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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

It's Christmas Eve and it's beginning to look alot like Christmas! Santa is on the way and stokings are going on top of fire places. I always take forever to go to sleep tonight and I'm hoping to take some of that medicine that you take before surgery! I'm allowed to always open one Christmas present on Christmas Eve and today I got a lego, which I love legos by the way. Well I already know what two presents of mine are going to be because my friend Zack and I were playing Rock Band and Zack was going to play the drums and he didn't have any drum sticks, so I knew that my dad has a drumset in the storage room so I went there and happened to see the Christmas Presents but fortunatly all of them were wrapped except for two of my presents. Well Merry Christmas everyone, hope you have a good time tommorow morning when opening your presents, I know I will! So Merry Christmas to all, and all a good night!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Star Wars 7: The Soro Campaint

Chapter 1

Darth Sackin

Colonel Carson looked out the window into space to see the ship that was carrying the emperor’s long lost son, Lilton Sackin. He was to wait on the planet Kamino until the emperor died, than after the emperor died he would take his place.
Colonel Carson kept on thinking if he would be cruel or fair. The answer was obvious.
Colonel Carson turned around and got back to his work with his two partners, Private Gates and Corporal Edwards.
“So how do you think Darth Sackin is going to treat us?” Private Gates asked.
“Duh, terribly,” Corporal Edwards answered.
“We better go down to see him for the first time,” Colonel Carson told. They went down to the hanger.
Luke Skywalker was following Darth Sackin’s ship for quite some time. He was keeping his distance. Thanks to the satellites on Endor they tracked him down.
Han Solo’s voice came on the speaker.
“Hey Luke, have you seen the ship yet?” he asked.
“Been following it for about 20 minutes, we’re almost at the newly built death star,” Luke said.
“Good luck,” Han said.
Darth Sackin’s ship entered the hanger.
Luke put on a mask with air so he could breath and jumped out of his ship and floated toward the hanger entrance he floated without being seen and he dropped through a door. Colonel Carson looked over and saw Luke. He picked up a blaster but Luke sliced off his head. Corporal Edwards and Private Gates gasped but before they knew it they were sliced in half by Luke. Luke started toward the door. He ran out and saw Darth Sackin walking out of his ship. His face was like the emperor’s except greener and scarier.
“Hey!” Luke yelled.
All the death star workers looked over and pointed their guns at Luke.
“Now, now, let’s not be rude,” Darth Sackin laughed. All the death star workers put their guns in their pockets. Darth Sackin took off his hood and got out his light saber. He pushed the button and a flash of red light came out.
Luke jumped down and pressed his light saber button.
“So Skywalker, I have finally meet you, you see these gloves I’m wearing, well they protect my hands from a burning of a light saber,” he said.
He pressed the button again and 4 other flashes of red light came out. Luke ran to him and they started fighting. Darth Sackin started twirling the light saber so fast. Luke walked back a little. Darth Sackin walked toward him. Luke tried to go in for a stab but Darth Sackin cut off his arm!
“Aaaaah!” Luke screamed.
Darth Sackin started to laugh.
“You idiot!” Luke yelled.
“Hey, shut up,” Darth Sackin said.
He pressed the button and 4 of the red lights went in and there was one light left. He pointed the light at his neck.
“You helped kill my father,” Darth Sackin said.
He stabbed Luke in the heart. Luke shut his eyes and fell down dead.
“You see, my father never did that,” Darth Sackin said.
Everyone bowed.
“Now I ask you to create these solders called Mallet troops,” he said. “These are the blueprints,” he said pulling out papers.

Chapter 2

Marko Solo

It was 20 years since they discovered Endor and the rebels blew up the death star but since then Han Solo and princess Leia had a baby named Marko Solo. He is now 20 years old and is in charge of most of the rebels. He has blondish blackish hair.
He was sitting outside on a bench in the woods loading a gun. Corporal Jacob was riding by on a speeder. Corporal Jacob was a young rebel at the age of 19. He joined the rebels 3 months ago and was still being trained. He stopped it and jumped down.
“Hey Marko, they don’t have a clue where Skywalker is,” Corporal Jacob said.
“He’s probably dead,” Marko said still looking down at his gun.
“I hope not,” Corporal Jacob responded.
Two ewoks ran up to Marko and Corporal Jacob.
Marko and Corporal Jacob looked down.
“Yup, yup” they said.
“They are saying that they found a tube with a body inside it,” Marko said.
“You mean like a dead body,” Corporal Jacob said.
“I don’t know,” said Marko.
The ewoks started running. Marko and Corporal Jacob followed. The ewoks came to a bush. It had a tube in it.
“What is that?” Marko said.
They both pulled the tube out and saw Luke Skywalker’s body in it.
“Eeeeee!” the ewoks screamed while running away.
Marko and Corporal Jacob looked at the body.
“He was stabbed with a light saber,” Marko said.
“No more jedis,” Corporal Jacob said.
“My dad won’t like this,” Marko said.
They carried Luke’s body to the base. The guards saw the body.
“Oh my god Luke,” Captain Harold said.
Everyone ran outside. Han Solo ran through the crowd. He gasped.
“No, Luke!” Han yelled.
Princess Leia, Lando, and Chewbacca ran through the crowd of rebels. They all gasped
“No more jedi,” Lando said.
“Poor Luke,” Leia said.
“He was stabbed with a light saber,” Marko said.
“By who though, did he kill himself?” Lando said.
“Impossible, I know Luke, he wouldn’t do that,” Han said.
They picked up Luke’s body and put his body on his bed.
“I wish I knew what happened,” Captain Harold said.
“Yeah,” Corporal Jacob said.
Later Marko Solo, Corporal Jacob, and Captain Harold went into the woods on speeder’s looking for a person with a light saber. They got off their bikes and started to look around.
“Me and Captain Harold will go search the north and east part of the woods and Marko will search the south and west part,” Corporal Jacob said.
“I’ll use this to protect myself,” Marko said pulling out a blaster.
“Fine, we’ll use this,” Captain Harold said pulling out a pistol.
“Okay then,” Marko said.
They split up. Marko was walking down a path with his blaster. He looked up and saw the death star!
“That’s odd, wasn’t the death star destroyed,” Marko said.
Wicket and Furball (two ewoks) jumped out of the bushes.
“Hey guys,” Marko said.
“Yup Yup,” they said.
That means an enemy was near!
Marko raised his blaster and started to look around. He heard a gunshot and saw a huge bullet coming toward him! He jumped out of the way and looked around. He saw a red trooper with a big jetpack on his back. The red trooper started to fly in air with his jetpack. Marko shot the jetpack and the trooper caught on fire! The red trooper fell to his death. Marko ran up to the body and looked at the body.
“It’s not a storm trooper,” he said.
He looked and saw a word on the suit and it said Mallet troop. He then heard rustling in the bushes. He aimed his gun at the bush but then saw Corporal Jacob.
“What are you doing here?” Marko said.
“Me and Captain Harold were split up because of a ship that crashed,” Corporal Jacob said.
“Better go search for Captain Harold,” Marko said.
“Yeah,” Corporal Jacob said. They started walking around.
“So what do you mean by a ship crashing?” Marko asked.
“Well me and Captain Harold were walking side by side until this mysterious ship crashed between us and we were separated,” Corporal Jacob said.
“Enemies have found us,” Marko said.
“I was thinking the same thing,” Corporal Jacob said.
They then saw a body on the ground.
“Is that Captain Harold?” Corporal Jacob asked.
Marko and Jacob went to check it out. It was Captain Harold dead. His head was cut open.
“It looks like he died by a light saber that cut his head open,” Marko said.
“By who though?” Corporal Jacob said.
“I have no idea,” Marko said.
All of a sudden a Mallet troop jumped out of the bushes and fired his gun like crazy. Marko and Corporal Jacob dodged the bullet and shot the Mallet troop but the bullets just bounced right off.
“That’s odd,” Marko said.
The Mallet troop shot fire but Marko and Jacob dodged it right in time. Marko shot the Mallet troops jet pack and the Mallet troop caught on fire.

Chapter 3

The Soro Campaint

“Is that a new type of solder?” Corporal Jacob asked.
“I guess so, we have a new enemy,” Marko said.
“Yeah, both of us weren’t around to see the emperor,” Corporal Jacob said.
“Yeah, can you show me where that ship crashed?” Marko asked.
“Sure, I remember where it had happened,” Corporal Jacob said.
Corporal Jacob and Marko Solo went down to the crash sight.
Marko looked down on the ship. Marko opened the door to it. There was a machine. It said Soro Campaint on it.
“Soro Campaint?” Marko said.
“Do you know what Soro Campaint means?” Corporal Jacob asked.
“No, this is some machine,” Marko said.
Marko picked the machine up, but all of a sudden a rebel jumped out of a bush and pushed Marko and Corporal Jacob to the ground and above Marko and Jacob was a huge bullet that would of hit them. The rebel picked up a blaster and shot a hidden Mallet troop. The rebel looked down at Marko and Corporal Jacob.
“You guys bee more careful,” he said.
“Who are you?” Corporal Jacob asked.
“I am Major Sergeant Jackson, a highly trained rebel,” he said.
“I’m Marko Solo and this is Corporal Jacob,” Marko said.
“I know who you guys are and do me a favor, get away from that machine,” Major Sergeant Jackson commanded.
“Why?” Corporal Jacob asked.
“Because, me and Lilton Sackin, the emperor’s son, built it and the machine can bring people back to life, and I trusted Lilton but it turned out he was an enemy and he will use it to bring his dad back to life,” Major Sergeant Jackson said.
“Well maybe we could bring some jedi back to life,” Corporal Jacob said.
“Okay,” Marko said picking up the machine.
“I want 3 of the best jedi to come back,” Marko said.
“Hey not so fast,” Major Sergeant Jackson said but it was to late and 3 people appeared. There was a guy with a long beard, a little green guy, and an African American.
“Oh my,” Major Sergeant Jackson said.
“I am Qui-Gon-Juinn,” the bearded man said.
“And I am Mace Windu,” the African American said.
“And I am Yoda,” the green creature said.
“Wow, 3 jedis,” Marko said.
“How were you killed Qui Gon?” Corporal Jacob asked.
“By one of the emperor’s scum apprentice’s, Darth Maul,” Qui Gon said.
“Was it painful?” Marko asked.
“Very,” Qui Gon said.
All of a sudden comet’s started falling from the sky!
“What the heck?” Major Sergeant Jackson said.
A huge ship came down into the woods shooting bullets. Mallet troops came running in the woods shooting their guns. Qui Gon, Mace Windu, and Yoda clicked the buttons on their light sabers and flashes of light came out. A cloaked figure was flying through the air and landed on the ground. He got out a light saber and clicked the button and a flash of red light came out. Qui Gon, Mace Windu, and Yoda started fighting with the stranger. Major Sergeant Jackson, Marko and Corporal Jacob started fighting. Marko got a sniper rifle out and started firing away. A Mallet troop was flying down and pushed Corporal Jacob down and was going to shoot him until Major Sergeant Jackson shot the Mallet troop’s jetpack and the Mallet troop caught on fire.
“Thanks,” Corporal Jacob said.
“Don’t mention it,” Major Sergeant Jackson said.
A bunch of bombs started dropping everywhere.
“Look out!” Major Sergeant Jackson yelled pushing Marko and Corporal Jacob out of the way. A bomb landed on Major Sergeant Jackson and it exploded and he disappeared.
“That was brave of him,” Marko said.
More bombs started dropping.
Marko and Corporal Jacob ran to an At-Te walker. They got inside of it and started it up.
“We’ll escape with this,” Marko said.
They made it walk but all of a sudden a bomb hit the machine and Marko and Corporal Jacob got knocked out.

