Mexican Standoff?” Miller asked.
“Mmm hmm,” Yoder answered putting a bandage on his wound.
“I heard General Nassor escaped, so you guys are getting out of here,” Sidewinder told.
Sergeant Yoder ran to General Mark.
“General Mark, Cottonmouth told me he was going to attack the palace of the planet Chinron,” Yoder told.
“Going to attack Queen Amanda?” General Mark asked getting out a Magnum and loading it.
“Yes, and the town,” Sergeant Yoder responded.
“That’s where we’re going then,” General Mark responded hopping on a Seagil.
Sergeant Yoder got on it too and they took off. They dropped the civilians off at a safe place, then they went back to base.
They landed in the hanger and went to plan in this one room. Sidewinder sat in a chair.
Captain Anthony came healed by medics.
“Okay, so let’s get this straight, Cottonmouth and his men are going to attack the palace and the town below it in Chinron,” General Mark began.
“Yes, we’re going to need a lot of Seagils, Sidewinder,” Captain Anthony said.
“Fine, we’ll save Queen Amanda and the civilians,” Sidewinder added.
“We’ll need a decoy for Queen Amanda’s ship,” Sergeant Yoder brought up.
“We’ll invade and kill all Cottonmouth and his men,” General Mark said.
“I’ll be on back up, Yoder, just tell me when to fire at some of Cottonmouth’s men,” Sidewinder said.
“We will split up,” Private Miller said.
They all got on Seagils and flew off towards Chinron. General Mark stayed at the base. Sidewinder was driving Captain Anthony, Sergeant Yoder, and Private Miller. They flew into Chinron.
They saw Cottonmouth’s men shooting a bunch of civilians.
“Pilots, fire at the bastards!” Sidewinder commanded to all of the pilots.
They all fired at the men. The Seagil next to them was then shot.
“We’re going down!” the pilot screamed.
It hit their ship and they started to go down too!
“Mayday!” Sidewinder screamed.
“Hold on to something!” Captain Anthony screamed grabbing onto something.
Yoder and Miller grabbed onto something. Sergeant Yoder’s hand started to slip!
“God danget!” Sergeant Yoder yelled.
He then flew out of the ship!
“Yoder!” Miller screamed.
He flew onto the roof of a house and rolled off the roof and hit the ground. He groaned.
One of Cottonmouth’s men came over pointing his gun at him about to shoot. Before he could fire at Yoder he was shot in the head by someone.
A built English guy then walked into view checking the body.
Sergeant Yoder then got up groaning. The English guy ran over to Yoder.
“Name is Lieutenant Hastings,” Lieutenant Hastings told giving him a gun.
“Sergeant Scott Yoder,” Yoder greeted shaking hands with Hastings.
“We got to get inside the palace, follow me!” Hastings commanded walking to the big doors.
They both saw a bunch of numbers to unlock the door.
“Know the code?” Yoder asked.
“Nope, but I’ll breach it,” Lieutenant Hastings responded putting the bomb on it.
Some of Cottonmouth’s men then jumped down with parachutes!
“Enemies!” Sergeant Yoder shouted firing at them.
Hastings started to fire too. They both took them all out. All of the sudden a Seagil came crashing down towards the door!
“Look out!” Hastings screamed pushing Yoder out of the way. When he did he was hit by the Seagil and the Seagil crashed through the door.
Sergeant Yoder ran in and saw Captain Anthony and Private Miller jump out of it!
“Guys, I thought you were dead,” Yoder said.
“We thought you were dead,” Miller responded.
Sidewinder then came out and fired at some enemies coming towards the ship.
“Come on guys, let’s get a queen,” Sidewinder cheered.
“Wait,” Sergeant Yoder called checking on Hastings. He saw him all bloody under the wing dead.
Yoder went and picked up his tag and put it in his pocket and walked to them.
“Let’s go,” Yoder said loading his gun.
“Wait,” Sidewinder said going to the fuse box. He got out a knife and cut the power. All of the lights turned off.
“Put night vision goggles on,” Captain Anthony commanded.
They all got night vision goggles on and started to walk down the hall. They then saw some of Cottonmouth’s men panicking.
“This should be easy,” Captain Anthony whispered.
They put silencers on their guns and took them out. They kept on walking. They saw some guards walking towards them with night vision goggles on!
“Get behind the pillars!” Captain Anthony commanded.
Sergeant Yoder and Private Miller got behind the right pillar and Captain Anthony and Sidewinder got behind the left.
When they walked by the pillars Anthony grabbed the one on the left and slit his throat and Yoder did the same to the one on the right.
