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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Friday, June 10, 2011

The 5th Kind

My name is Ian. I’m almost a 7th grader and I’m not your average kid, I’ve experienced terror beyond the mind. It all started one day when I was going to my 10 year old friend Zack’s house.

I was riding my bike to my best friend Zack’s house. He’s going into 5th grade this fall. It’s summer now.
We live on the country side and no one lives near me within 3 miles except for Zack, my friend Daniel, his bigger brother William, and a girl my age named Natalie.
I saw Zack and my two other friends, Daniel and Natalie on his driveway. Daniel was also 2 years younger than me but was still very cool.
Natalie is a tough athletic girl my age. She has blue eyes and is kind of cute.
“Hey Ian, what’s up?” Zack asked.
“Hey guys, what’re you doing?” I asked getting off my bike and walking towards them.
“We’re planning to have an airsoft war tonight, teams are you and me against Daniel and Zack,” Natalie answered.
“Cool,” I responded.
We then played basketball and passed the football around until then.
Later at 8:00, we met at Natalie’s driveway. I had a 500 FPS airsoft gun that can make someone bleed.
“Okay, so we’re going into the woods and we get to make bases and one person has to take over that base,” Daniel told.
“Okay, Daniel and I are defending first,” Zack called.
“Okay, go into the woods and we’ll give you 5 minutes,” I said setting a timer on my watch.
They ran off into the woods while Natalie and I waited on the driveway.
“So how much FPS is your airsoft gun?” Natalie asked.
“500! How about yours?” I asked.
“450, we’re going to kill them!” Natalie laughed.
“Yeah, I know, Daniel brought a 100 FPS gun! So we’re going to smoke them,” I laughed.
We looked up at the stars and saw a bunch of these circled things in the sky flying around!
“Whoa, what is that?” Natalie asked looking at it.
“It has to be a plane,” I said.
“There’s no such thing as circled planes, that’s something else,” Natalie replied.
“Maybe they’re shooting stars,” I suggested.
“Ian, shut up, that’s not shooting stars,” Natalie said.
That blinking circled thing then landed in the woods. “Come on, let’s see what it is,” I said running to the woods as Natalie followed We went into the dark woods and saw a light in the distance. We followed it until we then found a parked UFO!
Natalie and I gasped and hid behind a bush.
“T-that was UFO! A-aliens,” I stuttered.
“Who knows what it is, maybe it’s just people,” Natalie gulped observing it.
The door to the UFO opened and these big 7 foot creatures walked out!
They has slimy green scales. A scaly slimy scary face. And they were walking on four legs like a dog.
Natalie and I stared in horror.
The creatures then looked at the sky and howled like a wolf and a bunch of flashing circled figures then started to land in the woods everywhere.
Natalie and I gulped.
The 2 aliens then started to speak this very scary language to each other while Natalie and I watched in horror.
They then started to sniff something and started to look around. Natalie and I gulped.
“They smell us, very quietly, crawl away,” I whispered to Natalie. But right after I said that, the aliens roared and we looked back and they were running at us!
We screamed and got up and shot are airsoft guns at them. Their skin wasn’t really strong, so the pellets went right through them! Natalie and I gasped.
They started to bleed blue blood but were still standing and they ran towards us but we both shot them in the heads. They fell dead.
“Wait, their skin is weak enough for a pellet to go through them!” I pointed out.
“Yeah, but dozens of them landed all over the woods!” Natalie screamed.
We then heard Zack and Daniel scream in the distance! We gasped.
“Daniel, Zack!” we screamed.
“Come on,” Natalie said running to where the screams were coming from.
“Man, we’re on the country side, so no help down here,” I gulped while running.
“Yeah, I know,” Natalie replied while running.
We then saw the aliens trying to drag Daniel and Zack off into the spaceship!
“Eat pellets, you freaks!” I screamed at them shooting them with Natalie.
They fell dead. Zack and Daniel got up shaking in fear. “W-what’s going on?” Daniel stuttered.
“These creatures landed all over the woods, and they’re trying to kill us!” Natalie told.
“Well, do airsoft guns kill them?” Zack asked getting up.
“Yeah, apparently their skin is weak enough that the pellet can kill them,” I answered.
“Okay, let’s get back to your house Natalie, and shoot off any of these aliens that come near us,” Daniel suggested.
“Okay,” Zack, Natalie, and I agreed getting our airsoft guns ready. We started to hear a bunch of roaring throughout the woods.
We then started to run as fast as we could. We saw more UFO’s landing.
Aliens then started to chase us. Dozens of them! We started to shoot at them while running.
We then got to a fifty foot cliff and on the top of it was the field that led to our houses.
“Climb!” Zack screamed.
We started to climb while the aliens started to climb as well. We were about 20 feet up when the aliens were only 5 feet away from us!
“Keep going!” Natalie screamed.
All of the sudden an alien grabbed onto my leg and pulled me down with him and we started to fall!
I screamed as loud as I could while the alien was on my back. When we landed, the alien who was on my back landed first, which broke my fall.
