Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

We're counting down to 2012! Man, 2 years ago I thought 2012 was so far away! Last year, 2011 seemed like a huge year, but now it seems so old. That's what is odd about New Year.
One new Year's Resoulution I have is to actually follow my New Year's Resoulution next year in 2013, because I never keep my resoulutions! Alot of people I know's resoulutions are to become more popular around my school which I think is pretty stupid. If my other resoulution about keeping my other New Year's Resolutions doesn't count, then it is to give you guys the best year of stories ever! I have quite alot in planning.
It's been fun counting down at home with my family. Last New Year I was at my Godfather's house with my family and the year before as well. I love New Year the most because everyone in my family gets together and plays alot of games while waiting for the new year to start. And seeing that giant crystal ball drop on TV is so exciting!
Well, summing it up, only 15 minutes until 2012! Have fun sitting by the fire with your families counting down, or going to fun parties, either way, have a good time.

Friday, December 30, 2011


Sometimes I sit and wonder, about things I don't know.
I wonder why we were put on earth, to live, or die the death,
If we were God's greatest mistake, or the evil Devil's foe.
I wonder what actually started us, and who created God,
It doesn't seem possible, but then again it's happened too.
I wonder why we haven't found out, just what made us walk,
What did we evolve from, where did they come from?
I wonder if there was just darkness, before anything ever breathed,
But that back tracks in my mind, because when did that begin?
No one knows how anything started, and we might never know,
But we have figured out life around us, and that's a great start.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Packie and Billy: Meeting School

Packie Brady and Billy Dixon have never had luck with friends ever since the 1st grade. Packie and Billy were best friends and never made any other friends except for a nerdy kid with red hair and freckles that lives near them named Eugene, but only because they couldn’t find any other friends.
Packie is a pretty good looking with blonde hair and blue eyes, and Billy is kind of pudgy and has curly hair.
People called them the “Trash” because people at their old elementary just hated them.
So many people there were such jerks. Such as Woody Martinez, a big kid who is the leader of the “cool” people. And the girls cool gang’s leader was a really pretty girl with blonde hair, and blue eyes. Her name was Kate Bell. She would always verbally abuse them in awful ways.
Now Packie and Billy are going into middle school and they will not stand for anymore torture.

Packie, Billy, and Eugene were making a model airplane in Billy’s garage. They were so freaking bored.
“Hey, you guys want to play World of War craft and then look over my comic and stamp collection?” Billy asked.
Packie groaned and same with Eugene.
“Hey, what else are we going to do, we can’t do anything in the neighborhood because stupid Woody’s gang is always hanging around and will beat us to a bloody pole,” Billy told.
“Well, I got a good idea, let get back at these losers!” Packie yelled.
“But how, we’re weak, and they’re strong,” Eugene replied picking his nose.
“Yeah, how?” Billy asked.
“Wait, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, well, Woody and his football friends and Kate and her army of girls always hang around the Dairy Queen. We steal my dad’s airsoft gun, and Billy and I sneak up behind them, and start to fire away at them, then if they turn around and see us, Eugene will get a bull horn from behind the dumpster and make the noise, we then run towards the basketball court in the woods that are behind Dairy Queen, and bike away, back to my house, safe and sound,” Packie told.
He then took a bow smiling thinking that the plan was genius. He looked up.
Billy and Eugene just stared at him blankly.
“Uh, sorry I didn’t catch any of that, say that whole thing again,” Billy said stupidly.
Packie sighed.
“Just follow me,” he said opening a safe. He took out a shotgun airsoft gun.
“Here we are,” Packie told Billy and Eugene smiling looking at the shotgun airsoft gun.
“Cool, what does it do?” Eugene asked.
Packie sighed. “Just come on the driveway and I’ll show you,” he said walking on the driveway.
“Okay, show us,” Billy urged picking up old chewed up gum from the road and putting it in his mouth.
Packie aimed at a stop sign and shot it. Billy and Eugene then oooed and aaaed.
“Give me that,” Billy then said taking it from Packie’s hands. “Hey!” Packie yelled.
Billy pointed it at Eugene’s feet. “Dance!” Billy commanded.
Eugene gasped and started to dance, only he did the worm. “Help!”
Billy then shot Eugene laughing. “Hey, that hurt!” Eugene growled.
“Hey Billy, you don’t know how to handle that!” Packie growled from behind him.
Billy gasped and turned around and shot Packie in the stomach. He fell to the ground groaning.
“You scared me,” Billy gasped.
“You idiot!” Packie groaned on the ground.
All of the sudden, Woody Martinez, the biggest jerk in school, and his group showed up.
“Hey losers, did idiot Billy shoot you?” Woody laughed beding down looking at Packie and Eugene.
Woody’s gang started to laugh with him and same with Kate Bell’s girl group. Woody slapped his friends high fives.
“Go away,” Packie groaned getting up.
Billy gasped and pointed the shotgun airsoft gun at Woody and shot but it was out of pellets. Billy gulped looking at the airsoft gun.
Woody’s gang gasped and took off their hats knowing that something bad was going to happen. Packie gulped stepping back with Eugene.
“Whoa, bad mistake, Billy,” Woody laughed smiling cracking his knuckles.
Billy gulped.
Packie then quickly grabbed Eugene’s bull horn.
