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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Haunted Neighborhood

There has been a terrible piece of history that has happened in my neighborhood. About 35 years ago in this very neighborhood on Halloween night, a murder took place. 7 kids were trick- r -treating. The kids knocked on a stranger’s door that was in the middle of the woods. The guy came to the door and said that he was going to get candy from the pantry and said that the kids could come in. When they got in the house was abandoned and it seemed that no one had set foot in the house in years. The guy turned out to be a child murderer and knocked the kids out.
He brought them out of the abandoned house and threw them in the back of his van and tied them up. He then drove towards the lake in the woods. The lake was in a huge trench that went down 40 feet. The lake was 2,000 feet deep. The killer drove towards the trench and jumped out of his van and landed safely and the van went off the trench and into the water.
One of the kids got out of his ropes and knocked the window open and started to breath in the tire air so the killer wouldn’t see him when he swam up to take a breath. The killer then left and the kid swam up while the rest of the kids drowned.
He got the police and the police could never find the killer. That is the most horrifying thing that has ever happened in my neighborhood. I will tell you how me and my friends encountered with this horrifying tail.

My friend Daniel and I went outside and ran down to the woods. We had a hammer and nails. We were going to work on a fort of ours. Daniel was 2 years younger than me and was cool but kind of a wuss.
It was October and Halloween is tomorrow. Every step we took you heard autumn leaves going Crunch, Crunch, Crunch.
We then got into the woods and stopped running and started to walk.
“So what’re you going to be this Halloween?” Daniel asked me trying to step on leaves.
“You,” I laughed.
“Shut up, really, what’re you going to be, I’m going to be goblin,” Daniel said.
“I don’t know, this’ll probably be my last year of trick r treating, something exciting,” I replied.
“Well, I’m only in it for the candy,” Daniel said.
An old guy in are neighborhood named Mr. Moore walked by us. He was really nice.
“Hey boys, what’re you up to?” Mr. Moore asked us.
“We’re going to work on our own fort,” I told him.
“Cool, boys, see you around,” Mr. Moore said walking away. Daniel and I kept on walking.
We then got to our fort. It was near the trench where the lake was where the van massacre happened.
“Gee, why’d we have to make the fort near this trench, it gives me the creeps,” Daniel shivered starting to work on the fort.
“Want to come here on Halloween with William and Mary to pay respects to the kids?” I asked looking over at the trench.
“No way! I’m too afraid!”
I then saw an old mobile home near the trench. It had weeds growing out of it and was so ugly looking.
“Hey come on, let’s check it out,” I said to Daniel walking towards the trench.
“No!” Daniel cried.
“Come on,” I said to him.
Daniel then sighed and followed me. Daniel didn’t like being left alone.
I looked down the trench kind of scared. I saw a big lake with black water.
I gulped. Daniel then came by my side and looked down nervously.
“Can we go now?” Daniel asked looking around.
“Hey, it’s daytime, it’s not that scary,” I said to him.
“Please, can we go?” Daniel begged.
I just ignored him. “Divers couldn’t find the van, because people say it sunk so freaking deep into a trench underwater, the bodies were never found, neither was the killer,”
“Now you’re scaring me even more,” Daniel whined. I then rolled my eyes and walked towards the old mobile home.
“What’re you doing now?” Daniel asked following me into the house.
I saw a bunch of drawn pictures on the old walls. There was a picture of monsters eating people alive.
“This is too creepy,” Daniel gulped stepping back. He then tripped over a weed and crashed through the wall because it was so beat up and was about to fall down the trench until he grabbed onto a rock. He was screaming so loud!
“Help!” Daniel screamed dangling.
I then gasped and dove forward and grabbed onto him. I then pulled him up.
Daniel then curled up in a ball shaking. “Can we go now?”
I then heard voices in the trench. I started to get scared. They were echoes. “Help us, help us, we’re drowning,” one echo said below.
“What was that?” Daniel then gasped.
“We want fooooooood, we’re hungryyyyyyyy,” another echo said.
“Let’s get out of here!” Daniel gasped.
I then finally agreed. Daniel started to run but I then saw an old wooden ladder that we could go down later.
“Come on!” Daniel called.
I then started to run but then tripped over a book. I looked at it and it said diary. I put it in my pocket and started to run off with Daniel.
We ran all the way home and went inside Daniel’s house. We sat down and watched some TV gasping.
“What was that?” Daniel gasped.
“I don’t know, but I’m going back there tonight with you and some other friends,” I then told him.
“Are you nuts?”
“Maybe, but I want to know what that was,”
“You can but I’m not!”
“Fine, I’ll get William,” I then said.
