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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Perpetual Thanksgiving

I felt the autumn leaves fall on my feathers. I hate that because I know it’s that time of year.
Just that one time of year. Just that one month, November. Man, I live in a turkey farm where they pick me and cut my head off with an ax! That’s what happened to my family last year. So I’m going to tell you the story of this year.

The sun was burning on me. If you’re a turkey it will be warm in 15 degree weather!
I saw a car pulling into the turkey farm! I jumped in horror. I ran back to one of the barns. I opened the door and I yelled “Guys, hide! There’s someone out there who’s going to eat us for Thanksgiving!”
All of the turkeys suddenly went berserk. They were running around gobbling, but it didn’t sound like gobbling, it sounded like peacocks screaming.
“Shh!” I whispered.
They all stopped. I jumped in the barn. All of the sudden the farmer who had an ax in his hand, picked up one of my friends and brought him to that execution place! He closed the barn doors.
“Oh no!” I screamed.
Every other turkey started to run around yelling “Oh no!”
I looked out the window. I saw the farmer putting my friend’s head on that stump!
“No!” I yelled. I started banging my beak on the window. Then I broke the window!
“Yes!” I cheered.
I snuck out. I saw the farmer raise his ax! I started running towards them gobbling as loud as I could.
The farmer looked up and let go of my friend. I then tripped to the ground!
The farmer laughed. He raised his ax and was about to smash me with the ax until that turkey and started pecking the farmer with his beak.
The farmer fell to the ground. I grabbed the ax and headed towards the barn. I cut the chain with the ax and every single turkey came running out of the farm.
The one turkey stopped pecking the farmer and ran off to the gate.
The farmer got up. “What the heck?” he asked.
The farmer got another ax out. But before he could whack anyone, over 2 dozen turkeys started pecking at him.
The rest of us saw the gate door that was surrounding the turkey farm open.
We all started running towards the door until the customer for one of us turkeys got in the way. We all stopped. It was a rich woman. She had an umbrella in her hand to get some shade, and she had a bunch of animal fur on her clothing.
She started to laugh because she thought she did the farmer’s work for him.
We all looked at each other and just ran right over her. She fell to the ground. Her laughter turned to screaming.
We started running through the fields. It was a cool view. Over 200 turkeys were running through a field.
All of the sudden we heard a gunshot. We looked back. We saw that the farmer had a shotgun in his hand!
“Oh no!” I screamed.
We all started running faster. Then I heard another gunshot and half a second later I felt a very painful bite happen on my leg. I fell to the ground
I looked at my leg. I had been shot in the leg! The farmer came towards me. I saw all of the other turkeys running for freedom .
The farmer laughed. He picked me up by my neck.
“You’ll be a fine turkey for my Thanksgiving,” he said laughing carrying me back to the farm.
I saw him carry me back to that stump! I gulped. He put my head on it!
I closed my eyes waiting for it to happen. The farmer raised his ax and was about to cut my head off until a bunch of turkeys came out of nowhere and started pecking the farmer. The farmer fell to the ground.
I soon ran out of the farm. Freedom!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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