Billy gulped while Woody was coming closer to him. “You’re looking, uh, killy,” Billy gulped.
Packie then ran over to Woody’s ear and blew the blow horn right in his ear.
Woody screamed covering his ears.
“Run!” Packie screamed. Packie, Billy, and Eugene ran into the woods gasping.
They climbed up a tree fort they made and pulled up the ladder.
“Man, I don’t want to go to my first day at middle school tomorrow,” Billy sighed.
“Yeah, people will be so mean,” Eugene said.
“Well, this year is not going to be like last year in 6th grade, this year, we will fight back!” Packie growled.

Billy went to bed that night biting his nails nervous for the next day. But Packie was confident, he wasn’t going to let Woody to ruin him in middle school.

The next day, Packie and Billy walked to their usual bus stop that only had them.
Billy had scissors trying to cut off a pony tail that was on his hair. Packie snickered.
“What happened?”
“While I was sleeping, my stupid brother made a pony tail on me and I’m trying to get it off,” Billy whimpered trying to cut it, but the hair was too strong.
Packie then got a hat out of his backpack.
“Here, wear this,” he said handing it to Billy. Billy put it on him and looked at the label on the hat.
It showed a picture of a grandpa in bed and the label below it said, “Come to bed,”
“Hey, this isn’t school appropriate,” Billy growled while Packie was laughing.
Billy took it off but then saw a beautiful girl walking towards the bus stop that was their age. She has brown hair, blue eyes, and a perfectly constructed face.
Billy started to drool and quickly put the hat back on because he didn’t want her to see his pony tail.
Packie looked at the girl and then smiled. “Looks like someone found love,”
“Shut up,” Billy growled to him.
She then came to the bus stop and smiled at Packie and Billy.
“Hi, my name is Dianna Johnson, I’m new here and this is my new bus stop, I haven’t found any friends yet though because I only moved here 3 days ago,” Dianna told smiling.
“Yeah, that’s, that’s, cool,” Billy said drooling.
“Uh, yeah, my name is Packie Brady and this is Billy Dixon,” Packie told her.
“Splendid to meet you,” Dianna replied.
Billy then snapped out of his drooling mode and tried to act like a tough cool guy.
He then took some gum off the street and put it in his mouth trying to act cool.
“Yeah, this place is lame, everything’s lame, like this one kid asked if he wanted to play, and I said to him, get a life! And I punched him in the face,” Billy lied in a deep voice
“Whoa, that’s not nice!” Dianna replied.
“Actually Billy, I’m pretty sure it was the opposite,” Packie said to him.
“Shut up, this kid here always follows me around, because he can’t find any friends,” Billy told Dianna pointing to Packie.
“Hey, shut up!” Packie yelled to Billy.
“Billy, don’t be mean,” Dianna said.
Billy then gulped and quickly spit the gum out of his mouth. “That wasn’t me!” Billy gasped.
The bus then came.
Dianna then ran on the bus afraid of Billy. Billy sighed.
“Do you have any good ideas on how to talk to a girl?” Packie asked Billy jumping on the bus with him.
“Sure I do, problem is, they all suck,” Billy replied.
Packie rolled his eyes and looked at everyone who was going to be on his bus.
He saw bullies, freaks, and geeks.
He saw Woody. “Hey Brady, don’t forget to change your diaper after math class,”
Everyone on the bus started to laugh. Packie quickly ran back to the back of the bus avoiding Eugene.
Packie sat down embarrassed. Packie thought of ways to get back at Woody.
Billy then sat down next to Dianna drooling.
“H-hi,” he greeted.
“Oh, hey, uh, Packie,” she greeted.
Billy’s eyes widened. “Packie?! I’m Billy!”
“Oh yeah, the tough guy,” Dianna said rolling her eyes.
“Well, the funny thing about that, see, I’m always that way in the morning, I mean, usually I only meet stupid idiotic mean girls, well, not that you are one, I know all about you and- but Billy couldn’t finish because Dianna interrupted.
“Wait, how do you know all about me?” Dianna asked.
“No wait! I didn’t mean that!” Billy screamed.
“Listen, Billy, I know what you’re trying to do, and I’m sorry, I’m not in the mood for dating yet, but we can still be friends,” Dianna said to him smiling.
Billy sighed. “I guess,”
The bus then stopped at one more stop. Packie looked out the window and it was the jerk girls’ bus stop.
Packie sighed. Kate got on wearing stupid nice clothes and her “Army” was with her.
“Hey everyone! For all you new kids at the school, if you want a good girlfriend, then choose me! But if you approach me too badly, then you get a punch in the face,” Kate announced sitting next to her stupid friend, Dakota.
Packie then saw the most beautiful girl come on the bus. She was about Packie’s height, blue eyes, blonde hair, perfect cheek bones, and a wonderfully placed nose. She smiled and Packie saw the most white teeth ever.
All of the sudden, Packie turned his head and saw a kid who was drooling, had red curly hair, glasses on, and some boogers were on his face.
Packie screamed.
“Is this seat taken?” he asked.
Packie saw the girl coming this way. Packie pushed the kid off the chair.
She came by. “Hi, can I sit here?” she asked smiling. Packie blushed.
“Uh, sure,” Packie replied.
She sat down next to him as her blonde hair waved. Packie smiled.