Chapter 4


Marko and Corporal Jacob smelled smoke and heard screaming. They opened their eyes and saw that they were strapped on two separate tables. The tables started moving. Other rebels were strapped to other tables. They went toward this blade that would cut you in half! Rebels were getting sawed in half! Marko and Corporal Jacob tried to get out of the rope but they were strapped tight. Marko’s table was next! Only Marko and Corporal Jacob were left. Marko was only inches from death. The saw started to cut the table and was half an inch from Marko’s feet until the saw stopped going and the table stopped moving. A Mallet troop and a guy with a greenish face with a hood were standing on a platform above Marko and Corporal Jacob.
“What did you do wrong?” the green faced man asked the Mallet troop.
“I don’t know,” the Mallet troop replied.
All of a sudden Major Sergeant Jackson came down firing everywhere. The Mallet troop started firing at Major Sergeant Jackson. Major Sergeant Jackson shot the Mallet troops jetpack and he caught on fire. Major Sergeant Jackson cut the ropes.
“How did you survive?” Corporal Jacob asked.
“I’ll explain later,” he said.
The green faced man jumped down.
“Who are you?” Marko asked pointing his sniper rifle at him.
“I am the emperor’s son, Darth Sackin, and I killed Skywalker,” Darth Sackin said.
“Lilton?” Major Sergeant Jackson said.
“Oh if it isn’t my old friend, looking for this,” Darth Sackin said holding up the soro campaint.
Major Sergeant Jackson ran toward him but Darth Sackin pulled out a light saber and pushed the button and Darth Sackin cut his gun in half. Major Sergeant Jackson fell down to the ground. Darth Sackin was about to stab him until Marko shot his gun at Darth Sackin. Darth Sackin turned around and blocked the bullet. Marko dodged the bounced back bullet. Major Sergeant Jackson kicked Darth Sackin in the stomach. He fell down. Major Sergeant Jackson was about to shoot Darth Sackin until Darth Sackin kicked Major Sergeant Jackson. Major Sergeant Jackson fell down on a table and hit his head. He was knocked out. Darth Sackin jumped up to the platform and pressed the button and the table that had Major Sergeant Jackson on it started moving towards the saws. Marko started firing at Darth Sackin while Corporal Jacob jumped down on the table to get knocked out Major Sergeant Jackson off the table. Darth Sackin blocked Marko’s bullets and made them go toward Corporal Jacob and knocked out Major Sergeant Jackson.
“Look out!” Marko yelled to Corporal Jacob.
Corporal Jacob dragged Major Sergeant Jackson off the table before the bullets landed on the table. Darth Sackin laughed.
“You guys look like you would be better off dying by Mallet troops,” Darth Sackin said.
He clicked a button then he opened a door went inside it and shut the door.
“What is he doing?” Corporal Jacob asked.
“I don’t know,” Marko said.
Major Sergeant Jackson woke up.
“What’s going on?” he asked.
“Lilton knocked you out,” Marko said.
Major Sergeant Jackson got up. He grabbed a blaster.
All of a sudden all the doors opened up and Mallet troops came in pointing their blasters at them.
Marko, Corporal Jacob, and Major Sergeant Jackson raised their guns at them.
All the Mallet troops started to fly in air with their jetpacks. Corporal Jacob shot a Mallet troop’s jetpack while a bunch of other Mallet troops were around him. Over 10 Mallet troops caught on fire.
The Mallet troops shot all over the place. Major Sergeant Jackson, Marko, and Corporal Jacob dodged every bullet.
Marko and Jacob were using a table as cover and Major Sergeant Jackson was using a dead Mallet troop as cover.
Major Sergeant Jackson then got shot in the knee cap!
“Oh god!!” he screamed.
“Corporal Jacob, you stay here and back me up while I go help Major Sergeant Jackson,” Marko commanded.
Corporal Jacob nodded. Marko then ran into the Mallet troops view. Bullets were missing him by inches. Corporal Jacob was shooting every Mallet troop that tried to shoot Marko. Marko grabbed Major Sergeant Jackson and ran for cover.
“We have to get out of here,” Marko advised.
Corporal Jacob shook his head. Jackson got up.
“If you’re asking I put some bandages on my knee so I can walk, but here’s the plan for getting out, I’m going to create a distraction while you and Jacob sneak to that door and shoot the Mallet troop’s jetpacks and I will come over there and we will go to the hangar and get out of here,” Jackson answered.
“Can do,” Corporal Jacob said.
Major Sergeant Jackson then came out into sight.
“Hey I’m over here, come and get me!” Jackson yelled to the Mallet troops. The Mallet troops started firing at Major Sergeant Jackson. He dodged the bullets.
“Okay, here is are chance let’s move,” Marko said.
Marko and Corporal Jacob snuck to the door. They both pointed their blasters at the jetpacks and fired. They caught on fire. Sergeant Jackson ran over.
“Nice work,” he commented.
They then went to the hangar got in a ship and flew out of the death star.

Chapter 5
Mos Eisley

Marko was driving while Major Sergeant Jackson and Corporal Jacob were in the back.
“So where are we going?” Corporal Jacob asked.
“First we’re going to Endor to see if anyone is there,” Marko answered.
“How far away is that?” Jackson asked.
“Just sit back relax and leave everything to Marko Solo,” Marko announced.
Later after about 10 minutes they landed in the woods of Endor.
All 3 of them got out of the ship with blasters and looked around. There was burned down trees, old rebel helmets on the ground, nothing but ruins.
“Gee, the empire sure beat this place up,” Marko said.
“Just follow me to the base,” Major Sergeant Jackson commanded.
Major Sergeant Jackson, Marko, and Corporal Jacob walked through the ruins.
They soon got to the base. It was beat up bad. Marko tried to open the door but it was stuck.
“I can’t open it,” Marko admitted.
“Stand back,” Major Sergeant Jackson commanded. Marko and Corporal Jacob stepped back. Major Sergeant Jackson kicked the door as hard as he could and it opened.
“Nice kick,” Corporal Jacob commented.
All of the sudden a bullet came flying by them. They dodged it by an inch. They looked over and saw Lando pointing the gun.
“Lando?” Marko asked.
“S-sorry, I thought you guys were Mallet troops,” he said.
“What happened?” Major Sergeant Jackson asked.
“They came into the base and killed all of the guards, the two leaders are Darth Sackin and the Mallet General,” Lando told.
“What happened to my mom and dad?” Marko asked.
“They captured Han and Leia along with Colonel Harker,” Lando explained.
“What about Chewbacca?” Major Sergeant Jackson asked.
“They hypnotized him to be a ferocious guard wookie,” Lando answered.
“You know where my mom and dad are being kept?” Marko asked.
“I think they where brought to Mos Eisley spaceport,” Lando assumed.
“Then that’s where we’re going next,” Marko said loading a blaster.
Marko, Major Sergeant Jackson, Lando, and Corporal Jacob walked back toward the ship. A spy for the empire named Dorm was watching them. He got out a radio.
“I found them, they are going to Mos Eisly spaceport, send in Mallet troops along with the Mallet General to take out the trash,” Dorm said to Darth Sackin through the radio.
Meanwhile Marko flew Major Sergeant Jackson, Corporal Jacob and Lando to Mos Eisley.
They landed at a landing platform. They all got out and looked around. People buying things, people selling things everywhere.
“Where should we start?” Corporal Jacob asked.
“We should split up, Corporal Jacob and I will take the east side and Major Sergeant Jackson will go with Lando on the west side,” Marko commanded.
“Fine,” Lando said starting to follow Major Sergeant Jackson.
Marko and Corporal Jacob walked into a bar.
“So who should we ask?” Corporal Jacob asked.
“Well we should ask people, and hide your gun,” Marko answered.
Marko and Corporal Jacob split up.
Marko walked up to a bunch of tough people arm wrestling. He spoke up.
“You haven’t happened to see a lady with blackish hair in white robes or a guy with brownish blackish hair wearing a half tan half black shirt did you?” Marko asked.
They all turned around and eyed him angrily.
“Are you interrupting us during our arm wrestling battle?” a big guy with a cold low voice said.
“I suppose I am,” Marko answered crossing his arms.
“We’re giving you 3 seconds to get your ugly face out of sight or face the consequences,” a stronger guy warned.
“Hit me with your best shot,” Marko demanded.
The strongest guy through a punch but Marko dodged it.
“Is that all you got?” Marko asked.
The guy through another punch but before he could hit Marko he was shot. Marko gasped. The guy fell down dead. Marko looked over and saw the Mallet General with a couple of other Mallet troops. Everyone screamed.
“Now, now, I am looking for 4 guys named Marko Solo, Corporal Jacob, Lando Callirisian, and Major Sergeant Jackson. Anybody know anyone by that name, anyone, my reward is 1 million big ones for one of them, and 5 million for all of them,” the Mallet General told walking around while holding his gun.
Marko looked over at Corporal Jacob. Marko pointed to the door. Corporal Jacob shook his head and they both snuck over to the door until Marko slipped and fell into the Mallet General’s sight.
“Well, well, if it isn’t Marko Solo, you’re dad and mom are being tortured like heck,” the Mallet General laughed.
Marko gulped.
“Kill him,” the Mallet General commanded.
The Mallet troops raised their guns but all of the sudden Yoda jumped into sight and started to stab the Mallet troops. Marko got up got his gun out and started firing. Corporal Jacob did the same. The Mallet General ran out of the bar cowardly.
A Mallet troop shot a bullet at Yoda. Yoda raised his light saber to block it but the bullet went straight trough the light saber and the bullet shot Yoda in the face. Yoda fell dead.
“Oh my god, their bullets can’t be blocked!” Marko yelled to Corporal Jacob.
Marko and Corporal Jacob killed the rest of the Mallet troops and ran out of the bar.

