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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mr. Carnivore 2: Invasion at School

One day I was waiting for the bus alone. My sister was sick.
"I wish something different happened at school today at least," I screamed.
The bus came, same old bus. The doors opened and I saw a dinosaur smoking a cigar sitting in the bus driver's seat! My mouth dropped open.
"What the?" I screamed staring in horror.
"Just get on the bus and if you talk I feed you to my son. I saw a baby dinosaur with sharp teeth sitting on the dinosaur's lap. I got on the bus and saw everyone afraid and quiet and sitting up straight. I sat down and didn't say anything.
Later we got to school. We all took turns getting off the bus. Someone on the bus coughed! The baby dinosaur ran toward that person and ate him.
When I got out of the bus I saw people standing outside because the doors were closed.
I saw my friend William.
"Hey William," I greeted running over to him.
"Hey," he said back in fear.
"Was there a dinosaur driving your bus too?" I asked.
"Yeah, he ate half of the people on the bus!" William screamed.
"Mm, he only ate one person on my bus because that person coughed," I told.
"Wow," William responded.
All of the sudden we heard footsteps heading towards me, William, and about 50 other kids.
We all turned around and saw hundreds of raptors running towards us! We all screamed and broke the doors down and ran inside the school.
Raptors were having a feast of people and gobbling them up like Mcnuggets.
William, my friend Braydin, and I ran outside and ran towards Mrs. Sacks trailer.
Raptors jumped through the windows chasing after William, Braydin, and I.
Braydin then tripped and we heard chewing. William and I didn't want to look back but we did. All we saw were Braydin's shoes.
"That's the signal to get going!" William yelled.
We started to run to the trailer and shut the door. We let out a sigh of relief. We turned around and saw a dinosaur eating Eric! We jumped.
"M-M-Mr.Carnivore!" William and I screamed.
Mr.Carnivore licked his lips and then looked at William and I.
"Well, if it isn't William and Ian coming to play," Mr.Carnivore laughed with his shoulders crossed. William and I gulped.
Zak snickered. Mr.Carnivore ate him.
"Now, back to William and Ian, Mrs. Sacks said you two were trouble makers," Mr.Carnivore said.
"A-and where is Mrs. Sacks?" William asked.
"I flushed her down the toilet, and now no talking, and Ian and William sit down," Mr.Carnivore yelled. Me and William took are seats.
"Now you have gym class so line up!!!" Mr.Carnivore roared.
William spoke up. "But theres raptors-" but William couldn't finish because he got eaten. I gulped.
"Now line up like I said!" Mr.Carnivore yelled.
We all lined up. Natalie whispered something to Alaina.
"I hear Ian is so ugly that his mom puts a bag over his head before she kisses him goodnight," Natalie whispered. After that Natalie and Alaina were both gobbled up.
We walked to gym. When we got to gym we saw a dinosaur lying jump ropes out! We all gasped.
"Everyone grab jump ropes!" the dinosaur yelled.
We all grabbed ropes.
"Now to jump roping, and whoever screws up gets eaten!" yelled the dinosaur.
I couldn't do one!
The dinosaur came to eat me, but all of the sudden I woke up by the sound of a bell ringing. I woke up. I fell asleep in school!
"Glad you're awake Ian," Mrs. Sacks said.
"Why?" I asked.
"So we can eat you!" Mrs. Sacks yelled.
Everyone took off their faces, actually they weren't faces at all. They were masks and they are dinosaurs! I screamed.

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