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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Packie and Billy: Meeting School

Packie Brady and Billy Dixon have never had luck with friends ever since the 1st grade. Packie and Billy were best friends and never made any other friends except for a nerdy kid with red hair and freckles that lives near them named Eugene, but only because they couldn’t find any other friends.
Packie is a pretty good looking with blonde hair and blue eyes, and Billy is kind of pudgy and has curly hair.
People called them the “Trash” because people at their old elementary just hated them.
So many people there were such jerks. Such as Woody Martinez, a big kid who is the leader of the “cool” people. And the girls cool gang’s leader was a really pretty girl with blonde hair, and blue eyes. Her name was Kate Bell. She would always verbally abuse them in awful ways.
Now Packie and Billy are going into middle school and they will not stand for anymore torture.

Packie, Billy, and Eugene were making a model airplane in Billy’s garage. They were so freaking bored.
“Hey, you guys want to play World of War craft and then look over my comic and stamp collection?” Billy asked.
Packie groaned and same with Eugene.
“Hey, what else are we going to do, we can’t do anything in the neighborhood because stupid Woody’s gang is always hanging around and will beat us to a bloody pole,” Billy told.
“Well, I got a good idea, let get back at these losers!” Packie yelled.
“But how, we’re weak, and they’re strong,” Eugene replied picking his nose.
“Yeah, how?” Billy asked.
“Wait, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, well, Woody and his football friends and Kate and her army of girls always hang around the Dairy Queen. We steal my dad’s airsoft gun, and Billy and I sneak up behind them, and start to fire away at them, then if they turn around and see us, Eugene will get a bull horn from behind the dumpster and make the noise, we then run towards the basketball court in the woods that are behind Dairy Queen, and bike away, back to my house, safe and sound,” Packie told.
He then took a bow smiling thinking that the plan was genius. He looked up.
Billy and Eugene just stared at him blankly.
“Uh, sorry I didn’t catch any of that, say that whole thing again,” Billy said stupidly.
Packie sighed.
“Just follow me,” he said opening a safe. He took out a shotgun airsoft gun.
“Here we are,” Packie told Billy and Eugene smiling looking at the shotgun airsoft gun.
“Cool, what does it do?” Eugene asked.
Packie sighed. “Just come on the driveway and I’ll show you,” he said walking on the driveway.
“Okay, show us,” Billy urged picking up old chewed up gum from the road and putting it in his mouth.
Packie aimed at a stop sign and shot it. Billy and Eugene then oooed and aaaed.
“Give me that,” Billy then said taking it from Packie’s hands. “Hey!” Packie yelled.
Billy pointed it at Eugene’s feet. “Dance!” Billy commanded.
Eugene gasped and started to dance, only he did the worm. “Help!”
Billy then shot Eugene laughing. “Hey, that hurt!” Eugene growled.
“Hey Billy, you don’t know how to handle that!” Packie growled from behind him.
Billy gasped and turned around and shot Packie in the stomach. He fell to the ground groaning.
“You scared me,” Billy gasped.
“You idiot!” Packie groaned on the ground.
All of the sudden, Woody Martinez, the biggest jerk in school, and his group showed up.
“Hey losers, did idiot Billy shoot you?” Woody laughed beding down looking at Packie and Eugene.
Woody’s gang started to laugh with him and same with Kate Bell’s girl group. Woody slapped his friends high fives.
“Go away,” Packie groaned getting up.
Billy gasped and pointed the shotgun airsoft gun at Woody and shot but it was out of pellets. Billy gulped looking at the airsoft gun.
Woody’s gang gasped and took off their hats knowing that something bad was going to happen. Packie gulped stepping back with Eugene.
“Whoa, bad mistake, Billy,” Woody laughed smiling cracking his knuckles.
Billy gulped.
Packie then quickly grabbed Eugene’s bull horn.
Billy gulped while Woody was coming closer to him. “You’re looking, uh, killy,” Billy gulped.
Packie then ran over to Woody’s ear and blew the blow horn right in his ear.
Woody screamed covering his ears.
“Run!” Packie screamed. Packie, Billy, and Eugene ran into the woods gasping.
They climbed up a tree fort they made and pulled up the ladder.
“Man, I don’t want to go to my first day at middle school tomorrow,” Billy sighed.
“Yeah, people will be so mean,” Eugene said.
“Well, this year is not going to be like last year in 6th grade, this year, we will fight back!” Packie growled.

Billy went to bed that night biting his nails nervous for the next day. But Packie was confident, he wasn’t going to let Woody to ruin him in middle school.

The next day, Packie and Billy walked to their usual bus stop that only had them.