“So, uh, I’ve never seen you in Elementry School, you’ve just moved?” Packie asked making eye contact.
“Oh, yes, I just moved from New Mexico here to Michigan,” she told.
“Oh, I’ve been there before, loved the Grand Canyon!” Packie told.
“Uh, the Grand Canyons in Arizona,” she told.
Packie then looked embarrassed.
“Uh, so what’s your name?” he asked her.
“My name is Mary Thompson, what’s yours?” Mary answered smiling.
“Patrick Brady, but my friends call me Packie,” he told.
“Cool, Packie,” she said.
Packie had a good conversation with Mary the whole bus ride until they got to the school.
Packie hopped off the bus with Billy.
“So, how was talking to Dianna?” Packie asked Billy.
Billy sighed. “Not so good, Kate started to talk to her and she smacked me in the face,”
“Well, I met a nice girl,” Packie bragged.
Woody and his gang then walked up to them. “So, the two of you found yourself girlfriends didn’t you?” Woody asked.

“YES! When I grow up, I’m going to marry her!” Billy cheered. Packie put his hand on his face embarrassed.
Woody and his gang started to laugh. “Well, we’re going to embarrass you, like heck in front of both of them,”
“Look, if you embarrass us, I’ll beat you to death with Billy’s head, and shut up, no one likes you, fatty!” Packie laughed at him.
Woody’s face then became red. Everyone that was watching gulped.
Woody then picked up Packie and threw him. He also picked up Billy and threw him. They both crashed into a teacher walking out.
“Ooooooooo,” everyone in the crowd gasped.
“Get off me, kids!” the teacher yelled getting up and grabbing Packie and Billy’s ears.
“Ow!” they both screamed.
“What happened?” the teacher growled.
Kate spoke up. “I was trying to stop them, but they wouldn’t listen, they were planning to tackle you,” she told looking innocent.
“Detention for both of you!” the teacher yelled dropping them. Billy and Packie groaned.
“Come on, let’s come into the school,” the teacher than said. Everyone started to walk into the school.
Woody and Kate laughed at both Billy and Packie and hugged each other because they were dating.
Packie and Billy then got up.
“I’m not going to take that crap from them this year,” Billy sighed.
“Yeah, I’m going to get back at those idiots, once and for all,” Packie said confidently.
“So, uh, you’re going to do what again?” Billy asked.
Packie rolled his eyes.
Packie and Billy went to their lockers. Packie opened up his locker and got his things.
“All I’m saying is, I’m going to get back at him,” Packie told Billy.
“But he’s so much bigger then you,” Billy replied leaning against his locker.
“No, not physically, but something that will ruin his social life,” Packie told.
“So, you’re going to, uh, kill him instead?” Billy stupidly asked.
Packie sighed. Mary then walked up to Packie. “Hi Packie,” she greeted smiling.
Packie then quickly looked at her smiling.
“Uh, hi Mary,” Packie greeted smiling and blushing.
Billy was picking his nose and then saw Mary. He quickly shook Mary’s hand with a booger on his hand.
“Hi, I’m Billy!!!!!” Billy greeted.
Mary pulled away from him and flicked some of his boogers off her hand.
“Uh, hi, Jilly, so uh, Packie, would you like to walk me to class?” she asked.
Packie couldn’t speak. “Uh, sure!”
Packie then started to walk with Mary to the class.
Billy rolled his eyes. “She got my name wrong!”
Billy then opened his locker and Eugene jumped out and gave Billy a hug. Billy screamed.
“Hi friend!” Eugene greeted.
“What’re you doing?” Billy asked.
“Giving my friend a hug,” Eugene said.
Billy then pushed Eugene in his locker and closed the door and ran off horrified to class.
He then came in and saw Packie and Mary sitting next to each other talking.
Billy then saw Dianna sitting next to Kate talking. Billy didn’t want to sit near Kate.
He saw a seat between Packie and some kid with black spiky hair, and brown eyes.
Billy sat in between them.
“Hey Billy,” Packie greeted to Billy.
“I’m not looking forward to this year, 478 days of torture,” Billy sighed stupidly.
“Uh, Billy, first off, we’re not here for a whole year, second, there’s 365 days in a full year,” Packie told him.
“Oh same thing!” Billy replied.
Billy then looked over at the kid with spiky black hair next to him. “Uh, hey,” Billy greeted.
The kid with spiky hair looked over.
“Oh hey, you’re that Billy kid, I saw what happened to you and your friend, that’s tough man, I hate Woody too, he once hung me up a flag pole by my underwear in the 4th grade,” he explained.
“Whoa, your normal, uh, what’s that word, uh, uh, oh yeah, what’s your name?” Billy asked.
“Collin Moore, nice to meet you,” Collin said to him shaking his hand.
Collin then looked at his hand and saw some of Billy’s boogers on it. Collin sighed and flicked them off at Kate’s hair. She didn’t notice.
“Haha, it’s nice we hate the same things,” Billy laughed.
The teacher then came in and whipped his desk so everyone would stop talking. Everyone did.
“Now just to tell you, this will be the most awful, back breaking year of your life,” the teacher growled.
“Do we be getting business cards?” Packie joked.
Billy then cracked up.
“Shut up! I hate laughter, and I hate children, and I hate my family!” the teacher yelled at Billy. Billy then went quiet.
