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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Abduction

My name is Ian. I’m a seventh grader and it is winter break and snow is everywhere. It’s 3 days from Christmas and I took my sled over to my friend, William’s house. He’s my age and is very athletic. I saw him and his little brother, Daniel, making a snowman. Daniel is 2 years younger than us and is kind of a wuss.
William and Daniel’s dad was in the military and was kicked out for accidently shooting one of his own men.
“Hey guys, what’s up,” I then called to him walking over to them.
“Hey Ian, we’re making a snowman,” Daniel replied.
“Want to hit some slopes?” I asked showing them my sled.
“Yeah, we’ll get our sleds,” William then responded running to the garage with Daniel.
They then got their sleds and we ran off to this 200 foot slope in our woods!
I saw this red pickup truck with a bunch of scratches on the trunk of it. It had a window with a big crack in it. I figured it was some hiker’s car
Daniel looked down the slope. “I don’t know you guys, this looks kind of unsafe, there’s a bunch of trees and rocks at the end,” Daniel gulped looking down.
“Oh go down you sissy,” William yelled pushing him down on his sled.
He went down so dang fast screaming! William then layed his sled down.
“Let’s go together at the same time,” William said as I layed my sled down.
I got on it kind of nervous. “Off we go!” I screamed starting to go down the slope with William.
We went down so dang fast! William was cheering but I was screaming holding onto my sled nervously.
We then got to the end of the sloped which were woods. A tree was in my path! I screamed.
“Evacuate!” I screamed jumping off while my sled crashed into the tree. It then broke.
I went flying through the air screaming. I then crashed into a big tree and fell on the ground rolling down a hill groaning. I then stopped rolling after 2 minutes.
I groaned on the ground with bruises and cuts. William then stopped rolling on his sled unharmed to me.
“Fun, huh?” William laughed.
I groaned bleeding.
William then looked around oddly. “Hey have you seen Daniel?” William asked.
“Have you seen my sled?” I groaned still on the ground.
“No seriously, get your lazy butt up, let’s go look for him,” he responded kicking me.
I then got up groaning. I looked around and didn’t see him in sight.
I saw that the red pickup truck that I saw was gone. In the distance we heard Daniel scream.
We gasped and ran to where it was coming from. We saw Daniel’s shoes all beaten up and his sled, ripped apart!
William and I screamed.
“What happened?” I screamed looking around.
“I don’t know,” William gulped.
I then saw a blood drop on one of the shoes he was wearing! I screamed.

We then ran home and told William’s mom what happened. The cops then arrived at the crime scene.
They looked at the boot and took the little speck of blood from it and put it in a bag.
William, William’s mom, my mom, my dad, and I were watching in horror.
A detective then came over to us.
“Hi, I’m Detective Rick Johnson, I would like to see William and Ian at one of their houses,” he said to my parents.
We then went to William’s house. We took two chairs in the living room. I was horrified of what happened that I almost slipped out of my chair.
“Now, if you nice people can leave for a few minutes, I’d like to talk to these two alone,” Detective Johnson told them.
“Sure,” my dad responded walking out of the room with my mom and William’s parents.
“Now, tell me everything that happened,” Detective Johnson commanded taking out a notebook and a pen.
I started to talk. “Well, it was snowing out, and I saw William and Daniel playing outside, so I thought we should go sledding,”
“You guys good friends?” Detective Johnson asked.
“Yes, Ian and I met when we were two, while my mom was pregnant with Daniel,” William answered.
“Right, well, keep going,” Detective Johnson said.
I kept talking. “Daniel and William then went to get their sleds and we went to a 200 foot slope in the woods,”
“Does everyone in the neighborhood go on this slope?”
“Only brave people do,” William answered.
William started talking. “Daniel was looking down the slope and was afraid to go down it so I pushed him down and he went down and we turned our heads and that was the last time we saw him, because we then went down the slope and Daniel wasn’t at the bottom,”
I then thought of the red truck in horror.
“See anything unusual?”
“YES!” I then blurted out.
“What?” Johnson asked.
“Before I went down the hill, I saw a red truck in the distance, after I went down the hill, it was gone!” I told.
Detective Johnson started to write things down. “Any details about the truck?”
“Yeah, it had a crack on the right window, and three scratches on the trunk,”
Detective Johnson was writing fasted I ever seen anyone write! He looked up.
“Did you notice this truck?” he asked William.
“No, sir, but we did hear Daniel scream in the distance after we noticed he was gone,” William answered.
“Interesting,” Detective Johnson responded.