Chapter 6

The Torture Building

The Mallet General ran back to an old ware house. He went into the basement to a bookshelf.
He took a book about ships out off the shelf, he took a book about planets off the shelf, and finally a book about creatures throughout the galaxy and the book case opened to reveal a room. He went inside and closed the book shelf. He saw Darth Sackin and a Mallet troop torturing Han Solo.
Han’s legs were being held by a rope and he was upside down being shocked by a wire.
Darth Sackin looked over.
“Oh, General Mallet, what did you find?” Darth Sackin asked.
“Well, I found them but they took out my whole team and I got away,” the Mallet General answered.
Darth Sackin started to choke the Mallet General to death without touching him.
“You have failed me again General Mallet,” Darth Sackin said.
The Mallet General fell dead.
“Colonel Mallet!” he called to Colonel Mallet.
Colonel Mallet ran over to Darth Sackin.
“You are now the new leader, General Mallet,” told Darth Sackin.
“Thank you sir,” General Mallet thanked.
“Follow me,” Darth Sackin commanded starting to walk.
General Mallet started to follow Darth Sackin.
“My dad used to tell me about his favorite apprentice and he always said his favorite was Darth Maul,” Darth Sackin told.
They both walked to the Soro Campaint.
“So I have decided to bring him back to life with the Soro Campaint,” Darth Sackin finished.
“I see,” General Mallet began.
Meanwhile Marko and Corporal Jacob were walking across the streets of Mos Eisley.
“That was a little to close,” Corporal Jacob gasped.
“Yeah, we got to be more careful,” Marko began.
Marko and Corporal Jacob then saw a Mallet troop run straight into a warehouse. Marko and Corporal Jacob ran after him until they both bumped into Major Sergeant Jackson and Lando.
“We got to follow that Mallet troop!” Lando yelled.
“Right,” Marko responded.
All 4 of them stepped into the warehouse and ran down the stairs. They then ran to an open book case. They heard the screams of people being tortured inside.
“Okay, I’ll go in first and kill as many as I can, wait for my call for you can come out,” Major Sergeant Jackson whispered. Marko, Corporal Jacob, and Lando nodded in agreement.
Major Sergeant Jackson quietly opened the door and started to fire at Mallet troops.
Darth Sackin had already brought Darth Maul back to life. Darth Maul ran toward Major Sergeant Jackson with his light saber.
“Now!” Major Sergeant Jackson yelled. But Mallet troops snuck behind Marko, Corporal Jacob, and Lando and grabbed them and held guns to their heads.
The Mallet troops with Marko, Corporal Jacob, and Lando came into the room.
“You 4 are outnumbered, now, you must die,” Darth Sackin announced.
“General Mallet, will you do the honors?” Darth Sackin asked.
“With pleasure,” General Mallet responded.
General Mallet walked up to Major Sergeant Jackson loaded his gun and was about to shoot until Qui-Gon-Juinn and Mace Windu jumped through the window with their light sabers. Darth Maul smiled once he saw Qui Gon.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the dead master,” Darth Maul laughed.
“This battle will prove who is the best,” Qui Gon replied.
They started to fight with their light sabers. Marko then got out of the cuffs and grabbed his blaster and started firing at the Mallet troops.
“Kill him!” General Mallet commanded.
They started firing at Marko.
Major Sergeant Jackson, Lando, and Corporal Jacob broke out of their handcuffs and started firing.
While Qui-Gon and Darth Maul were fighting Mace Windu and Darth Sackin were fighting, and Marko, Sergeant Jackson, Corporal Jacob and Lando were fighting with Mallet troops.
Marko, Corporal Jacob, Sergeant Jackson, and Lando ran behind cover.
“Okay, Sergeant Jackson and Lando will fire at the Mallet troops distracting them while Corporal Jacob and I run over and free my dad, my mom, and Colonel Harker,” Marko told.
They all agreed.
Sergeant Jackson and Lando started to fire at the Mallet troops while Marko and Corporal Jacob snuck over to Han.
“Son, I’m so glad you’re all right,” Han said relieved.
“Okay, now I’m going to get you out of here,” Marko told.
But before they could get him out evil Chewbacca appeared and tried to maul Marko but Marko dodged him.
Corporal Jacob then shot Chewbacca killing him.
“Oh my god, Chewy,” Han cried.
“Sorry Han,” Corporal Jacob apologized.
They released Han and moved on to Princess Leia and got her out and then went onto Colonel Harker and freed him to.
“Come on!” Colonel Harker screamed.
Marko, Sergeant Jackson, Corporal Jacob, Lando, Han, Leia, Colonel Harker, Qui-Gon, and Mace Windu ran out of the ware house to their ship.
“Come on, come on!” Sergeant Jackson screamed.
Mallet troops started to fire at them.
Everyone got on except for Corporal Jacob who was firing at the Mallet troops.
“Come on Jacob!” Marko screamed.
“I’ll cover you guys!” he told.
“Don’t be an idiot soldier, get on!” Colonel Harker commanded.
Corporal Jacob ran to the ship but was shot in the heart!
“No!” Marko screamed jumping out of the ship bending down looking at Corporal Jacob.
“G-go ahead,” he gasped.
“No, I’m taking you with me!” Marko screamed.
“N-no, y-you h-have been a great f-friend M-Marko, g-go,” Corporal Jacob gasped.
Tears fell from Marko’s eyes. Corporal Jacob fell dead.
“Come on, Marko!” Princess Leia screamed.
Marko then ran over to the ship, got on and they took off.

Chapter 7


They flew out into space while they chased after them. Bullets from Darth Sackin’s ship were missing their ship by inches.
Han and Lando were flying the ship while Colonel Harker was telling them to go left or right.
“Jackson, Marko, get on the turrets and take the ships out,” Colonel Harker commanded.
“Copy,” Sergeant Jackson and Marko responded.
They both got into turrets and started firing.
“Okay Jackson, take out the little ships first, than take out Sackin’s ship,” Marko told.
They fired at the little ones and hit them.
“Okay, moving on to Sackin’s ship,” Sergeant Jackson told.
But before they could fire at his ship his ship hit their ship. They then started to go down.
“We’re going down!” Han screamed.
They went down to the planet Mustafar. They crash landed on a platform and the ship sank down into the lava!
“Get out of the ship!” Marko screamed.
They ran out of the ship while it sank down into the lava.
“That was close,” Princess Leia gasped.
Darth Sackin’s ship then came down and started to fire down at them.
“Run!” Major Sergeant Jackson screamed.
They ran into this building and locked the door.
“So we’re on Mustafar?” Lando asked.
“Afraid so,” Marko answered.
They looked around and saw a bunch controls to control the lava.
All of the sudden a bunch of bullets broke through making a big hole into the lava.
They all started to slide down but they all grabbed onto something.
“Hold on!” Leia screamed.
Lando screamed and slipped off of what he was grabbing onto and almost fell into the lava until Marko grabbed onto him.
“Don’t let go!” Marko screamed.
“I can’t hold on!” Lando screamed.
“Hang on Lando!” Han screamed.
Lando then slipped out of Marko’s hand screaming and slipped into the lava.
“No!” Han screamed.
All of them then got climbed out of the hole.
“Lando, dang!” Sergeant Jackson gulped.
Darth Sackin then broke in with Darth Maul and the Mallet General by him.
Qui-Gon made an angry face at Darth Maul. Darth Sackin laughed.
“Looks like you guys can’t escape, Mallet troops are all over the place sniping and scouting,” Sackin laughed.
“Where’s the Soro Campaint?” Colonel Harker asked.
“We stored it in are ship, and now you shall die!” General Mallet answered. Sergeant Jackson growled sliding under Darth Maul.
He put a grenade on his groin and slid towards the bridge. Darth Maul screamed and blew up, dead.
Qui-Gon and Mace Windu started to fight with Darth Sackin with light sabers.
Marko, Han, Leia, and Harker then got out guns and started to fire at General Mallet.
The bullets bounced off his armor and he flew out to the bridge.
While Qui-Gon and Mace Windu were fighting Darth Sackin, Sergeant Jackson, Han Solo, Marko Solo, Colonel Harker, and Princess Leia were battling Mallet troops.
They shot their jetpacks and they were set on fire.
“Guys, move towards Sackin’s ship and let’s get the Soro Campaint,” Sergeant Jackson commanded holding a rocket launcher.
They all started to run across the bridge over the lava. All of the sudden while they were running, Princess Leia was shot in the head by a sniper!
“No!” Han and Marko screamed ducking with Sergeant Jackson and Colonel Harker.
“Crap!” Marko screamed.
Han then got out a sniper and aimed it out and saw General Mallet holding a sniper that was just shot.
Han then shot his jetpack and General Mallet set on fire! He screamed and fell in the lava.
“Okay, Leia was a great women, but let’s go,” Sergeant Jackson said getting up.

The four of them started to run towards the ship firing at enemies.
Meanwhile, Mace Windu and Qui-Gon were still fighting Darth Sackin.

Chapter 8

The End

They were fighting on a thin pole above the lava.
“You shall die, Sackin! If it kills us!” Mace Windu yelled still fighting.
Darth Sackin laughed. “Never!” he yelled stabbing Windu in the heart!
“No!” Qui-Gon screamed.
Mace Windu fell into the lava, dead. Qui-Gon made an angry face.
“You’ll pay for that!” Qui-Gon yelled cutting the pipe with his light saber.
He then jumped onto a platform while the pipe broke. Before Darth Sackin fell, he jumped over to the bridge in front of his ship standing in front of Han, Colonel Harker, Marko, and Sergeant Jackson.
“You!” Harker growled.
Darth Sackin laughed. “No escape, THIS time,” he growled getting out his light saber.
The four guys shot at him but he deflected their shots and jumped on top of his ship.
He got out the Soro Campaint.
“Lilton, don’t you dare!” Sergeant Jackson yelled.
“Good luck bringing back your friends now!” Sackin laughed about to cut the Soro Campaint in half.
"Damn You! Sackin!" Qui Gon yelled jumping onto the ship. He then cut Darth Sackin in half. Darth Sackin screamed and dropped the Soro Campaint.
Qui Gon picked it up and watched Darth Sackin. Darth Sackin's top body then fell into the lava, same with his legs.
Marko, Harker, Sergeant Jackson, and Han cheered.
Qui Gon then jumped down and held the Soro Campaint up. All of the sudden, Mallet Troops fired at them.
"MAllet troops!" Han yelled.
Qui Gon then jumped towards them and started to cut them all with his lightsaber.
"Fire!" Colonel Harker demanded.
The 4 of them fired at all of the Mallet Troops' jetpacks and they all caught on fire.
"We did it!" Marko cheered.
Qui Gon came limping over and took the Soro Campaint. "We will bring our families, everyone we have loved that perished back to life," he said.
"Oh thank god, I'll be reunited with my wife, Chewy, Lando, Luke, and many other old friends!" Han cheered.
"Yes, this is good! I'll See mom and Corporal Jacob again" Marko cheered.

The 5 men then brought everyone they loved back to life, they then moved to Naboo and had a peaceful nice life, they lived forever, because whenever someone died of old age, they brought them back to life. Everyone lived happy, forever.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Mysterious Dolls

My sister always collected baby dolls and some kind of freaked me out.
None of them really freaked me out that much until she got baby dolls called back to life baby dolls…

