Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Galaxy Kroaton

One December night I was sleeping. I felt like I was spinning around, so I woke up and saw aliens doing experiments on me! I screamed.
The alien was talking in some kind of alien language.
"We are almost out of the solar system," the alien finally said in English to me.
"What's going on?" I asked strapped to down to my bed.
"We are taking you to our galaxy, Kroaton," said the alien.
"But why?" I asked. The alien fell silent.
"But why?" I asked again.
The alien then threw sleeping medicine on me. I fell back asleep. When I woke up I was brought to the master alien.
"So this is the Ian, well, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Captain Kroaton," Captain Kroaton told.
"Why are you doing this?" I asked.
"We want to start a war against earth, we love fighting, so we need a messenger to tell earth to get ready for the battle," told the Captain.
At that moment I grabbed a gun from a security alien and shot Captain Kroaton and shot the guards.
More security came over. I blew them away. I then saw a ship I could use. I jumped in the ship and started to take off. More ships started to chase me firing at my ship. I then flipped to the back of them and blew the ships up. I then went over to Kroaton and dropped a bomb on my ship down to the planet. It blew straight up and the force pushed me back down to Earth.

Monday, September 20, 2010

A Visitor

Mr. Johnson left work at 7:00 PM and came back around 7:30. His first name was Jack and he was 41 years old.
He parked on his driveway and got out of his BMW.
Jack looked across the street and saw a shadow staring at him. Mr. Johnson looked at the shadow oddly.
“Hello?” he called to the shadow.
The shadow then walked into the woods.
Jack then went into his house and turned the TV on. While he was watching the telephone rang. Jack went over to the phone and picked it up.
“Hello,” he said.
He heard evil laughter and then the person hung up. Jack looked at the phone oddly. He then heard footsteps upstairs. Jack looked up in horror.
The television then turned off magically.
Jack then grabbed his rifle that he hid behind the fridge and put bullets in it.
He then went outside to check the TV chord. He went around the corner and saw that it was cut!
Jack crouched to fix it. All of the sudden a hand touched his shoulder! Jack gasped and fell down. He got up with is rifle and looked around.
“Who the heck is there!?” he roared.
A Football then hit him in the head. He then turned around pointing his rifle.
He growled and started to walk to the front door. He then saw the lights flicker on and off in his house! Jack opened the door and walked in pointing his rifle. He then heard the back door open and close. He ran to the back door with his rifle and found nothing.
He then heard his drums being played downstairs! He ran downstairs and saw nothing.
The lights then turned off! Jack went to the switch and pulled it up but it didn’t work!
Jack started to walk up the steps but a Football hit him in the head!
He turned around pointing his rifle and saw a shadow of someone!
“Hey!” he shouted.
The shadow ran away and Jack took a shot and missed. Jack chased after the shadow firing his rifle. The shadow then ran outside. Jack ran outside and looked in the darkness for him.
“Where are you?!” Jack roared.
He was then hit in the head with a baseball bat. The world went dark over Jack.
Jack then woke up groaning. He was tied to a chair. A person in a scary clown mask was looking at him.
Jack stared in horror. The person then started to take off his mask.
It then turned out it was his teenage son Henry!
“Henry?!” Jack screamed.
“You should’ve seen the look on your face dad,” he laughed.
“Why did you do this?” Jack asked.
“My friend Steve promised to pay me 50 bucks to trick you,” Henry told.
“You knocked me out just to get 50 bucks?” Jack asked.
“Yep,” Henry answered.
“I could’ve killed you!” Jack reminded.
“Yeah, so,” Henry responded.
“Well, whatever, you did kind of get me,” Jack admitted.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

World War lll 2: Revenge of the Africans

It’s a new war. We’re fighting in two wars here. General Shawn’s soldiers, and the Africans.
Changes have been made though. Ever since General Shawn and Colonel Aja were killed, new leaders came through.
Colonel Budd Shepard, also known as Cottonmouth, has become the new leader for Shawn’s soldiers, his two bodyguards are named Stuver and Anaconda.
The new African leader is General Tahir, Colonel Aja’s step brother. His partner is Lieutenant Yohance and Yohance’s partner is Private Solovick.
I’m Private Scott Yoder, a survivor of the bloodiest battle in World War 111. Another survivor is my Sergeant, Sergeant Teddy Rogers.
We’re wanted because everyone thinks we betrayed General Shawn when he betrayed us, because he wanted credit for killing Colonel Aja. Cottonmouth and his men are currently trying to kill General Tahir.
Right now Rogers and I are flying around in a Seagil in space looking for help.