They kept on walking and then saw Queen Amanda and some civilians in a corner tied together on the ground with blind folds over their eyes and a towel was put in their mouths so they wouldn’t scream. The guards were walking around scared.
“Take the guards out,” Captain Anthony whispered.
They took them out and went over to Queen Amanda and the civilians.
“They’re alright,” Private Miller cheered.
Sergeant Yoder turned around and saw Viper running at him with a knife! Yoder gasped and Viper pushed Yoder out the window. Yoder grabbed onto the ledge gasping.
Viper got his pocket knife out and jumped onto the ledge. Yoder tried to reach for his pistol but it fell out of his pocket 1,000 feet down.
Viper then was about to stab Yoder until a Seagil came up and shot Viper to death!
Anthony, Miller, and Sidewinder untied everyone and ran to the window.
“Bless you, you brave men,” Queen Amanda commented.
General Mark, and 5 other men were on the ship and the Shipmaster was driving the Seagil.
“Guys, nice work, hand over the civilians and Queen Amanda,” General Mark called.
The Seagil came over to the ledge and the civilians and Sidewinder got on quickly.
“Get Queen Amanda aboard this Seagil, we’re running out of fumes!” General Mark called.
Queen Amanda was about to come on escorted by Private Miller until she was shot in the head!
“Oh god!” Private Miller screamed.
Everyone started in horror. The way to get on the ship was shot off and Private Miller was about to fall until he grabbed onto Sidewinder’s hand. He pulled him up.
Captain Anthony and Sergeant Yoder then ducked and got their snipers out. They saw that it was Cottonmouth with an Intervention!
“Guys, we got this, go! Still, we can get the civilians out of here!” Anthony commanded.
“We’ll come and get you later!” General Mark called while the ship took off.
“This is it,” Sergeant Yoder growled.
Cottonmouth took a shot and missed. Captain Anthony aimed as steady as he could and shot. He then shot Cottonmouth in the eye!
“Nice shot!” Yoder commented.
Cottonmouth started to fall dead but somehow his weapon still shot and it shot the explosives on the palace!
“Look out!” Captain Anthony screamed.
The explosives blew Yoder and Anthony off of the palace and before they hit the ground, their shirts caught onto a branch, they then fell 50 feet down to the ground!
Sergeant Yoder landed hard. He was pretty much dead! He then saw the fire and the palace fall down towards them! It smashed both Yoder and Anthony and darkness came over them.

To Be Continued…
Check in on November for the 4th one! New World War 3 story every month!

Saturday, October 9, 2010


The scariest event of my life happened last year when I was 11. I was at a friend’s party when it happened. I am going to tell you that chapter of my life. I was waiting for my friend Blore. By the way, my name is Phillip. I was going to my friend Christopher’s 11th birthday. I put on a nice suit. I looked at myself through the mirror. All of the sudden the doorbell rang. It had to be Blore.
“I’ll get it,” I called to my mom.
I grabbed Christopher’s present and went downstairs and of course, Blore was at the door.
I let Blore in. “So what did you get Christopher?” Blore asked.
“I got him a gift card to Target,” I answered. Blore shook his head.
We started out the door and started walking to Christopher’s house. Christopher lived about 5 blocks from my house.
“So what did you get Christopher?” I asked Blore.
“A Madden video game collection, it has Madden’02, Madden’03, Madden’04, Madden’05, Madden’06, Madden’07, Madden’08, Madden’09, and Madden’10,” Blore told.
“No wonder,” I thought. I thought that because Blore came from a rich family.
We soon got to Christopher’s house. We walked up his driveway.
“Well I can tell this is going to be his best one,” Blore said.
“Duh, you said that about Christopher’s 10th birthday, and you said that about his 9th birthday, and the 8th, and the 7th, and after Christopher’s 7th birthday you said you hated it, is that because you’re still afraid of that clown?” I laughed.
Blore started to make a really angry face at me. I laughed.
“I was never scared, it’s just that clown looked like Charles Manson!” Blore yelled. I snickered.
We went to Christopher’s front door. We could hear music coming from inside. I rang the front door. Christopher opened the door.
“Happy Birthday!” Blore and I called to Christopher.
“Hey guys, thanks for coming, come in,” Christopher said. Blore and I walked in. We saw lots of our friends. For instance, we saw Victor, a guy we met in 2nd grade, we saw Charlie, a guy who was on are baseball team, Lawrence, the teacher’s pet in school, Collin, the goalie on my soccer team, Avery, my sister’s friend, Vivian, a professional dancer, and West, the best football player in are school.
“Look who it is,” Collin greeted.
