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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 18, 2011


My name is Ian. One of the most scariest things that’s ever happened to me was last year. I was in 6th grade and I was going to detention for putting firecrackers in the principal’s drawers with my friends. I will tell you what happened during detention.
I had to go on a Saturday night at 8:00 and had to stay there until midnight, awful right?
My mom drove me and my sister, Taylor to detention angrily. Taylor was 2 years younger than me and a trouble maker. She helped me and my friends put the fire crackers in the principal’s desk.
My mom dropped us off at school. She had a disappointed look on her face. Taylor and I got out of the car and walked towards the entrance.
“Man, mom looked mad,” Taylor brought up kicking a rock.
“Yeah, we shouldn’t of played that prank, and Daniel shouldn’t of been a wuss and start to cry and admit everything,” I growled.
“Yeah, he’s a wuss,” Taylor acknowledged.
We walked into the empty school and walked to the detention room. No one was in the school except for the detention kids. We then got to the room and opened the door.
A mean guy teacher named Mr. Anderson was watching us. He slightly turned his head and looked at Taylor and I. Mr. Anderson just got his job here 2 days ago and is already the most hated teacher in the school.
“Take a seat,” he growled at us.
I saw a bunch of my friends sitting down bored. I saw Brian, a know it all kid who’s on my swim team. Jason, Brian’s little brother who’s cool. Trey, the fastest kid on my track team. Mary, a pretty girl who’s on my swim team too. Eric, a kid on my baseball team. Zack, Eric’s little brother who’s my best friend. Seth, a kid in my class. William, a kid I’ve known since age 2. And Daniel, William’s little brother. 11 of us.
I took a seat between Seth and William. They looked like they were going to fall asleep.
“Hey guys,” I whispered to them.
“Hey, you hear the news earlier?” William asked me.
“No, what?”
“Killers from the Lorton Prison escaped about 4 days ago,” Seth whispered.
“Hey! Be quiet!” Mr. Anderson shouted at us burying his head back in his book.
We sighed and I just layed my head on the desk bored. All of the sudden the lights started to flicker.
We all looked up at the lights.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Eric asked.
“Shut up! I’m going to check the fuse box,” Mr. Anderson growled running out of the room.
We all started to talk.
“Let’s escape!” Zack laughed.
“This is so boring, I rather get shot then stay here any longer,” Mary groaned.
The lights kept on flickering.
“It would be cool if there was a blackout,” Trey said.
All of the sudden the lights went out and all I could see was black. I got kind of scared.
“Hey Trey, your wish came true,” I laughed over to him.
All of the sudden we heard Mr. Anderson scream and plead. We all got scared.
“What was that?” Daniel gasped.
All of the sudden we heard footsteps coming towards us.
“Uh, Mr. Anderson?” Jason asked.
All of the sudden I heard a struggle beside me and I heard Seth scream but the scream then faded away and I heard footsteps running towards me.
Someone then bumped me over and I fell to the ground. I groaned.
The lights then came back on. We looked around in horror and saw Seth gone and saw his desk gone!
We all gasped. I stood up and same with everyone else.
“Where’s Seth?!” William screamed.
“Guys, look!” Taylor screamed looking at the detention list.
We all walked over to her and saw Seth’s name crossed out with blood.
We looked in horror.
“Maybe Seth is playing a joke,” Zack suggested.
“Seth doesn’t play jokes,” Brian replied.
I then got the phone and tried to call someone but the line was cut.
“Let’s just go out the door the main door and get the police,” Eric suggested.
“Okay,” we all agreed.
We walked out of the detention room and walked towards the door.
Eric went out first and I was about to open the door until a person who’s face was hidden with a black cloak jumped down and attacked Eric!
We all screamed and stepped back.
“What’s going on?!” Daniel screamed.
Eric was then dragged off out of sight. I walked closer to the door with William and Brian but the guy came back and chained the door locked.
We gasped and stepped back. The guy then left out of sight.
“Let’s go out the window,” Jason suggested pointing to a window. We turned our heads to the window but it was high up.
“Hey, give me a boost,” Trey told us.
“Okay,” we all agreed.
