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Sunday, November 14, 2010

World War lll 4: World in Conflict

The war is almost over. We’ve cleared out Cottonmouth and his partner Viper and now all we have to do is kill General Nassor and his partner Zulaykha.
I’m General Bobby Mark and we don’t know if Sergeant Yoder and Captain Anthony survived the explosion or not. So I’ve sent out Private Miller and my son, Corporal Mark, to go find them.
Queen Amanda is dead, and it’s are fault, but most civilians were evacuated. No one knows what happened to the palace. But Miller and my son are going to find out.

The Shipmaster and Sidewinder were driving Private Miller and Corporal Mark back to Chinron. General Mark and Colonel Lehane, a medal of honor winner in the Battlefront Wars, the war before World War 3, were there telling them the plan.
“Almost there, 60 seconds,” Sidewinder called from the pilot’s seat.
“Good luck son, be careful,” General Mark said to his son, Corporal Mark.
“Thanks dad,” Corporal Mark thanked.
Private Miller got his F2000 and loaded it and then got out his USP.45 and loaded it.
“Guys, be careful of snipers,” Colonel Lehane advised.
“We will,” Private Miller responded.
“Here we are go, go, go!” the shipmaster commanded.
Corporal Mark and Private Miller grabbed onto a rope and slid down.
“We’ll pick you guys up in an hour,” General Mark called as the Seagil left.
“Man, this place is only ruins now, and I was only here 30 minutes ago,” Private Miller mentioned starting to walk.
“Yep,” Corporal Mark responded.
They then heard a gunshot!
“Behind cover!” Mark commanded.
They jumped behind cover. Private Miller got binoculars out and saw a sniper in a clock tower a mile away.
“What is it?” Corporal Mark asked.
“A sniper,” Private Miller answered picking up a M14 that was on the ground. He aimed it at the sniper.
“Prepare to die, you bag full of crap,” Private Miller growled.
Private Miller fired and shot him in the head. Miller smiled and dropped the sniper and picked up his main gun.
“Nice shot,” Corporal Mark commented.
They kept on walking and soon found the fallen down palace with fire all over it. “No one could’ve survived this!” Corporal Mark screamed.
“Check for them,” Private Miller responded digging under the ruins.
Corporal Mark started to search through the ruins too, not to sure Sergeant Yoder and Captain Anthony were alive.
Meanwhile, General Nassor was with Zulaykha and Private Loomis. They were planning. Private Loomis was a former American soldier who was a traitor to the Americans.
“So the both sides of the Americans are in Chinron?” General Nassor asked.
“Yes sir, we got word that Captain Anthony, Sergeant Yoder, Cottonmouth, and Viper were killed, but men went to go search for survivors, we’ll kill them,” Zulaykha told.
“I like the sound of that,” Private Loomis laughed.
Meanwhile, Cottonmouth was barely alive with his eye screwed up, if Captain Anthony’s shot was 2 inches over he would be dead.
Cottonmouth got up putting up an eye patch on his eye. He then got out a M4A1 with a silencer growling. He started to walk off limping towards a wrecked Mega Tank. Cottonmouth got in it and flew off towards where his men were.