“Hey guys,” Blore greeted.
We walked in the kitchen and saw West and Charlie playing checkers.
“Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, I win!” Charlie cheered smiling.
“Tough luck West,” Victor laughed.
Blore and I put the presents on the couch and started to play Vivian in Operation. Blore and I were on a team against Vivian and Charlie. I went to take an item out.
“Careful Phillip, careful Phillip, careful Phillip!” Blore screamed.
“God Blore! Calm down!” I yelled.
Everyone was watching.
“Hey, I got to go to the bathroom,” Victor announced.
“See ya,” Christopher responded.
Victor went to the bathroom. We continued are game. Blore was going for the clock item. He hit the end of the clock item and it flew up in air and he caught it. Everyone applauded.
“Thank you, thank you,” Blore thanked bowing his head. Christopher looked around.
“Hey, what’s taking Victor?” Christopher asked.
“I don’t know,” Collin answered.
We all started to look around.
“Guys, Victor isn’t in the bathroom,” Avery gulped coming out of the bathroom. We scratched are heads.
Vivian tried to open the door.
“Guys, the door is locked,” Vivian gulped.
“No way, you lie,” said Christopher. Christopher tried to open the door.
I picked the phone up and dialed 911 until I found the wire was cut. I gulped.
“Guys, look!” Charlie screamed.
We walked up and saw the guest list and saw Victor crossed out. We stared in horror.
“What the heck!” Lawrence said.
“Maybe there’s someone in the house,” West said.
“Or maybe Victor is playing a trick on us,” I said.
“Victor isn’t the kind that would play a trick like this,” Lawrence said.
“What about we call the police,” Collin suggested.
“Someone cut the wire,” I told.
“Let me go get the present I got Christopher, it’s a swiss army knife,” Lawrence told going to the living room.
“Cool,” Christopher responded.
We then heard presents and glass breaking!
“Ow, oh, ow!” Lawrence screamed.
“Lawrence!” Avery screamed.
We all ran into the living room. All we saw were fallen down presents and the swiss army knife on the ground.
“What happened?!” Blore screamed.
“He put up a fight against the thief,” West said.
Collin picked the swiss army knife up.
“The thief is probably one of us, he or she could of possibly take Victor and Lawrence down by surprise,” Collin told everyone walking around.
“Yeah, that’s true,” Vivian agreed.
“Well, if one of us did it, that means he or she must have been really sneaky,” I mentioned.
“Guys, look,” Christopher called.
We walked to where Christopher was. We saw Lawrence crossed out!
“Uh oh,” Charlie gulped.
West looked around.
“Where’s Vivian?” West asked in horror.
“Oh no, not again,” I gulped.
“Collin, give me that swiss army knife,” Christopher commanded.
Collin gave Christopher the knife. Christopher wandered around. Charlie looked at the guest list and gasped.
“Look, Vivian is crossed out!” Charlie screamed.
We all gasped. Christopher came back.
“I don’t see Vivian anywhere,” Christopher said.
Charlie opened the basement door and looked in the darkness.
“Maybe they were put in the basement,” Charlie said.
Christopher opened the closet door and took a flashlight out.
“Okay, Charlie, you’re coming with me, the rest of you stay here,” Christopher commanded.
Christopher got the knife out and Charlie and him went downstairs.
“Is that safe?” Blore asked me.
“I don’t know anymore,” I answered.
“Ow, no, take-ahh!” Charlie and Christopher screamed.
We ran downstairs and couldn’t see a thing! I felt a flashlight on the ground. I picked it up and turned it on. We saw Christopher screaming while being dragged off by a person who we couldn’t see into the next room!
“Help!” Christopher screamed while being dragged off.
“Oh my god!” we all screamed.
We all ran into the next room and saw nothing. We looked around.
“Where’s Collin?” Avery asked.
“He was right behind me,” West said.
“Let’s get out of here!” Blore screamed.
“Yeah,” I agreed.
We all went upstairs. We looked at the list. Charlie, Christopher, and Collin were crossed out. Only Avery, Blore, West, and I were left.
“We’ve got to be more careful, never let another person out of your sight,” Avery told us.
“Yes, that was so scary when I saw Christopher being dragged off,” I said.
“This is probably his worst birthday,” West sighed.
I looked up at the clock. It was two in the morning!
“I can’t stay here one second longer,” I growled confidently.
“Neither can I,” Blore agreed.
A rock fell through the mail slot. I picked it up. It had a note on it. I read it out loud.
“Get ready for more fun,” I read.
West, Avery, Blore, and I gulped.