I ran upstairs. William was Daniel’s bigger brother who was my age and really brave.
I ran in his room and he was playing cards with a friend of mine named Brian, who is a know it all but is still really cool, Evan, a pudgy kid my age who’s kind of a jerk, and Mary, a girl who is 13 and has blonde hair and blue eyes and who I think is really pretty but I don’t tell anyone that.
“Hey Ian, what’s happening?” William asked me looking up putting down another card.
“Guys, you wouldn’t believe what happened at that trench today, I heard voices with Daniel and found this diary,” I told them.
“No way, you lie,” Evan said.
“Yeah, well let’s hear the diary,” I then said sitting down.
“Where’d you find the diary anyways?” Mary asked.
“The Mobile Home by the trench,” I answered.
“Well, let’s hear the diary,” Brian urged.
I then started to read the old cover. “Diary of Derrick M. Boccino,” I then turned to the first page.
“I hear them every night, they whisper things to my head, they say that they want food, humans, and they say that they will spare me for food, I went out at nights, capturing people, and I would make a ladder and bring them down to the trench onto the sand by the water. I would call the kids out with my curse, they whisper the curse to me every night, and the curse works between 7 PM and 12 AM.
I call Grip-Grap-Greep, they then rise and eat the person alive.

October 31, 1992

I have upset the kids, I have forgot to feed them the past days, I am going to see them tonight to apologize,” I read.
We all looked at each other in horror.
“You really found that in the mobile home?” Mary asked biting her nails.
“Yep,” I replied.
“We’re going to the trench tonight to see if that “Curse” is really true,” William said.
“No, I’m too scared,” Evan whined.
“Chicken,” Brian laughed.
“Fine, I’ll go!”
“Okay, let’s go tonight,” I then said. They all shook their heads in agreement.

I went home and told my mom that I was having a sleepover at William’s.
Later, at 8:00, we met at William’s driveway. “Okay, so we going to the trench now?” Brian then began.
“Yep, and I got flashlights too,” William told passing us flashlights.
“Let’s do this,” Mary then said turning her flashlight on and aiming it at things.
We started walking into the woods. “I’m scared,” Evan whined.
“Shut up, Evan, you’re acting like Daniel,” I told him.
“How’d Daniel handle the trench?” Brian giggled. I laughed thinking about it.
“He handles it awful, he was whining about getting out of there the whole time,” I told laughing.
“Just like Evan, usually,” Mary laughed.
“Shut up! I live closest to the woods, the woods are my backyard! The trench is pretty close to my house!” Evan yelled.
We then got to the trench and walked towards it and looked down.
“How’re we going to get down there?” Brian asked.
“There’s a ladder I found behind the mobile home,” I said walking behind the mobile home and seeing the wooden ladder.
“Who’s going first?” William asked.
We all looked at Mary. Mary rolled her eyes and sighed. “Yes, I know, I’m oldest and lady’s first,”
She started going down the ladder. I got on next and started to climb down. The ladder was creaky and weak. William, Brian, and Evan followed.
“Is this ladder safe to go on?” Evan asked while going down.
“Sure it is,” I answered close to the bottom. A crack happened and one of the bars on the ladder fell. I gasped and almost fell until I grabbed onto another bar. I pulled myself onto the bar.
“You okay?” Mary called who was already on the sandy bottom.
“Yeah,” I answered continuing to climb down. I got to the bottom and it was all sand and about 70 feet away was the lake.
William, Brian, and Evan then made it to the bottom. We started to walk towards the lake.
“Okay, so all we’re going to do is see if this “Curse” is really real?” I asked.
“Yep, and it’ll be a good story to tell everyone at school that we went down to the lake,” William replied.
“I just want to get out of here,” Evan whined.
“So where do you think the killer went?” Mary asked us ignoring Evan.
“I don’t know, probably away from the neighborhood,” Brian answered.
“Well what about the surviving kid, he’s obviously an adult now, where’s he?” I asked.
“Who knows,” William said.
Mary then tripped over something and she landed on a skeletion! Spiders started crawling in her blonde hair!
She screamed and hugged Brian in horror. Brian smiled. “Nice,”
We then stepped back gasping. The skeletion looked about 20 years old and it had a hat on.
I carefully reached forward and picked up his wallet. It had spiders all over it. I rubbed it off and looked in it for his ID.
“What was his name?” Mary gasped.
I took out his ID and it said Derrick Boccino! I gasped. “Who is it?” William asked walking forward.
“It’s the writer of the diary, when he said that the kids were mad at him, he must have been eaten,” I said.
Evan gasped. “So it is real!”