Private Yoder looked out the window of the Seagil looking at space. They were looking for a ship that could help them.
“See anything yet?” Private Yoder asked holding his ACR gun.
“Nope, but when we do, we’ll land in their hanger,” Sergeant Rogers answered.
They were low on weapons. All they had were an ACR, an AK-47, the newest weapon, an X1 machine gun, a Magnum, and a Desert Eagle.
“Wait, over there, a giant ship bigger than a space station!” Sergeant Rogers called to Yoder.
“Fly over,” Yoder responded.
They flew over to the ship and into the hangar.
“What if they fire at us?” Yoder asked.
“They won’t,” Rogers responded.
They then landed their ship in the hangar. Private Yoder snuck the Magnum in his sock just in case.
Two guards then came over to their ship. Rogers opened the door.
“Hello, we needed help, you see we are survivors of a bloody battle in World War 111 and we killed General Shawn, a traitor, and we needed help,” Rogers told.
Yoder then looked over and saw Cottonmouth and his two guards, Stuver and Anaconda walking over!
“Sergeant, get in the ship,” Yoder gasped.
Rogers turned his head and asked why. All of the sudden Cottonmouth took out a Desert Eagle and shot Sergeant Rogers in the face killing him!
Private Yoder gasped. Sergeant Rogers fell to the ground dead.
Stuver and Anaconda grabbed Private Yoder while Cottonmouth was looking down at Rogers’s body.
“That’s for killing Shawn,” he growled spitting on him. Private Yoder stared in horror.
Cottonmouth turned his head to Yoder. He walked over to him.
“Clear out all of the weapons in his ship, and in his pockets,” Cottonmouth commanded.
“Yes sir,” Anaconda responded.
Anaconda searched Private Yoder’s pockets and Stuver cleared out the guns in the ship. Anaconda pulled out the Desert Eagle from Yoder’s pocket, but didn’t look in his sock to get the Magnum.
“Ship is clear” Stuver called to Cottonmouth.
“His pockets are clear as well,” Anaconda added.
“Good, bring him to the gas chamber and gas him, as payback for killing Shawn,” Cottonmouth commanded.
“Yes sir,” they responded.
Anaconda stayed with Cottonmouth, while Stuver took Yoder to the gas chamber.
While they were walking down the prison cells, Stuver talked to Yoder.
“Killing Shawn huh, not wise,” Stuver growled.
Yoder tried to reach his sock while Stuver was talking.
“You know, we have 300 soldiers in this ship?” Stuver asked.
Private Yoder tried to add to the conversation while reaching for his Magnum.
“You do know it wasn’t me who killed Shawn or Aja, a soldier named Sergeant Waters killed General Shawn, and a soldier named Private Cash killed Colonel Aja,” Yoder told grabbing his Magnum.
“So- , but Stuver couldn’t finish because he got shot in the head by Private Yoder.
An alarm then went off. Private Yoder then grabbed Stuvers FAL.
Three guards came by pointing there guns at Yoder. Private Yoder then fired away with his Magnum killing them.
Yoder then accidentally pressed a button opening the jail cells.
4 men then ran out of the cells.
“Who are you guys?” Yoder asked.
“We’re Delta team, I’m Sergeant Johnson, this is Private Jackson, this is Sidewinder, and this is Private Fletcher,” Johnson told.
Sergeant Johnson had a black hat on with a moustache, Sidewinder had a Mohawk, Private Jackson had long brown hair, and Private Fletcher looked old with a white moustache.
“Well let’s get out of here before more security comes,” Private Yoder said.
“Right,” Sidewinder responded.
They grabbed weapons from the dead guards and ran through the halls shooting guards.
Another alarm went off. Cottonmouth’s voice came on speaker.
“Gentleman, Africans have broke into the ship, take them out, Anaconda and I are being evacuated,” he announced.
“Okay, be careful,” Jackson warned.
All of the sudden an African came into view with an RPG!
“Take cover!” Johnson screamed.
The African shot it and missed all of them. They all got up and shot him.
They walked to the hangar and walked to a platform above it. They saw Shawn’s soldiers battling Africans.
“This shouldn’t be so hard,” Private Fletcher laughed.
They started to snipe them all with their guns. All of the sudden, one of Shawn’s troops jumped down and tried to stab Yoder!
Private Yoder then grabbed the hand and they fell down holding the knife together, trying to push it towards each other.
Sergeant Johnson then shot that soldier in the head killing him.
“Thanks,” Yoder thanked getting up.
They then aimed down and saw Cottonmouth and Anaconda sneaking over to a ship!
“Fire at both of them!” Sergeant Johnson commanded.
They all started to try and fire at Cottonmouth and Anaconda. They were moving to fast though and made it into their ship.
They needed to get over there, but a bunch of soldiers were below fighting. Sidewinder then thought of something.
“I have an idea,” he said.
“What?” Private Jackson asked.
There was a ship up above the soldiers fighting. It was attached to a chord.
Sidewinder then aimed his gun at the chord and shot at it. It then snapped and fell on all of the soldiers killing all of them.
One was crawling injured, but Sidewinder shot him in the head.
“Good plan,” Private Fletcher commanded.
They then got into the ship and chased after Cottonmouth.
Meanwhile, inside Cottonmouth’s ship, Cottonmouth was watching Johnson’s ship.
“Dang, they’re still chasing us,” Cottonmouth growled.
Cottonmouth then got a radio.
“Red-1, copy?” he called in the radio.
“Copy Colonel,” Red-1 responded.
“Send in all of your men in ships up towards where my position is, and take out a ship on my tail,” Cottonmouth commanded.
“It will be done,” Red-1 responded.
Meanwhile in Johnson’s ship, they were getting a clear shot on Cottonmouth’s ship.
“Fire!” Sergeant Johnson commanded.
Private Jackson and Sidewinder shot at Cottonmouth’s ship but the bullets bounced straight off of Cottonmouth’s ship.
“It’s a bulletproof ship sir!” Sidewinder called.
All of the sudden they were hit by something. The ship bounced around. They then all got up.
“What the heck was that!?” Private Fletcher screamed.
Private Yoder looked out the window and saw hundreds of Mega Tanks, tanks that could fly.
“Hundreds of Mega Tanks!” Private Yoder screamed.
“Fletcher, Yoder, Sidewinder, take the Mega Tanks out,” Sergeant Johnson commanded.
Private Yoder, Sidewinder, and Private Fletcher went to the gunners.
Private Yoder fired away at the tanks. The tanks dodged the bullets.
A tank shot a rocket at the ship. Sidewinder shot at the rocket, and it exploded before it hit the ship.
Private Fletcher shot at three Mega Tanks flying in and they exploded.
“Oh yeah!” Private Fletcher cheered.
Ten Mega Tanks flew in firing.
“All together,” Sidewinder commanded.
All of them fired and blew them all up.
“Yeah!” Sidewinder cheered.
But the bullets that those ten fired hit the generator to the ship. The ship shook.
“The generators have been shut down!” Private Jackson screamed.
“Yoder, get a space suit on and go out and fix the generator, Private Jackson will take place as gunner,” Sergeant Johnson commanded, still driving.
Private Yoder got out of the gunner and Private Jackson got in it. Private Yoder got on the space suit and opened the hatch leading outside.
He floated out the open hatch and closed it.
He climbed over to the generator and got the two plugs putting it together.
All of the sudden a Mega Tank shot rockets at Private Yoder! Yoder gasped and jumped of before the rockets hit him.
He then floated onto Cottonmouth’s ship. Cottonmouth looked out the window and roared with anger.
He grabbed a Desert Eagle and shot at Yoder.
“Get off my ship!” he shouted.
Yoder jumped up before the bullets could hit him and pulled out the chords to the generator.
In the ship Anaconda gasped.
“Sir, he pulled out the generator!” Anaconda screamed. Cottonmouth growled and grabbed a gun that you can shoot in space and put a helmet on, but all of the sudden Yoder opened the hatch.
Anaconda then died because of he didn’t have a helmet on, but Cottonmouth lived because he had a helmet on.
Private Yoder then jumped in and they started fighting with a knife while the ship went down.
Meanwhile, in Sergeant Johnson’s ship, Sergeant Johnson was yelling at all of them.
“So Yoder is dead!?” Sergeant Johnson roared.
“Sadly yes, no one could live that,” Sidewinder responded.
“Sir, the Mega Tanks are still firing at us and damaging the ship, we will be going down in about 2 minutes,” Private Jackson told.