Billy had scissors trying to cut off a pony tail that was on his hair. Packie snickered.
“What happened?”
“While I was sleeping, my stupid brother made a pony tail on me and I’m trying to get it off,” Billy whimpered trying to cut it, but the hair was too strong.
Packie then got a hat out of his backpack.
“Here, wear this,” he said handing it to Billy. Billy put it on him and looked at the label on the hat.
It showed a picture of a grandpa in bed and the label below it said, “Come to bed,”
“Hey, this isn’t school appropriate,” Billy growled while Packie was laughing.
Billy took it off but then saw a beautiful girl walking towards the bus stop that was their age. She has brown hair, blue eyes, and a perfectly constructed face.
Billy started to drool and quickly put the hat back on because he didn’t want her to see his pony tail.
Packie looked at the girl and then smiled. “Looks like someone found love,”
“Shut up,” Billy growled to him.
She then came to the bus stop and smiled at Packie and Billy.
“Hi, my name is Dianna Johnson, I’m new here and this is my new bus stop, I haven’t found any friends yet though because I only moved here 3 days ago,” Dianna told smiling.
“Yeah, that’s, that’s, cool,” Billy said drooling.
“Uh, yeah, my name is Packie Brady and this is Billy Dixon,” Packie told her.
“Splendid to meet you,” Dianna replied.
Billy then snapped out of his drooling mode and tried to act like a tough cool guy.
He then took some gum off the street and put it in his mouth trying to act cool.
“Yeah, this place is lame, everything’s lame, like this one kid asked if he wanted to play, and I said to him, get a life! And I punched him in the face,” Billy lied in a deep voice
“Whoa, that’s not nice!” Dianna replied.
“Actually Billy, I’m pretty sure it was the opposite,” Packie said to him.
“Shut up, this kid here always follows me around, because he can’t find any friends,” Billy told Dianna pointing to Packie.
“Hey, shut up!” Packie yelled to Billy.
“Billy, don’t be mean,” Dianna said.
Billy then gulped and quickly spit the gum out of his mouth. “That wasn’t me!” Billy gasped.
The bus then came.
Dianna then ran on the bus afraid of Billy. Billy sighed.
“Do you have any good ideas on how to talk to a girl?” Packie asked Billy jumping on the bus with him.
“Sure I do, problem is, they all suck,” Billy replied.
Packie rolled his eyes and looked at everyone who was going to be on his bus.
He saw bullies, freaks, and geeks.
He saw Woody. “Hey Brady, don’t forget to change your diaper after math class,”
Everyone on the bus started to laugh. Packie quickly ran back to the back of the bus avoiding Eugene.
Packie sat down embarrassed. Packie thought of ways to get back at Woody.
Billy then sat down next to Dianna drooling.
“H-hi,” he greeted.
“Oh, hey, uh, Packie,” she greeted.
Billy’s eyes widened. “Packie?! I’m Billy!”
“Oh yeah, the tough guy,” Dianna said rolling her eyes.
“Well, the funny thing about that, see, I’m always that way in the morning, I mean, usually I only meet stupid idiotic mean girls, well, not that you are one, I know all about you and- but Billy couldn’t finish because Dianna interrupted.
“Wait, how do you know all about me?” Dianna asked.
“No wait! I didn’t mean that!” Billy screamed.
“Listen, Billy, I know what you’re trying to do, and I’m sorry, I’m not in the mood for dating yet, but we can still be friends,” Dianna said to him smiling.
Billy sighed. “I guess,”
The bus then stopped at one more stop. Packie looked out the window and it was the jerk girls’ bus stop.
Packie sighed. Kate got on wearing stupid nice clothes and her “Army” was with her.
“Hey everyone! For all you new kids at the school, if you want a good girlfriend, then choose me! But if you approach me too badly, then you get a punch in the face,” Kate announced sitting next to her stupid friend, Dakota.
Packie then saw the most beautiful girl come on the bus. She was about Packie’s height, blue eyes, blonde hair, perfect cheek bones, and a wonderfully placed nose. She smiled and Packie saw the most white teeth ever.
All of the sudden, Packie turned his head and saw a kid who was drooling, had red curly hair, glasses on, and some boogers were on his face.
Packie screamed.
“Is this seat taken?” he asked.
Packie saw the girl coming this way. Packie pushed the kid off the chair.
She came by. “Hi, can I sit here?” she asked smiling. Packie blushed.
“Uh, sure,” Packie replied.
She sat down next to him as her blonde hair waved. Packie smiled.
“So, uh, I’ve never seen you in Elementry School, you’ve just moved?” Packie asked making eye contact.