It was my sister’s birthday. She was opening her presents while my mom, my dad, and I watched her. She got a necklace, a stuffed animal, and she was about to open her last present. It was big.
“Well Taylor, open it up,” my dad said.
She then opened it and it was two baby dolls. They looked SO freaky! It was called Back to Life Baby Dolls. They looked so freaky!
“Oh thank you, thank you!” Taylor thanked smiling picking them up.
I stared in horror at them. They looked so creepy!
“You’re welcome sweety!” my mom responded.
When Taylor picked one up the doll blinked at me! I then screamed. Dad, mom, and Taylor looked at me oddly.
“T-that doll bl-blinked at me!” I stuttered pointing to the doll in horror.
“Ian, it’s just your imagination,” my mom said.
“No! I’m serious!” I gasped.
“Ian, you and your stories, there’s such thing as Charles Manson, you’ll die if you only eat pickled eggs, and if you jump over the fence off the trampoline you’ll break your foot, and now this?” Taylor stupidly said.
“Fine! Whatever, I’m going to Zack’s,” I growled walking out the door. I got on my bike and started riding to my friend Zack’s house.
I couldn’t get the image of the doll blinking at me from my mind! I shivered in horror.
Anyways, Zack is pretty cool. He’s one year younger than me and is a REAL joker!
I then rode onto the driveway of Zack’s house and saw Zack and Daniel Riffe hanging out on the drive way.
Daniel’s also younger than me and is also pretty fun.
“Hey Ian, what’s up?” Zack asked as I rode onto the driveway. Daniel waved.
“Hey guys, I needed someone to believe me, there’s these two very freaky dolls my sister got called back to life baby dolls and one blinked at me!” I told.
“Did you say back to life Baby dolls? Those things are SO scary and creepy!” Daniel gasped.
“Blinked at you? Were you in a mental hospital?” Zack responded.
“You guys got to believe me!” I growled.
“I wouldn’t believe you for a million dollars!” Zack laughed.
“Look, I’ll show you that I was telling truth and show you the dolls,” I told.
“Fine, we’ll see some stupid dolls for nothing,” Zack replied starting to ride to my house.
Daniel and I followed him on are bikes. We then got to my house and went inside it.
“Okay, where are these so called “Live dolls” huh?” Zack asked.
“In my sister’s room, there’s two, one named Cynthia and the other named Molly. Cynthia is the one that blinked at me,” I told.
The 3 of us walked upstairs and snuck into Taylor’s room. We saw the two dolls sitting on the bed.
“Yikes, those are creepy! But that still doesn’t prove that one of the dolls blinked at you,” Daniel said.
We then walked over to the dolls and looked at them oddly. Zack rolled his eyes.
“So when will they blink?” Zack asked impatiently.
“Look, I’ll stare at Cynthia for a while until she blinks,” I said starting to look at her.
The face was so freaky and realistic! I stared for about 3 minutes shivering.
“Well?” Daniel asked.
“You shall all die” the doll then whispered.
The three of us screamed and stepped back in horror. The doll just stood there doing nothing like it didn’t say anything.
“W-what the HE-double hockey sticks was that?” Zack gasped.
“You know believe me?” I asked in horror. Daniel and Zack both shook their heads in horror.
The doll then grunted. “We should throw these dolls in the fire!” Zack gasped.
Taylor then walked in the room and growled. “What’re you idiots talking about, are you going to burn Cynthia and Molly?” Taylor growled.
“Taylor, it’s alive!” Daniel screamed.
“Shut up!” Taylor growled.
The three of us then walked into my room afraid. We sat on my bed nervously.
“Okay, so these dolls are alive?” Daniel gasped.
“Yeah, but how?” I responded.
All of the sudden we heard a knock on the door. We turned are heads.
“Who is it?” I asked.
No answer. There was then tiny breathing. We got scared. I grabbed a baseball bat and walked to the door nervously.
“Ian, be careful,” Zack gulped.
I then opened it up and saw no one. Zack and Daniel then walked over and looked around and we saw no one.
“Hmm, I could’ve sworn that was one of those freaky dolls,” Zack then said.
I closed the door and we turned around and saw the Cynthia doll on the bed!
We all gasped and stepped back on the door. The doll then blinked!
“Set a fire and burn this doll!” Daniel screamed.
Taylor then walked in and saw Cynthia on the bed and growled and got mad.
“Ian! If you steal Cynthia again, I’m telling on you!” Taylor growled kicking me.
“I’m not!” I yelled.
Taylor grabbed Cynthia and walked out angrily. I then closed the door.
“Now if we burn it, we’re in trouble!” Daniel sighed.
“Screw that! We need to burn that doll before it kills us!” Zack screamed.
“Okay, let’s sneak into Taylor’s room and steal the dolls, put them in a sack, and throw them in the fire,” I told.
“Right,” Zack and Daniel agreed.
The 3 of us then snuck out of my room and into Taylor’s room. We saw Molly and Cynthia just sitting up and staring at us. We both shivered and ran towards them.
I quickly put the sack over the two of the dolls and tied it up! “Oh yeah! That’s how we do it!” Zack laughed.
All of the sudden we heard these two very creepy baby voices saying “Mama, mama,”.
We then turned around nervously and saw the Cynthia and Molly on top of Taylor’s desk!
I then took out the dolls in the sack and saw that they were two other dolls Taylor has!
We then looked at them in horror. Molly then whispered something.
“If you come in here again, we’ll make a doll from your body parts!”
Zack, Daniel, and I screamed and ran downstairs to the basement to the bookcase.
“We have to stop them,” Zack panted.
“Guys, actually we can, they’re just two stupid little dolls!” I reminded.
All of the sudden Daniel accidently fell backwards and hit the bookcase. A book fell from it and hit Daniel in the head.
“Wipeout!” I laughed.
Zack then picked up the book that fell off the bookcase. He looked at the cover and gasped.
“What is it?” I asked.
“It’s called Cynthia Gerald and Molly Herman, the Doll Killers,” Zack answered.
“Oh my god, read it,” Daniel urged.
“Cynthia Gerald was born in 1764 and lived in a village in the center of the woods, Molly Herman was born in 1767 and in the same village. Cynthia’s father gave her this little doll that he made for her and Cynthia adored it. Molly Herman got a baby doll when she was 5 years old as well. Cynthia and Molly then became best friends when Cynthia turned 8 and Molly was 5. They would always play with their dolls, they would set up a little tea table and pretend to have tea with their dolls,” Zack read.
“Whoa, this is kind of creepy, keep reading,” Daniel urged.
“In 1779, Cynthia’s dad, and Molly’s mom were both killed by the English who attacked and killed most of the people in their village and burnt the whole village down.
Cynthia and Molly were outraged and swore that they would both get revenge on the English. So on Cynthia’s 20th birthday, Molly and Cynthia went to one of the English’s villages and killed every English leader there. But instead of leaving the bodies there, they brought the bodies back to their new village and made a bunch of dolls out of their body parts!” Zack read disgusted.
“Oh, that’s disgusting! Keep reading!” I gasped pale.
“Cynthia and Molly played with the dolls laughing and decided that they wanted to make more dolls from dead people. So they decided to start killing people and making them into dolls. They even sold some of the dolls to people for money. Soon Cynthia and Molly were caught murdering someone and making him into a doll. Word got out and the whole town was outraged and an angry mob went after them and killed them both, and as revenge for making the dead people into dolls, they made Cynthia and Molly’s bodies into dolls and buried the bodies,” Zack read in horror.
We all turned pale with fear.
“S-sickos,” Daniel stuttered.
All of the sudden something jumped on my back and started to choke me! It was Molly!
Zack then grabbed a penknife on the desk by the bookcase and was about to stab Molly until Cynthia then jumped out from behind books from the bookcase and stabbed Zack in the back with a stick!
“Oh good!” Zack then screamed.
Daniel then nailed Molly and Cynthia off of both of us.
“You shall burn in hell,” Molly muttered.
I then got a trash bag and put the two dolls in it and tied the bag up.
“Let’s throw these losers away!” Zack cheered.
We then walked outside and threw the bag in the trash can. A garbage truck then came by and put the bag in the back with the crusher.
Zack, Daniel, and I then cheered and rode over to Daniel’s house to celebrate.
We parked are bikes on the driveway cheering.
“Finally, dolly down!” Daniel laughed.
“Yep, let’s get some hot chocolate to celebrate!” I cheered.
“Yeah,” Daniel and Zack agreed.
All of the sudden a HUGE scream came from the end of the street! We gulped.
“W-what was that?” Zack gulped.
“Let’s find out,” I responded getting on my bike. Daniel and Zack did the same and we rode over to the end of the street and saw the garbage truck stopped in the middle of the road!
“Oh god,” Daniel gulped.
I rode over to the front seat and looked inside and saw a doll of the garbage man!
I screamed. Zack and Daniel rode over and saw it too!
“Oh my god!” Zack gasped.
We then saw a picture in the pocket of the doll. I got it and looked at it. It was a picture of the two dolls sneaking behind Daniel’s older brother William with a knife!
“Let’s get back there, quickly!” Zack screamed.
We rode as fast as we could back to Daniel’s house. We parked are bikes in the garage and ran inside.
It was completely black! The door then closed behind us! We gulped.
“Alright guys, let’s do this,” I whispered grabbing a butcher knife from the kitchen.
Daniel grabbed 3 flashlights and gave two to us. We turned them on and saw dolls lying all over the living room!
We gulped.
“Be careful,” Daniel warned looking around.
We then heard some heavy breathing from upstairs.
“Let’s go upstairs, but be careful,” I warned. The 3 of us then walked to the stairs looking around.
We then walked into William’s room and heard some slight screaming from the closet.
We looked at the closet nervously.
“Daniel, ladies first,” I said pushing him towards the closet.
“No!” Daniel cried stepping back.
“Let’s do it together,” Zack said.
We all walked against the closet door and nervously put are hands on the knob. We quickly opened the closet and saw William and William’s mom tied up!
We gasped. All of the sudden Molly grabbed onto my face and pushed me towards the window! I then fell through it! I screamed and grabbed onto a window before I started to fall.
I then climbed to the top of the roof. It started to thunderstorm out and lightning started to happen.
Molly then got to the top of the roof and threw a knife at my leg! I screamed in pain and fell to the ground groaning.
“Mama, mama, you shall die and be turned into a doll,” Molly the doll said getting out another knife walking towards me. I gulped.
All of the sudden Zack ran towards Molly the doll and tackled her and picked her up about to throw her off the roof but Molly the doll then cut Zack’s finger and Zack fell to the ground screaming in pain.
Molly the doll then walked towards injured Zack with a knife. I gasped and started to pull the knife out of my leg. I then pulled it out screaming in pain.
Molly raised the knife about to stab Zack until I threw the knife at Molly’s head. It went right through her doll head!
“Yes!” I cheered.
Molly the doll then screamed and tripped back towards the end of the roof and fell of it.
Zack then got up groaning. Daniel and William then climbed to the top of the roof and helped Zack up.
“One idiot down, one to go,” Zack said.
William then walked over to look at my leg and put bandages on it.
“Thanks William,” I thanked getting up.
“You’re welcome, let’s now find Cynthia and get revenge,” William brought up.
“Right,” I responded.
We then started to climb back through the window into William’s room. William, Zack, and I made it back in and Daniel was getting through the window.
All of the sudden Cynthia the doll jumped onto the back of Daniel’s head!
“Guess who, fat boy!” Cynthia laughed.
“Oh my god!” we all screamed running to the window. Cynthia then pulled Daniel off the window and they fell into a big bush!
“Let’s get down there!” William screamed.
The 3 of us then ran downstairs and outside to the bush and didn’t see them.
“Where’d they go?” Zack asked.
We then heard screaming in the distance. We looked over and saw Daniel dangling by a rope on the top of a HUGE treehouse.
“Daniel!” we called.
Cynthia the doll then climbed onto the top of the tree house and over to Daniel with a knife.
Daniel’s legs were wrapped around with rope and he was looking down dangling by it.
“Daniel!” I called again in horror.
Cynthia put the knife on the rope. “Say good bye to little shrimp!” Cynthia called cutting the rope.
Daniel then started to fall screaming. We gasped. Zack and I dived forward and caught Daniel. He didn’t break anything though. Zack groaned.
“You’re so fat!” he groaned.
Cynthia then jumped on my back and pushed me through the next door neighbor’s window. I then landed in the living room. The neighbor’s weren’t there. I was so injured I couldn’t get up.
Cynthia then jumped in with a knife looking at me laughing.
“You’re so pathetic, after I’m finished with you, I’ll turn your friends into dolls, and then your stupid weirdo sister into one,”
All of the sudden Zack jumped into the house with a rock and started to beat Cynthia’s head in. He then knocked the head off killing her.
William and Daniel then came in cheering.
“Way to go Zack!” William cheered.
I then got up and shook hands with Zack. “Thanks man,” I thanked.
“Hey, thank you, just returning the favor for you saving me from Molly, thanks,” Zack responded.
The 4 of us then had a sleepover that night to celebrate. We were laughing and joking until about 2:00 when we started to go to bed.
I looked out the window and saw something on the branch of a tree. I got up and got a closer look and saw Cynthia with a missing eye staring at me, waving.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Reggie the Platypus

One day I woke up.
"Shoot! I have my SOL test today!" I sighed. I went to my knees and prayed to god.
"Please god, please make someone else do the test from me, you can even make a lion, a tiger, or even a platypus to do the test for me, plese!" I prayed.
I went downstairs to eat breakfast.
"Hey Ian, I got oatmeal instead of those awful Frosted Cereal," said my mom. I stared in horror at the oatmeal. I did not like oatmeal. I stretched it, I stirred it, I patted it, I sniffed it.
Whew! It stinks! I thought.
"Stop playing with your food and eat it!" my mom yelled.
"Yahh! Death to oatmeal!" I yelled stabbing it.
Later I went to my classroom and I went to my desk. I started doing my SOL test.
"Psst, kid, let me help you with that," a voice whispered.
"Who are you?" I randomly asked looking around. I then saw a platypus under my desk.
"I'm Reggie the platypus, and I'm going to help you with your test," answered Reggie.
"Okay, what's 7x3?" I whispered down to him.
"73," he stupidly whispered back. I wrote it down.
"What about 8x13? I asked.
"Atlanta Georgia," he stupidly whispered again.
Later I finished the test and 2 monthes later I got my results back and sadly I got an F- on the test but at least I didn't have to DO the test.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Who is Ian?