Meanwhile Private Yoder and Cottonmouth were still fighting in the ship while it was crashing.
The ship was about to hit the ground.
Cottonmouth got out a knife trying to stab Private Yoder. They were struggling.
“This is for killing General Shawn!” Cottonmouth yelled.
The ship then crashed onto the ground. Cottonmouth and Private Yoder then flew around the ship. They both had been knocked out and had cuts on their heads.
Private Yoder then woke up groaning. Half dead, he walked over to knocked out Cottonmouth and pointed a USP.45 at him.
He was about to pull the trigger until Cottonmouth then tackled him and they rolled out of the ship into a village in the middle of the desert. Their space helmets fell off. A lot of the villagers came to watch them fight. They were African Americans.
Private Yoder then hit Cottonmouth in the head with the USP.45. Cottonmouth then groaned not moving.
“This is it,” Private Yoder yelled.
All of the sudden General Tahir walked out of a bar with Lieutenant Yohance and Private Solovick beside him and they saw Private Yoder and Cottonmouth.
“It’s him,” General Tahir growled. They walked over to them.
General Tahir was a big black guy with greenish brownish eyes.
Private Yoder then saw General Tahir. He dropped the gun in horror.
Cottonmouth then got up and also saw General Tahir. They stopped in horror.
“Hello Yoder, hello Cottonmouth,” he greeted.
Private Yoder then tried to grab the gun but then was tranquilized by a gun. The world went dark for him.

Meanwhile, Sergeant Johnson’s ship was going down in a snowy place. It then crashed.
They crashed around the ship. They groaned. Sergeant Johnson got up groaning.
“Everyone all right?” Sergeant Johnson groaned.
“Yeah,” Sidewinder answered.
Private Jackson got up as well. They saw Private Fletcher face down on the ground.
“Fletcher?” Johnson asked.
Sidewinder felt his pulse.
“He’s dead!” Sidewinder screamed. Jackson gulped.
“Well, let’s get out of this ship and find help,” Sergeant Johnson said.

Meanwhile, Private Yoder woke up in a trash bag groaning. He couldn’t see anything because he was inside the trash bag. He heard digging. He couldn’t move because he was still tranquilized.
All of the sudden the trash bag was opened by someone. Private Yoder looked up and saw General Tahir looking at him smiling.
“Good morning, want breakfast?” he laughed. Private Yoder stared in horror.
General Tahir then pulled Yoder straight out of the back of his truck.
Private Yoder groaned. He looked around and saw Lieutenant Yohance digging a big hole, Private Solovick waiting in the truck, and General Tahir watching Yohance.
They were in the middle of a desert.
“I’m done!” Lieutenant Yohance called, and climbed out of the hole with a shovel.
Private Yoder looked in the back of the truck, and saw tranquilized Cottonmouth.
General Tahir then came over and grabbed Private Yoder. Yoder started to move around.
“Hey!” Tahir yelled pointing a G18 at Yoder’s face. Yoder stopped.
“This is punishment for killing my step brother,” he growled.
Lieutenant Yohance came over smiling.
“Well look who it is,” he laughed.
“Yep, he’s being buried alive tonight, and his little friend is going to be thrown into the ocean with a rock attached to him,” Tahir said pointing to Cottonmouth.
“Get over here!” General Tahir then growled dragging Private Yoder over to the coffin. He threw him in it. He was about to close it.
“This is for killing Colonel Aja,” he growled.
“It wasn’t me!” Private Yoder shouted, but all of the sudden General Tahir closed the coffin.
Private Yoder started to shake. He could hear General Tahir and Lieutenant Yohance hammering the nails in. Once they were done, he felt like his coffin was being dropped. It landed hard. He started to get very scared and pounded on the coffin.
He then heard a bunch of dirt dropping on the coffin. More and more dirt came over him and there was only silence.
Private Yoder pounded on the coffin whimpering.
“Come on!” he cried.
All he could see was darkness. He then remembered that he had matches and a liter in his pocket.
He took it out crying and lit it. He saw the top of the coffin above him. He started thinking hard about what to do.
“Think, think, think!” he screamed.
He then remembered that he had that Magnum in his sock! He smiled and looked down at his sock. He saw the Magnum in his sock.
He started to wiggle his foot. The Magnum was dangling. He wiggled it more and it fell out. He smiled. With his foot, he pushed it towards him.
He then grabbed the gun and started to shoot the top of the coffin. He made holes. He then made a big circle with the Magnum.
A bunch of dirt fell into the coffin. Private Yoder quickly climbed out and climbed through all of the dirt quickly.
He then got out of the ground breathing hard. He climbed out onto the ground letting out a sigh of relief.

