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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Mystery of the Lost Friend Part 2

It’s been a month since Jason has disappeared. William, Trey, Brian, Daniel, and I have been on are guard constantly. Cops have been sent to look after us and to watch us. Anytime, Jason will be walking home, who knows in which condition. Let’s just hope the condition is good…

William, Brian, and I were passing a football to each other and talking while a cop named Lieutenant Carter was watching us. He’s cool and has blond hair and blue eyes.
“So, when do you think Jason will be released?” William asked Brian and I, throwing the football towards us.
I caught it and said, “Who knows,”
“Well kids, until this guy is caught, we’ll be supervising you,” Carter told us.
All of the sudden we heard whimpering and sobbing. We all turned are heads and saw Jason with cuts, bruises, and scratches all over him. He was limping.
We all gasped and ran towards him and helped him to the house. Carter got out his gun and looked around.
We put him down at Brian’s house.
“Jason, what happened, Jason!” Brian screamed at his little brother.
Jason then slowly opened his mouth pale and mumbled, “Help,” and collapsed on the porch.
We gasped and Brian’s mom called an ambulance and he was rushed to the hospital. Trey and Daniel came with us.
William, Brian, Trey, Daniel, Brian’s mom, Lieutenant Carter, and I were waiting in the waiting room.
The doctor came out and we all got up eagerly.
“Jason, is in shock, he’s not saying anything and he’s quite starved and dehydrated. We’re going to have to keep him here for a few days and see if he can say anything by then,” the doctor told.
“Okay, I’ll stay with him tonight, there shouldn’t be any worries about him since he was already taken and isn’t going to be again,” Brian and Jason’s mom said.
“Okay, I’ll watch over the kids tonight and pay extra attention to them,” Lieutenant Carter told.
“Okay,” Brian and Jason’s mom agreed.
Later, Lieutenant Carter was driving Daniel, Brian, William, Trey, and I home in a cop car with all of us in the back.
“This is scary, one of us is going to be taken forever,” Daniel gulped.
It then started to thunderstorm. I had a snotty nose and needed a tissue.
“Hey Trey, got a tissue?” I asked him.
“No,” he answered. I then saw a cup holder and a brand new tissue put into a ball.
I picked it up and was about to blow my nose until I saw there was writing on it.
I then unwrapped it and saw a note and I gulped. “What is it?” William asked looking over.
“What does it say?” Brian asked.
I read it. “Every mystery begins with a surprise,” I read gulping. Everyone gasped.
Lieutenant Carter then stopped the car and looked back at us. “There’s nothing to worry about, I’m here,” he told us.
All of the sudden a hand broke through the window and pulled him right under the car! He screamed and then it faded away.
We screamed and tried to open the doors but they were locked because it was a cop car. We gulped.
“Someone, climb to the front and open the doors,” Trey screamed.
Brian and I then nervously climbed over the seats to the front and were about to open the doors until a shadow then came off from the ground and started to pound on the windshield!
I screamed and hit the gas and ran into the person but he jumped on the windshield and started to bang on it. I kept driving and it wasn’t too hard because I was used to video game racing games.
“Get him off!” Brian screamed.
“Yeah!” Daniel screamed from the back.
I then hit the brakes and he flew off the front off the car and to the ground.
We all looked at him. “Is he down?” William asked nervously.
“I don’t know,” Brian answered in the front passenger seat.
He then got up and aimed a poisonous dart gun at us.
“Drive!” Trey screamed. I hit the gas again and drove towards the shadow guy. He shot darts towards the car!
“Get down!” Brian screamed. We all got down while the darts shot through the windshield over us. I then hit the guy and screamed and we all got up. He was gone!
“Where is he?” Daniel asked.
“I don’t know,” I gulped. I then nervously opened my door and climbed out looking around. Brian then climbed out too and let out Trey, Daniel, and William.
“That was so freaking scary and close,” Trey gulped.
All of the sudden, an arrow whizzed past us and hit the car. We gasped and looked at the arrow and saw a note on it.
William picked it up and read it. “The rules in this game are more challenging than the old one, go to where the last game was played,” he read.
“My house, it’s at my house,” Brian said.
“Okay, let’s go, we all have to stick together, all the time, none of us want to be taken forever,” William told.
“Okay, let’s go,” Daniel said.
We all picked up any kind of weapon, such as a rock or stick and headed to Brian’s house.
While walking we saw a car drive by and let out a sigh of relief and Trey ran over to the car.
We walked over and the driver rolled the window down. We couldn’t really see his face.
“Hey, mister, can you take us to the nearest-, but Trey couldn’t finish because he was then pulled into the car! We all screamed and stepped back in horror.
Then the guy’s face showed and it was the most scary face I’ve ever seen!
William and Daniel screamed. “RUN!!!!” they both screamed. “Did you two miss me?” the guy asked as we started to run into the woods.
We kept on running until we got to the backyard of Brian’s house. We climbed over the fence and saw everything wrecked! The tree house was burnt down and all of the basketballs and footballs were smashed by a baseball bat.
William, Daniel, Brian, and I stared in horror and sat down.
“Who was that guy?” Brian and I both asked William and Daniel.
“The guy who helped us play that whole clue note trick on you two a month ago, he’s the one who took Jason!” William told Brian and I nervously.
“Uh, well, let’s go inside,” Brian then said.
We then went through the back door and saw that notes were everywhere on the wall.