William and I were then done being interviewed and it was time to go to bed.
I went back to my house, not being able to go to bed, I was just staring at the wall thinking.
Who would want to take Daniel? He didn’t do anything! Was the driver of that red truck hired by someone to take Daniel?
So many questions ran through my head and a few minutes later I fell asleep.

I woke up and it was the last day of school before winter break. It was 6:30 and my mom came up with a phone.
“Uncle Mark is on the phone, he would like to talk to you,” my mom told.
I smiled. Uncle Mark was my dad’s older brother and was my godfather. He was so cool, and was my favorite Uncle.
His wife was my godmother, Aunt Allison and they had a 1 year old baby named Katherine but everyone calls her Kat. She’s so cute!
I took the phone. “Hey, G,” he greeted. He called me G because I was his Godson.
“Hey Uncle Mark,”
“Listen Ian, I heard your friend was abducted, do you know who would want to do it?”
“I don’t know! That’s the question, I just hope he’s not harmed,” I gulped.
“Doesn’t he have a bigger brother?”
“Yeah, William, he was with me when Daniel was kidnapped,” I told.
“I’m sorry this has happened G, I hope the cops find him,”
“I do too,”
“Well, you got to get ready for school, sorry if I woke you with this call,”
“It’s cool, I was already awake,”
He then hung up and I got ready for school. I got on the bus and sat next to my friend Eric. He was good friends with me and William and his little brother Zack was best friends with Daniel.
“Wow, I heard Daniel was kidnapped yesterday while you guys were sledding, creepy,” Eric gulped.
“Yeah, I know, I hope he’s not harmed, or killed,” I shivered thinking about it.
“Well, let’s go to the crime scene after school with William and Zack and see if we could actually solve this,” Eric said.
The bus then got to school and I walked in with my friend Zack. Zack was 2 years younger than me and was really cool.
“Who would want to take Daniel?” Zack asked me as we were putting stuff into our lockers.
“Who knows man,” I answered.
Two kids named Dorsey and Andrei then came over. They were the biggest jerks in school.
Dorsey once knocked me out with a hammer because I touched his “Special” soccer ball.
“Hey guys, we’re sorry about Daniel,” Dorsey and Andrei said looking sad.
“Go away you two!” Zack growled.
“Hey, you’re lucky we’re apologizing! Daniel once slapped me after I gave him an arm Bar!” Andrei growled.
“You started it!” I then yelled.
“Hey man, he stole a buck from me before!” Andrei growled pointing to us.
“Yeah, and you knocked him out to get it back! You probably spent it on candy or crap anyways!” Zack yelled waving a fist.
“For your information, I gave it to my Uncle!” Andrei growled in rage.
“Yeah, stop yelling at him!” Dorsey screamed at our faces.
“What did you give it to your Uncle for?! So he can give you a kiss and you would feel loved for once?” I laughed. Zack laughed too.
“That’s none of your business!” Dorsey then yelled at both of us and they crashed into us and started to fight us.
Everyone crowded around. While me and Dorsey were fighting, he said that he hopes Daniel will never be found!
I then got sad. “Hey, Hey! Break it up!” yelled my teacher Mr. Tagert yelled pulling us apart.
I then ran into the bathroom and started to cry over the sink thinking Daniel was never going to be found.
I then went to class and sat next to Eric and William. The class was silent and worried about Daniel.
No one payed attention all day in school. Before I knew it, it was Dismissal.
Eric, William, and I didn’t take the bus and walked home. “You guys okay?” Eric asked William and I.
William didn’t speak a word all day till now. “Yeah, I just hope that Daniel is found,”
“Let’s go to the crime scene and see what’s up,” Eric then suggested.
We ran off to the crime scene and saw police there. Detective Johnson was there.
“What’s going on?” William asked walking up with us.
“We’ve found what blood it is on the boot,” Detective Johnson then said.
“Oh great, who is it?” I then asked eager to find out.
“It’s not Daniel’s, it’s not even human blood,” Johnson answered.
“What?!” Eric, William, and I asked.
“Yeah, it was a rat’s blood,”
The 3 of us then let out a sigh of relief. We were relieved that Daniel wasn’t harmed. At least then…

