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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Soul Taker

Zack’s 10th birthday is tonight. He’s two years younger than me and is really cool. The people who are coming are Seth, one of my best friends who’s my age, Taylor, my 10 year old younger sister, William, a big athletic kid my age, Daniel, William’s little brother, Evan, a pudgy kid my age, and Gianni, Zack’s best friend from Florida who’s come to visit. It’s a sleepover party and I think it will be fun.

Seth and I were riding our bikes to Zack’s party. I was holding Zack’s present in my arms. It was the game Crysis 2 for Xbox 360.
“Come on, let’s hurry, it’s getting to be 8:00, and getting dark,” Seth warned.
“Okay,” I replied.
We then made it to his house and parked our bikes on his driveway and ran inside.
We saw all of them eating cake. Zack saw us.
“Nice of you guys to join us,” Zack said.
We sat down and took some cake. Evan then started to hog the cake and grabbed a ginormous piece of cake and stuffed it in his mouth.
“Hey Evan, stop hogging, I don’t think you need any more cake in your belly,” Gianni laughed taking some cake.
“Hey, I’m allergic to chocolate, so this is the only vanilla cake someone has had, so it’s my chance to eat cake,” Evan growled.
“Hey guys, I have a great idea tonight, we get duct tape, tie one end of the duct tape, tie one end of the duct tape on a side across the street, then tie the other end on the sign on the other side of the road, that way, when a car comes, he’ll run right into it,” William laughed.
We all laughed.
“That’s a funny, and evil idea,” Zack laughed.
Later, when it got darker, we got duct tape and ran outside. “Okay, let’s do this,” Daniel laughed.
“Hey Ian, you, Gianni, and Zack tie on that side of the road, Evan, Daniel, Taylor, William, and I will tie this end,” Seth called to me.
“Right, Gianni, Zack, follow me,” I said taking one end of the tape to the other side of the road.
“Okay, let’s do this,” Gianni said.
Zack and I tied the one side while Gianni looked out for cars. “Almost done,” Zack said tying it to the sign.
“Okay, we’re done over here!” Taylor called to us running with the rest behind a bush.
“A cars coming, come on, we got to get out of here!” Gianni screamed diving in bushes.
“Ian, forget it, we got to go!” Zack screamed while the car was getting closer.
“Almost done,” I responded still tying not minding the car.
“I’m out of here!” Zack screamed diving into the bush with Gianni.
“Ian, RUN!!!” Daniel yelled to me across the street.
I then finished and dove into the bushes. The car then ran through it and the tape flew off and broke his window! We gulped. The tape then got caught in the tire which made the car skid off the road!
Gianni, Zack, and I gulped nervously. The guy then got out growling and looked towards the 3 of us!
“You come back here you little sh**s!” the guy roared running towards us!
“Run!” Zack screamed.
We ran into the woods as fast as I could while Gianni and Zack followed behind me. We then got so deep in the woods that I didn’t know where we were! There was mist everywhere.
“Where are we?” Gianni asked.
“I don’t know, it was light just a few minutes ago, the further we went into the woods, the darker it got,” Zack pointed out.
“Look, in the distance!” I screamed pointing to this old mansion hidden in the mist.
“What the freak?” Gianni asked running to it. Zack and I followed him.
The mansion looked like it was over 100 years old! The door was out of place and dust was all over the place!
“Whoa, let’s go in it,” I cheered. All of the sudden we heard footsteps behind us. We turned around and saw Seth, William, Daniel, Evan, and Taylor walking towards us out of breath.
“W-we lost the guy,” William panted.
“He almost got us,” Evan added.
“Well look what we found,” Zack said pointing to the old mansion smiling.
“Whoa, let’s go in it!” Taylor cheered running towards it. We followed.
We walked in and saw old paintings and dust everywhere. We saw old stairs, a very dusty piano, a book shelf that had books in it that were so old looking, and paintings were everywhere, paintings of violent things.
“Jesus, this place is old,” Daniel said.
“Let’s go to the dining room,” Gianni said walking to it. Rats were scurrying around are legs on the ground.