“Wait a minute,” West said picking up the rock. He threw the rock at the window and it shattered. I smiled at West. I picked up a flashlight and we ran out of the house. I turned the flashlight on and we started running.
“What are we going to do about everyone else?” Avery asked.
“We’ll get the police,” I answered.
We then heard howling. We stopped and huddled together.
“This is way too dangerous,” Blore gulped.
We then saw a person in a ski mask beside us! We all screamed and ran back to the house. We all made it back in. Blore was missing!
“Oh no, where’s Blore?” Avery gulped.
“Guys, look!” West screamed.
Avery and I ran to West. West was pointing at the guest list. Blore was crossed out! Only Avery, West, and I were left!
“West, didn’t Christopher have a swiss army knife when he went downstairs?” I asked.
“Yeah,” West replied.
I grabbed the flashlight and opened the basement door. I turned the flashlight on and started walking down the steps. West and Avery followed.
“This is way too dangerous,” Avery said.
“Well, we have to protect ourselves,” West responded.
We got to the bottom and looked around.
“I’m so scared,” Avery gulped.
It was cold. I shivered. We started to hear footsteps.
“What was that?” West asked.
“I don’t know,” I responded.
“I’m going back upstairs,” Avery called.
“Me two,” West announced following her.
I heard the footsteps get closer. West and Avery were already going up the steps.
“Wait for me,” I called running to the stairs. All of the sudden hands grabbed my feet and I started to be pulled off by a stranger with a ski mask on! I screamed. West saw me and started pulling me towards the stairs. Avery just watched in horror on the steps. All of the sudden the hands let go of me and grabbed onto West and pulled him off!
“West!” I screamed.
The stranger pulled West into the same room he dragged Christopher to. I ran in and saw nothing again. I walked back to the steps to Avery.
“Thanks for the help,” I growled sarcastically.
“Sorry,” she apologized.
We walked up the steps. When we got upstairs we looked at the guest list and saw West crossed out!
“Only you and I are left,” Avery gulped.
“Yeah,” I replied.
Avery and I all of the sudden heard a loud click come from the living room. We ran into the living room and saw that a book from the bookcase fell over.
I picked up the book and put it in the missing place and the bookcase opened up and revealed secret stairs!
“What the heck?!” Avery screamed.
“Let’s check it out,” I said.
We went down the steps and came into some kind of room!
“What is this?!” Avery gasped.
“Some secret room,” I responded.
We then heard a strange noise coming from a closet. We opened up the closet and saw everyone tied up!
“Oh my gosh!” Avery screamed.
“Look behind you!” tied up Charlie screamed.
Avery and I turned around and saw Collin grinning holding a baseball bat.
“You did it?!” I asked shocked.
“Yes, it was I, I captured everyone,” Collin told.
“How were you so sneaky?” Avery asked.
“Well when Victor had to go to the bathroom I tiptoed to the bathroom and knocked him out with this baseball bat and dragged him down to the basement into this room and snuck back upstairs and nobody noticed because of Blore’s catch in Operation. I then snuck over and cut the phone wire, then crossed out Victor name. Then with Lawrence I was already in the living room and knocked him in the head and went and opened the bookcase and quickly put Lawrence by Victor and then came upstairs and tried to look shocked. And with Vivian I just quickly grabbed her and threw her downstairs. And with Charlie and Christopher I quickly snuck to the living room, opened the book case and went into the basement and grabbed Charlie and threw him in the closet with Victor, Lawrence, and Vivian, then quickly dragged Christopher off and pulled him into the closet and quickly went upstairs and crossed Charlie, Christopher, and myself out, now with outside I found a little passage way to outside, so I got on a ski mask, went outside and chased after you guys and got Blore and brought him back to the basement, and with West I was planning to get you, Phillip, but West had to save you so I grabbed West instead, pure genius,” Collin told.
“Why though?” Avery asked.
“I promised Christopher I would give him a fun suspenseful birthday, Christopher was in it too, we planned who we would get, I mean, wasn’t it fun?” Collin asked.
“Um, well, okay it was fun,” Avery admitted.
Everyone behind cheered for Collin. So I lied, it wasn’t the scariest, it was the most fun birthday I’ve been to.

Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Worst Story in the World

Once a hen named Sarah got home from school. She had homework to do.
"Mommy, I need to do my homework," she told her mother, Mrs. Hen.
"You don't need to honey," she responded.
"Yes I do, I'll get in trouble," Sarah told.
So Sarah the hen didn't do her homework so she and her family went to Hawaii. When they were there they went scuba diving and they went to the pool. They then went to go see the volcano but the hen got to close and the volcano erupted and the hen died.