We then all walked to our houses and I got into mine and went on Facebook.
My mom nor dad weren’t there because they were both on business trips.
I went on Dorsey’s wall and wrote, You’re a Jerk!!! I’m not friends with him.
I then went on Andrei’s and wrote the same thing but I then saw an image he was tagged in.
I clicked on it and saw him and his uncle in front of his Uncle’s house.
There was his Uncle’s car in the background. But it wasn’t a car. It was a truck and it was red. Something about it looked familiar. Too familiar.
I then printed the picture and looked at it carefully. I got a glass cup and put it on where the truck was. I looked at it carefully. I thought it might be the truck that took Daniel.
I then brought William and Eric over to help me look at it.
“Hmm, what details did you say about the truck?” William asked carefully looking at it.
“It had 3 scratches on the trunk and had a crack on the right window,” I answered.
“Zoom in on the photo on the computer,” Eric suggested.
I then got on the computer and zoomed in on the computer. I moved it over to where the truck was and zoomed in one more. We still couldn’t see it that well. I then got the glass cup and put it on the computer and the 3 of us looked carefully and gasped.
It had 3 scratches on the trunk and a crack on the right window! We gasped.

“It was Andrei’s uncle!” Eric gasped.
“Yeah, it would make since! Because he always hated Daniel and he said that he gave his uncle money and he didn’t tell me why, he must of payed his Uncle to take Daniel,” I gasped.
“But what would he do to Daniel while he has him,” William asked.
“Just keep him away from Virginia,” I replied.
“Look him up on Facebook,” Eric suggested.
I then clicked on his name and he came up. He was freaky looking. He has greenish brownish eyes and was bald and fat.
“It says he lives in Fairbanks, Alaska,” William pointed out. We lived in Virginia.
“We’re going to have to get him,” I said.
“Let’s just get the police,” Eric suggested.
“But what if we’re wrong, we’ll look like idiots,” William told.
“You’re right, but what if we’re right? We’re going to Alaska!” I told.
“But how are we going to get there, are parents aren’t going to take us!” Eric reminded.
“Yes, but I know someone that would take us!” I said.
“Who?” Eric and William both asked.

We rode our bikes to Uncle Mark’s house. We knocked on the door.
“Let’s hope he takes us,” Eric gulped with his fingers crossed.
Uncle Mark then opened the door. He smiled. “What’s up G?” he asked.
We then pulled him out of the house. We explained to him what was going on and how we thought Andrei’s uncle took Daniel and we showed him the photo.
He stared in horror thinking.
“So, will you drive us to Fairbanks?” William asked.
“Drive you? Are you 3 insane, we’re going to at least take a plane,” Uncle Mark said.
“Wait, so you will go?” I asked smiling.
“Anything for you G, but when we get there, how will we find this Uncle?” Uncle Mark asked.
“We can get a directory,” I answered.
“Okay, I’ll tell your Aunt what’s going on, she’ll understand, get ready you guys,” Uncle Mark said walking into his house.
“Ok, let’s get ready to go,” Eric then said.
“Wait, Eric, we’re going to need someone here to research this guy, can you stay here and keep us posted?” I asked him.
“Yeah Eric, we’re going to need you,” William added.
Eric looked kind of disappointed but then said, “Sure, I’ll call you when I’ve got good information,”
William and I then went to our houses and got ready for this adventure.
I got a pocket knife and some extra clothes. My doorbell then rang. I went to the door and Uncle Mark was there.
“Okay G, let’s go,” he said.
I got in the front seat and we picked up William and we were off to the airport.
“Okay guys, what did you tell your parents?” Uncle Mark asked.
“My parents aren’t home,” I answered.
“Where are they?” Uncle Mark asked.
“On a business trip,”
“Wait, so your parents don’t know that you’re coming?” Uncle Mark gasped.
“Yeah, but if we find Daniel, they’ll be too happy to be mad,” I told.
“Yeah, I told my mom that I’m going to Eric’s,” William agreed.
“Okay, if you say so,” Uncle Mark replied.
My phone then rang and I saw that Eric was calling. I answered the phone.
“Hey Eric, got news about this guy?” I asked.
“You wouldn’t believe this, this guy, Gerald Pouznav, he was first in the army but went home injured because he lost his ear by friendly fire. He was mad about losing his ear that he lost it and turned into a murderer back in the 90’s, he lived in Oregon and killed a lot of people in his village, Derfald. He then escaped to Alaska and no one has heard anything of him again. Sadly his name is so common that no one knows which one he is. This guy is extremely creepy, be careful,” Eric told.
I hung up gulping. “What did he say?” William asked from the back seat.
“Um, this guy who we think took Daniel, is a murderer, he said we sh-should be c-careful,” I stuttered.
“Okay, guys, we’ll get the police when we find his house in Alaska,” Uncle Mark gulped.
We then got to the airport. We went into the terminal and boarded the plane that was going to Fairbanks.
William and I sat next to each other while Uncle Mark sat behind us.
“Man, I hope Daniel is okay,” I gulped.
“Yeah, one thing I didn’t understand was why a rat’s blood was on Daniel’s boot and not a human’s,” William replied.
“Yeah, that’s weird,”
“By the way, why was your dad kicked out of the military again?” I asked William.
“He accidently shot one person from his own squad because he was drunk, my dad is now seriously worried and scared about Daniel,” William told.
We then took off and off to Alaska we were!