Private Miller and Corporal Mark were still searching for them.
“Give it up, they’re dead,” Mark told Miller.
“They’re my friends, I can’t leave their bodies here,” Private Miller responded.
He then saw a hand sticking out of all of the bricks! Miller’s eyes widened.
“It’s them!” Private Miller screamed.
Corporal Mark ran over to him gasping. Miller pulled on the hand and pulled out Captain Anthony! His eyes were closed and not moving. Private Miller felt his pulse.
“He’s alive!” Miller cheered.
“Search for Yoder!” Mark called.
Private Miller dug deeper and then felt someone! Miller smiled and grabbed onto the hand and pulled out Yoder!
“Yoder!” Mark cheered.
Sergeant Yoder’s eyes were closed as well and not moving.
“Okay, let’s carry the two out and bring them to a medic,” Corporal Mark brought up.
Private Miller contacted General Mark.
“General Mark, we’ve found Sergeant Yoder and Captain Anthony, alive! So, meet us at the clock tower, hurry!” Private Miller told.
“Copy Private, is my son alright?” General Mark asked.
“You bet he is,” Miller responded.
“See you there,” General Mark responded.
“Okay Miller, I’ll carry Yoder, you get Anthony,” Corporal Mark commanded.
Private Miller picked up Captain Anthony and they started to run back to the extraction point.
“We’re almost there,” Mark cheered.
Corporal Mark was then shot in the head out of no where! He fell dead.
“Oh god!” Private Miller screamed.
He then saw General Nassor’s ship and him with a sniper! Private Miller ducked and aimed his sniper rifle towards the ship. The ship was over 20 miles away!
Private Miller was aiming his WA2000 but couldn’t really see Nassor.
Meanwhile, General Nassor was in the ship with a newly invented sniper rifle attached to the ship that could aim over 30 miles!
“Come on bitch, get up and join your friend,” General Nassor growled.
“Sir, I think I see an enemy ship in the distance,” Zulaykha called.
General Nassor then aimed at the ship and shot at it but at that moment, Private Miller got a glimpse of General Nassor and shot his sniper and blew off Nassor’s arm! Miller smiled.
The main Seagil landed with General Mark and a Medic ship landed as well.
General Mark, Colonel Lehane, and a bunch of other soldiers ran out of the Seagil aiming their guns.
“Nice job guys,” Colonel Lehane commented.
General Mark then saw his son dead! He ran to him crying.
“Son!” he cried.
“He was shot by General Nassor,” Private Miller said pointing to the ship.
Medics picked up knocked out Sergeant Yoder and Captain Anthony and put them in the ship and they flew away.
“Okay, now that Yoder and Anthony are saved, let’s go after Nassor,” Lehane brought up.
General Mark got up in tears. “I’m going to kill this piece of crap!”
General Mark, Colonel Lehane, Private Miller, and about 10 soldiers ran into the Seagil.
“After the ship in the distance,” General Mark commanded to Sidewinder and the Shipmaster.
“Right,” Sidewinder responded.
They took off towards the ship. Meanwhile, General Nassor was injured bad missing an arm.
“They’re coming towards us!” Private Loomis yelled to Zulaykha who was healing General Nassor.
“Let’s g-go,” General Nassor commanded.
“Okay, I’ll also send in reinforcements,” Private Loomis responded taking off.
The Seagil was still chasing Nassor’s ship. Colonel Lehane got a Barret.50 Cal and aimed towards the ship. He took a shot and missed.
“Dang!” Colonel Lehane yelled.
“Nassor shall die!” General Mark yelled.
3 soldiers came and aimed towards the ship. Before they could shoot they were all shot by a machine gun.
They all stepped back while the gun was firing. “It’s enemy Africans behind us!” the Shipmaster called.
“These people made a mistake,” Sidewinder growled taking a sharp turn.
Private Miller got on the gunner and started to fire at the ships.
The gunners then shot and killed the rest of the riflemen and the only people left were Private Miller, General Mark, Colonel Lehane, and the two pilots, Sidewinder and the Shipmaster.
A ship then came by them and the soldiers started to fire at them. Private Miller then ducked in time and started to fire from the gunner and took them all out.
More ships then came and were about to take them out until a ship shot them down!
“Who was that?” Colonel Lehane asked.
Cottonmouth’s ship and a bunch of other ships came towards them!
Cottonmouth was looking out smiling. All of their mouths dropped open.
“I thought Anthony killed you!” General Mark called.
“Injured, see the eye patch?” Cottonmouth responded.
Private Miller quickly got out a gun but Cottonmouth’s ship rammed the Seagil and it started to crash!
“We’re going down!” the Shipmaster screamed.
Private Miller was hanging onto a seat for his life. He then flew out and into Cottonmouth’s ship. Cottonmouth then got out a gun but was kicked in the face by Miller. They started to fight with a knife.
Other men tried to come towards them but Miller kicked them out of the ship.
“You’ll die, just like Yoder and Anthony,” Cottonmouth growled.
“Yoder or Anthony isn’t dead!” Private Miller roared kicking Cottonmouth off the ship.
Cottonmouth then pulled out a parachute and let it out and he floated down okay.
Private Miller then went and shot the pilots and got a jetpack and flew out before the engine blew up.
He flew towards Nassor’s ship. Meanwhile Sidewinder, the Shipmaster, Colonel Lehane, and General Mark got out of the ship injured.
They then saw Cottonmouth with a parachute running away. Injured General Mark got out a pistol and aimed towards Cottonmouth but was too injured to stand so tripped a half a second after he fired his gun so it didn’t hit Cottonmouth.
Cottonmouth then got out a gun and was about to fire until a Seagil came firing with Sergeant Yoder and Captain Anthony sniping!
“Yoder, Anthony!” Colonel Lehane cheered.
“Let’s take this loser out!” Sergeant Yoder cheered.
They shot at Cottonmouth but he took off with a jetpack and flew away.
The Seagil then landed and Captain Anthony, Sergeant Yoder, and 3 other soldiers got out aiming their guns.
“Guys, you’re alright!” Sidewinder cheered.
“Yeah, where is Private Miller?” Captain Anthony asked looking around.
“He went after Nassor’s ship,” the Shipmaster answered.
“That’s where we’re going next then,” Sergeant Yoder said getting on the ship.
Meanwhile, Private Miller snuck onto the ship General Nassor was on.
He snuck and took out the guards. He then crawled down the hall. He then saw guards walking down the hall with M240s.
Private Miller got out his EBR Silenced. He took out the guards and got up.
An alarm then went off!
“Oh snap!” Miller screamed.
A bunch of guards then came out pointing their guns at him including Nassor.
Miller then dropped his gun and put up his hands up. General Nassor then walked over to him smiling.
“What a coward!” he laughed.
“Screw you Nassor!” Miller yelled at him spitting in his face.
General Nassor then hit him in the head with his gun knocking him out.