We walked in and saw that the dinner table was carved with words on it. I read a carving.
“My brother is dead,” I read.
“Rotten teenagers,” Seth added.
The kitchen had so many rats in it that I couldn’t count! “Whoa, a rat heaven,” Daniel gulped.
I saw a diary on the kitchen table. I picked it up and put it in my pocket for later.
“Hey look at the backyard, an old garden is in it, let’s go,” Gianni said walking out the back door.
We saw an old well with a wooden covering on it. “Hmm, Seth, help me move this,” Evan said starting to push it open. Seth helped.
They then pushed it off and they looked down into the well. The rest of us were about to come over and see it until Evan flew back from the well and fell choking on something!
“Evan! What’s wrong?” we all gasped.
Daniel crouched at him. “You okay?” he asked. Evan then roared and his eyes turned completely white and he grabbed onto Daniel roaring and grabbed his face and pulled only his eyebrows off and Daniel layed lifeless on the ground! Evan had this white mist in his hand and blew the white mist and it flew into Evan’s mouth!
“What’s going on?” William screamed looking down at lifeless Daniel on the ground.
Evan then looked towards us and then talked in a cold voice scary voice.
“Oh, his soul did well, now I take your souls too!” Evan growled getting up and running towards us!
“Run!” Zack screamed starting to run as fast as he could. We followed.
“Keep running!” Taylor screamed running really fast for a 4th grader. Same with Zack.
Evan then dived onto me and flipped me over! He was about to grab my face just like Daniel but I punched him in the face and started to run again.
“Catch up Ian!” Gianni screamed from far up.
We then got into the neighborhood while Evan was still chasing us.
“Let’s get help, let’s go to someone else’s house,” William called to us.
“To Mr. Eckhardt’s house, he’ll know what to do,” Seth screamed. Mr. Eckhardt was in the military before.
We banged on the door while Evan was getting closer to us! He was running across the street!
“Hurry up!” Seth screamed ringing the doorbell over and over again.
Mr. Eckhardt then opened the door. “Okay boys, what’s up?” he asked.
We all ran in and we shut and locked the door panting. We heard Evan run into the door.
“What’s going on?” Mr. Eckhardt asked in horror.
“Evan has gone mad! Get your gun!” I screamed.
But all of the sudden Evan’s hands crashed through the window and pulled Mr. Eckhardt out!
“Oh my god! Run!” William screamed running to the back door with us and we tried to open it but it was locked and we tried to unlock it but Evan came in and growled and ran towards us!
“Up the stairs!” Gianni screamed. We all ran up the stairs and ran into Mr. Eckhardt’s room and slammed the door and locked it. Evan then started to break the door down!
Taylor looked around. “What are we going to do?” she screamed in tears.
I saw the window. “Out the window!” Zack and I both screamed at the same time.
We started to open it while Evan got closer and closer to breaking the door down.
We then saw bushes to jump into.
“Okay Taylor, ladies first, come on!” Gianni screamed looking at the door.
Taylor jumped out and landed in the bushes.
“Next!” Zack called jumping out. Seth jumped out next and Gianni, William, and I were left.
“Okay, let’s- but William couldn’t finish because Evan broke down the door and ran in roaring towards us and was about to grab Gianni until I punched him in the face and he fell back.
“It was for your own good,” I said to him who was on the ground roaring.
“Let’s go!” Gianni screamed jumping out. William and I were going to go together until Evan tried to grab both of us and I bit his hand and he let go of me and I fell out but Evan pulled screaming William into the room.
“Oh Nooooo!” William screamed being attacked.
“To your house Zack! Let’s not bring any other innocent person into this!” I screamed.
We ran to Zack’s and slammed the door and locked it. Zack’s mom wasn’t there but his bigger brother Eric was.
“Hey, what you losers up to?” he asked eating an ice cream cone.
“Evan! He’s gone crazy, killing people, he got William, Mr. Eckhardt, and Daniel!” Gianni screamed.
Eric rolled his eyes. “I’ll go to Mr. Eckhardt’s house and show you that he’s there and fine,”
“No! Don’t!” Taylor screamed.