We gave Trey a boost and he got on the ledge by the window. He looked at the window.
“It’s open,” Trey told us. But all of the sudden a hand grabbed Trey and pulled him out the window!
We screamed and stepped back. It was too high so we couldn’t see who was doing it.
The hand then closed the window and we heard a click.
“Oh my god, what’s going on?!” Jason screamed.
A voice then came on the school speaker. A cold voice started to talk.
“You guys will all be gone in an hour, just be prepared for more fun,” the voice told.
We all gasped.
“We got to find a way out of here,” Taylor gasped.
“How though?” Zack asked.
“Wait, the air vent, the roof, we can escape that way, we crawl through the air vents and get on the roof, and crawl down the ladder and get the cops,” Mary suggested.
“Good idea,” Daniel commented.
“Where’s the entrance to the vents anyways?” Brian asked,
I thought and remember hearing from friends that the entrance is in the janitor’s closet.
“It’s in the janitor’s closet,” I answered.
“Okay, I want to find the person that took my brother,” Zack said to us.
We walked to the janitor’s closet and saw it closed. Zack, Brian, and I kicked the door open.
We saw a bunch of janitor suits hung up and vacuums and trash cans everywhere.
“Okay, there’s the entrance,” Jason said pointing to the entrance.
“Okay, let’s get out of here,” Taylor said walking by a suit. All of the sudden, a face popped out of the suit and his arm grabbed onto Taylor and started to attack Taylor!
We screamed and I tried to go help Taylor but she was dragged off into the hallway!
The 7 of us screamed. Only Zack, Jason, William, Daniel, Mary, Brian, and I were left.
“Open up the vent!” Mary screamed at Brian who was trying to open the vent.
Brian then opened the vent. “Got it!” he cheered.
Brian then started to crawl through the vent. I heard footsteps coming towards us outside in the hall.
I quickly ran over and locked the door. Someone started to bang on the door. I gulped.
“Everyone, get in the vent!” I screamed running over to the vent.
Brian, Mary, Zack, and Jason were already crawling through the vent.
William, Daniel, and I were still outside.
“Ian, get in the vent!” William yelled to me.
I then started to crawl through the vent. I then heard someone break down the door.
William and Daniel then started to crawl through the vent with me. All of the sudden, Daniel was pulled out of the vent screaming!
“Daniel!” William screamed.
“Come on!” I screamed crawling and catching up with Jason. William followed.
The person didn’t pursue us.
“What happened?” Brian called from the front.
“He or she took Daniel!” William cried.
“Oh dang!” Zack screamed.
“Come on, let’s keep going, we’re almost near the roof,” Mary said biting her nails.
We kept on crawling and saw a room below. When Zack was crawling above it a person in a ski mask broke through the vent and pulled Zack down!
“Zackkkkkk!” we all screamed.
Brian and Mary got to the entrance to the roof which was above them but Jason, William and I were on the other side of the hand.
Jason was the one in front of us. He kicked the hand away and the hand lowered down. Jason and William then started to crawl over the room but the hand grabbed both of their feet and tried to pull them down but they grabbed onto a handle in the vent.
I gasped and grabbed onto both of their hands and tried to pull them from the guy.
Brian and Mary gasped and came over and helped me out.
“Help!” William and Jason both screamed.
The guy really pulled and then fell down and pulled Jason down with him and William was about to fall until I grabbed onto his hand.
“Pull me up!” William screamed.
Brian, Mary, and I pulled William up with lot’s of might and got him up.
“Come on! Let’s get to the roof!” Mary screamed.
The 4 of us crawled towards the roof and opened the vent and climbed on top of the roof.
We then got up and closed the vent. We lyed down gasping. Only Mary, William, Brian, and I were left.
“W-who is doing this?” Mary gasped curled up in a ball
“I don’t know, but we’re going to find out,” William replied standing up.
“Yes, let’s get out of here,” I agreed. We got up and went over to the ladder. The ladder was pulled off!
We gasped. “Oooo, that little sneak!” Brian roared.
Mary was just standing in place in horror. “He’s always one step ahead,”
William and I tried to open the vent put it was locked.
“Nooo!” I screamed in anger.