The teacher then came up to Packie. People gulped. Packie gulped.
“And to let you know, I hate comedians, HATE THEM!” the teacher yelled at Packie. Packie’s hair flew back.
The teacher then walked up to the board and wrote down his name. His name was Mr. Marshall.
“Now, today we’ll be discussing the speed of light,” Mr. Marshall told.
“And the speed of dark, right?” Billy stupidly asked.
Mr. Marshall then looked at Billy. “Another rule in my class is don’t say stupid things or I will hit you with my ring hand,” Mr. Marshall told showing them his ring hand.
Billy shut up. Packie then came in and whispered to Billy. “Being in this class is like skating on the other side of the ice,”. Billy snickered.
Collin yawned. Mr. Marshall turned around and whipped a playing card at him.
“Ow!” Collin screamed. “No yawning!” Mr. Marshall yelled.
A teacher then came in with Eugene.
“This kid was locked in someone’s locker! Who dared to do this?!” the teacher yelled.
Packie then pointed to Kate. “She did it! I saw the whole thing! Eugene said hi to her and she stuffed him in Billy’s locker!” Packie lied.
“What, no I didn’t!” Kate screamed at him.
“Uh, yeah, I saw the whole thing! It was sad!” Collin then backed up.
“Yeah, it’s true!” Billy then lied as well.
“NOOOOOOO! I didn’t do it!” Kate roared at Packie, Billy, and Collin.
“Is it true?” Mr. Marshall asked Eugene.
Eugene looked at Packie who winked at him. “Uh, yeah! She did it!” Eugene then told.
“Take her away!” Mr. Marshall then yelled.
The detention teachers then came in with hand cuffs and pushed her head on the desk and put the hand cuffs on her.
“Hey!” Kate yelled being dragged away to detention.
Packie, Billy, and Collin slapped each other high fives. Billy then turned to Woody and winked at him thinking it would bug him because Woody’s dating Kate.
Woody’s face then turned red. Packie then slapped Billy on the shoulder for telling him.
The bell then rang and Packie, Billy, Eugene, and Collin quickly ran out of the classroom.
They 4 of them laughed. “Ooo, she got screwed good,” Collin laughed.
“Yeah,” Packie agreed laughing.
Woody then came from behind them and threw Eugene and Collin across the room. They hit the ground groaning and Woody’s friends held them in a head lock.
Packie and Billy gulped as Woody picked them both up. “You two are going to live hell itself,”
“Woody, let them go!” Mary then called getting to the front of the crowd.
“Yeah,” Dianna agreed standing next to Mary.
“Hey, want to see how geeky they are?” Woody laughed.
Packie sighed. “What’re you doing?” Packie asked calmly because he was used to this kind of stuff.
Woody then pulled down their pants and Billy’s pants were Scooby Doo underpants and Packie’s were Sponge bob underpants.
Everyone started laughing in the crowd. Packie and Billy then ran out of the school crying.
Packie ran to his house and Billy ran to his house. Packie then got on his couch crying.
He then sat up and rubbed the tears off his face. His golden retriever, Milk Dud, then jumped on the couch and started to lick him.
“Thanks Milk Dud, but the only thing that could cheer me up right now, is if I could get back at Woody!” Packie told petting his dog.
Billy went to sleep that night not looking forward to the next day. But Packie stayed up and thought of a great idea to get back at Woody the next day.

The next day, Billy and Packie went to the bus stop.
“I was begging my mom not to take me to school today,” Billy sighed.
“Don’t worry, he won’t hurt us no more, and neither will Kate,” Packie told him.
“How?” Billy asked.
The bus then came and Billy saw Dianna walking to the bus stop. Billy ran on the bus too embarrassed to show his face to Dianna. Packie started walking on the bus when Dianna came.
“Where’s Billy? I feel real bad for him after what happened,” Dianna asked Packie.
“He’s too embarrassed to let you see him,” Packie told her running on the bus.
He sat down to Collin. “You okay?” Packie asked Collin.
“Yeah, are you okay after what happened yesterday?” Collin asked Packie.
“Yeah, but I will get back at Woody today!” Packie growled.
“How?” Collin asked.
But before Packie could answer, Mary got on the bus. Packie ducked too afraid to show himself.
Mary looked around for Packie but didn’t see him. Packie got up.
“You can’t hide forever,” Collin said.
The bus then stopped at the playground and everyone got off and everyone got in line waiting for the doors to open.
Packie and Billy got next to each other. Woody and his gang then came up to them.
“Hey, what’s up losers?” Kate asked laughing.
“Shut up, you, you, tacky loser!” Billy then yelled.
Everyone looked over and gasped. Kate was then frozen with anger. Everyone stepped back and only Packie, Billy, Kate, and Woody were standing in the circle.
“Wh-what did you just say?” Kate asked.
Packie gulped. Billy drooled. “Uh, I don’t know,” he stupidly said.
Woody then punched Billy in the face and Billy fell back with blood all over his face.
Packie, Mary, and Dianna gasped and ran over to injured Billy. “What’s wrong with you!?” Mary yelled at Woody.
Packie then got up mad. Mary then got up.
“No, Packie, don’t?” Mary urged him.
“What’re you going to do, Slim Jim?” Woody laughed. Packie had an angry look on his face.