My Sibling, My Enemy

I’m Taylor, sister of Ian Dork face! I’m not his sibling, I’m his enemy! I’m going to tell you a story of my brother.
I just got home from school, I went upstairs to go see my stuffed animals, Betty and Cynthia. I didn’t see them. I then saw a note on my bed.
“A note?” I asked.
I picked it up and read it.
“If you want to see your stuffed animals again, pay $100 dollars,” I read.
I roared with anger.
“Ian!” I yelled walking to his locked bedroom door. “Open up!” I yelled.
Ian then jumped out of his room wearing a scary clown mask! I screamed and fell down to the ground.
Ian laughed. He then took out Betty and Cynthia!
“Ian!” I yelled. Ian ran down the stairs laughing. I ran after him growling. He ran into the backyard.
“Come back here!” I yelled.
He then climbed up this very tall tree that I couldn’t climb up! I growled.
“Loser!” Ian called laughing.
I growled. Ian then got some rope and hung Betty and Cynthia!
“Ian, I’ll kill you!” I yelled.
“Heads up!” Ian laughed throwing Betty and Cynthia into a water puddle.
“No!” I screamed.
They were soaking wet! I roared with anger. So that’s the story. So what do I think of Ian? He’s a big fat faced jerk that I hate! And I- whoa! Ian has Cynthia! I’ll get her back!

Miley, Portrait of a Dog

I’m Ian’s Yorkie Poo, Miley. Ian is a great friend! I remember first seeing him at the pet store and knowing this is my dream owner! He always chases me, walks me, feeds me, and always protects me!
There is one thing I don’t like about him! He gives me baths! I hate baths! I will tale you a story of Ian.
Ian was throwing a tennis ball for me to catch. I caught it and brought it back. Ian looked at his watch and smiled.
“Miley, it’s time for your bath!” Ian told me.
My eyes widened and I ran off whimpering. I jumped behind the couch shaking. Ian opened up the couch and smiled.
“There you are,” Ian said.
I ran off again and ran upstairs and under Ian’s mom’s bed.
“Hey Miley! I got bacon you!” Ian called. I smiled and ran downstairs excited.
Ian then grabbed me and carried me to the bath! He put me in it and started to wash me! I kept whimpering.
Ian stopped and got me out of the bath.
“There, don’t you feel better?” Ian asked.
“No,” I thought.
I ran off. So, I love Ian, but I hate it when he gives me- whoa, Ian said he’s got bacon! Better go get it!

Frog Among the Humans
I’m Ian Welfley’s stuffed animal Percy. I’m a frog. Ian is my best friend! Ian always plays with me. He brings me into the woods and we go into a tree house of his that is on top of a lake.
He has had me for 5 years and I’m 7 years old. Although he did take me away from my brother Randy, and my sister Janet, I still like him a lot!
Ian is really adventurious and fun to play with. But he is pretty mean to his sister though. Ian and I always go and steal her stuffed animals, Betty and Cynthia. We ask for 100 dollars and tie her stuffed animals up. It is so fun!
But sometimes Taylor, his sister, kidnaps me and ties me up but Ian always gets me back.
So take my advice, have Ian as a friend, you won’t regret being friends with him!

One, Two, Rats in my Shoe!

I’m Bernie the Rat, a rat that lives in Ian’s house. Now, Ian is a hunter! He sets traps everyday trying to catch and kill me! I can’t leave my hole because a bunch of mousetraps are in front of it! He always gets his paintball gun out and tries and shoots me with it! I say, all he does is try and kill me!
He killed my brother Eugene with a mousetrap that he put in the fridge and when Eugene opened up the fridge to get cake, that was his last trip.
His dog, Miley, ate my sister Joan, and he killed my dad, Seward, with a throwing star.
My mom was killed at are first house. Now I think I’ll die of starvation, because he put mousetraps in front of the hole, the pipes, and all around the house!
So wrapping it up quickly, beware of Ia-BAM!

The Teacher and the Ian

Who is Ian? A giant trouble maker! I’m Mr. Tagert, a big target for Ian!
Ian has put firecrackers in my sandwich, hypnotized me to be stupid, put a tack on my chair, shaved my head, and shot me in the butt with a paintball gun, and also put a farting machine on my chair when I sat down!
Yesterday, Ian brought attack dogs into the room and put M80’s into my watermelon!
I always get in trouble and not Ian with the principal and get a spanking from Dr. Mackin!
So Ian is an evil troublemaker and always gets me in trouble!
So read my writing, don’t trust Ian!

Me, Myself, and Ian
What do I think of myself? I think I’m a friendly adventrious boy!
Don’t ask Bernie the Rat, my sister Taylor, or Mr. Tagert about me, because they’ll only say bad things about me.
Ask Percy, Miley, my mom, Brian, and anyone else in the world because they’ll say good things about me!
So to wrap things up, I think I am a nice fun guy! And watch out for Bernie the Rat, I’m after him!

The Magnolia Robbers 2

Amanda Grant looked out her window at the rain that was falling. “No football today,” she thought.
She was alone
There was a knock on the door. She went to the door and saw two policemen outside. She eyed them suspiciously and then opened the door.
“Sorry to disturb you but I’m Chief Henry and this is Chief Spencer and we are here to take you to the police station,” Chief Henry said.
“Why?” Amanda asked.
“Because Mickey Gordon, Roger Felix, and Chief Jackson have escaped from jail,” Chief Spencer said.
Amanda gasped.
“That is why the police have to protect you, and your mom already knows,” Chief Spencer said.
Amanda nodded and went into the police car and was driven to the police station. When she went inside she saw some of her old friends. They were Jessica, Liam, Aaron, and Daniel.
“Hey Amanda, what’s up,” Jessica said.
“Hey everyone, how is everything going,” Amanda said.
“Hey Amanda, I guess you’re being protected to,” Liam said. All of a sudden a gun fired behind the door. Everyone jumped out of their seats.
“What was that?” Daniel asked.
“I don’t know,” Liam said.
All of a sudden Chief Henry ran into the room with bloody Chief Spencer in his hands. He then locked the door.
“What’s going on?” Amanda asked.
“Mickey, Roger, and Chief Jackson are here. They came into the lobby and shot the chief in the chest and then shot Chief Spencer in the stomach,” Chief Henry said.
“Can’t you call the other police in the building,” Aaron said.
“They shot my radio,” Chief Henry replied.
“I-I’m l-losing b-blood,” Chief Spencer stuttered.
“I know, we’re going to get a first aid kit,” Chief Henry said.
A bullet came through the door. It missed them by an inch. An ax then came smashing down the door.
“Let’s get out of here!” Jessica yelled.
Chief Henry picked up Chief Spencer and they ran out of the room to another room. More police were in the room. They were Jake, Dan, and Stuart.
“Guys the magnolia robbers are here and they are trying to kill us!” Liam yelled.
They all got up and got guns out.
“We’re going to where they are,” Dan said.
Chief Henry put Chief Spencer down and followed Jake, Dan, and Stuart.
Liam saw an ax on the table and grabbed it for protection.
“Why would they try and kill us?” Jessica asked.
“Because they’re crazy,” Aaron said.
They looked down at Chief Spencer and saw that he died from bleeding to death.
They then heard screaming and heard gunshots. Jake and Dan ran out of the room and told them to run. They all started running toward the stairs and up the stairs. They soon got upstairs and ran into a room and locked the door.
“What happened?” Daniel asked.
“We went into the room and three masked people jumped out and shot Stuart in the head and we started to fire at the masked people but they managed to dodge are bullets and they shot Chief Henry in the back but Dan and I managed to escape,” Jake said.
“Poor Chief Henry,” Amanda said.
All of a sudden a hand broke through the window and started to choke Dan!
Everyone screamed. Jake raised his gun to the masked stranger and shot him. Dan fell to the ground dead. The masked figure fell down to the ground. Daniel looked out the window but then he was grabbed by a hand and stabbed to death. Everyone screamed. Daniel’s body fell 20 feet to the ground when he was only 16. They then saw Chief Jackson climb up madder then ever! “Chief Jackson!” Liam yelled.
Jake raised his gun and shot him in the head. Chief Jackson fell to the ground.
Amanda, Jessica, Liam, Jake, and Aaron all looked at each other.
“I wish Daniel was here,” Liam sniffed.
They then heard voices outside.
They tiptoed to the window. They saw Roger and Mickey!
“What the hell?” Roger yelled.
“They killed Chief Jackson!” Mickey yelled.
“By the looks of it he killed Daniel before he was shot,” Roger said. Mickey got out a shotgun. “Don’t let them get out,” Mickey said. They split up.
“Losers, they were such idiots in junior high,” Aaron said.
“We should try are best to get out,” Jake said. Jake loaded his gun and Liam got his ax ready.
“We should go out of an emergency exit that they don’t know about,” Jessica said.
Amanda was still crying a little from Daniel’s death.
Jake then opened the door. He went out first and looked around.
“It’s okay,” Jake said.
Everyone else came out. Jake led the way with the gun in his hand.
“The emergency exit is this way,” Jake said.
“Is there any policemen left in this building?” Amanda asked.
“I don’t know, I hope so,” Jake said.
All of a sudden footsteps were running toward them.
Amanda looked back. A masked person with a gun was running toward them!
“Jake look back and fire!” Amanda yelled.
Everyone looked back. Jake raised his gun and fired but missed and Roger got out a gun and shot Aaron in the face.
“No, Aaron!” Liam yelled.
Aaron’s body fell to the ground. Liam raised his ax and was going to cut Roger in half but Roger ran away.
“Yeah you run away you freaking coward!” Jessica yelled.
“Poor Aaron,” Amanda said in tears.
“We better get out of here,” Jake responded.
Amanda, Jake, Liam, and Jessica started to head to the emergency exit.
“Okay, we’re going to get out and I’m going to call for back up to search the building,” Jake said.
All of a sudden an alarm went off.
“Why is that alarm going off?” Amanda asked.
“Oh crap, that’s not good!” Jake announced.
“What’s not good?” Liam asked.
“That alarm means that all the prison gates have opened, all the prisoners are walking around the prison!” Jake screamed.
“Oh no,” Jessica added.
Jake loaded his pistol. “We have to run,” Jake said.
They started to run until 3 prisoners stepped in front of them with guns in their hands. Jake pointed his revolver at them but one prisoner shot Jake in the arm before he could fire. He fell to the ground injured. The one prisoner was about to shoot Jake until Liam beat him to death with the ax. He then did the same to the other prisoners.
Jake then got up with his bloody arm.
“Thanks,” he said to Liam.
“No problem,” Liam said.
Jake picked up his pistol.
“Let’s get out of here,” Amanda assured.
“Right,” Jake said.
They headed out the emergency exit to outside. They ran toward a police car.
“Okay, I’ll drive,” Liam said.
Liam got in the driver seat while Jake got into the passenger seat and Amanda and Jessica got into the back seat.
“We’re out of here,” Liam claimed.
They then saw a person in a ski mask with a baseball bat in his hand standing outside of the jail. Everyone gasped.
Liam tried his hardest to start the car but something was wrong with the engine.
“Oh crap!” Liam yelled. The stranger (Possibly Roger) called out something and the entire sudden all the prisoners ran out of the prison and ran toward the car!
“Liam, start the car! Start the freaking car!” Amanda screamed.
“I’m trying!” Liam yelled. All the criminals then crowded the car hitting the windows.
The passenger door then opened and they pulled Jake out!
Liam then started the car and drove as fast as he could into the city.
Later they knocked out Jake with a baseball bat and dragged his knocked out body into the jail. They tied him up in a room.
He later woke up and found out that he was tied up. He saw Mickey, Roger, and some stranger in the room.
“Who, who are you?” Jake asked the stranger.
“Names Chuck,” Chuck said.
“Now you’re going to tell us where they went,” Roger said.
“I’m telling you anything you blond haired thing!” Jake yelled.
“We’re going to make you tell us,” Roger said taking out a stun gun.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

World War lll 5: Final Days

It’s towards the end of the war. For 7 years the war has raged on. We’ve been framed by Shawn’s men and now we’re battling Africans, Shawn’s men, Europeans, France, and Canada.
But we won’t rest until we kill General Nassor and Cottonmouth.
If we kill Nassor, we’ll claim are innocence. We’ve taken down a bunch of bastards, such as General Shawn, Colonel Aja, and Zulaykha. General Tahir was taken care of by Cottonmouth.
I’m General Mark and we’re almost finished with this war. I’m sending a guy named Corporal Cam a.k.a Shark to go undercover to collect Cottonmouth’s data.