Mary and Brian turned around. “What?” they both asked.
“The vent is locked!” William cried. Brian and Mary sighed.
I looked down at the ground and it was too far to jump, but there was a ledge that we could climb down.
I turned around and saw the 3 of them standing around thinking. William was trying to open the vent crouched. Mary was still curled up in a ball. And Brian was walking around kicking a rock sighing.
“Guys, there’s a ledge we can climb down,” I told them.
They then looked at the ledge.
“Okay, let’s go,” Mary said jumping on the ledge. She started to climb down.
It was actually a pretty far jump and we didn’t see how Mary made it so easily.
“Uh, ladies first,” Brian and William said looking at me.
I sighed and jumped and landed on the ledge but almost fell and I was dangling on the ledge.
I gasped and got my feet on the ledge and started to climb down with Mary.
“What’s taking Brian and William?” Mary called from below me.
“They’re chickens!” I laughed.
“No we’re not!” Brian roared jumping to the ledge.
He landed on it groaning but better than I did. He started to climb down too.
We looked up at William who was about to jump. He then started to run to jump but all of the sudden, someone in a ski mask grabbed William and pulled him out of sight!
Mary, Brian, and I screamed and climbed down faster and soon got to the bottom.
“Come on, let’s get the cops!” Mary gasped.
Only Mary, Brian, and I were left. We walked towards the front of the school and were going to get the cops.
“Only the 3 of us are left,” I gulped.
“Yeah, we have to get the cops and search for everyone in school, is they’re alive,” Brian shivered.
We got to the front of the school and were about to cross the parking lost until we saw a black van across the road facing us.
We could only see the driver’s shadow because it was like midnight.
“W-who is that?” I stuttered stepping back with Mary and Brian nervously.
“Come on, let’s run around this freak!” Mary said confidently.
The van’s horn then beeped loud towards us and the headlights turned on towards us.
We covered are ears in horror stepping back towards the school. The van then started and started to drive towards us!
“Run!” Brian screamed running towards the glass door entrance with us.
The van was getting closer to us!
We were taking the chain off the door. “Come on, let’s open the dang door!” Mary screamed.
No running around the van now, are only chance was getting in the school.
We then got the chain off and ran into the school screaming. The van then crashed through the glass door and glass shattered everywhere.
Mary, Brian, and I dove for it and if we didn’t, we would’ve been run over.
I hit the ground groaning. I then looked behind me and saw the van stopped but the front of the van was only inches away from my face! My legs were under the van when it stopped and the van almost hit my face.
I crawled back in horror and stood up with Mary and Brian looking at the van.
The driver who had a ski mask on, was knocked out and his head was laying down on the wheel.
“Come on guys, let’s go to the back door and see if it’s unlocked,” Mary said to us.
But Brian and I ignored and walked towards the driver.
“Let’s take off the mask, we’ll know who it is, it’ll be over,” I said to them reaching for his mask.
“Oh my god,” Mary and Brian gasped putting their hands over their mouths in horror.
I then touched his face but his hand then grabbed onto me. I almost died of fright.
Mary and Brian screamed.
“Time to die kid,” the guy roared.
I screamed and bit his hand. He screamed in pain and let go. “Run!” I screamed running away!
The 3 of us ran into the detention room and locked the door in horror.
We started gasping in horror. “S-soon we’ll all be gone,” Mary gasped.
Brian lied against the window in horror. I looked at the detention list.
It had a bunch of red lines all over the paper. I walked towards the list and ripped it off the wall and looked at it.
I then gasped. Everyone who was taken was crossed out in blood. Mary and Brian looked over.
“What?” Mary asked running over to me. Brian stayed where he was against the window.
I pointed to the paper. “Everyone who was taken name’s crossed out,” I explained.
“Example, see this, Seth is crossed out, Eric is crossed out, Trey is crossed out, Taylor is crossed out, Daniel is crossed out, Zack is crossed out, Jason is crossed out, William is crossed out and- I couldn’t finish explaining because Mary and I froze in place.
“What’s wrong?” Brian asked against the window.
It showed that Brian was crossed out also. We turned around and saw him against the window.
“Brian, get away from the window,” I said with my hand out walking over to him.