I slept after the first 3 hours and had a nightmare that we found Daniel, but only his dead body!
I woke up gasping. William looked at me. “You okay?” William asked.
“Yeah,” I then said. “What time is it?”
William looked at his watch. “It’s 1:00 AM,”
“When will we get there?”
“Around 5:00,”
I then sighed and fell back to sleep. I had no dreams, It was a quick sleep to because before I knew it, I was woken up by Uncle Mark.
William and I got up groaning. “We’re here” Uncle Mark told.
We got out of the plane and saw Fairbanks. It was a chilly interesting place.
“What’re we going to drive?” William asked as we walked out of the airport.
“We’re going to rent a car,” Uncle Mark answered.
We then rented a car and we got something to eat. While we were eating in the car, William said, “Now, where to get a directory?”
“Check in the car, they usually have one,” Uncle Mark answered.
We looked in the car and I found one under the seat. “Here’s one,” I said looking through it.
“Look in the P’s for Pouznav,” William said.
I looked in the P’s and saw Gerald Pouznav. “Here he is! It says he lives on 2134 cliff side road,”
“Okay, good thing this car has a GPS,” Uncle Mark said typing in the address.
It showed where the house was located. “Great, let’s go!” William cheered.
We then drove to where this house was located and we saw that it was on a small Cliffside and huge waves were coming to the top of the cliff because a storm was coming.
“Well, here it is, what’s the plan?” I asked.
“Okay, I’m going to call the police now,” Uncle Mark said picking his cell phone and calling the police. He put it on speaker.
“Hi, you’ve reached Chief Pouznav,” the cop then greeted.
We then gasped in horror. Andrei’s Uncle was the chief of Fairbanks!
Uncle Mark then hung up and looked at the house.
“If he’s the chief and he answered our call, he must not be home, we can probably sneak in and find Daniel,” Uncle Mark suggested.
“Yeah, but how’re we going to get in?” William asked.
“Let’s go to the front porch and look for some key to the front door,” I answered.
“Good idea, G,” Uncle Mark commented.
We then went to the front porch and looked under the front rug and around there.
The waves from the ocean were getting bigger and almost to the house.
William then checked under the front hose and pulled out a key! “Bingo!” he cheered.
“You find it?” I asked smiling.
“You bet!”
William then put it in the lock and opened the door. It was actually a nice house with lot’s of paintings on the walls.
Uncle Mark then closed the door. “Okay, let’s quickly look upstairs first,”
“Okay,” William and I agreed.
We then ran upstairs and to the guy’s room. It was full of weird antiques and such.
We searched through his belongings and found no clues.
“Okay, let’s go downstairs in the basement and see if we can find anything,” William suggested.
“Okay, let’s hope we can find him quickly though, Gerald can be back any moment,” Uncle Mark warned.
“Okay, let’s hurry,” I said.
We ran downstairs and opened the basement door. It smelled awful! Like a d-dead body!
“Uh-uh, let’s go and see if Daniel is down here,” William gulped. Starting to walk down.
Uncle Mark and I followed. We went downstairs and saw chairs with rotted tied up bodies everywhere!
We all screamed. We then heard screaming. We looked over and saw Daniel tied up with a rat stuffed in his mouth so he couldn’t scream!
We screamed. We ran over to Daniel and was about to untie him until we heard the door upstairs open and shut.
William and I looked up in horror. We heard footsteps walking near the basement door and we heard the basement door open and footsteps coming down.
We gasped and hid behind a bookcase and watched Gerald Pouznav walk down and towards Daniel. We gulped silently.
“Well hello Daniel, it was sure a hard day at work,” he laughed spitting on him.
He screamed and blood fell from the dead rat stuffed in Daniel’s mouth.
Which means the blood from Daniel’s boot was the blood from the rat stuffed in his mouth!
We then heard waves crashing against the house. Gerald looked over.
“Man, the waves are rising, aren’t they Daniel?” he laughed.
He then walked upstairs and closed the basement door. Uncle Mark, William, and I walked from behind the bookcase and walked over to tied up Daniel.
William then took the dead rat out of Daniel’s mouth and Daniel gasped and barfed all over his shirt.
“Daniel, you okay?” William asked his little brother nervously.
Daniel then started to cry and said “No,”
“We got to get you out of here,” Uncle Mark said starting to untie Daniel with William and I.
“He was going to kill me today,” Daniel cried.
“I can’t believe Andrei would tell his Uncle to kill you,” William cried.