All of them saying, Check the Answering Machine! “Check the answering machine,” Daniel read.
All 4 of us looked at the answering machine and it had 1 message. We all looked at each other and William went over and clicked the answering button.
A low cold, awful voice then answered it. “Go to the attic, go, and then go to the person that I brainwashed,” it told.
“Brainwashed, what?” I asked.
“We got to move, and we got to go to a police station,” William said.
We then walked to the stairs and started to walk up it with baseball bats in are hands.
We got up and saw notes on the floors and arrows on the walls pointing to the attic.
“Okay, let’s go,” William nervously gulped dropping the ladder and going up first.
William was the bravest out of all of us and would always think of any way to get out of danger.
We followed and got in and it was so dusty. We coughed and then saw paintings of us being hurt and tortured. We gasped. There was a picture of me being hung, A picture of William falling off a cliff, A picture of Brian getting beaten, and a picture of Daniel getting spanked.
“What’s going on?” Daniel gasped.
All of the sudden, a long rope then was thrown in the attic and was wrapped around Daniel and he was pulled down out of the attic!
Brian, William, and I screamed. William ran over to crawl out to get his brother but the smoke alarm then went off and I smelled smoke.
“What’s going on down stairs?!” Brian screamed at William who was looking down.
“Fire!” he screamed turning around and running to us.
“We need to get out of here!” I screamed looking for ways out. We started to smell smoke and coughed.
I then saw an opening. I ran towards it and started to crawl out. I got out on the roof and saw the house burning down!
“Guys! Come on!” I screamed to Brian and William.
They climbed out onto the roof too and we stood on the roof while the house was burning.
“We have to jump!” William screamed.
“To where?” I asked looking down.
“To that tree,” William told pointing to a big tree that reached the roof but was about 13 feet away.
“Let’s do it,” Brian agreed.
The house then started to collapse and we jumped and a split second later, the whole house fell down. We landed in the tree safely but some fire caught onto the tree and the whole tree caught on fire!
It burned are hands and we screamed and fell to the ground while the tree collapsed. It fell towards us but we jumped out of the way before it collapsed to the ground.
We got up groaning.
Brian looked back at his burned down house and screamed in tears.
“My house!” he cried.
Fire trucks then came and we let out a sigh of relief and were about to run to the firemen for help until we heard a phone ring. The 3 of us turned around and saw a phone booth with the phone ringing.
We walked to it and all of us walked in it and I picked up the phone and saw a speaker button. I clicked it so all of us can hear.
“Hello?” I asked.
“Well hello, champions, I did a pretty good job with the house, didn’t I?” a laughter on the phone said.
“Screw you!!!!” Brian roared.
“Where is Trey, Lieutenant Carter, and Daniel?” William asked.
“Oh, Jason brought them to my basement and we have them tied up and we’re taunting them,” the voice told.
“Wait, Jason, what?” Brian asked.
“That’s right, when I captured Jason, I brainwashed him, he’s now bad, he’s on my side and he’s been helping me all night, I helped him escape the hospital by tying up his mom, and doctors, they’re in my basement too, that’s why I capture someone for a month, and then while they’re with me for a month, I brainwash them, so they can help me take someone forever, and if you guys don’t follow my lessons right now, I kill Trey and Daniel, go to Lake Mercer that’s in you woods, only the 3 of you, if you get someone, we know, and we kill Trey and Daniel, you 3 swim to the very end of the lake, walk into the woods, you’ll see a house, go in the house, and I’ll choose who to take forever, if you try to run away, I kill all of you, the best chance you have, is to go to the house and I’ll choose,” the voice told. It hung up.
We looked at each other nervously.
“So we have to go to this house and if we don’t, he kills all of us, if we do, he going to pick who he’s going to take forever,” Brian said.
“Let’s go then,” William then said.
I then pretended that my leg hurt and I fell to the ground fake whimpering and while I was faking I picked up a pocket knife I saw on the ground and put it in my pocket while pretending to be hurt.
“Ian, you okay?” William asked me.
“Yeah,” I replied standing up.
“Why was your leg hurting?” Brian asked.
“It hurt because I jumped off a freaking house, okay! End of story, let’s go,” I rushed starting to walk to the lake. William and Brian followed.
“So, anyone have a plan, anyone?” Brian asked.
“Uh, no,” I lied.
I lied because I was afraid that whoever was watching us wouldn’t hear.
We then saw the lake and could barely see the end of it, there was no way we could go around.
“Well, let’s go,” William said hopping into the lake and started to swim.
It then then became morning and the sun came out.
Brian and I then jumped in as well and we started to swim. We then heard a scream from a guy.
We turned around and saw a guy with a gun on land. We screamed.
“Get out of my lake!” he yelled pointing a gun at us. We gasped and went under water the second after he shot. He missed.
We came back up and took a breath and saw the guy release a pit bull dog and it jumped in the water and started to swim after us!
“Swim for your life!” William screamed. We started to swim as fast as we could.
We were all record breaker swimmers, so we stayed ahead of the dog.
The Pit bull then gave up and swam back to shore. We all let out a sigh of relief and started to swim slower.
“That was close,” I gulped.
“I’ll say,” Brian agreed.
We got closer to shore and soon enough, we got on and looked into the woods but couldn’t see anything.
“Okay, let’s go,” William commanded.
We started to walk but all of the sudden darts hit are necks and I groaned and everything seemed to fade away.