Meanwhile, Sergeant Johnson and his squad were going through the snow looking for help.
They then saw a huge base ahead with a giant laser at the top.
“Sir, it’s a base!” Jackson cheered.
“No, its enemies,” Johnson said.
All of a sudden a bunch of Mega Tanks came through firing at them!
“Lookout!” Sidewinder screamed.
They all ducked. A bunch of Africans in white ghillie suits got up with Interventions!
“Ambush!” Johnson screamed.
They took cover behind a wrecked Mega Tank. Sidewinder got out an AK-47 with a scope and shot most of them.
Johnson got out a sticky grenade and threw it at someone. It stuck onto him and it blew everyone up.
“We need to get in that base,” Sidewinder brought up.
A Mega Tanks came through firing. Sergeant Johnson jumped onto that Mega Tank and kicked the driver out and started to fly it battling the other Mega Tanks.
“Sergeant has the right idea,” Jackson said.
Then all of the sudden, Elite Cycles, motorcycles that have 4 wheels and guns on them.
They shot at Private Jackson and Sidewinder. Sidewinder shot both of the drivers and they both got on them. They drove them towards the base shooting at everyone. All of the sudden a Mega Tank shot down at Sidewinder and missed him by an inch but it made Sidewinder fly up towards the Mega Tank. Sidewinder screamed and went straight threw the Mega Tank cutting it in half! Sidewinder landed safely.

Meanwhile, Cottonmouth woke up in a trash bag. It was dark. He could hear a bunch of water. He couldn’t get up because he was still tranquilized.
He could hear a motor boat and noticed that he was on one. It then stopped and he could hear someone walking towards him.
It opened up and he saw General Tahir! Cottonmouth growled at him.
“Easy boy!” Tahir laughed.
Cottonmouth spat in his face. Tahir wiped it off, he then got a stun gun and stunned Cottonmouth! Cottonmouth screamed.
Tahir then pulled Cottonmouth out of the trash bag and he saw that he was on a motor boat.
“Look, I know you’re against Yoder as well, so I’ll make a deal, if you help me, Yohance, and Solovick kill Yoder’s squad, I’ll spare you’re life,” Tahir told him.
Cottonmouth would of said no because Tahir was his worst enemy, but he thought of a plan.
“Deal,” Cottonmouth answered.
“Okay, no funny business, because we aren’t giving you a gun until we’re finished with Yoder’s squad,” Solovick told.
“Okay,” Cottonmouth responded.
He got up and he saw the rock attached to a chain. Cottonmouth snuck over to it and grabbed it.
“Okay- but Lieutenant Yohance couldn’t finish because he was smacked in the face with the rock which killed him.
Tahir and Solovick pointed their guns at Cottonmouth, but Cottonmouth smacked the guns out of their hands.
He then shoved the rock into Solovick’s mouth and he died. Tahir stared in horror.
Cottonmouth then started to choke Tahir with the chain. Tahir was red and was trying to escape but was weak.
“Looks like you die,” Cottonmouth growled.
Tahir stopped moving and died. Cottonmouth let go of him and Tahir’s body fell to the ground.
Cottonmouth then tied the rock to Tahir’s leg and threw him into the water. He sunk.
Cottonmouth pushed Yohance’s body off the boat and drove back towards where his men were.