The Shipmaster and Sidewinder were flying Sergeant Yoder, Captain Anthony, Colonel Lehane, and General Mark to Nassor’s ship with over 50 other Seagils.
“Anthony, Yoder, you two do know there are over 100 freaking bodyguards in Nassor’s ship,” Lehane said.
“Which is why we have riot shields, are Private saved are lives and we help are friends,” Captain Anthony responded.
“Lehane, Yoder and Anthony are the best soldiers I have ever met, they’ll make it, they cheat death,” General Mark told.
“30 seconds!” Sidewinder called.
Captain Anthony and Sergeant Yoder got ready. Half of the Seagils were then shot down by the ship’s gunners.
“We got enemies, dead ahead!” the Shipmaster screamed.
The Seagil then went above the ship and Yoder and Anthony jumped on the ship. They were about to jump through the window.
“When you are,” Captain Anthony said.
They then both jumped through the window and shot the guards. An alarm then went off.
“We’ve got company!” Captain Anthony exclaimed.
“This will be fun,” Sergeant Yoder laughed.
Over 80 bodyguards then surrounded them. Anthony and Yoder got their riot shields ready.
The bodyguards then all shot at them but Captain Anthony and Sergeant Yoder deflected the bullets and the bullets bounced back at the guards and killed them all.
“Let’s go!” Anthony commanded.
They both ran to the torture rooms and walked down the halls.
Zulaykha and his 3 bodyguards then walked into view smiling.
“Silly little soldiers, thinking they can cheat death again like on Chinron, just stupid luck,” Zulaykha laughed.
“Where’s Miller?” Sergeant Yoder growled.
Zulaykha burst out laughing. “You think I would freaking tell you? Attack!”
Zulaykha’s body guards then ran down with Riot Shields and machetes.
Anthony and Yoder dropped their guns and got out their machetes.
They then started to battle with them. The bodyguards kept on ramming them with their Riot Shields.
Captain Anthony then rammed a bodyguard and he fell down and Anthony sliced off his head.
There were only two bodyguards left. They were stronger then the other one.
“Come on! Don’t disappoint me!” Zulaykha called.
Sergeant Yoder then threw his machete at one of the guards’ head killing him.
The last bodyguard rammed Sergeant Yoder which fell and the bodyguard was about to slice him in half but Captain Anthony cut his head off.
Captain Anthony and Sergeant Yoder dropped their riot shields and turned to Zulaykha.
“Impressive, but you can’t take me down,” Zulaykha growled taking out a huge machete.
Zulaykha then ran down and attacked them. They started fighting. Zulaykha kicked Yoder down and started fighting Anthony.
Yoder then got up and walked towards Zulaykha about to cut him in half.
But Zulaykha then got out a second machete and almost stabbed Yoder, but Yoder ducked and kicked away his second machete and got a little pocket knife out and stabbed Zulaykha in the eye!
Zulaykha screamed very loudly and fell dead. Anthony and Yoder looked at each other breathing hard.
“Very impressive,” Anthony finally said.
“Well come on, we got to save Private Miller,” Sergeant Yoder said picking up his gun. Captain Anthony did the same and they continued walking.