“Oh, yes, I just moved from New Mexico here to Michigan,” she told.
“Oh, I’ve been there before, loved the Grand Canyon!” Packie told.
“Uh, the Grand Canyons in Arizona,” she told.
Packie then looked embarrassed.
“Uh, so what’s your name?” he asked her.
“My name is Mary Thompson, what’s yours?” Mary answered smiling.
“Patrick Brady, but my friends call me Packie,” he told.
“Cool, Packie,” she said.
Packie had a good conversation with Mary the whole bus ride until they got to the school.
Packie hopped off the bus with Billy.
“So, how was talking to Dianna?” Packie asked Billy.
Billy sighed. “Not so good, Kate started to talk to her and she smacked me in the face,”
“Well, I met a nice girl,” Packie bragged.
Woody and his gang then walked up to them. “So, the two of you found yourself girlfriends didn’t you?” Woody asked.

“YES! When I grow up, I’m going to marry her!” Billy cheered. Packie put his hand on his face embarrassed.
Woody and his gang started to laugh. “Well, we’re going to embarrass you, like heck in front of both of them,”
“Look, if you embarrass us, I’ll beat you to death with Billy’s head, and shut up, no one likes you, fatty!” Packie laughed at him.
Woody’s face then became red. Everyone that was watching gulped.
Woody then picked up Packie and threw him. He also picked up Billy and threw him. They both crashed into a teacher walking out.
“Ooooooooo,” everyone in the crowd gasped.
“Get off me, kids!” the teacher yelled getting up and grabbing Packie and Billy’s ears.
“Ow!” they both screamed.
“What happened?” the teacher growled.
Kate spoke up. “I was trying to stop them, but they wouldn’t listen, they were planning to tackle you,” she told looking innocent.
“Detention for both of you!” the teacher yelled dropping them. Billy and Packie groaned.
“Come on, let’s come into the school,” the teacher than said. Everyone started to walk into the school.
Woody and Kate laughed at both Billy and Packie and hugged each other because they were dating.
Packie and Billy then got up.
“I’m not going to take that crap from them this year,” Billy sighed.
“Yeah, I’m going to get back at those idiots, once and for all,” Packie said confidently.
“So, uh, you’re going to do what again?” Billy asked.
Packie rolled his eyes.
Packie and Billy went to their lockers. Packie opened up his locker and got his things.
“All I’m saying is, I’m going to get back at him,” Packie told Billy.
“But he’s so much bigger then you,” Billy replied leaning against his locker.
“No, not physically, but something that will ruin his social life,” Packie told.
“So, you’re going to, uh, kill him instead?” Billy stupidly asked.
Packie sighed. Mary then walked up to Packie. “Hi Packie,” she greeted smiling.
Packie then quickly looked at her smiling.
“Uh, hi Mary,” Packie greeted smiling and blushing.
Billy was picking his nose and then saw Mary. He quickly shook Mary’s hand with a booger on his hand.
“Hi, I’m Billy!!!!!” Billy greeted.
Mary pulled away from him and flicked some of his boogers off her hand.
“Uh, hi, Jilly, so uh, Packie, would you like to walk me to class?” she asked.
Packie couldn’t speak. “Uh, sure!”
Packie then started to walk with Mary to the class.
Billy rolled his eyes. “She got my name wrong!”
Billy then opened his locker and Eugene jumped out and gave Billy a hug. Billy screamed.
“Hi friend!” Eugene greeted.
“What’re you doing?” Billy asked.
“Giving my friend a hug,” Eugene said.
Billy then pushed Eugene in his locker and closed the door and ran off horrified to class.
He then came in and saw Packie and Mary sitting next to each other talking.
Billy then saw Dianna sitting next to Kate talking. Billy didn’t want to sit near Kate.
He saw a seat between Packie and some kid with black spiky hair, and brown eyes.
Billy sat in between them.
“Hey Billy,” Packie greeted to Billy.
“I’m not looking forward to this year, 478 days of torture,” Billy sighed stupidly.
“Uh, Billy, first off, we’re not here for a whole year, second, there’s 365 days in a full year,” Packie told him.
“Oh same thing!” Billy replied.
Billy then looked over at the kid with spiky black hair next to him. “Uh, hey,” Billy greeted.
The kid with spiky hair looked over.
“Oh hey, you’re that Billy kid, I saw what happened to you and your friend, that’s tough man, I hate Woody too, he once hung me up a flag pole by my underwear in the 4th grade,” he explained.
“Whoa, your normal, uh, what’s that word, uh, uh, oh yeah, what’s your name?” Billy asked.
“Collin Moore, nice to meet you,” Collin said to him shaking his hand.