Meanwhile, Private Yoder was flying in a ship he rented from a village and was tracking Sergeant Johnson. He was covered in dirt.
He saw that they were in the South Pole.
“How’d they crash there?” Yoder asked himself.
He then flew and looked down at all of the snow. Private Yoder then saw a giant base with a giant laser at the top of it.
He flew toward it but all of the sudden a Mega Tank crashed into him.
Private Yoder gasped and he started to crash.
“Mayday!” Yoder screamed.
He then crashed in the snow. He saw Africans running towards the ship.
Yoder got two Desert Eagles and put them in his pockets. He then ran to a chopper gunner and started firing it killing all of the Africans.
He walked out and took his Desert Eagles out and fired at all of the Africans running towards him.
He then saw an Eagle, a flying Motorboat. He went in it and was about to fly it until two Elite Cycles ran into him.
He flew out of the Eagle and looked up with his Desert Eagles and saw Sidewinder and Private Jackson.
“Sidewinder, Jackson, I thought you were dead,” Yoder said.
“We thought you were dead,” Sidewinder responded.
A Mega Tank then landed. Yoder pointed his Desert Eagles at the door.
Sergeant Johnson walked out but before Yoder knew it, he shot Johnson dead!
“Oh my god, Johnson!” Jackson and Sidewinder screamed.
They ran over and saw him dead!
“I didn’t know it was him,” Yoder said.
“Well we better get to the top of that pyramid structure to get to the laser and destroy all of the Africans here and get out of here,” Sidewinder brought up.
The 3 of them started up the pyramid structure. More Africans ran towards them, but Yoder took them out with his Desert Eagles.
They kept on taking them all out. They then looked over and saw a Mega Tank flying over to them!
“Look out!” Jackson screamed.
It crashed into a pillar and the floor bent and faced 1,000 feet down!
“Holy!” Sidewinder screamed.
They all grabbed onto something. Jackson started to slip sweating.
“Help!” Jackson screamed.
He then slipped and fell to his death. Sidewinder and Yoder stared in horror.
They climbed back up the stairs.
They then went over to the laser and got on it. They shot it and it killed all of the Africans.
“Okay, let’s get into the Mega Tank and get out of here,” Sidewinder said.
“And go where?” Yoder asked.
“We have a hidden army called the Rubix Force 122,” Sidewinder answered.
“It’s against Shawn’s army and the Africans?” Yoder asked.
“Oh yes,” Sidewinder answered.
They then got into the Mega Tank and they flew away.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Endora Junlop was an old creepy lady with gray hair and blackish, grayish eyes that had an old stick for a cane, had an old brown tooth and a wooden tooth. She constantly coughs, and when she does cough she coughs up this blue gooey stuff.
I will tell you when my friend Jaden, my sister Taylor, and I found out what Endora really was.