I felt like I was about to wake up from a horrible dream until I heard that awful voice I heard on the phone and it was yelling at me saying, “Wake up! Wake up!”
I then woke up and saw that I was in an old basement and tied to a chair. So was William, Brian, Daniel, Trey, Brian’s mom, and doctors. Skulls and bones were all over the floor.
Everyone else then woke up and looked around nervously. “What’s going on?!” Daniel cried.
We saw Lieutenant Carter and Jason with evil grins on their faces staring at us.
“Wait, Carter, what’re you doing?” William asked.
Lieutenant Carter then ripped off his hair, but the only thing was, was that it wasn’t hair, it was a wig! Carter was really bald, just like the guy who we saw in the car!
“Wait, Carter, you were the one from the beginning?” I asked nervously.
“That’s right, I was behind everything, from the beginning,” he told in that cold voice we heard on the phone.
“That’s right, it was so easy taking you guys tonight!” Jason laughed.
“Why did you do this, Jason!” Brian’s mom cried.
“He’s my boss!” Jason screamed at his own mom’s face.
“Too bad, Carter, you have to go!” I said reaching in my pocket for the pocket knife to cut myself loose, but it wasn’t there!
“Looking for this?” Carter asked taking the pocket knife out of his pocket. He dropped it to the ground and stepped on it with his shoe.
“Now, who might I take, and for the people that I do let go, I move from safe house to safe house, I have safe houses all around the county! So don’t think that you can catch me here with cops, I’m going to burn this safe house down once I’ve chosen,” Carter told us.
“Jason, snap out of it!” Trey screamed.
“Shut up!” Jason screamed at him cutting Trey’s hand with a knife leaving a big mark.
Trey screamed crying while gushing up blood.
“Jason, don’t you remember us, we’re your friends!” I screamed at him.
“Snap out of it!” Brian cried.
“Don’t any of you talk to, Jason! He works for me now!” Lieutenant Carter yelled at us.

From Jason’s Perspective

What?! Jason thought. What were they saying? I was never their stupid friend. Not Ian’s, not Brian’s, not William’s, not Daniel’s, not Trey’s, and I’m not this lady’s son! Carter kept telling me that my mom died long ago.
Wait a minute, a month ago, notes, something about notes, wait a minute…

From Original Perspective

“Let us go!” I screamed at Carter and Jason.
“Sure I’ll let all of you go, minus one,” Carter told laughing.
“Now, who am I going to pick, hmm,” Carter said thinking. He then pointed to me and smiled. My heart stopped.
“I’ll have you,” Carter laughed walking towards me.
All of the sudden, Jason stabbed Carter in the eye! We all gasped and Carter screamed in pain falling back.
“That’s for messing with my mind!” Jason yelled kicking injured Carter who was on the ground.
We all cheered. Jason then cut us loose and we all got up and hugged Jason.
“Way to go!” we all told Jason.
Cops then came and arrested Carter who was blind in one eye and all of us were released and everyone else who was captured from the past was released. Brian’s parents’ insurance took care of their house and belongings and I became better in Mario Kart Wii because I lived it.
A few days later, Brian, Jason, and I were on the swings talking.
“Gee, what a night that was,” I laughed.
“Yeah, when I was brainwashed, I had the hunger to kill anyone who Carter said I had to, it was weird,” Jason told.
All of the sudden, a note hit my head and I picked it up and started to read it.
“What does it say?” Brian asked.
“Bravo, bravo, you did a good job catching Carter, but he had friends you know, and we will not stop until you, Brian, Jason, William, Daniel, and Trey are caught,”

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