“That doesn’t mean it’s real, he might have been bitten by a snake or something,” Brian suggested.
“Let’s just go see the lake,” Mary said starting to walk and getting scared.
We followed and saw the old lake. Mist was everywhere. William got a closer look but tripped over a root and fell in the water.
William gasped but Brian and I giggled.
“Need a little help?” Brian laughed.
“Shut up,” William growled all wet. “I hit metal or something,”
“Metal, what do you mean?” I asked.
“I don’t know, really,”
A brown van then floated up out of the water! It had cracked windows and tons of seaweed and fish inside it! We screamed and tripped back.
“It’s the van!” Mary screamed.
William then got out the book. “Let’s just see if this is real, Grip-Grap-Greep,”
We gasped and started to shake. Nothing happened. We then got up.
“See nothing happened!” Brian then told us walking in front of us near the lake.
All of the sudden an old wet and pale hand came out of the sand and grabbed onto Brian’s foot! Brian screamed and fell down!
“What the heck!” he screamed.
William, Mary, and I started to help him. Evan just watched in horror.
“Pull harder!” Mary screamed.
We then pulled harder and pulled Brian off the hand, but didn’t only pull Brian, but we pulled off the hand too! We threw the hand off.
6 kids in very old and creepy costumes walked out of the water limping towards us whispering things.
“Hungry,” one in a devil costume whispered.
We screamed and started to run towards the ladder with Evan. The monster kids started sprinting after us!
“Run!” Evan screamed getting on the ladder first. He started to climb. Mary, Brian, William, and I jumped on and started to climb. I looked down and saw one get out a knife. They started to cut the rope. I screamed.
“Jump on the cliff!” I screamed jumping on it.
The ladder was then cut and the ladder started to fall! Mary, Brian, and William gasped and jumped on the cliff but Evan was too late and he fell screaming into the monsters! The monsters caught him and they surrounded him and started to do something to him that I couldn’t see! Evan was screaming to death!
“Climb!” Mary screamed starting to climb the cliff. We got to the top and started to run screaming to William’s house.
We then got to his house and opened and slammed the door shut. We fell to the ground gasping.
“Evan was eaten!” Brian screamed.
“Let’s call the police,” Mary suggested.
“No, they’ll think we’re crazy, and Brian, I think Evan is still alive, I feel it,” I gasped.
Daniel then walked down the steps in his PJ’s. “What happened?”
“Is mom home?” William gasped.
“No, she’s on a business trip, why?” Daniel asked.
We got up. “Monster kids in costumes from the trench attacked us and ate Evan!” Mary screamed.
“You all lie, stop trying to scare me,” Daniel growled but still looked scared.
We then saw the front door knob just start to turn but the door was locked and there was no windows near the door so we didn’t know who it was. The knob started to turn over and over again.
We gasped and stepped back towards the steps. We then heard a whisper. “Hungry,”
We screamed and ran up the steps to William’s room. We looked out the window. No one was there.
“You believe us now?” we asked Daniel. Daniel then shook his head in horror still looking out the window.
“Let’s sleep over here tonight,” Mary then suggested.
“Well, we were going to do that anyways,” Brian told her getting his sleeping bag out.
“What will we tell Evan’s parents?” William asked scared.
“Look I can almost feel that Evan isn’t dead, and we’re going to stop these things until we tell anyone, they’re only kids,” I answered.
“I agree,” Mary agreed.
“Okay, we’re going to get these tomorrow,” Brian said.
“Well I’m not, I don’t want to be killed,” Daniel whined.
“You’re such a wuss, you don’t want to save people’s lives in this neighborhood?” William asked.
“No, not if it risks my life,” Daniel replied.
“Guys, stop fighting!” Mary yelled to them.
I got out the diary. “Let’s read some more of this,” I said to them.
I flipped to a random page and saw that it was dated May 21, 1990.
I started to read it. “These kids are smart, they know, that once they kill their killer, their souls are free, I help them find the kidnapper but always get the wrong guy, when they kill their killer, their souls will be free. They can hypnotize someone to help them out without other people noticing,”
“Whoa, so they can hypnotize one of us without either of us knowing,” Brian gulped.
“Let’s just go to sleep, we’ll have someone guarding each time with baseball bats that I have in the closet,” William suggested.
We then all took turns guarding that night. We then woke up that next day. I barely got any sleep that night because I kept on having nightmares about the kids.
“Come on, let’s get breakfast,” William said walking downstairs.
Brian and Daniel followed but Mary and I had trouble getting up. She stayed in her sleeping bag.
“Nightmares too?” she asked.