Sidewinder and the Shipmaster were driving Shark to snowy mountains in Nepal to collect Cottonmouths data.
General Mark was talking to Shark.
“Okay, Cottonmouth’s base is in this center in the mountains, first climb the mountains, parachute down to the center stealthy, take out a guard and steal his clothes, then go in and collect the data,” General Mark explained.
“Copy that General,” Shark responded.
The Seagil then stopped towards a ledge. Sidewinder talked. “Okay, we’re going to drop you off at this ledge so are Seagil won’t be seen,”
Shark jumped on the ledge.
“Good luck, Shark!” General Mark called as the Seagil flew away.
Shark then got out climbing gear and started to climb up the mountain.
All of the sudden a silenced sniper shot at him and almost hit him! Shark gasped and almost fell.
He looked over and saw a soldier with a sniper.
“Good night,” Shark growled taking out a knife. He threw it at the guy and hit him in the eye! The soldier fell off the mountain dead.
Shark then got to the top and looked down and saw a bunch of safe houses!
“There it is,” Shark said to himself.
He then quickly parachuted off and landed on a roof and slid to the back of the house and landed on a guard. Shark quickly stabbed him. A guard in the house looked over in horror.
Shark shot him with a suppressed USP.45. Shark then got the soldier’s clothes on and walked out of the safe house in the soldier’s clothes.
Shark then saw Cottonmouth carry a silver briefcase out to a table with Major Dunn and a guard named Niles guarding him.
“Hey, Cottonmouth, I’m here to help transport the data,” Shark then said walking to the table.
“Where the hell have you been?” Niles growled.
“Oh, you know, guarding the place,” Shark answered.
Cottonmouth smiled.
“Okay, here it is, be careful with it,” Cottonmouth said giving Shark the briefcase.
Shark walked to the truck that he would escape in.
Cottonmouth whispered to Major Dunn and Niles and the other soldiers around him to take him out.
“People, take the Rubix Force 122 soldier out!” Major Dunn called.
Shark turned back in horror but was shot to death. Cottonmouth laughed and walked over to injured Shark who was bleeding and lying on the ground breathing hard.
“You actually thought you could trick us?” Cottonmouth laughed loading a pistol.
“Screw you Cottonmouth!” Shark yelled but Shark was then shot in the head by Cottonmouth and died.
“Idiot!” Cottonmouth said picking up the briefcase and walking back to his men.

General Mark was trying to get contact with Shark.
“Shark, where are you?” General Mark screamed.
“He’s dead sir,” Private Hastings said to him. They were at base.
“Hastings is right, Cottonmouth doesn’t get fooled that easily,” Sergeant Yoder said.
“Indeed, Yoder, get Captain Anthony and Private Miller, you 3 are going to steal Cottonmouth’s data, you’re going to attack the base and take the data,” General Mark told.
“Copy that sir,” Sergeant Yoder responded.
Soon Bravo team flew to the mountains in Nepal by Sidewinder and the Shipmaster.
They were dropped off at the ledge that Shark was dropped off at. The ship left.
“Okay, you know the drill, fire at the gas tanks, blow up the place shoot the survivors, and take the data,” Captain Anthony told.
“Hoorah,” Sergeant Yoder and Private Miller responded.
The 3 of them started to climb up the mountain. While they were climbing Private Miller slipped and started to fall until his leg caught onto something. He was upside down!
“Miller!” Yoder screamed.
“Help!” Private Miller screamed.
“Hang on!” Captain Anthony called sliding down. He grabbed Miller and threw him to the top of the mountain.
“Thanks!” Private Miller called.
“No problem,” Anthony responded.
The 3 of them got to the top and looked down. They saw Cottonmouth with the data in his hands talking to Major Dunn.
“Okay, Yoder, shoot the gas tanks,” Captain Anthony commanded.
Sergeant Yoder aimed for the gas tanks and shot at them. They exploded and blew the whole place up!
“Nice shot Sergeant!” Captain Anthony commented starting to rappel down the mountain. Yoder and Miller did the same.
When they got to the bottom, pretty much everyone was dead!
“Okay, let’s get the data,” Captain Anthony said going around the corner.
When he did, bullets shot at him. He quickly went behind the wall.
“Shit! Cottonmouth is still alive!” Captain Anthony screamed.
Injured Cottonmouth then grabbed his data and ran to a truck cowardly.
“Fire at him!” Captain Anthony commanded turning around firing.
But Cottonmouth ducked as he drove away.
“Freaking coward!” Sergeant Yoder yelled.
They then heard groaning on the ground. They looked down and saw Major Dunn injured.
“You!” Private Miller growled.
“P-please, don’t shoot me! I’ll tell you anything, anything!” Major Dunn cried.
“Where’d Cottonmouth go?” Captain Anthony asked pointing a pistol at him.
“He- he usually meets up with his friend Hammer-Head at the Munlan airport and they head off to Africa to kill Nassor,” Major Dunn told.
“Good night you bastard!” Captain Anthony growled shooting him in the head.

“Okay sir, going to the Munlan airport?” Private Miller asked.
“Indeed,” Captain Anthony responded.
The 3 of them then heard yelling. They looked over and saw it coming from a safe house.
“Let’s move, but keep your weapons ready,” Captain Anthony commanded walking to the safe house followed by Yoder and Miller.
They carefully walked in and saw a big muscular guy behind bars.
“Wait, Griggs? Major Griggs?” Captain Anthony asked.
“Yeah, that’s right, still in the game Anthony?” Griggs asked.
“You know him?” Miller asked.
“Yes, I do, we did a little wet work about 15 years ago, we went to got take out an enemy African named Colonel Sanborn, General Shawn wasn’t a traitor yet, I was just a Private then,” Anthony told.

15 Years Ago

Private Anthony was in a Seagil with his squad, Major Griggs and Specialist Hudson.
An enemy African named Colonel Sanborn got several nuclear bombs and is planning to wipe out all of the east coast.
General Shawn contacted Griggs.
“Griggs, Sanborn is at a train station and is about to board a cargo train, we’re dropping you off there,”
“Copy General,” Griggs responded.
“What’s the plan?” Hudson asked.
“Okay, we’re boarding a cargo train, Sanborn is escaping on one, we’re going to get on the train and take Sanborn out,” Griggs explained.
“Sounds good to me,” Anthony replied.
“Okay, you’re here, go, go, go!” General Shawn called.
Griggs, Hudson, and Anthony jumped out and saw Sanborn running to the train while guards were surrounding the train.
They started to fire at each other. The 3 of them ducked and shot a bunch of them in the head.
Shawn contacted Griggs. “Griggs, we’re going to give you Helicopter support, once we fire, move your squad up to the train!”
“Copy General!” Griggs said.
3 helicopters started to fire at all of the guards. “Let’s go!” Griggs yelled.
The 3 men ran to the train. The train started to move.
“Jump for it!” Griggs commanded.
“Got ya!” Anthony responded.
They jumped to the train and barely made it. They were holding onto the cargo.
“Climb up!” Griggs commanded.
They climbed up and they shot at the guards. They snuck behind the cargo.
“I want this quick and clean,” Griggs said.
“Right,” Hudson said.
They then saw Sanborn talking to the guards. “Where are the Americans?”
“We think we lost them, no one could of survived all of that battle down at the train station,” one of the guards said.
“Right, well, patrol the train and keep a close eye out,” Sanborn commanded.
“Yes sir,” the other guard responded.
Sanborn then left and the two guards looked around. Hudson and Anthony then pointed their silenced guns at the two guards and took them out.
“Alright, let’s move,” Griggs said moving to the door to where Sanborn was.
“Alright, Hudson, breach the door,” Griggs whispered to him.
Hudson then started to plant the charges on the door and stepped back.
The door then blew up and the 3 men ran in firing. Sanborn growled and ran out of the room and to the cargo.
“After him!” Griggs yelled.
General Shawn contacted them. “Sanborn has called in Mega Tanks, we’ll give you some firing support, out,”
“Copy that General, okay, let’s kick some ass,” Griggs said.
Hudson went to open the next door, but some African then ran out and slashed Hudson’s throat!
“Hudson!” Anthony screamed stabbing the African in the eye.
Griggs kneeled down at dead Hudson. He sighed and took his dog tag.
“A brave soldier, let’s go,” Griggs said running into the room.
Anthony saw Sanborn running across the train.
“Shoot him in the leg!” Griggs commanded.
“Copy that,” Anthony said aiming for him. Before he could hit him Mega Tanks came firing through.
The two of them took cover.
“Cowardly Bastard! Shawn, where are you?” Griggs demanded.
“We’re coming in, get Sanborn alive!” Shawn responded.
Sanborn then got on a turret and fired at Griggs and Anthony. An African then jumped on the train in front of Griggs and Anthony but Anthony threw a knife at him.
Sanborn was firing the turret like crazy. Griggs got out an RPG and fired at the Mega Tanks coming towards them.
It blew up and came crashing down at the train. Griggs stared at it angrily.
“Oh shit!” he yelled.
“Look out!” Anthony screamed.
It then crashed onto the train and everything shook and blew up and the train started to turn off the tracks!
Injured Private Anthony grabbed onto cargo while all of the luggage fell off.
Sanborn then fell off and was crushed by cargo. Griggs was hanging onto a piece of rope.
“Jesus!” Griggs screamed.
General Shawn contacted them. “The whole train is going off track!”
Griggs then flew off!
“ No!” Anthony screamed.
The train then flew off the track and Private Anthony jumped up and the whole train rolled under him.
Anthony then landed on the ground alive and groaning.