Eric opened the door. “Let me handle this,” he said walking across the street to Mr. Eckhardt’s.
We shut the door and locked it and watched him through the window.
He got on the front porch and saw that the window was broken. He looked at it oddly until Evan jumped out of the bushes roaring and pulled screaming Eric into the bushes and saw the bushes shake back and forth and then Evan came out of the bushes looking taller!
“Oh god! We got to board up the house!” Seth screamed.
I got the phone and tried to call the police but the phone line was down.
“Oh man, the phone line is down!” I screamed.
Zack and Seth walked into the garage and I followed. We got a hammer and wood but all of the sudden Evan’s hand broke through the garage door!
“Whoa!” we screamed jumping back. Evan started to rip the garage door open roaring.
Gianni and Taylor came out. Gianni took out a baseball bat.
“What’re we going to do?” Taylor asked.
“Inside,” Gianni commanded.
We all ran inside and shut and locked the door.
“Okay, what’re we going to do now?” Seth asked looking around nervously.
“Go out the back door obviously,” I answered.
Taylor, Gianni, Zack, Seth, and I went over to the back door and started to open it.
The door from the garage to the house then started to be banged on!
“He made it through the garage door!” Zack screamed.
The back door was blocked by a chair that was in the way! “Darnet!” Gianni screamed getting his baseball bat. He started to bang the back door down while Evan was getting in.
“Hurry up!” Taylor screamed closest to the garage door.
Evan then broke through and pushed Taylor down and dragged her into the garage roaring.
The 4 of us screamed and ran into the dining room and put the table against the door.
“Oh my god! My sister!” I cried.
“That will hold him long enough for us to plan, we got to go out the front door, to Mr. Eckhardt’s house, get the phone and call the cops!” Gianni said.
“Oh man, soon we might all be dead!” Zack cried.
“Okay, you guys ready for this?” Gianni gulped getting his bat ready.
“Ready,” Zack, Seth, and I replied nervously.
“Okay, here we go,” Gianni nervously said.
He then opened the door and we followed him out.
“Come on, let’s go!” Gianni screamed.
Evan then ran out of the garage towards us roaring but Gianni hit him in the face with the baseball bat. Evan fell down roaring in pain.
The 4 of us then ran out the front door and to Mr. Eckhardt’s house. We ran inside it and saw lifeless Mr. Eckhardt and lifeless Eric.
Seth then ran towards the phone and picked it up and called 911. “Come on, come on, pick up,” Seth nervously said on the phone.
Gianni, Zack, and I were watching for Evan.
“Yes, hello? We have an emergency! Are friend has gone mad and he’s going to- but Seth couldn’t finish talking because Evan came out of the floorboards and grabbed Gianni and grabbed his face like he did to Daniel and pulled and Gianni lay lifeless on the ground while Evan blew this white mist that was in his hand into his mouth.
Zack, Seth, and I screamed and started to run upstairs while Evan chased after us.
We got to the top and looked around nervously and saw the attic!
“The attic, Seth, help me up!” Zack screamed. Seth lifted him up so he could grab the attic string.
Evan then got to the top of the stairs roaring but I punched him in the face and he fell down the stairs.
“Ow,” I whined rubbing my fist.
Zack then pulled the attic down and we climbed up the ladder while Evan was running back up the stairs screeching.
We then pulled the ladder up before he got upstairs.
We were then in the attic alone. We let out a sigh of relief and I turned the light on.
We sat down shaking.
“What will we do now?” Seth asked in horror.
“Everyone else is dead!” Zack cried.
I then took the diary that I found at the old mansion’s table and opened it.
“I found this in the old mansion, it might help us,” I told Zack and Seth starting to read.
“The Hiroshima ghosts came alive in 1945 after the atomic bomb was dropped, the gases created these ghosts and what these ghosts do is they get into a person’s body and they take other people’s souls and swallow the souls and every time they have a soul, the body they possessed gets bigger and bigger and once the ghost gets enough souls, it leaves the possessed body it had and kills it and takes that person’s soul and turns into a real person, the only way to get the out of the possessed body is to get something that the person who the possessed body is allergic to and rub it against him and the ghost will leave the body but it won’t be a ghost anymore, it will be a human, once you kill the human, the souls will leave his body and go back to it’s main body and they will come back to life,” I read.