“Yep,” I answered.
“Guys! There’s cops everywhere outside, come on!” Daniel called from downstairs.
Mary and I then got up gasping and ran downstairs. We saw cops across the street from us at a house. It was Mr and Mrs Smith’s house. They were old grouchy people.
We ran outside and saw them pushing stretchers out with blankets over them with something under the blankets, dead bodies!
“Oh my god!” Daniel gasped barfing in bushes.
I saw Mr. Moore. I ran to him.
“What happened?” I asked him.
"A few guys who haven’t been identified who broke into their house last night and ate them!" Mr. Moore told.
I gasped and stepped back in horror. “What happened?” Brian asked.
“They were eaten by the kids,” I gulped.
William, Daniel, Mary, and Brian gasped. “We have to find them,” William gulped.
We then walked back to William’s house in horror. We just got breakfast. I got cereal, same with Daniel. William had waffles. And Mary and Brian had a bagel.
“I think the kids aren’t just hungry, they want to kill random people in the neighborhood because they think they were their killer,” I suggested.
“They’re just zombies really, they want their souls freed,” Mary said.
I then saw a mark on William’s neck that showed some kind of symbol. It looked like a waterfall.
“Wait William, there’s some kind of waterfall symbol on your neck,” I then told him getting a closer look at him.
“Hey what’re you doing?” William asked alarmed.
Mary, Daniel, and Brian looked closely too. “He’s right,” Daniel brought up.
William looked directly at my neck in horror. He pointed to it. “You have it too,” William told me.
Everyone then looked at my neck. I then looked at Mary’s neck and it had the symbol on her neck. I pointed to her neck. Everyone looked at her neck.
We then saw one on Brian’s neck and Daniel’s.
“Okay, what’s going on?” I asked as we all stepped back.
I then looked in the diary and saw the sign! “Wait, I see the sign in the book, the sign means one of us has been hypnotized to be a partner with the kid monsters, but we can’t tell who it is,” I then read in horror.
We then all stood away from each other.
“Who the heck was guarding when the kids came in?” William asked in horror looking at all of us.
“Well whoever was is the hypnotized person,” I gulped.
“Then who is it?” Brian asked in horror.
“Just all stay away from me!” Daniel screamed.
“Guys, we have to get along, let’s just calm down,” Mary said to us.
“Mary’s right, let’s just keep are distance while stopping the kids,” I agreed.
“The only question is, where are they?” William asked coming closer to us.
“Don’t know, but it’s Halloween tonight, they can blend in,” Brian replied.
“Let’s just go back near the trench, and think this out,” Mary suggested walking closer to us.
We all took turns changing in the bathroom and left.
We then walked outside and down to the woods. We kept our distances though. I know that I wasn’t the hypnotized victim, it was either William, Brian, Mary, or Daniel. It’s hard to trust anyone right now.
We then walked towards the trench and looked down into it.
“Where do you think they are now?” Daniel asked kicking a rock into the trench.
“We have to stop them by tonight,” William gulped.
“I ag-AAHHHHH!” Daniel couldn’t finish because he was bit right in the neck by Brian! Brian was the hypnotized guy! Mary, William, and I stepped back in horror and we heard voices down in the trench saying “Join us, join us!”
We then noticed we stepped back to far and fell in the trench! The 3 of us fell screaming.
We then landed in water. I opened my eyes and saw all of the kids looking at us with an ice cold look. The 3 of us screamed underwater and swam up.
We took a breath gasping.
“Swim!” William screamed.
Mary then screamed and was pulled underwater. We still heard voices everywhere saying “Join us, join us”
William and I gasped and swam underwater and saw she being pulled into a cave inside pieces of the cliff underwater.
William and I swam after her and swam into the underwater cave. It was so freaking dark.
William then got out a flashlight and turned it on underwater and we saw all of the kids standing around Mary, William, and I.
We screamed and swam as fast as we could out of the cave. We then came up for a breath. We gasped in so much air.
“Swim!” William screamed.
We swam so freaking fast to the shore where Evan was taken. We go out of the water and ran to cliff.
The kids then walked out of the water in their costumes. “Hungry,” they whispered starting to sprint after us.
It started to get dark. We jumped on the cliff and climbed so fast! We got to the top and ran for it until we got to the street.
We were gasping looking back.
“Thank you guys so much for saving me,” Mary thanked smiling at us.
“Yeah, well it’s getting dark, this isn’t good, trick r treaters,” I gulped.
Trick R Treaters were walking by us. We then saw two of the kid monsters! We screamed.
They looked at us. “Hey, you okay?” one asked.