“Would you like to go outside now?” I asked Jaden.
We were over at my house and we just finished playing Modern Warfare 2.
“Sure why not?” Jaden answered.
Jaden was an athletic kid who was nice and made it to state track. He had tan skin and had blue eyes.
Jaden and I ran outside. I got a baseball bat and Jaden got a ball.
I stood in my batting stance ready to hit the ball.
“Come on, bring on the heat!” I cheered.
“You got it!” Jaden responded.
Jaden threw a fast ball straight toward the batter’s box. I smacked the ball and it flew all the way to the woods, which was about 400 feet away!
“Wow!” Jaden yelled.
“That’s not even the best ball I hit!” I bragged.
“Let’s go get it,” Jaden brought up.
I dropped the bat and followed Jaden to the woods. We entered the woods.
“I forgot, that freaky lady who lives in that burnt down cabin deep in the woods, what was her name?” Jaden asked.
“Endora Junlop,” I answered.
“Isn’t she like, everyone’s worst fear in your neighborhood?” Jaden asked.
“Oh yeah, and it’s creepy, because she coughs up this blue stuff, it’s weird,” I said.
“Freaky,” Jaden responded.
“Well Halloween is in a few days, what are you going to be?” I asked.
“Something simple, like a ghost, because I just do it for the candy,” Jaden answered.
We kept on walking and found no ball.
“How far can you hit a ball?” Jaden asked.
“Well, the farthest I hit a ball was all the way across the main road, over to the school,” I answered.
We then saw Endora’s cabin!
“Endora’s cabin!” I gasped.
We saw the ball on her porch!
“Oh man!” Jaden sighed.
We ducked.
“We’re going to get that ball,” I told him.
“Are you kidding?” Jaden gasped.
“She could be sleeping,” I said.
“I don’t know Ian, or she could be awake and eat the flesh off of our bones,” Jaden warned.
“She wouldn’t do that,” I growled.
I crawled over to the window to look through it. I peeked through the window looking for her.
The inside was creepier than the outside! The place was full of spiderwebs, rats were crawling all over the ground, the couch was torn up, and the walls were leaking that blue stuff that she coughs up.
I then saw her in the corner! I stared in horror. Her back was turned and she was eating something out of her hand.
I looked at her oddly. Her head then turned and her face was full of blood!
A rat ran over to her. She then grabbed it and tore the rat’s tongue straight off and ate it! I gasped.
“What is it?” Jaden whispered.
“Nothing,” I whispered back.
I looked through the window again and saw the rat’s mouth filled with blood!
The rat ran off whimpering. Endora got a whole big box of tongues and ate most of them enjoying it!
I turned pale.
“Just get the ball, just get the ball,” I whispered to myself.
I snuck over to the baseball and quietly picked it up. I looked around and walked back to Jaden.
“You got it!” Jaden cheered.
All of the sudden Endora ran straight out at me! I screamed.
“Run Ian!” Jaden screamed.
Endora grabbed me and put me close to her! I could smell her stinky breath!
“Sow, de te’ke je al’mode, oh jod de wen oh socho!” Endora yelled.
I stared in horror. She then forced my mouth open and grabbed my tongue! She sniffed it and opened her mouth about to bite it! Her teeth were circled and a point was coming out of each!
Jaden ran off. I kicked her and went off running. She turned into a giant rat and chased us!
“A giant rat!” Jaden screamed.
We ran as fast as we could and made it out of the woods. We then fell to the ground panting.
“What the heck was that?” I gasped.
“How should I know?” Jaden answered.
“Let’s get out of here,” I said. We ran to my house and shut the door.
We turned around and saw someone in a clown mask! Jaden and I screamed in tears.
We then heard laughter. Jaden and I stopped screaming and the person took off the clown mask and it turned out it was my 9 year old sister Taylor!
Taylor was a trouble maker and loves to torture me.
“Taylor!” I shouted.
“You should have seen the looks on your faces,” Taylor laughed.
“Hey Ian, I got to go,” Jaden said.
“Okay, see you later Jaden,” I responded. Jaden walked out the door.
I then turned to Taylor angrily.
“Why did you do that?” I growled.
“Why did you scream?” Taylor asked.
“Because Endora Junlop tried to kill us,” I answered.
“Endora Junlop?” Taylor asked.
“Yeah, everyone who is smart knows that,” I growled.
“Well, every Halloween, at least 3 kids disappear and people find them the next day dead with their tongues bitten out of their mouths,” Taylor told.
“No way, I saw Endora eating tongues out of rats in her house,” I gasped.
“Really, well people keep on seeing giant rats around dark caves in the neighborhood, and also anything dark in the neighborhood,” Taylor told.
“That’s weird, because Endora turned into a giant rat and chased us,” I gasped.
“Well, a year ago, my friends went to go get our soccer ball from Endora’s front lawn and we got attacked by her and she tried to bite off Amanda’s tongue!” Taylor told.
“Well let’s go check out Endora again and see what happens,” I said.
“Fine, but if I die, stay away from my funeral,” Taylor growled.
Taylor and I walked down to Endora’s cabin in the woods. We then got into the dark part of the woods where Endora was.
We then got to her cabin. We ducked 100 feet away from it and watched it.
“Okay, I’m going to go and look through the window,” I whispered to Taylor.
Taylor shook her head.
I crawled over to the cabin and looked through the window and saw a giant rat looking at me!
I screamed and the rat jumped through the window at me! It hit me and I rolled over.
I tried to run away but the rat grabbed me and bit my leg! I screamed in tears.
Taylor then ran over and stabbed it with a stick! Rat Endora screamed.
I then got up and limped away with Taylor. The rat then changed into Endora and Endora screamed and limped toward us with her old bone like cane.
She caught onto me since I was limping and she grabbed me with her very long nails and tackled me to the ground and I stared up in horror at her. She put her long nails in my mouth and grabbed my tongue about to eat it!
I then grabbed out dry grass because it was so painful. When Endora saw the dry grass, she screamed and let go of me. I looked at her oddly and took off and caught up with Taylor.
We ran to our house and shut the door. We were just standing there in shock.
My mom then walked by and gasped.
“Ian, what happened to your leg?” she gasped.
“Um, I fell out of a tree and scraped my knee while falling,” I lied.
My mom then got bandages on me.
“Oh hey, Ian and Taylor, can you go get my old vacuum cleaner from the attic?” my mom asked.
“Sure,” I answered.
While Taylor and I were walking to the attic we were planning.
“Okay, so tonight is Halloween, so 3 people will disappear by Endora,” I said.
“Yes, so I say we get Jaden, and we go mess Endora up tonight,” Taylor brought up.
We then got to the attic and opened up the door to it. We climbed into the dusty attic and looked for the vacuum cleaner.
I then saw it and went to go get.
“Watch out for that hole!” Taylor warned. But it was to late and I stepped into the hole and tripped over the hole and fell into a bunch of boxes. I groaned.
“Ian, you okay?” Taylor asked.
“No,” I groaned.
I then saw my great, great, great grandfather’s notebook! I looked at it in interest. His name was Grandpa Robert. He died years before I was born!
“What is it?” Taylor asked.
“I have Grandpa Robert’s notebook!” I cheered.
Taylor came over to me and asked “What is the title?”.
I read the title and it said, The Book of Joppers.
“Joppers?” Taylor asked.
I opened the notebook up and read it.
“Beware of Joppers, and their advanced kind, Creigtingons. The first Jopper was born in 1109 and killed many people. Joppers are these hunchback people that have hair all over them, and can turn into werewolves. It was Joppers, who brought the plague to all of England in 1271. That plague lasted over 70 years and killed many people. The plague created a new kind of Jopper, an advanced kind which were called Creigtingons. The first one was born in 1335, after the plague ended. A Creigtingon is a more advanced kind of Jopper. Instead of turning into a wolf, it turns into a giant blood thirsty rat,” I read. I was then interrupted by Taylor.
“That’s what Endora looked like!” Taylor screamed. I shook my head and started to read again.
“An original Jopper looks monster like all the time, but Creigtingons can disguise with human skin which is really dry that you can pull off and beneath it will be a horrible giant hairy monster. Joppers have two fears, cats and dry grass, but Creigtingons are only afraid of dry grass. There are multiple ways to kill Joppers, fire, dry grass, heat, poison, and rubbing rubber against it. The only way to kill a Creigtingon is stab it in the throat, because a really important vein is in it’s neck. It will kill the whole body. All they eat are human and animal tongues, and sometimes only Creigtingons will eat a human foot if it’s really hungry. In 1769, an angry mob went and killed a load of Joppers and Creigtingons, only 4 Joppers and 1 Creigtingon escaped, and that Creigtingon was called Endora Junlop. Joppers can live to 300 years and Creigtingons can live over 1,000 years! P.S, Creigtingons started the Bubonic plague because it gave the disease to rats and they spread it to everyone else.


March 13, 1931,” I read.

Taylor and I looked at each other in horror. I put the notebook away.
“Ian, Taylor, how long does it take to get a vacuum?” my mom called.
I grabbed the vacuum and we went downstairs. We gave the vacuum to my mom and went to plan.
We went into my room and sat on my bed.
“Okay, so Endora is a Creigtingon, and she’s the last Creigtingon,” I gulped.
“Yeah, and she can live over 1,000 years! That’s a millennium,” Taylor added.
“Yep, I say we “Trick or Treat” at her house with Jaden, we get a heater and set it across the house, that will kill the Joppers somewhere in the house, Jaden then distracts Endora while I sneak up behind her and stab her in the throat,” I told.
“Right,” Taylor agreed.