Collin then looked at his hand and saw some of Billy’s boogers on it. Collin sighed and flicked them off at Kate’s hair. She didn’t notice.
“Haha, it’s nice we hate the same things,” Billy laughed.
The teacher then came in and whipped his desk so everyone would stop talking. Everyone did.
“Now just to tell you, this will be the most awful, back breaking year of your life,” the teacher growled.
“Do we be getting business cards?” Packie joked.
Billy then cracked up.
“Shut up! I hate laughter, and I hate children, and I hate my family!” the teacher yelled at Billy. Billy then went quiet.
The teacher then came up to Packie. People gulped. Packie gulped.
“And to let you know, I hate comedians, HATE THEM!” the teacher yelled at Packie. Packie’s hair flew back.
The teacher then walked up to the board and wrote down his name. His name was Mr. Marshall.
“Now, today we’ll be discussing the speed of light,” Mr. Marshall told.
“And the speed of dark, right?” Billy stupidly asked.
Mr. Marshall then looked at Billy. “Another rule in my class is don’t say stupid things or I will hit you with my ring hand,” Mr. Marshall told showing them his ring hand.
Billy shut up. Packie then came in and whispered to Billy. “Being in this class is like skating on the other side of the ice,”. Billy snickered.
Collin yawned. Mr. Marshall turned around and whipped a playing card at him.
“Ow!” Collin screamed. “No yawning!” Mr. Marshall yelled.
A teacher then came in with Eugene.
“This kid was locked in someone’s locker! Who dared to do this?!” the teacher yelled.
Packie then pointed to Kate. “She did it! I saw the whole thing! Eugene said hi to her and she stuffed him in Billy’s locker!” Packie lied.
“What, no I didn’t!” Kate screamed at him.
“Uh, yeah, I saw the whole thing! It was sad!” Collin then backed up.
“Yeah, it’s true!” Billy then lied as well.
“NOOOOOOO! I didn’t do it!” Kate roared at Packie, Billy, and Collin.
“Is it true?” Mr. Marshall asked Eugene.
Eugene looked at Packie who winked at him. “Uh, yeah! She did it!” Eugene then told.
“Take her away!” Mr. Marshall then yelled.
The detention teachers then came in with hand cuffs and pushed her head on the desk and put the hand cuffs on her.
“Hey!” Kate yelled being dragged away to detention.
Packie, Billy, and Collin slapped each other high fives. Billy then turned to Woody and winked at him thinking it would bug him because Woody’s dating Kate.
Woody’s face then turned red. Packie then slapped Billy on the shoulder for telling him.
The bell then rang and Packie, Billy, Eugene, and Collin quickly ran out of the classroom.
They 4 of them laughed. “Ooo, she got screwed good,” Collin laughed.
“Yeah,” Packie agreed laughing.
Woody then came from behind them and threw Eugene and Collin across the room. They hit the ground groaning and Woody’s friends held them in a head lock.
Packie and Billy gulped as Woody picked them both up. “You two are going to live hell itself,”
“Woody, let them go!” Mary then called getting to the front of the crowd.
“Yeah,” Dianna agreed standing next to Mary.
“Hey, want to see how geeky they are?” Woody laughed.
Packie sighed. “What’re you doing?” Packie asked calmly because he was used to this kind of stuff.
Woody then pulled down their pants and Billy’s pants were Scooby Doo underpants and Packie’s were Sponge bob underpants.
Everyone started laughing in the crowd. Packie and Billy then ran out of the school crying.
Packie ran to his house and Billy ran to his house. Packie then got on his couch crying.
He then sat up and rubbed the tears off his face. His golden retriever, Milk Dud, then jumped on the couch and started to lick him.
“Thanks Milk Dud, but the only thing that could cheer me up right now, is if I could get back at Woody!” Packie told petting his dog.
Billy went to sleep that night not looking forward to the next day. But Packie stayed up and thought of a great idea to get back at Woody the next day.

The next day, Billy and Packie went to the bus stop.
“I was begging my mom not to take me to school today,” Billy sighed.
“Don’t worry, he won’t hurt us no more, and neither will Kate,” Packie told him.
“How?” Billy asked.
The bus then came and Billy saw Dianna walking to the bus stop. Billy ran on the bus too embarrassed to show his face to Dianna. Packie started walking on the bus when Dianna came.
“Where’s Billy? I feel real bad for him after what happened,” Dianna asked Packie.
“He’s too embarrassed to let you see him,” Packie told her running on the bus.
He sat down to Collin. “You okay?” Packie asked Collin.
“Yeah, are you okay after what happened yesterday?” Collin asked Packie.