“What?” Brian asked. But the second after Brian said that, a hand crashed through the window and pulled Brian out!
Mary and I screamed and tried to open the door but someone started to bang on the door.
We gasped and stepped back. No other way out. We hugged each other bracing ourselves.
The door was then smashed open and William came in limping and had a hard time keeping his balance.
“William?” Mary asked.
“Helppp,” William silently groaned. He then fell down face first and a knife was stuck in his back!
Mary and I screamed.
Brian then walked in all bloody and fell down near William. “Nooo!” Mary and I screamed.
People with ski masks then came in with ropes and knives. Mary and I closed our eyes preparing for it but laughter then happened.
We then heard laughter. We opened our eyes and saw the people in the ski masks laughing and William and Brian got up laughing.
Mary and I got up with a weird look on our faces. “What’s going on?” we asked.
“It was all a joke, I wasn’t dead, look, corn syrup,” Brian showed us.
William took the fake knife of his back. Trey, Eric, Seth, Taylor, Daniel, Jason, and Zack then came out.
“W-what happened?” I asked.
“I’ll explain,” Trey said.
“Well, it was detention today, and I was super bummed, so I decided to make “Detention” fun. So I got my cousins,”
“Hi,” the guys in the ski mask greeted.
Trey continued. “So I told them to take us one by one and cross our names out with corn syrup. They agreed and I waited in detention for the lights to go out. When they did I smiled and waited for them to take someone. One of my cousins got the detention teacher but he didn’t cooperate and threatened to call the police as my cousins told me, so they tied him up in the storage closet who we’re going to have to get out soon, and we’re probably going to get in trouble, but anyways I then heard Seth scream and I smiled. My cousins must have bumped you over, Ian, while running out.
So my cousins got Seth and we explained to him what was going on so he joined us in trying to take the rest of you.
We knew that you guys were going to walk outside, so one of my cousins were already out there and got Eric and dragged him to our little hideout outside by the playground and explained to him what was happening and we got him to help out.
I then decided that my kidnapping would be next. I got on the ledge and gave a thumbs up to my cousin and he grabbed me outside.
In the janitor’s closet, my cousins were waiting for you and grabbed Taylor and dragged her off.
The vent was our jack pot, we then got Daniel, Zack, and Jason and told them to help out.
When you got on the roof, we locked the vent and unhooked the ladder.
We then saw that you were climbing down the ledge. So Zack, Seth, and I unhooked the vent and snuck behind William and before he jumped, we grabbed him and dragged him to our hideout and he started to help out.
When you guys were walking to the front of the school, my cousin was in his van and beeped his horn at you and started to drive to you. Now we were obviously not going to run you over, my cousin is a really good driver for a 20 year old. He could tell if you would make it in or not, he would know when to hit the brakes. He then crashed through the glass windows and hit the brakes and pretended to be knocked out. When you, Ian, grabbed his mask, he grabbed your hand and tried to take you but you bit his hand, which he’s not mad about.
You 3 then ran into the detention room and we saw the perfect chance when Brian leaned against the window, we then grabbed him and pulled him out while another one of my cousins banged on the door.
We quickly explained to Brian what was going on and told him to get the corn syrup on.
Him and William walked in the room and pretended to die. That’s the story,” Trey told.
“S-so this was a joke the whole time?” Mary asked.
“Yep,” Zack answered.
“But, won’t your cousins be arrested for driving through the school and tying up a teacher?” I asked.
“We’re really rich and we know how to build things, we can rebuild the glass door before morning and bribe the teacher with 1,000’s of dollars,” one of Trey’s cousins answered.
“What about the killers from the prison, that didn’t have anything to do with this?” Mary asked.
“Heck no!” they all said.
We then heard a gun load and we looked over and saw Mr. Anderson pointing a Desert Eagle at all of us. We all gasped and stepped back against the wall.
“Wh-what’re you doing?” Jason gasped.
“For your information, I was one of those killers that escaped from prison the other day, than I got a job here to start a new life, but now that someone has tied me up, oh, you’re all going to be dead in the next 5 minutes,” Mr. Anderson laughed.
We all screamed at the top of our lungs.

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