“He’s a sick troubled kid,” I then said.
Daniel then got out of the chair and started to stretch groaning. He then stopped.
“Okay, let’s go,” Uncle Mark said turning around with us. A gun was then pointed at us.
“What the hell are you doing here?” he growled cocking the gun.
“We figured out what happened Gerald! Andrei payed you to take Daniel and kill him!” I yelled at him!
“What’re you talking about? Andrei never payed me to take Daniel! He payed me for my birthday, nice kid, goes to your school I bet. Well I took Daniel and was going to kill him because Daniel’s dad, my Sergeant in the army, was drunk and shot my ear off! I was so mad I just wanted to kill him so bad! But then I thought, to make it worse, I’d kidnap and kill one of his kids. So I traveled to Virginia and to your neighborhood. I saw my chance when I saw you guys sledding. I parked my truck in the woods at the bottom of the hill.
Once I saw Daniel come down, I got out of my car and got ready. He flipped over onto the ground and I quickly got him and he screamed so I shoved the rat into his mouth and blood fell from the rat onto his boot. I quickly threw him into my truck and drove 13 hours back to Fairbanks with him in my trunk the whole time,” Gerald told.
“You’re a sick person,” Uncle Mark growled.
“Not smart,” Gerald growled about to shoot.
All of the sudden, a huge storm started outside and a huge wave came to the top of the cliff and pulled the house and some of the cliff to the bottom.
The house crashed and we all fell down groaning. Water then crashed through the windows and before I knew it. The basement was filled with water and we had to hold our breaths.
William and Daniel started to swim to the top of the basement stairs until they got air.
Uncle Mark and I started to follow until Gerald swam over to us and grabbed us! I screamed underwater and kicked Gerald in the face and he let go and I started to swim up the basement stairs too.
Upstairs was underwater too. I saw the TV floating, and all sorts of stuff like that. I then saw the 3rd floor and saw it water free.
I swam up the stairs and got out of the water gasping. William and Daniel were there.
“Great, let’s get out of here!” Daniel screamed running to the window.
“Wait, my Uncle Mark is still down there!” I scream at them.
“He’s probably dead with Gerald! Now come on, let’s go!” William called to me.
“You can go, but I’m staying here and getting Uncle Mark!” I screamed at them.
William then walked over to me and looked at the water. He then looked at me.
“You go look for him, Daniel and I will get the police and come back for you,” William told.
“Okay, see you later, I hope,” I said nervously swimming under.
I held my breath and swam down to the basement. I opened the basement door and swam down.
I saw Uncle Mark with his eyes closed. I swam towards him and grabbed him until Gerald then grabbed onto me and pulled me to him and he started to try and punch me. I then got angry and kicked him in the groin.
He then screamed underwater and then he breathed in water by accident and started to choke and then died.
I then grabbed Uncle Mark and started to swim to the 3rd floor but I had to take a breath so bad that I started to just fade away. I got to the steps that led to the 3rd floor and pushed Uncle Mark up and he floated up and I was too blurry to swim anymore and I took a breath underwater and just faded away.

It felt like I was dead. I was dreaming that I was a fish, swimming through Gerald’s house, able to breath.
I then woke up gasping in a hospital.
My mom, my dad, William, Daniel, William’s mom, William’s dad, Eric, Zack, Andrei, Aunt Allison who was carrying baby Kat, and Uncle Mark then got up and looked at me.
I looked around confused. My mom and dad then hugged and kissed me.
“Oh thank god you’re okay!” My mom cheered kissing me.
“Where am I?” I asked thinking that I was still in Fairbanks.
“You’re in Virginia honey!” my mom said.
“G, you saved my life! You truly are a super G!” Uncle Mark commented. I smiled at him
“Hey man, I’m so sorry about my uncle, I never thought he would do such a thing, I swear I wasn’t envolved!” Andrei told me.
“Hey man! It’s okay, I know!” I told him.
“And I’m sorry too, this wouldn’t of happened if I didn’t shoot the guy in the ear,” William’s dad apologized.
It happened to be January when I woke up because I was in a coma.
The next day of school, William, Daniel, Eric, and I told all about how we found and rescued Daniel and we told how we swam through the house and how Andrei’s uncle died.
It was like we were celebrities or something. But my most favorite thing of all was that Daniel was home, nice and safe.

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