Meanwhile, Sidewinder and the Shipmaster were still fighting off the enemy ships while Colonel Lehane and General Mark were in the gunner seats.
“They’re all over the place!” Shipmaster screamed.
A bunch of the Seagils were crashing and being shot down. An African jumped in the Seagil but Lehane and Mark shot him.
“We aren’t going to stay up much longer!” Sidewinder screamed.
All of the sudden a big flare shot up in air and Cottonmouth’s men came flying in attacking the Seagils and Africans.
“I’ll only say this once, but thank you Cottonmouth!” Colonel Lehane said.

Private Miller was being tortured. He was being shocked by wires.
“So, you going to tell me where your plans are?” General Nassor asked.
“I rather die!” Private Miller growled.
Private Loomis shocked Private Miller again. Private Miller screamed in pain.
“Now, since we’re going to kill you, I’ll let you in on a little secret, we’ve created a bomb called the Big Boy, that is powerful enough to destroy half of America, we have it on a boat in the Arabian Sea and going to kill everyone of you stupid fat selfish Americans,” General Nassor said.
“You little piece of crap!” Private Miller yelled.
General Nassor laughed. “Kill him,” he said walking away followed by Private Loomis.
The two Africans got out a knife and was about to stab him until Sergeant Yoder and Captain Anthony broke through the door with riot shields.
The two guards turned around but Yoder took them out with his two Model 1887s.
General Nassor, Private Loomis, and the rest of the guards turned around pointing their guns at them.
“Anthony, Yoder, you’re alive!” Private Miller cheered still tied up.
“Oh, you two bastards have been screwing up the ship and you two killed Zulaykha, impressive,” General Nassor said.
“It’s over for you Nassor,” Captain Anthony growled while Sergeant Yoder untied Private Miller. Yoder gave Miller a pistol and they continued to point their guns at each other.
“You can’t win,” Private Loomis laughed.
All of the sudden the wall blew up and Major Dunn and Cottonmouth with an eye patch ran in and pointed their guns at both of them.
“Cottonmouth? I thought I took you out,” Captain Anthony said.
“You can’t bring down me,” Cottonmouth growled.
They then all shot at each other and all fell to the ground groaning. All of Nassor’s bodyguards were killed, but Sergeant Yoder, Captain Anthony, Private Miller, Cottonmouth, Major Dunn, General Nassor, and Private Loomis all lived but were injured.
“C-come on Loomis,” General Nassor groaned crawling to an escape pod.
They both got in it and flew away. Sidewinder and the Shipmaster then crashed through the wall.
General Mark and Colonel Lehane then jumped out and saw the 3 injured men.
General Mark laughed walking over to them.
“Well Bravo Team, once again, you cheat death,”
Injured Cottonmouth then got out a pistol about to shoot General Mark until Colonel Lehane saw him and shot him in the arm.
Cottonmouth groaned and dropped the pistol.
“Damn you!” Major Dunn growled.
“What should we do with these little bastards?” Colonel Lehane asked General Mark.
“Take them prisoner and see what they know,” General Mark answered.