That night I invited Jaden over. It was Halloween and we weren’t going to dress up, we were just going to get rid of Endora. I put bricks in my pillow case that I usually go trick or treating in.
Jaden, Taylor, and I went outside and huddled.
“Okay, we will go over to Endora’s and beat her in the face and she will fall down, we will get in the house, Jaden will distract Endora while Taylor and I sneak behind her and stab her in the throat, we will then put the heater down which will kill the Joppers, pure genius,” I told.
“Cool,” Jaden responded.
Jaden, Taylor, and I walked down to the woods. We heard kids giggling and trick or treating.
We then saw Endora’s cabin. We ducked.
“Okay, you all know the plan right?” I asked them.
“Yep,” Taylor and Jaden said.
We snuck over to Endora’s cabin and knocked on the door. We then heard someone running towards the door. Endora then opened the door roaring.
“Trick or treat,” I growled. Then I hit her in the face with my pillowcase full of bricks.
She fell to the ground. We ran in and Jaden made a distraction by dancing around.
Endora then ran towards Jaden and Taylor and I snuck behind Endora about to cut her throat but all of the sudden Joppers crashed through the walls!
Taylor and I screamed.
Endora was attacking Jaden while the Joppers were attacking us!
We screamed. My hand went out looking for something to grab. I then felt a rubber band ball. I knew if you rubbed rubber on a Jopper they would die. I then rubbed it on two of the Joppers and they screamed and melted. The two other Joppers ran away cowardly.
We then ran to Endora and tried to cut her but she then turned around and tackled me!
We were fighting with the knife. She was trying to cut my tongue off.
I then pushed it towards her face and I cut off her skin. A lot of black hair grew from the cut.
Jaden and Taylor then came behind and stabbed Endora in the back!
Endora then got up roaring. Her skin then started to fall off! We watched in horror. Her hair fell off and after all of her skin fell off she was a 12 foot hairy creature with red eyes and really sharp teeth. Her nails even grew longer!
We then ran downstairs and the Creigtingon chased after us. We then ran into the basement and saw a nest of these glowing cubes.
“Those are Creigtingon eggs!” Jaden screamed.
We ran towards them and Jaden grabbed one. The Creigtingon then got to the bottom and roared.
Jaden dropped an egg into his bag in horror.
All of the sudden Joppers appeared beside Endora.
“Oh no!” Taylor screamed.
They then ran at us! We screamed. When Endora was about to bite me I stabbed her in the throat! She fell dead but we still had
to work on the two Joppers.
They then turned into wolves! We gasped. I then smashed one of the wolves in the back with an egg of Endora’s. I hit the wolf so hard that the egg broke into tiny little pieces!
The wolf groaned and it fell to the ground dead.
The one other Jopper turned into it’s original form and roared.
We gasped and it ran straight at us. I then felt a candle and grabbed it.
“I’m Rick Roman!” the Jopper yelled.
I then put the burning candle on the Jopper’s chest and the Jopper screamed and fell dead.
We let out a sigh of relief.
“Okay, let’s destroy these eggs,” Taylor brought up.
“Right,” Jaden and I agreed.
We then got all of the cubed eggs and kept on picking them up and smashing them to the ground.
“All done,” I said.
All of the sudden Creigtingon Endora then got up roaring! We gasped.
She then ran at us! We dodged her and ran off upstairs. Endora turned into the rat form and chased us!
We ran outside toward a cliff. Rat Endora kept chasing us. We looked back in horror. We then saw this small log that had an opening that we could squeeze through. We then climbed through the log.
Endora tried squeezing through scratching at us. We all gasped and squeezed back further until we couldn’t go further. The Creigtingon kept scratching at us.
“How are we going to get out?” Taylor gulped.
Endora then stopped and left.
“Don’t fall for it,” Jaden said.
All of the sudden rat Endora crashed through the back of the log and dragged Taylor out!
Taylor screamed. Jaden and I ran out of the log with a knife. The rat was trying to pull Taylor’s tongue out! I then threw the knife at the Creigtingon’s throat and it fell dead.
We all let out a sigh of relief.
“Nice shot,” Jaden commented.
“Thanks,” I thanked.
Taylor got up and I kicked the Creigtingon’s body off the cliff.
“Okay, what should we do now?” Taylor asked.
“Let’s go Trick or Treating!” Jaden cheered.
“Yeah!” Taylor and I agreed.
We then got thousands of candy! We hit every house in the neighborhood.
We then got to my house and took are candy up to my room.
“Okay, let’s see how much we got,” Taylor said.
We then heard chewing.
“What the?” I asked.
It was coming from Jaden’s bag.
We looked inside and a baby Creigtingon jumped out and grabbed Jaden’s face!
We saw a hatched egg inside his bag! That’s right! He accidentally dropped an egg into his bag!
It was trying to eat Jaden’s tongue! Taylor and I screamed as loud as we could.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mr. Carnivore 2: Invasion at School