“Oooh, I’m so scared,” Woody laughed. Kate started to laugh too with him.
“I’ll tell you what I’m going to do Woody, I’m going to tell you just how I feel about you,” Packie growled.
“Miss me with your best shot!” Woody laughed.
“Your birth certificate is an apology from the Condom factory. You must have been born on the highway because that’s where most accidents happen. And your calling me names, then shut up you’ll never be the man your mother was. Your face, it looks like it set on fire and someone tried to put it out with a fork. If you were twice as smart, you’d still be stupid.
You must be the Arithmetic man, you add trouble, subtract pleasure, divide attention, and multiply ignorance. We all sprang from apes, but you didn’t spring far enough. I hear when you were a fat baby, your mother wanted to hire someone to take care of you, but the mafia wanted too much. You are so ugly that when your mom drops you off at a store, she gets a fine for littering.
You’re so ugly that Hello Kitty said goodbye to you. I would ask how old you were, but I couldn’t count that high. When you were born, the police arrested your dad, the doctor slapped your mom, animal control euthanized your brother, and A&E made a documentary that saved your life. You are so ugly that when you pooped out of your mom, the doctor said, “Aww, what a treasure,” and your mom said “Yeah, let’s bury it,”. If you really want to know about mistakes, ask your parents. Can I borrow your face?, my behind is on vacation.
Your momma’s so fat that she has other fat people orbiting around her. Ever since I’ve seen you in your family tree, I’ve wanted to cut it down. And whenever you yell at me and Billy, shut that hole in your face and give it a chance to heal. Oh, and you may say Billy’s fat, but your ugly and he can diet. You’re so stupid that so stupid that the M&M factory fired you for throwing out all of the W’s.
Is that your face?, because it look like your neck threw up. Who’s the best comedy team?, ME?, it has to be your parents because they made the biggest joke. Your momma’s so fat that when she stood on a scale, the doctor went, “Hey, that’s my phone number!”. Your parents hated you so much that your bath toys were a radio and a toaster. You’re so ugly that you turned Medusa to stone. Your face looks like a pizza, with the cheese torn off! Your house is so small that when you ordered a large pizza, you had to eat it outside!
See Woody, I can tell you so many things, you’re nothing, you should go on ebay and see if they have a life for sale,” Packie told Woody.
Everyone stood impressed and started to applaud Packie. Woody and Kate were frozen in place.
Everyone came up to Packie and gave him a slap on the back and shook his hand.
“I’ll get you!” Woody screamed at him running to him.
Billy then jumped in front of Woody and punched him in the face. Woody fell to the ground groaning.
“Payback!” Billy yelled at Woody. Dianna then hugged Billy and kissed him on the cheek. Billy blushed.
Billy then saw Packie. He ran and hugged him.
“Even though I didn’t understand a word you just said to Woody, I sounds like it was good,” Billy said to him.
Packie then laughed. Packie then slapped Collin and Eugene high fives.
Packie then saw Mary smiling. She ran up to him and kissed him. Packie then almost fainted because he was so love struck.
The bell then rang and everyone went inside.
Soon after that, Packie and Billy became the most popular kids in school. Collin, Eugene, Mary, and Dianna became super popular too, even though Eugene was a freak. Woody and Kate became losers at the school and the most unpopular kids at the school.
Packie and Billy just knew that they would run into more mayhem throughout the school year.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


My name is Ian. One of the most scariest things that’s ever happened to me was last year. I was in 6th grade and I was going to detention for putting firecrackers in the principal’s drawers with my friends. I will tell you what happened during detention.
I had to go on a Saturday night at 8:00 and had to stay there until midnight, awful right?
My mom drove me and my sister, Taylor to detention angrily. Taylor was 2 years younger than me and a trouble maker. She helped me and my friends put the fire crackers in the principal’s desk.
My mom dropped us off at school. She had a disappointed look on her face. Taylor and I got out of the car and walked towards the entrance.
“Man, mom looked mad,” Taylor brought up kicking a rock.
“Yeah, we shouldn’t of played that prank, and Daniel shouldn’t of been a wuss and start to cry and admit everything,” I growled.
“Yeah, he’s a wuss,” Taylor acknowledged.
We walked into the empty school and walked to the detention room. No one was in the school except for the detention kids. We then got to the room and opened the door.
A mean guy teacher named Mr. Anderson was watching us. He slightly turned his head and looked at Taylor and I. Mr. Anderson just got his job here 2 days ago and is already the most hated teacher in the school.
“Take a seat,” he growled at us.
I saw a bunch of my friends sitting down bored. I saw Brian, a know it all kid who’s on my swim team. Jason, Brian’s little brother who’s cool. Trey, the fastest kid on my track team. Mary, a pretty girl who’s on my swim team too. Eric, a kid on my baseball team. Zack, Eric’s little brother who’s my best friend. Seth, a kid in my class. William, a kid I’ve known since age 2. And Daniel, William’s little brother. 11 of us.
I took a seat between Seth and William. They looked like they were going to fall asleep.
“Hey guys,” I whispered to them.
“Hey, you hear the news earlier?” William asked me.
“No, what?”
“Killers from the Lorton Prison escaped about 4 days ago,” Seth whispered.