They then flew to their base deep in a forest and got medics to heal Sergeant Yoder, Captain Anthony, and Private Miller.
They then tied Cottonmouth and Major Dunn and tortured them asking questions.
“So, where are your bases?” Colonel Lehane asked.
“I rather die before I tell you shit!” Cottonmouth roared.
General Mark then walked in the room over to Colonel Lehane.
Colonel Lehane stabbed Cottonmouth in the hand but he didn’t scream, just stood there laughing his head off.
“What’s so funny?!” Colonel Lehane roared.
“You guys are dead, dead, you think you can capture me and get away with it?” Cottonmouth asked.
“Oh, hey, Lehane, Miller was telling me that the Africans were planning to take out America with a nuclear bomb that’s on a ship called The Promtheus in the Arabian Sea, can you track it down?” General Mark asked.
“Oh yeah,” Colonel Lehane answered walking to his computer.
He looked on his map. He typed some stuff in and found the location.
“Okay, I located it, send out men, including Bravo Team,” Colonel Lehane said.
“Okay,” General Mark agreed.

Captain Anthony, Sergeant Yoder, and Private Miller hopped in a Seagil with a Private named Private Hastings.
“Okay, we go in, we get out, I want this to be quick and clean,” Captain Anthony commanded.
“Right,” Private Hastings agreed.
“I hear it’s going to be raining hard, better bring a rain coat,” Private Miller laughed.
Their Seagil took off followed by others.
“How long until they set the bomb off?” Private Hastings asked.
“About 3 hours, it’s going to be close,” Sergeant Yoder answered.
About 2 hours later they started to fly over the ship. Captain Anthony looked down at the ship and put a thumb up.
“Okay, contact me after you defuse the bomb, the Shipmaster and I will be here to pick you up,” Sidewinder told.
“Okay ladies, let’s go,” Captain Anthony commanded starting to rappel on the ship.
Sergeant Yoder, Private Miller, and Private Hastings did the same.
The Seagil left. They took out the guards and snuck on the outside. They saw guards through the windows walking around.
“Alright, let’s take them out,” Captain Anthony said.
They shot through the windows and killed them all. Guards got up and started to fire at them.
They ducked. Sergeant Yoder got a grenade and threw it in the room. There were screams from the inside and a guy jumped out of the room before the grenade exploded. He crawled on the ground injured. Captain Anthony picked him up and threw him off the boat.
“Alright, remember, quick and clean,” Captain Anthony reminded opening the door to the cargo. Miller, Yoder, and Hastings followed along with several other soldiers.
It was quiet. They saw a big cargo box.
“Okay, be aware, let’s get the bomb,” Captain Anthony commanded walking down the stairs.
All of them followed. 3 soldiers opened a cargo box and were shot to death by some hidden Africans.
“Look out, open fire!” Captain Anthony commanded.
“Take the bastards out!” Sergeant Yoder yelled firing at them. Other Africans ran out of cargo boxes and fired.
All of the Americans were killed except for Captain Anthony, Sergeant Yoder, Private Miller, and Private Hastings.
The four of them took out the rest of the Africans.
“Okay, let’s open these cargo boxes,” Captain Anthony said walking to the doors.
“Copy,” Private Miller responded.
Sergeant Yoder and Private Hastings opened the doors and saw the bomb.
“Okay, Miller, defuse the bomb,” Captain Anthony commanded.
“Okay, but it’ll take me some time,” Private Miller answered starting to defuse it.
General Mark then contacted Captain Anthony. “Anthony, defuse that bomb quick! The Africans are planning to destroy their ship and set off the bomb, Sidewinder and the Shipmaster are going to pick you up, hurry!”
“Roger that, we’ll have it defused quickly,” Captain Anthony responded.
“Alright, you heard the General, let’s get moving!” Sergeant Yoder said.
“Okay, I defused it, let’s g- but Private Miller couldn’t finish because a part of the boat blew up!
“Crap, we got to get out of here!” Hastings screamed.
The four of them started running to the Seagil. “Keep pushing!” Anthony called.
Sidewinder contacted them. “We’re running out of fumes here! Hurry, a half of the ship was blown up!”
They kept on running while it was shaking. They then saw the Seagil and started to jump towards it. After they jumped the boat exploded.
They barely made it on.
“Okay, we’re heading back to base!” the Shipmaster called.
They started back to base and when they got there, it was in flames!
“Oh my god!” Sergeant Yoder screamed.
They landed and searched inside it. They found General Mark and Colonel Lehane still alive.
“What the hell happened?” Captain Anthony demanded.
“Cottonmouth and Major Dunn escaped, I repeat, they escaped!” Colonel Lehane gasped.

Check in on December for the last and the best World War lll!

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