Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Happy Birthday, Spacepilot1999!

Well, a week ago was my blog's 1st birthday! Sorry I didn't post this on the blog's birthday but the internet connection was down. It only seemed like yesterday when I started this blog. I'm going to run through backstories on stories I've written. So sit back, relax, and I'll run through stories I've written.
The Beginning
Before I started my blog, I used to always write stories. I'd always keep them in a big drawer I had. I then decided to start a blog and put all of the stories I write on my blog. When I started a year ago, all the stories that came out on the first day were stories I have already wrote. From then on, they were new stories I wrote.

My first story ever on my blog was Secret Of Fallwood Forest. Now this story I wrote only a few months before I started my blog. I liked the story alot and decided it should be my first blog post. I just went on from there. The first serious story I ever wrote was The White Van, and on my opinion, I didn't like. There was alot of flaws in The White Van compared to The Abduction and Mystery of the Lost Friend.
Some of my favorite stories on my blog are Mystery of the Lost Friend series, Mysterious Dolls, The Abduction, and my favorite William, Daniel, the Ghost, and I.

The Characters

There has been alot of characters in my stories but the stories where I am the narrator, the kids are my friends. I'm going to run through my best friends that have been in my stories. Now, one of my friends that you probably see most in my stories, is William. He's been in almost every story where I'm the narrator, such as The White Van, Secret of Fallwood Forest, The Abduction, and Mysterious Dolls. You also see his younger brother, Daniel in my stories alot too. He's 2 years younger than me and is really cool. William and Daniel were my best friends and the main sidekicks in the stories, until a kid who is also 2 years younger then me moved in to my nieghborhood who's name is Zack. I showed him my stories and he said he wanted to be in one. I was going to make his introduction story really, really good. I thought up of ideas and soon came up with one of my favorite stories, Mysterious Dolls.
He soon became my main sidekick in stories. And his bigger brother Eric, appeared in 2 of my stories, Soul Taker and The Abduction.
One other friend of mine that I'm going to talk about is usually the main girl in all my stories, Natalie. Now Natalie was a girl I liked in 4th and 5th grade and I decided to put her in stories I wrote. She sadly though moved only a month before I started this blog, but I kept on putting her in my stories. She was introduced in Secret of Fallwood Forest and we first kissed in my story, The Fifth Kind. I still like her and she will be coming back next summer.
The rest of the people in my stories are just other friends of mine who aren't my best friends.

Deleted Endings

I'm going to go over deleted endings in stories. Now, I have alot of deleted endings in stories. Now the story that has the most deleted endings is Laughing Until You Die. This story has 6 deleted endings! But I'm going to tell you 1 to pass the time. The original ending is Zack supposedly kills Bert by pushing him off the prison roof. The cops then come and search for Bert's body. They then cannot find him and a note hits my head and it says that Bert is still alive and we hear bert laughing in the distance.
The deleted ending is Zack pushes Bert off the prison roof and Bert supposidly dies. The cops then search for Bert's body and cannot find it. Andrew Jones then falls from the prison roof and dies. Bert then jumps down and strangles me to death. Terrible, huh?
I'll show you one more deleted ending which will be from Babysitter Thief. In the original ending, police storm through Sara Renerk's basement and arrest her. It's heard the next day that she escaped from jail.
In the deleted ending, William shoots Sara in the stomach with a crossbow before we get knocked out and tied up. Sara lives the shot and throws the crossbow and the bow that shot her on the ground. A single cop then walks down the stairs with his gun. Sara goes into a corner with a knife waiting for him. William, Daniel, William's mom, and I try to scream but tape are on our mouths. While Sara isn't looking, I pick up the bow on the ground with my feet and start to cut myself free. The cop then comes down the stairs and sees us but Sara sneaks behind him and slashes his throat. I then untie myself and grab the crossbow and shoot Sara in the head killing her. A little too violent, right.

Till Next year

Well, it's been a very succesful 1st year, over 70 posts on my blog! Let's have another great and succesful year! See you all next year and this year will be more improved and fun!

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