“Yeah, but I will get back at Woody today!” Packie growled.
“How?” Collin asked.
But before Packie could answer, Mary got on the bus. Packie ducked too afraid to show himself.
Mary looked around for Packie but didn’t see him. Packie got up.
“You can’t hide forever,” Collin said.
The bus then stopped at the playground and everyone got off and everyone got in line waiting for the doors to open.
Packie and Billy got next to each other. Woody and his gang then came up to them.
“Hey, what’s up losers?” Kate asked laughing.
“Shut up, you, you, tacky loser!” Billy then yelled.
Everyone looked over and gasped. Kate was then frozen with anger. Everyone stepped back and only Packie, Billy, Kate, and Woody were standing in the circle.
“Wh-what did you just say?” Kate asked.
Packie gulped. Billy drooled. “Uh, I don’t know,” he stupidly said.
Woody then punched Billy in the face and Billy fell back with blood all over his face.
Packie, Mary, and Dianna gasped and ran over to injured Billy. “What’s wrong with you!?” Mary yelled at Woody.
Packie then got up mad. Mary then got up.
“No, Packie, don’t?” Mary urged him.
“What’re you going to do, Slim Jim?” Woody laughed. Packie had an angry look on his face.
“Oooh, I’m so scared,” Woody laughed. Kate started to laugh too with him.
“I’ll tell you what I’m going to do Woody, I’m going to tell you just how I feel about you,” Packie growled.
“Miss me with your best shot!” Woody laughed.
“Your birth certificate is an apology from the Condom factory. You must have been born on the highway because that’s where most accidents happen. And your calling me names, then shut up you’ll never be the man your mother was. Your face, it looks like it set on fire and someone tried to put it out with a fork. If you were twice as smart, you’d still be stupid.
You must be the Arithmetic man, you add trouble, subtract pleasure, divide attention, and multiply ignorance. We all sprang from apes, but you didn’t spring far enough. I hear when you were a fat baby, your mother wanted to hire someone to take care of you, but the mafia wanted too much. You are so ugly that when your mom drops you off at a store, she gets a fine for littering.
You’re so ugly that Hello Kitty said goodbye to you. I would ask how old you were, but I couldn’t count that high. When you were born, the police arrested your dad, the doctor slapped your mom, animal control euthanized your brother, and A&E made a documentary that saved your life. You are so ugly that when you pooped out of your mom, the doctor said, “Aww, what a treasure,” and your mom said “Yeah, let’s bury it,”. If you really want to know about mistakes, ask your parents. Can I borrow your face?, my behind is on vacation.
Your momma’s so fat that she has other fat people orbiting around her. Ever since I’ve seen you in your family tree, I’ve wanted to cut it down. And whenever you yell at me and Billy, shut that hole in your face and give it a chance to heal. Oh, and you may say Billy’s fat, but your ugly and he can diet. You’re so stupid that so stupid that the M&M factory fired you for throwing out all of the W’s.
Is that your face?, because it look like your neck threw up. Who’s the best comedy team?, ME?, it has to be your parents because they made the biggest joke. Your momma’s so fat that when she stood on a scale, the doctor went, “Hey, that’s my phone number!”. Your parents hated you so much that your bath toys were a radio and a toaster. You’re so ugly that you turned Medusa to stone. Your face looks like a pizza, with the cheese torn off! Your house is so small that when you ordered a large pizza, you had to eat it outside!
See Woody, I can tell you so many things, you’re nothing, you should go on ebay and see if they have a life for sale,” Packie told Woody.
Everyone stood impressed and started to applaud Packie. Woody and Kate were frozen in place.
Everyone came up to Packie and gave him a slap on the back and shook his hand.
“I’ll get you!” Woody screamed at him running to him.
Billy then jumped in front of Woody and punched him in the face. Woody fell to the ground groaning.
“Payback!” Billy yelled at Woody. Dianna then hugged Billy and kissed him on the cheek. Billy blushed.
Billy then saw Packie. He ran and hugged him.
“Even though I didn’t understand a word you just said to Woody, I sounds like it was good,” Billy said to him.
Packie then laughed. Packie then slapped Collin and Eugene high fives.
Packie then saw Mary smiling. She ran up to him and kissed him. Packie then almost fainted because he was so love struck.
The bell then rang and everyone went inside.
Soon after that, Packie and Billy became the most popular kids in school. Collin, Eugene, Mary, and Dianna became super popular too, even though Eugene was a freak. Woody and Kate became losers at the school and the most unpopular kids at the school.
Packie and Billy just knew that they would run into more mayhem throughout the school year.

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