“Hey! Be quiet!” Mr. Anderson shouted at us burying his head back in his book.
We sighed and I just layed my head on the desk bored. All of the sudden the lights started to flicker.
We all looked up at the lights.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Eric asked.
“Shut up! I’m going to check the fuse box,” Mr. Anderson growled running out of the room.
We all started to talk.
“Let’s escape!” Zack laughed.
“This is so boring, I rather get shot then stay here any longer,” Mary groaned.
The lights kept on flickering.
“It would be cool if there was a blackout,” Trey said.
All of the sudden the lights went out and all I could see was black. I got kind of scared.
“Hey Trey, your wish came true,” I laughed over to him.
All of the sudden we heard Mr. Anderson scream and plead. We all got scared.
“What was that?” Daniel gasped.
All of the sudden we heard footsteps coming towards us.
“Uh, Mr. Anderson?” Jason asked.
All of the sudden I heard a struggle beside me and I heard Seth scream but the scream then faded away and I heard footsteps running towards me.
Someone then bumped me over and I fell to the ground. I groaned.
The lights then came back on. We looked around in horror and saw Seth gone and saw his desk gone!
We all gasped. I stood up and same with everyone else.
“Where’s Seth?!” William screamed.
“Guys, look!” Taylor screamed looking at the detention list.
We all walked over to her and saw Seth’s name crossed out with blood.
We looked in horror.
“Maybe Seth is playing a joke,” Zack suggested.
“Seth doesn’t play jokes,” Brian replied.
I then got the phone and tried to call someone but the line was cut.
“Let’s just go out the door the main door and get the police,” Eric suggested.
“Okay,” we all agreed.
We walked out of the detention room and walked towards the door.
Eric went out first and I was about to open the door until a person who’s face was hidden with a black cloak jumped down and attacked Eric!
We all screamed and stepped back.
“What’s going on?!” Daniel screamed.
Eric was then dragged off out of sight. I walked closer to the door with William and Brian but the guy came back and chained the door locked.
We gasped and stepped back. The guy then left out of sight.
“Let’s go out the window,” Jason suggested pointing to a window. We turned our heads to the window but it was high up.
“Hey, give me a boost,” Trey told us.
“Okay,” we all agreed.
We gave Trey a boost and he got on the ledge by the window. He looked at the window.
“It’s open,” Trey told us. But all of the sudden a hand grabbed Trey and pulled him out the window!
We screamed and stepped back. It was too high so we couldn’t see who was doing it.
The hand then closed the window and we heard a click.
“Oh my god, what’s going on?!” Jason screamed.
A voice then came on the school speaker. A cold voice started to talk.
“You guys will all be gone in an hour, just be prepared for more fun,” the voice told.
We all gasped.
“We got to find a way out of here,” Taylor gasped.
“How though?” Zack asked.
“Wait, the air vent, the roof, we can escape that way, we crawl through the air vents and get on the roof, and crawl down the ladder and get the cops,” Mary suggested.
“Good idea,” Daniel commented.
“Where’s the entrance to the vents anyways?” Brian asked,
I thought and remember hearing from friends that the entrance is in the janitor’s closet.
“It’s in the janitor’s closet,” I answered.
“Okay, I want to find the person that took my brother,” Zack said to us.
We walked to the janitor’s closet and saw it closed. Zack, Brian, and I kicked the door open.
We saw a bunch of janitor suits hung up and vacuums and trash cans everywhere.
“Okay, there’s the entrance,” Jason said pointing to the entrance.
“Okay, let’s get out of here,” Taylor said walking by a suit. All of the sudden, a face popped out of the suit and his arm grabbed onto Taylor and started to attack Taylor!
We screamed and I tried to go help Taylor but she was dragged off into the hallway!
The 7 of us screamed. Only Zack, Jason, William, Daniel, Mary, Brian, and I were left.
“Open up the vent!” Mary screamed at Brian who was trying to open the vent.
Brian then opened the vent. “Got it!” he cheered.
Brian then started to crawl through the vent. I heard footsteps coming towards us outside in the hall.
I quickly ran over and locked the door. Someone started to bang on the door. I gulped.
“Everyone, get in the vent!” I screamed running over to the vent.
Brian, Mary, Zack, and Jason were already crawling through the vent.
William, Daniel, and I were still outside.
“Ian, get in the vent!” William yelled to me.
I then started to crawl through the vent. I then heard someone break down the door.
William and Daniel then started to crawl through the vent with me. All of the sudden, Daniel was pulled out of the vent screaming!
“Daniel!” William screamed.
“Come on!” I screamed crawling and catching up with Jason. William followed.
The person didn’t pursue us.
“What happened?” Brian called from the front.
“He or she took Daniel!” William cried.
“Oh dang!” Zack screamed.
“Come on, let’s keep going, we’re almost near the roof,” Mary said biting her nails.
We kept on crawling and saw a room below. When Zack was crawling above it a person in a ski mask broke through the vent and pulled Zack down!
“Zackkkkkk!” we all screamed.
Brian and Mary got to the entrance to the roof which was above them but Jason, William and I were on the other side of the hand.
Jason was the one in front of us. He kicked the hand away and the hand lowered down. Jason and William then started to crawl over the room but the hand grabbed both of their feet and tried to pull them down but they grabbed onto a handle in the vent.