Present Day

Sergeant Yoder, Captain Anthony, Major Griggs, and Private Miller were running to a Seagil.
Enemies were firing at them. They got to the mountain.
“Climb! We need to get to the Seagil!” Captain Anthony commanded.
The 4 men started to climb. Sidewinder contacted them.
“Better hurry up! Shipmaster and I are fighting off a bunch of enemy ships!”
A Mega Tank then came firing towards them. Captain Anthony then jumped off the mountain onto the Mega Tank.
The Mega Tank then tried to get Anthony off. It went in loops and down and up.
Anthony almost fell off. He then stuck a grenade inside then engines and jumped off to the mountain. It exploded and it pushed Anthony towards the mountain. He hit it hard groaning.
“Come on!” Griggs commanded.
They then got to the top of the mountain and saw the Seagil. General Mark, Private Hastings, and Colonel Lehane were in it.
“Jump for it!” Lehane called.
The four men then jumped over to the Seagil while bullets were flying towards them.
They then landed inside the Seagil safe.
“Oh damn!” Griggs gasped sitting down in a seat. The Seagil then took off.
“Who’s this guy?” Hastings asked.
“My former Major, we found him in a jail cell, by the way, we after Cottonmouth?” Anthony said.
“Yeah, we’re on his tail,” General Mark told.
All of the sudden bullets fired at the Seagil! They dodged them.
“Crap! We’re being fired at by Cottonmouth’s men!” Sidewinder screamed.
Sergeant Yoder saw a bunch of enemy ships firing at them. “Anthony, Griggs, Hastings, Miller, get in the gunner seats!” Colonel Lehane commanded.
They then got in the gunner seats and started to fire at all of them. The enemies kept on firing in the passenger place. They all ducked.
Two Mega Tanks then got to both sides of the Seagil and started to ram them.
“God Dammit! Take them out!” the Shipmaster called.
Sergeant Yoder got a grenade out and threw it into the engine of one Mega Tank. It exploded.
The other Mega Tank then shot at Yoder. Yoder screamed and jumped up dodging the blast.
He then jumped over on the Mega Tank and held on for his life!
The Mega Tank then tried to crush him by ramming him into the Seagil.
“Crap!” Yoder screamed.
Before the Mega Tank could ram him, Miller took it down. Yoder then jumped over on to the Seagil. He sort of missed and was about to fall until he wrapped his legs around a rod!
He screamed. “Holy crap!” General Mark screamed watching him.
The Shipmaster then flew over on top of the Seagil with rope. He put it down to where Yoder was.
“Yoder, grab on!” he called.
Yoder reached for it until Shipmaster was shot straight off of the Seagil!
“No!” Yoder yelled grabbing onto the rope. He climbed to the top of the ship.
Yoder then saw Cottonmouth’s ship ahead of them. He growled and got out a RPG. He shot at Cottonmouth’s ship and it went down!
“Yes!” Yoder cheered.
All of the sudden all of the ships fired at Yoder! Yoder gasped and jumped off before the bullets hit him.
Yoder started to fly down! But Yoder wasn’t screaming, he was flying down towards Cottonmouth’s going down ship.
The Seagil then went down because of the bullets that hit them and it was about to smash Yoder until Yoder flew over away from it.
The Seagil then crashed into Cottonmouth’s ship and fortunately the ships didn’t explode.
Yoder then flew down onto Cottonmouth’s ship and crashed through the window.
Cottonmouth then looked over angrily and got out a gun and pulled the trigger but no bullet came out.
“You lucky bastard!” Cottonmouth growled.
Yoder then jumped towards Cottonmouth and grabbed him and they flew through the windshield.
The two of them then started to fly down to the ground. Yoder looked over at Cottonmouth angrily.
“This ends now! This game we both lose!” Yoder laughed over to him.
“Not yet,” Cottonmouth said getting out a parachute and putting it on his back.
Sergeant Yoder then flew over to Cottonmouth and grabbed onto him.
“Get off me!” Cottonmouth growled getting out a knife. He tried to stab Yoder but Yoder grabbed onto his hand and forced the knife towards him.
“Now I’m going to give you two eye patches!” Yoder yelled at him.
“You wish,” Cottonmouth growled pulling the parachute. Yoder then fell off of Cottonmouth with the parachute and started to fall down towards a village.
Yoder then grabbed onto a pole, then fell over to a ledge on a building and grabbed onto that, then fell down on the ground groaning.
He sat up and saw Africans and Cottonmouth’s men battling with guns in the town.
Sergeant Yoder gasped and ducked and crawled into an alley. He then got up gasping.
“Shh,” a voice then said.
Yoder then turned around in horror. “Who’s there?” he hollered getting out his gun.
A bunch of guard dogs then ran into the alley and surrounded Yoder and a bunch of Africans on roof tops pointed their guns down at Yoder!
Yoder then put his hands up in horror. All of the sudden two guys in Ghille Suits ran out of garbage dumps and started to fire at them. Yoder then got out his gun and started to fire at them as well.
Once they killed them all three Africans ran into view firing. Yoder, and the two strangers with ghille suits on ducked behind the garbage dump.
Yoder then aimed under the garbage dump at their feet. Sergeant
Yoder shot one of them in the foot and when he fell to the ground injured, he shot him in the head.
One of the enemies then threw a grenade down to where the three men were, but one stranger in the ghille suit threw it back and it exploded, killing the enemies.
Yoder then got up looking at the strangers.
“Who are you?” Sergeant Yoder asked.
“I’m Lieutenant Victor and this is Corporal Keith, we were sent here by General Mark to retrieve the Africans data, it’s in one of the houses, but we don’t know where,” Lieutenant Victor told.
“Wait, this is Africa?” Yoder responded.
“Yeah, when we got here, Cottonmouth’s men were invading the village and killing civilians to get the Africans data, General Nassor and his men then came and started to battle the Cottonmouth's men, we’ve been sneaking into houses and searching for the data,” Corporal Keith explained,
“Well first I got to find my squad, they crash landed here,” Sergeant Yoder told.
The 3 of them walked out of the alley and were shot at! “Take Cover!” Victor screamed jumping behind cover.
Keith and Yoder did the same. They saw an African mortar team.
“Take them out!” Lieutenant Victor called.
Yoder then got up and fired at them. He shot one but the other was ducking.
He shot a mortar at Yoder but Yoder dived away and crawled over to the African.
Sergeant Yoder punched him in the face and got out a knife. They started to wrestle with it.
The African punched Yoder in the face and Yoder fell back. The African got out a rifle and pointed it at Yoder and was about to shoot until Yoder got the mortar and shot it at him. The guy exploded.
Victor and Keith then came running over.
“Impressive,” Corporal Keith said.
Yoder saw the wrecked Seagil a rooftop. Yoder pointed to it and explained.
“We need to get there without being killed by Africans or Cottonmouth’s men, let’s go!” Yoder explained.
Victor then grabbed onto him. “There’s a garage not to far away with a jeep, we’ll take that,”
“Okay, let’s go,”
The 3 of them started running firing at enemies. Grenades were flying everywhere.
They then got to the garage.
“Open it!” Corporal Keith screamed.
Lieutenant Victor started to open it while bullets were flying everywhere.
Yoder then saw General Nassor walking over with a pistol smiling. Yoder then made an angry face and jumped at Nassor. He grabbed onto him and they flew through a window to a house. They landed hard.
“Weird little one,” General Nassor laughed on the ground.
Yoder got out a knife and they started to wrestle with it. They both stood up and started to crash against walls wrestling with the knife.
Nassor then grabbed onto the knife and crashed Yoder against the wall and forced the knife towards him but Yoder ducked and Nassor stabbed the wall.
Yoder then got up and started to strangle him. Nassor then started to punch Yoder in the stomach red and groaning.
Nassor started to move his feet while being strangled and they both crashed against the wine shelf.
Nassor then grabbed a wine bottle and smashed Yoder in the face with it. Yoder screamed and let go of Nassor in pain. Blood was all over his face!
Nassor then got out a gun and aimed it towards injured Yoder and was about to shoot him until Victor and Keith crashed through the wall in the jeep running Nassor over, but not killing him, only injuring him.
General Nassor then ran off groaning. Victor and Keith then got out of the jeep looking at Yoder.
“Are you okay?” Keith gasped.
“God danget that hurt!” Yoder gasped getting up.
“Okay, now that you’re fine, let’s find that squad of yours!” Victor cheered.
The three of them got into a jeep. Yoder was driving, Victor was in the front seat, and Keith was in the backseat.
They started to drive towards the wrecked Seagil while other jeeps were gaining up on them firing away.
They ducked and avoided the bullets. The jeep in the left rammed them and was about to do it again until Victor got out a Magnum and shot the driver and the jeep flipped over killing them all.
Two more jeeps gained up on the back of them. Corporal Keith looked back and started to fire at them. The jeeps blew up and they escaped the jeeps.
Yoder started to run over some riflemen that were fighting. They then got to the building that the Seagil was on.
“Let’s go!” Victor called jumping off the jeep. Yoder and Keith followed and when they got to the door, the jeep exploded!
They then broke into the house and a bunch of Cottonmouth’s men got up firing like crazy. Yoder, Victor, and Keith ducked and threw a grenade behind their cover. It then exploded and blood flew everywhere.
“Okay, let’s move!” Victor called getting up.
They then walked up the stairs and slowly opened the door. When Victor opened the door, he was shot in the head dozens of times!
Yoder and Keith then gasped and ducked and fired at them they then got up.
“Victor, damn!” Keith gasped.
“I know,” Yoder responded taking his dog tag.
All of the sudden, one of Cottonmouth’s men jumped out from cover aiming his pistol at them.
“Die!” he yelled about to pull the trigger. All of the sudden he was shot in the head!
Yoder and Keith got up confused and saw Captain Anthony, Major Griggs, Private Miller, Sidewinder, General Mark, Private Hastings, and Colonel Lehane walking down the stairs!
“Guys, you’re alive! But where’s the Shipmaster?” Yoder asked.
Captain Anthony showed him a dog tag.
“Don’t you remember? He was shot off the ship,” Captain Anthony reminded.
“Well, who is this?” Major Griggs asked pointing to Corporal Keith.
“Corporal James Keith sir!” Corporal Keith answered bowing.
“Well, we’ve got the plan to kill Cottonmouth and General Nassor while they’re here,” General Mark told.
“Well I’m ready to kick some ass!” Hastings laughed loading his gun.
“Great, General Mark, Sidewinder, and I will be watching you guys off the computer, Corporal Keith and Private Hastings will be sniping off rooftops, Major Griggs and Private Miller shall look for the African data, and Captain Anthony and Sergeant Yoder, you’ll both go and take out Cottonmouth and General Nassor, any questions?” Colonel Lehane explained.
“No sir,” Private Miller answered fiddling with a knife.
“Okay, get to work!” General Mark commanded.
Soon the whole team got to their places. Captain Anthony and Sergeant Yoder walked over to the door leading outside.
“You ready Yoder?” Anthony asked getting ready to open the door.
“Ready!” Yoder called.
They then opened the door and ran out firing at enemies. They ducked behind cover and started to fire at Cottonmouth’s men and the Africans as they fought.
A chopper then came firing. Anthony and Yoder ducked while the bullets from the chopper were bouncing off the car that Anthony and Yoder were behind.
“Yoder! Get the RPG(cough) from the armory over in that wrecked Seagil!” Anthony commanded.
Yoder crawled over to the armory and grabbed and RPG. When Yoder was walking towards the way to get out bullets shot towards the door from the chopper!
“Crap! Anthony, I can’t get out!” Yoder screamed.
“Pass the RPG!” Anthony called.
Yoder threw the RPG towards Anthony and he caught it. Anthony aimed it towards the chopper and shot it. It blew up and started to crash!
“Yes!” Anthony cheered still behind cover.
Yoder walked out and saw that the chopper was crashing down towards a gas tank!
“Captain Anthony, look out!” Yoder screamed ducking behind the wrecked Seagil.
Captain Anthony looked up and gasped. He quickly started running and the gas tank exploded! It came towards Anthony and Anthony quickly jumped behind the wrecked Seagil. It blew everyone up!
General Mark contacted Captain Anthony.
“(Cough) Damn boys, that’s some nice killing! Regroup at the house!” General Mark laughed.
“Alright Yoder, good work, we’re out of here!” Captain Anthony cheered climbing over the wrecked Seagil.
All of the sudden Anthony was grabbed and was beaten a bunch of times with a baseball bat by Cottonmouth and his two partners Hammer-Head and Niles!
Yoder gasped and jumped on top of the Seagil aiming his gun at them until the bat was thrown at Yoder’s head!
Yoder groaned and fell to the ground half knocked out. Cottonmouth, Niles, and Hammer-Head who was dragging knocked out Anthony, walked over smiling.
“Farewell, hero!” Cottonmouth laughed.
Yoder then closed his eyes knocked out…