The alien died.
I got up groaning. I then saw a bunch of aliens running towards me!
I then unleashed hell with my airsoft gun at them and they kept on falling dead until I ran out of ammo!
I screamed and started to reload but it was too late and they were about to grab onto me until they were all shot by someone.
I looked up and saw Natalie, Daniel, and Zack shooting. I smiled at them.
“Come on, let’s get the freak out of here!” Natalie screamed.
I then climbed the cliff and got to the top and the 4 of us started to run to Natalie’s house.
We then got to her porch. She lifted the front door mat and got out a key.
“Is your mom home?” I asked nervously.
“No, she had to go out of town for some new job,” Natalie answered putting the key in the lock.
All of the sudden, an alien jumped out of the bushes and tackled Natalie and bit her on the arm! Natalie screamed in tears.
“Natalie!” Daniel screamed starting to shoot the alien. But the alien ducked and ran off.
We then looked down at Natalie.
“You okay?” Zack asked looking at her wound. It was bleeding. “Yeah, I’m good,” she answered getting up and opening the door.
We then ran in and closed and locked the door. We then started to shake and pant.
“We got to board up the house,” I then suggested.
“Okay, get wood from the garage,” Natalie responded.
Zack and I ran to the garage and got a lot of wood and got hammers.
We ran to all of the windows and boarded them up. We then met with Daniel and Natalie who were sitting on the couch.
“Okay, all of the windows are boarded up,” I told.
“Great,” Natalie replied.
We then heard a bunch of howling right in Natalie’s backyard. We gulped.
All of the sudden, Alien hand broke through a boarded up window and grabbed Zack and I!
We screamed as their slimy hands touched us. Natalie and Daniel then got up and shot them through the window.
“Get more wood!” I screamed while fighting off the hand.
Zack and Daniel then ran and got wood and a poison dart gun. They then shot the aliens dead and boarded up the window.
We then sat down on the couch panting.
“Oh my god, what are these things, and why do they want to kill us?” Daniel gulped.
Natalie then got the computer and went on Google and typed in alien encounters.
It came up. Natalie started to read.
“UFO’s have been seen around the world since the 1930’s. There’s types of ways you can come in contact with an alien. The first kind, when you see their ship in the air. The second kind, when they contact you by signs. The third kind, when you come in contact with them. The fourth kind, when they abduct you. And the fifth kind, probably the worst, when they attack your world.
The reason why they attack your world is because they want every planet in the universe to be theirs. They come from the galaxy Derginimon. They’ve taken over every northern galaxy, and it’s possible that they can take over our galaxy anytime.
When the aliens bite you, they can get your blood and they can disguise themselves as you,” Natalie read.
“Wait Natalie, you were bitten! The aliens can disguise themselves as you!” Zack screamed.
“Well, I won’t let myself out of your sight,” Natalie told nervously looking at bitten arm.
“Well, keep reading!” Daniel said.
“A way to kill the aliens, is any gun that is at least 400 FPS or higher because their skin is so weak, so believe what you want, but just remember, always watch out for aliens UFO’s in the sky, only the first kind and Second kind has happened in the world, just hope that the fourth or fifth kind will never happen, who knows, maybe the fourth kind has happened before, just hope it doesn’t happen to you,” Natalie read.
We then looked at each other nervously. “Okay, well we still have our airsoft guns and a poison dart gun, so let’s take turns sleeping tonight, 2 people stay up and be guards, while two people sleep, we’ll swap every two hours,” Zack suggested.
“Right,” Daniel agreed.
“Okay, Natalie and I will watch first,” I said.
“Okay,” Zack agreed putting his airsoft gun down and lying down on the couch closing his eyes. Daniel did the same.
After 30 minutes, Daniel and Zack went to sleep and Natalie and I were still up watching with our airsoft guns.
“Wow, all the aliens must just be outside right in my backyard, waiting for us to come out,” Natalie gulped.
“Well, we’re safe for tonight, but what about your phone, can’t we call the police?” I asked.
“Are you crazy, the cops will think we’re crazy!” Natalie said.
“Well, thanks for saving my life back there on the cliff, and you’ve always been a good friend, you’re a tough athletic girl,” I thanked smiling.
“Hey, you’ve always been a good friend, I just returned the favor,” Natalie said smiling coming closer to my face.
We then kissed. It was of the best seconds of my life. We then pulled away smiling but all of the sudden we heard banging on the door and it seemed like a million people were banging on the door.
Natalie and I then grabbed our airsoft guns and looked at the door.
Daniel and Zack then woke up gasping.
“What was that?” Daniel gulped nervously.
“The aliens!” I screamed.
Zack and Daniel grabbed their airsoft guns pointing it at the door sweating.
“Okay, I’m going to check the window, see what’s going on,” Natalie said walking near the window.
“Be careful,” Zack called.
Natalie then moved all the wood on the window and looked out the window.
All of the sudden, an alien pulled her right out the window! Zack, Daniel, and I screamed.
I grabbed the poison dart gun and opened the door and an alien ran in towards me but I shot him and killed him.