One day I was waiting for the bus alone. My sister was sick.
"I wish something different happened at school today at least," I screamed.
The bus came, same old bus. The doors opened and I saw a dinosaur smoking a cigar sitting in the bus driver's seat! My mouth dropped open.
"What the?" I screamed staring in horror.
"Just get on the bus and if you talk I feed you to my son. I saw a baby dinosaur with sharp teeth sitting on the dinosaur's lap. I got on the bus and saw everyone afraid and quiet and sitting up straight. I sat down and didn't say anything.
Later we got to school. We all took turns getting off the bus. Someone on the bus coughed! The baby dinosaur ran toward that person and ate him.
When I got out of the bus I saw people standing outside because the doors were closed.
I saw my friend William.
"Hey William," I greeted running over to him.
"Hey," he said back in fear.
"Was there a dinosaur driving your bus too?" I asked.
"Yeah, he ate half of the people on the bus!" William screamed.
"Mm, he only ate one person on my bus because that person coughed," I told.
"Wow," William responded.
All of the sudden we heard footsteps heading towards me, William, and about 50 other kids.
We all turned around and saw hundreds of raptors running towards us! We all screamed and broke the doors down and ran inside the school.
Raptors were having a feast of people and gobbling them up like Mcnuggets.
William, my friend Braydin, and I ran outside and ran towards Mrs. Sacks trailer.
Raptors jumped through the windows chasing after William, Braydin, and I.
Braydin then tripped and we heard chewing. William and I didn't want to look back but we did. All we saw were Braydin's shoes.
"That's the signal to get going!" William yelled.
We started to run to the trailer and shut the door. We let out a sigh of relief. We turned around and saw a dinosaur eating Eric! We jumped.
"M-M-Mr.Carnivore!" William and I screamed.
Mr.Carnivore licked his lips and then looked at William and I.
"Well, if it isn't William and Ian coming to play," Mr.Carnivore laughed with his shoulders crossed. William and I gulped.
Zak snickered. Mr.Carnivore ate him.
"Now, back to William and Ian, Mrs. Sacks said you two were trouble makers," Mr.Carnivore said.
"A-and where is Mrs. Sacks?" William asked.
"I flushed her down the toilet, and now no talking, and Ian and William sit down," Mr.Carnivore yelled. Me and William took are seats.
"Now you have gym class so line up!!!" Mr.Carnivore roared.
William spoke up. "But theres raptors-" but William couldn't finish because he got eaten. I gulped.
"Now line up like I said!" Mr.Carnivore yelled.
We all lined up. Natalie whispered something to Alaina.
"I hear Ian is so ugly that his mom puts a bag over his head before she kisses him goodnight," Natalie whispered. After that Natalie and Alaina were both gobbled up.
We walked to gym. When we got to gym we saw a dinosaur lying jump ropes out! We all gasped.
"Everyone grab jump ropes!" the dinosaur yelled.
We all grabbed ropes.
"Now to jump roping, and whoever screws up gets eaten!" yelled the dinosaur.
I couldn't do one!
The dinosaur came to eat me, but all of the sudden I woke up by the sound of a bell ringing. I woke up. I fell asleep in school!
"Glad you're awake Ian," Mrs. Sacks said.
"Why?" I asked.
"So we can eat you!" Mrs. Sacks yelled.
Everyone took off their faces, actually they weren't faces at all. They were masks and they are dinosaurs! I screamed.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The School of Fish

A group of fish always swam together. The fish were named Rocky, Gaz, Squishy, and Ghost, but that all changed when Rocky had a son named Gibby.
"Come on Gibby, are group is waiting," Rocky said. Gibby followed Rocky to the group.
"Rocky, you finally showed up," Squishy said.
"Mmm hmm, now where are we going?" Rocky asked.
"We're going to throw some rocks at those sea turtles," Gaz answered.
"Great, let's do that," Rocky said.
As they were swimming Gibby was really bored. He wish he could go by himself, so he snuck from the group and started swimming alone.
Gibby let out a sigh of relief. "Peace and quiet," but all of the sudden a shark snapped at Gibby! Gibby screamed and started to swim away.
"Help, help!" Gibby screamed.
The group saw the shark coming towards Gibby.
"Guys, looks like we're going to show this shark who is boss," Rocky said.
They cracked their knuckles and started to beat up the shark. The shark fled.
"Th-thank you," Gibby stuttered.
"Just remember, no matter how small you are, you are always bigger than anyone with friends," Rocky told.

Why Horror Movies Suck a Lot More Then Back Then. An Article

Well I noticed that most horror suck alot more then back then. There is only a handful of good horror movies lately. Like The Ring, that really freaked me out! There is also two movies that I've seen a million times and are still scared everytime, The Mothman Prophecies and The Strangers.
Man, whenever I see one of those movies I can't sleep.
Now one of the only newest slasher flicks that is good, is Scream, it's really good!
Now, a lot of vampire movies are worse then back then. A lot of people won't agree with me, but I can't stand the Twilight series. I also hate the TV series True Blood. But back then it was really good! There was my favorite vampire movie, Nosferatu. I thought Max Shrek was amazing! The movie Shadow of a Vampire was one decent newish vampire movie. It was good, well, until the end.
Also who could forget the 1931 Dracula? It was a classic!
Now there is also Friday the 13th, the one back then with Kevin Bacon was so much better then the new 2009 version. Man, I was more afraid of an old lady's dog in it then Jason. It also had the worst acting ever! At the beginning I couldn't tell if the girl was laughing being chased by her boyfriend, or screaming being chased by a killer.
Now I actually thought the Rob Zombie Halloween was pretty decent, a lot of you wouldn't agree with me, but Halloween is one of the only remakes that I like a little more then the original.
Now I haven't seen Pirhana 3d yet, but I can tell it will be crap! Jaws will be much better!
There is also a lot more I haven't told about, like Nightmare on Elm Street's remake sucks! I actually love newer zombie movies then old zombie movies, and I hate newer slasher flicks.
Some will agree with me, and others will disagree. I don't care. I think more people will agree with me though.