I gasped and grabbed onto both of their hands and tried to pull them from the guy.
Brian and Mary gasped and came over and helped me out.
“Help!” William and Jason both screamed.
The guy really pulled and then fell down and pulled Jason down with him and William was about to fall until I grabbed onto his hand.
“Pull me up!” William screamed.
Brian, Mary, and I pulled William up with lot’s of might and got him up.
“Come on! Let’s get to the roof!” Mary screamed.
The 4 of us crawled towards the roof and opened the vent and climbed on top of the roof.
We then got up and closed the vent. We lyed down gasping. Only Mary, William, Brian, and I were left.
“W-who is doing this?” Mary gasped curled up in a ball
“I don’t know, but we’re going to find out,” William replied standing up.
“Yes, let’s get out of here,” I agreed. We got up and went over to the ladder. The ladder was pulled off!
We gasped. “Oooo, that little sneak!” Brian roared.
Mary was just standing in place in horror. “He’s always one step ahead,”
William and I tried to open the vent put it was locked.
“Nooo!” I screamed in anger.
Mary and Brian turned around. “What?” they both asked.
“The vent is locked!” William cried. Brian and Mary sighed.
I looked down at the ground and it was too far to jump, but there was a ledge that we could climb down.
I turned around and saw the 3 of them standing around thinking. William was trying to open the vent crouched. Mary was still curled up in a ball. And Brian was walking around kicking a rock sighing.
“Guys, there’s a ledge we can climb down,” I told them.
They then looked at the ledge.
“Okay, let’s go,” Mary said jumping on the ledge. She started to climb down.
It was actually a pretty far jump and we didn’t see how Mary made it so easily.
“Uh, ladies first,” Brian and William said looking at me.
I sighed and jumped and landed on the ledge but almost fell and I was dangling on the ledge.
I gasped and got my feet on the ledge and started to climb down with Mary.
“What’s taking Brian and William?” Mary called from below me.
“They’re chickens!” I laughed.
“No we’re not!” Brian roared jumping to the ledge.
He landed on it groaning but better than I did. He started to climb down too.
We looked up at William who was about to jump. He then started to run to jump but all of the sudden, someone in a ski mask grabbed William and pulled him out of sight!
Mary, Brian, and I screamed and climbed down faster and soon got to the bottom.
“Come on, let’s get the cops!” Mary gasped.
Only Mary, Brian, and I were left. We walked towards the front of the school and were going to get the cops.
“Only the 3 of us are left,” I gulped.
“Yeah, we have to get the cops and search for everyone in school, is they’re alive,” Brian shivered.
We got to the front of the school and were about to cross the parking lost until we saw a black van across the road facing us.
We could only see the driver’s shadow because it was like midnight.
“W-who is that?” I stuttered stepping back with Mary and Brian nervously.
“Come on, let’s run around this freak!” Mary said confidently.
The van’s horn then beeped loud towards us and the headlights turned on towards us.
We covered are ears in horror stepping back towards the school. The van then started and started to drive towards us!
“Run!” Brian screamed running towards the glass door entrance with us.
The van was getting closer to us!
We were taking the chain off the door. “Come on, let’s open the dang door!” Mary screamed.
No running around the van now, are only chance was getting in the school.
We then got the chain off and ran into the school screaming. The van then crashed through the glass door and glass shattered everywhere.
Mary, Brian, and I dove for it and if we didn’t, we would’ve been run over.
I hit the ground groaning. I then looked behind me and saw the van stopped but the front of the van was only inches away from my face! My legs were under the van when it stopped and the van almost hit my face.
I crawled back in horror and stood up with Mary and Brian looking at the van.
The driver who had a ski mask on, was knocked out and his head was laying down on the wheel.
“Come on guys, let’s go to the back door and see if it’s unlocked,” Mary said to us.
But Brian and I ignored and walked towards the driver.
“Let’s take off the mask, we’ll know who it is, it’ll be over,” I said to them reaching for his mask.
“Oh my god,” Mary and Brian gasped putting their hands over their mouths in horror.
I then touched his face but his hand then grabbed onto me. I almost died of fright.
Mary and Brian screamed.
“Time to die kid,” the guy roared.
I screamed and bit his hand. He screamed in pain and let go. “Run!” I screamed running away!
The 3 of us ran into the detention room and locked the door in horror.
We started gasping in horror. “S-soon we’ll all be gone,” Mary gasped.
Brian lied against the window in horror. I looked at the detention list.
It had a bunch of red lines all over the paper. I walked towards the list and ripped it off the wall and looked at it.
I then gasped. Everyone who was taken was crossed out in blood. Mary and Brian looked over.
“What?” Mary asked running over to me. Brian stayed where he was against the window.
I pointed to the paper. “Everyone who was taken name’s crossed out,” I explained.
“Example, see this, Seth is crossed out, Eric is crossed out, Trey is crossed out, Taylor is crossed out, Daniel is crossed out, Zack is crossed out, Jason is crossed out, William is crossed out and- I couldn’t finish explaining because Mary and I froze in place.
“What’s wrong?” Brian asked against the window.
It showed that Brian was crossed out also. We turned around and saw him against the window.
“Brian, get away from the window,” I said with my hand out walking over to him.
“What?” Brian asked. But the second after Brian said that, a hand crashed through the window and pulled Brian out!