Zack and Seth couldn’t believe their ears.
“Whoa, what’s Evan allergic to?” Zack gulped thinking.
“Wait, remember when we ate cake, Evan said he was allergic to chocolate, that’s it, chocolate, we rub it against him and the ghost comes out of him who’s going to be a human, and we kill him,” Seth told.
“Right, we got to get out of here somehow though,” I added looking around.
We then saw a big crack we could squeeze through. “Okay, through the crack,” I commanded.
I crawled through it and grabbed onto the top of the roof and pulled up and got on the roof.
Zack then crawled through next and got on the roof and while Seth was crawling up, Evan crashed through the wall and grabbed Seth and took him down into the bushes and started to grab his face!
Zack and I screamed in horror. I then jumped off the roof and into the bushes and right before Evan could take Seth’s soul, I grabbed him and threw him into the yard. He roared and fell down.
I then jumped onto him and we started to fight, fist to fist.
While we were fighting Evan spoke in a very scary, cold voice.
“I’ll kill you, you hear me?!”
I made an angry face and remembered how he dragged my little sister Taylor off.
I growled and punched him in the face and held an arm bar on him.
He roared in pain and kicked me in the groin and I rolled over in pain and possessed Evan picked up a big rock and was about to smash me until Zack and Seth then tackled him and held a Hershey bar because Evan was allergic to chocolate and it would make the ghost get out of him.
They then shoved it in his mouth and Evan started to choke and then spit out a whole creepy adult person!
We stared in horror. The guy lay on the ground groaning. Evan was looking around confused.
“What’s going on?” he asked in horror.
Zack then ran over to the guy with a rock and was about to smash him until the guy roared and picked Zack up and threw him through Zack’s bedroom window!
Seth and I screamed.
“Well, it’s time for you to die, for good!” he growled getting out a knife.
“You little idiot! You killed all of these innocent kids just so you can become a human?” Seth roared at him.
“That’s right, and your guys skin will be a part of my sail on a boat I’m going to buy,” he growled near Zack’s door taking out a Desert Eagle and pointing it at Evan and picked him up and smacked him in the face with it. Evan screamed in pain and fell knocked out.
The guy got out a second gun and pointed it at us while putting the gun to knocked out Evan’s head.
“This is Evan, signing off,” the guy laughed.
Zack then ran out with a lighter and a spray and blew the lighter at the guy and created a flamethrower which caught the guy on fire!
Seth and I cheered. He ran screaming on fire out to the street and fell burned and dead.
Seth and I then slapped Zack high fives.
“Now all of the souls will come back!” Zack cheered.
All of the sudden, a bunch of white wind came out of the guy and he got smaller and smaller and soon disappeared in to thin air!
All of the sudden, Daniel appeared on the ground, Mr. Eckhardt appeared on the ground, so did William, Eric, Taylor, and Gianni.
Different white winds then went into all of them and they woke up gasping.
“I thought I was dead!” William screamed looking around confused.
“How did we come back to life?” Daniel asked.
We then explained everything that happened and how they came back to life.
“Wow, that’s crazy, thank you guys,” Mr. Eckhardt thanked.
“What did it feel like being dead for a few hours?” I asked.
“It was just like sleeping, only longer,” Taylor answered.
Evan then woke up groaning. “What happened?”
We all explained what Evan turned into. Evan’s mouth dropped open in horror.
“Wow, I don’t remember any of that!” Evan gulped.
“Well, let’s go have some vanilla cake!” William cheered. We all cheered.
“Not so fast!” a voice then roared from behind us.
We saw that guy who’s car was wrecked from the tape! We gulped.
“You guys owe me 30,000 dollars!” the guy who’s car was wrecked roared.
We then all groaned while Mr. Eckhardt looked at us angrily.

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