Yoder and Anthony then woke up gagged and their hands tied to the wall. Blood was on their faces. They were in one of the houses in the village.
There was sobbing in the other room and laughter from Cottonmouth, Niles, and Hammer-Head. Yoder and Anthony looked at each other groaning.
Hammer-Head and another soldier then walked into the room with a gun.
They then untied Yoder and whacked him in the face so he couldn’t fight back.
Yoder fell to the ground groaning. Hammer-Head and the other soldier then dragged Yoder to the room.
Yoder saw that it was a room with a table and two chairs across from each other. There was a Magnum in the middle of the table.
A bunch of Cottonmouth’s men were watching the table laughing including Cottonmouth and Niles.
Some men then dragged General Nassor to the table and sat him down in a chair.
“Don’t you freaking touch me!” General Nassor yelled once they let go of him.
Yoder then saw them dragging Private Loomis to the other chair. They sat him down. He growled.
“Let go of me!” Loomis yelled.
Niles then grabbed the Magnum and put one bullet in the chamber and spun it and closed it the chamber.
Niles then spun it on the table and it pointed to General Nassor.
“Play!” Niles said pointing to the Magnum.
“You can’t kill me with this silly little game of yours!” General Nassor yelled.
Cottonmouth pointed to the Magnum impatiently. General Nassor sighed and pointed the Magnum to his head nervously.
“Shoot big guy!” Cottonmouth laughed.
General Nassor then screamed and pulled the trigger and no bullet came out.
General Nassor let out a sigh of relief and dropped the gun onto the table.
Cottonmouth pointed to Loomis.
“Play!” he yelled to him.
Private Loomis picked up the gun nervously and pointed it to his head. He then screamed and pulled the trigger and a bullet went right through his head! Private Loomis fell dead. General Nassor started to cry. Cottonmouth laughed.
Hammer-Head then dragged Yoder over to the table. Cottonmouth looked at Yoder and smiled.
“Excellent choice! Now my two enemies can battle to the death!” Cottonmouth laughed.
Hammer-Head dragged Yoder over to the table and sat him down.
Yoder then woke up enough for him to talk. Hammer-Head then put one bullet in the chamber of the Magnum and spun it and closed it. He spun the gun on the table and it pointed to Yoder.
“Play!” Hammer-Head yelled.
Sergeant Yoder picked up the gun confident and pointed it to his head looking at Cottonmouth angrily.
Yoder then growled and pulled the trigger. No bullet came out.
Yoder then dropped the gun on the table not taking his eye off of Cottonmouth.
Cottonmouth laughed.
“Bravery, well, enjoy the game, if you lose, you die, and if you win, you’ll play two other people and if you win those, we kill you,” Cottonmouth laughed
Before Nassor could grab the gun, Yoder picked it up again and pulled the trigger twice at his head and no bullet came out!
Yoder dropped the Magnum back down on the table. Niles,
Hammer-Head, and General Nassor gasped.
Cottonmouth smiled. “You’re not as dumb as you look, Yoder”
Niles pointed to the Magnum.
“Play!” he yelled to Nassor.
General Nassor picked it up in horror and pointed it to his head in horror.
Before he could pull the trigger, Private Hastings and Corporal Keith jumped through the window and shot Niles and shot some other soldiers.
Hastings then shot Cottonmouth in the arm and he fell to the ground injured.
Nassor then got up and ran out the window. Yoder then quickly grabbed onto Hammer-Head and grabbed the Magnum on the table and shot Hammer-Head in the head. Hammer-Head fell dead.
Cottonmouth then got up with an AK-47 and shot Private Hastings and Corporal Keith to death.
“No!” Yoder screamed tackling Cottonmouth to the ground. They started to wrestle with the gun.
“Well Yoder, you can’t die!” Cottonmouth laughed.
“Shut, the hell, up!” Yoder yelled spitting in Cottonmouth’s face.
Cottonmouth then pushed Yoder out the window and Yoder landed on the ground.
Africans and Cottonmouth’s men were still fighting outside.
Cottonmouth then jumped out of the house and aimed his gun down at Yoder.
“No cheating death this time!” Cottonmouth growled cocking the gun.
All of the sudden someone shot at Cottonmouth. Cottonmouth ducked and looked over and saw Major Griggs and Private Miller firing at him.
Cottonmouth growled and ran off shooting at some of the enemy Africans.
Griggs was carrying a chip which was the African’s data!
Private Miller kneeled down at Yoder.
“You okay Sergeant? Where’s Anthony?” Private Miller asked.
“In there,” Sergeant Yoder answered pointing to the house while getting up.
Griggs, Miller, and Yoder ran in and saw all of the bodies on the ground.
“Jesus! Hastings and Keith were killed!” Griggs gasped.
“Yeah, I know, freaking Cottonmouth took them out,” Yoder answered grabbing their dog tags.
The 3 of them then went into the other room and untied Anthony.
“Freaking idiots, taking out the whole damn team!” Anthony growled getting up and grabbing a gun.
“Let’s go give this data to General Mark and then kill Nassor and Cottonmouth and then call for help,” Griggs then said.
“Right,” Miller agreed.
Anthony, Yoder, Griggs, and Miller started to run to the tower while bullets were flying everywhere.
They then broke in and started to walk up the stairs. All of the sudden a screaming African ran up the stairs with Molotiv Cocktails and threw them like crazy. All of them then hit Griggs and he started to burn.
“No!” Anthony screamed shooting that African in the head.
Captain Anthony then got a coat and started to cover Griggs with it. The fire went away but burns were all over Griggs.
He was lying on the ground gasping in tears.
“Griggs!” Anthony, Yoder, and Miller cried.
“I-I hurt, b-bad, t-take, the, d-data,” he groaned showing him the data.
Anthony then took it with a sad look on his face. Griggs then slowly died.
Anthony then sighed and took Griggs’ dog tag.
“Alright Bravo, let’s move,” Anthony then said.
The three of them moved upstairs and opened the door. They saw General Mark, Colonel Lehane, and Sidewinder on a computer watching the battle in thermal sight.
“Hey guys, we’re trying to get contact, where’s Griggs, Keith, and Hastings?” Sidewinder asked.
Anthony showed him the dog tags sadly.
“They’re dead?” Lehane asked.
“Yeah, they were great men, are men coming to pick us up?” Yoder sighed.
“Yeah, but not for another hour, we need to kill Nassor and Cottonmouth,” General Mark responded.
“Right, Miller, Yoder, Sidewinder, and I will find them and kill them,” Anthony responded.
“Right, we’re going to examine this data and prove are innocence to the world,” General Mark replied.
Captain Anthony, Sergeant Yoder, Private Miller, and Sidewinder then walked downstairs and were about to open the door.
“This is it, the end of the war,” Yoder said.
Anthony then slowly opened the door and they ran outside into the fight.
Mortars were firing towards them! “Look out!” Anthony screamed jumping out of the way.
Yoder, Miller, and Sidewinder did the same and barely dodged it.
There were then two houses in the distance across from each other.
“Sidewinder, Yoder, take the right house, me and Miller will take the left!” Anthony called running with Miller to the house.
“Let’s go!” Yoder then said running to the house followed by Sidewinder.
They then made it in and it was quiet. Yoder closed the door and they snuck to the stairs.
“I don’t like silences,” Yoder whispered to Sidewinder.
“Let’s go, just like old times,” Sidewinder responded starting to walk up the stairs.
Yoder followed and they got to a room with an African firing a turret. The African turned but was shot a bunch of times by Yoder and Sidewinder.
“That’s how we do it,” Sidewinder laughed. But right at that moment, a knife flew into his head from the stairs! Sidewinder fell dead.
Yoder looked over and saw General Nassor! Yoder growled.
“You coward! You ran away when Hastings and Keith ran in!” Yoder growled loading his gun.
“Go to hell, Yoder!” Nassor yelled.
Yoder then tackled Nassor and they started to wrestle with a knife again.
They were trying to push the knife into the other person’s body.
They were both sweating with fear. Nassor then pushed with all of his force and the very tip of the blade went into Yoder’s stomach!
“Oh god!” Yoder screamed in pain forcing the knife out of him.
"You know why we invaded America? Because the Goverment secretly launched an attack on important cities around the continent killing civilians, they did this because of an oil deal we had with Russians back in 2032, 3 years before we invaded America, Once when the Nigerian goverment was testing nuclear missiles, we accidently set one off that traveled all the way to Russia and landed in Moscow, which killed millions, the russians then made a deal to deliver gallons and gallons oil to them in return for our mistakes, or else they would get revenge on all of Africa, we had a deal to send oil through a boat across to the Russians, we were then attacked by ruthless Americans that stole our oil and the oil was smuggled from the ship and the ship sunk and the Americans got away with it, costing us milions and having us loose our oil, we were punished by the Russians because they sent their missiles to major cities in Africa, millions were killed. we then gathered up Countries to get revenge on America for their theft," General Nassor then told while wrestling the knife with Sergeant Yoder.
Yoder listened in horror. "You're a liar,"
"If you help me bring down General Mark, Colonel Lehane, and Cottonmouth, we can prove to you what really happened, it was the Americans all along," General Nassor said.
Sergeant Yoder then kicked Nassor off of him and General Nassor fell to the ground. Yoder got up with the knife.
"You've been fighting for the wrong side all along, Yoder,"
Yoder then dropped his knife and grabbed his gun. He threw a pistol over to General Nassor. "We're going to do this my way," Sergeant Yoder said. General Nassor nodded his head.
Sergeant Yoder helped him up.
"Let's go," he said.
Captain Anthony then contacted Sergeant Yoder. "Yoder! Cottonmouth has got Private Miller and he is in the house, repeat, he is in the house!"
Sergeant Yoder and General Nassor then came near the stairs and aimed down nervously.
Private Miller was then thrown into the house groaning.
Cottonmouth then walked into the house with a gun laughing.
"Worthless American," Cottonmouth laughed kicking Miller. Miller screamed in pain.
Cottonmouth then loaded his gun and pointed it at Private Miller. "Signing off Private," Cottonmouth laughed.
"Hey! Cottonmouth, get the freak off him!" Yoder yelled jumping onto Cottonmouth. Cottonmouth growled and fell back. General Nassor then ran down the stairs with his gun.
Cottonmouth kicked Yoder off of him and hit him in the head with his gun. Sergeant Yoder groaned on the ground and couldn't move but could still hear.
"No!" General Nassor screamed from behind Cottonmouth. Cottonmouth turned around but was then stabbed in the heart. Cottonmouth then screamed in pain coughing up blood.
"This is for stealing our oil," Nassor growled holding onto injured Cottonmouth still.
Cottonmouth then reached into his pocket.
He took out a grenade. "It-was-worth-it," he laughed pulling the pin. Nassor then screamed and pushed Cottonmouth out the window along with himself. The grenade then blew up Cottonmouth and Nassor.
"Nassor!" Yoder screamed getting up and getting a gun. Private Miller was still on the ground groaning.
"Why're you helping Nassor?" Private Miller asked.
Captain Anthony then ran in pointing his gun around.
"What happened?" Captain Anthony asked.
"Nassor and Cottonmouth are dead, but Yoder was helping out Nassor," Miller told.
Anthony turned to Yoder.
"Why?" Captain Anthony asked.
Sergeant Yoder explained to Captain Anthony and Private Miller what happened.
Anthony and Miller couldn't believe it. "So, we've been fighting for the enemy all along?" Captain Anthony gasped.
"No, we're in the Rubix Force, we did fight for the wrong side before, it's all the regular American's fault," Sergeant Yoder said.
"Where will we go? We can't go back to America with Cottonmouth's blood on our hands," Captain Anthony said.
"We can go to Africa, we'll prove that we're on their side when we show Cottonmouth's head to them," Private Miller said.
"Yes," Anthony and Yoder agreed.

Yoder's Perspective

My name is Sergeant Scott Yoder. I am a former American soldier, but now I have moved to Africa with my squad, Captain Anthony, and Private Miller. General Mark and Colonel Lehane were killed by a tank shooting th clock tower. They will be remembered by me. The Americans started the war after all. The Americans soon won the war, but we still live in Africa, wanted by America as traitors. We will live a happy life in Africa though, I have a family now in Southern Africa, a beautiful family. And I will always stay here. Signing off...