We then looked at them closely. They were only Trick R Treaters. We looked ashamed.
“Sorry,” William apologized as they walked off.
“We got to control ourselves,” Mary said to us.
All of the sudden a hand came out of the sewer we were near and pulled William right into the sewer.
Mary and I screamed. We looked into the sewer but could only hear William’s scream go silent.
Mary and I then got into tears and decided to tell someone. We ran to Mr. Moore’s house because his house was closest.
We then rang his doorbell in horror. He then came to the door.
“Yes kids, want candy, wait, why’re you all wet?” he asked us putting the candy bucket down.
“We got a lot to admit, the kids from the Halloween massacre have returned, and they’re hungry, they won’t stop till they find and kill the killer!” I screamed.
“It’s true,” Mary added.
Mr. Moore smiled. “Is that right?”
He then got out a baseball bat and smacked me right in the head with it. The world went dark for me.
I then heard water rushing. I then woke up groaning and saw that I was tied up to a chair near the cliff that has the trench. Mary was also tied up next to me.
I groaned and saw Mary waking up. I looked over at the trench.
“What’s going on?” Mary asked me in a weak voice.
We then heard laughing. We looked over and saw Mr. Moore with a shotgun walking in front of us!
“Wh-what’re you doing?!” I gasped.
“So, the kids are back, huh? Well guess what, I was their killer,” Mr. Moore laughed.
Mary and I gasped.
“W-what?” Mary gasped.
“That’s right, I drove them right off the cliff, I made a mistake with not watching the water for too long, so one kid escaped, and got the police, but the police could never find me, because I burned down the house they trick R treated at.
The one surviving kid moved into the mobile home near the trench. He knew that they turned into zombies or whatever the hell they are, he searched for me most of his life, but never found me. Instead, I found him first, and when he was down by the trench, I snuck up on him and stabbed him over and over, then, Derrick Boccino was dead,” Mr. Moore told.
Mary and I gasped. “So, the kids didn’t kill Derrick?” Mary asked.
“Of course they didn’t! They’re just stupid weak kids. And now, you’re my bait,” Mr. Moore laughed walking behind the old mobile home. He then shot the shotgun in the air to attract them.
Mary and I then heard roaring coming from the bottom and heard them but couldn’t see them.
Mary and I started to try and wiggle out of the ropes but couldn’t. We then whimpered nervous.
We then looked at each other and I finally notice how beautiful she was.
“Before we die, I just wanted to know that you’re beautiful,” I told her.
“I really like you Ian, you’re a great guy,” she told me.
We then kissed while the zombie kids came up with hypnotized Brian.
We then pulled away and braced ourselves. We saw 3 of the zombie kids and hypnotized Brian, but we didn’t see the other 3 zombies.
They then got closer to us until we heard Mr. Moore scream from behind the mobile home.
We saw that the other 3 came up another way. They were eating Mr. Moore alive!
“Killer,” they whispered.
The others walked over to Mr. Moore and started to eat him. Even Brian was eating him.
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Mr. Moore screamed. His scream then faded away and blood started to come out of the circle of the kids.
They then got away from Mr. Moore and all we saw was his skeletion.
The kids then started to look up at the sky and started to melt but they weren’t screaming.
“Their souls are being freed!” I cheered.
Brian then screamed and he started to shake and then he dropped to the ground groaning.
The kids then melted. We watched in horror. We then saw this little white floating kid in the air appear in front of us.
“Thanks,” it whispered, then faded away.
We watched in horror. Brian then got up groaning. “Ugh, what happened, oh my god! I tried to kill my friends!”
“Brian, untie us!” we called to him.
He walked towards us in horror. He untied us. Mary and I then got up and stretched.
“Is Evan, William, and Daniel still alive?” I asked.
“Yes, and they’re in pretty good condition,” Brian answered.
“Thank god, where are they?” Mary asked.
“Follow me,” Brian told us walking back into the woods.
We followed. He led us into a cave and we saw them tied up. We cheered and untied them.
Evan then got up gasping.
“I thought I was going to die,” Evan cried.
“Brian, you’re okay now!” William cheered.
“We were saved as an old snack,” Daniel gulped holding onto his bleeding neck.
“How’s your neck?” I asked him.
“It’s much better now, the wound is healing by itself,” Daniel answered.
“What happened?” William gasped.
Mary and I told everything that happened.
Evan, William, and Daniel then looked at each other in horror.
“So what now?” Evan asked.
“Let’s go trick r treating!” Daniel then cheered.
“Yeah!” we all cheered.
We then all went trick r treating and got the most candy I’ve ever gotten.
But the best part of the night, was saving my friends.

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