I then looked out for Natalie and saw two of them lying on the ground groaning!
“Wait, the alien that bit her has disguised as her! Which one is her?!” Daniel screamed.
I pointed the gun at both of them. They both got up and put their hands up.
“Ian, it’s me, Natalie!” the right one called.
I pointed the gun at the left one. “Ian, we’ve known each other since we were one!”
They both started to walk towards me nervously. Zack, Daniel, and I stepped back in horror.
“Ian, remember our kiss? Wasn’t it wonderful,” the right one said.
I started to sweat nervously. “Ian, what about when I saved your life?” the left one cried.
“What about when I was bitten by that alien freak?” the right one yelled.
“Hold it! I’m going to give you two a little quiz! When we were hiding in this house, I thanked Natalie for something, what was it?” I asked.
They both looked at me nervously and then the right one spoke up.
“When I saved your life!” the right one called.
“How I’ve always been a good friend, I’m an athletic girl, and that I saved your life!” the left one called.
“Right,” I said shooting the right one in the head. It started to roar and then all of it’s skin fell off and the alien fell dead.
The REAL Natalie then smiled and ran over and hugged us. “Oh thanks you guys,” she thanked.
“No problem,” Daniel responded.
“Haha, you guys kissed!” Zack laughed.
All of the sudden, an alien ship then came above us and a bunch of blue light came down towards us and started to pull us up into the ship!
We screamed and once we got in the ship, I fainted.
I was dreaming about me flying through space from the aliens. All of the sudden I woke up on the spaceship tied to a bed.
I looked around groaning and saw the aliens walking around looking at separate beds.
I saw Zack, Daniel, and Natalie tied to beds too! I tried to wiggle out but it was metal that was wrapped around me.
The aliens walked up to me. I screamed at their hideous faces. They started to speak a weird language to each other. I watched in horror.
“W-why’re you doing this?” I stuttered.
They then both looked at me and started to speak English in a low voice.
“You’ve seen us, we can’t let word get out about this when we plan to attack your world,” one alien told.
“You’re all sick!” I growled.
They pointed a blaster at me. “Don’t try to be a hero, kid! You’re lucky we’re letting you live, but only because you can actually stand up to us,” the alien growled.
“We’re going to call all aliens around the universe to come and destroy the world,” one said going to a transmitter.
I saw our airsoft guns lying against the wall. If I could only get out of these bars, I could get it.
It was a big ship, so it would be hard to get out. The alien standing above me had a key in his hand.
I then nervously looked around and then quickly got the key with my teeth and untied myself!
An alarm then went off and the two aliens then got out blasters and started to shoot at me.
I then dove for cover behind a table and grabbed the airsoft guns and shot the two aliens dead.
“Yes!” I cheered.
I then untied Zack, Daniel, and Natalie and gave them their airsoft guns.
“Thank you so much Ian!” Daniel thanked.
“No problem, let’s get out of here,” I then said opening the door.
A speaker then came on. “All Derginimons, humans have escaped and are killing everyone, get your blasters ready,”
“Okay, let’s be careful,” Zack suggested.
All of the sudden a bunch of aliens came and pointed their blasters at us but we dove behind cover and shot them all.
“Let’s keep going until we get to the landing station, we’ll grab a ship and fly back home,” I told.
“Yeah, but you don’t know how to drive,” Natalie pointed out.
“I’ve seen their ships, it’s as easy as riding a bike,” Daniel said.
The speaker then came on. “We’re going to have to self destruct, Derginimons, if you’re in there, your service will be honored,”
“We got to get to a ship fast!” Zack screamed.
We then made it to the hangar and saw a bunch of aliens firing at us.
We then ducked and shot at them and killed a lot of them. Most of them were escaping in ships.
The last ship was leaving. “Come on! Jump!” Zack screamed.
We then jumped right onto the top of the ship and got in it and pushed the driver out.
“Let’s go!” Daniel screamed.
I saw the controls and it was really easy to control. I saw auto pilot and pressed it and we took off and right after we flew out of the ship, it blew up.
“Wow, that was a close one!” Natalie gulped.
All of the sudden, all of the alien ships that were flying away, got caught in the blast including our ship!
The auto pilot was then shut down and I quickly grabbed onto the controls and started to fly myself while a beeping sound was going on.
All of the other ships crashed except for ours and I started to fly the ship back home.
“Yahoo!” Zack cheered.
Auto pilot was then turned on again. I turned it on and told it where to go through voice activation.
I then flew us back home and when we made it into the woods, we crashed into a deep lake.
The ship started to sink. “Let’s get out of here!” Daniel screamed as water started to rise in the cockpit.
We then opened the doors and swam to the surface. We then got out gasping.
We then saw the alien bodies that we killed and they all evaporated!
“No, all the proof to our adventure is gone!” Zack screamed.
“It’s okay man, it was fun while it lasted,” I then said to him.
“Yeah,” Natalie and Daniel agreed.
Zack then turned around smiling and laughed.
“Ha, what a night!”

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