Mary and I screamed and tried to open the door but someone started to bang on the door.
We gasped and stepped back. No other way out. We hugged each other bracing ourselves.
The door was then smashed open and William came in limping and had a hard time keeping his balance.
“William?” Mary asked.
“Helppp,” William silently groaned. He then fell down face first and a knife was stuck in his back!
Mary and I screamed.
Brian then walked in all bloody and fell down near William. “Nooo!” Mary and I screamed.
People with ski masks then came in with ropes and knives. Mary and I closed our eyes preparing for it but laughter then happened.
We then heard laughter. We opened our eyes and saw the people in the ski masks laughing and William and Brian got up laughing.
Mary and I got up with a weird look on our faces. “What’s going on?” we asked.
“It was all a joke, I wasn’t dead, look, corn syrup,” Brian showed us.
William took the fake knife of his back. Trey, Eric, Seth, Taylor, Daniel, Jason, and Zack then came out.
“W-what happened?” I asked.
“I’ll explain,” Trey said.
“Well, it was detention today, and I was super bummed, so I decided to make “Detention” fun. So I got my cousins,”
“Hi,” the guys in the ski mask greeted.
Trey continued. “So I told them to take us one by one and cross our names out with corn syrup. They agreed and I waited in detention for the lights to go out. When they did I smiled and waited for them to take someone. One of my cousins got the detention teacher but he didn’t cooperate and threatened to call the police as my cousins told me, so they tied him up in the storage closet who we’re going to have to get out soon, and we’re probably going to get in trouble, but anyways I then heard Seth scream and I smiled. My cousins must have bumped you over, Ian, while running out.
So my cousins got Seth and we explained to him what was going on so he joined us in trying to take the rest of you.
We knew that you guys were going to walk outside, so one of my cousins were already out there and got Eric and dragged him to our little hideout outside by the playground and explained to him what was happening and we got him to help out.
I then decided that my kidnapping would be next. I got on the ledge and gave a thumbs up to my cousin and he grabbed me outside.
In the janitor’s closet, my cousins were waiting for you and grabbed Taylor and dragged her off.
The vent was our jack pot, we then got Daniel, Zack, and Jason and told them to help out.
When you got on the roof, we locked the vent and unhooked the ladder.
We then saw that you were climbing down the ledge. So Zack, Seth, and I unhooked the vent and snuck behind William and before he jumped, we grabbed him and dragged him to our hideout and he started to help out.
When you guys were walking to the front of the school, my cousin was in his van and beeped his horn at you and started to drive to you. Now we were obviously not going to run you over, my cousin is a really good driver for a 20 year old. He could tell if you would make it in or not, he would know when to hit the brakes. He then crashed through the glass windows and hit the brakes and pretended to be knocked out. When you, Ian, grabbed his mask, he grabbed your hand and tried to take you but you bit his hand, which he’s not mad about.
You 3 then ran into the detention room and we saw the perfect chance when Brian leaned against the window, we then grabbed him and pulled him out while another one of my cousins banged on the door.
We quickly explained to Brian what was going on and told him to get the corn syrup on.
Him and William walked in the room and pretended to die. That’s the story,” Trey told.
“S-so this was a joke the whole time?” Mary asked.
“Yep,” Zack answered.
“But, won’t your cousins be arrested for driving through the school and tying up a teacher?” I asked.
“We’re really rich and we know how to build things, we can rebuild the glass door before morning and bribe the teacher with 1,000’s of dollars,” one of Trey’s cousins answered.
“What about the killers from the prison, that didn’t have anything to do with this?” Mary asked.
“Heck no!” they all said.
We then heard a gun load and we looked over and saw Mr. Anderson pointing a Desert Eagle at all of us. We all gasped and stepped back against the wall.
“Wh-what’re you doing?” Jason gasped.
“For your information, I was one of those killers that escaped from prison the other day, than I got a job here to start a new life, but now that someone has tied me up, oh, you’re all going to be dead in the next 5 minutes,” Mr. Anderson laughed.
We all screamed at the top of our lungs.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Haunted Neighborhood

There has been a terrible piece of history that has happened in my neighborhood. About 35 years ago in this very neighborhood on Halloween night, a murder took place. 7 kids were trick- r -treating. The kids knocked on a stranger’s door that was in the middle of the woods. The guy came to the door and said that he was going to get candy from the pantry and said that the kids could come in. When they got in the house was abandoned and it seemed that no one had set foot in the house in years. The guy turned out to be a child murderer and knocked the kids out.
He brought them out of the abandoned house and threw them in the back of his van and tied them up. He then drove towards the lake in the woods. The lake was in a huge trench that went down 40 feet. The lake was 2,000 feet deep. The killer drove towards the trench and jumped out of his van and landed safely and the van went off the trench and into the water.
One of the kids got out of his ropes and knocked the window open and started to breath in the tire air so the killer wouldn’t see him when he swam up to take a breath. The killer then left and the kid swam up while the rest of the kids drowned.
He got the police and the police could never find the killer. That is the most horrifying thing that has ever happened in my neighborhood. I will tell you how me and my friends encountered with this horrifying tail.

My friend Daniel and I went outside and ran down to the woods. We had a hammer and nails. We were going to work on a fort of ours. Daniel was 2 years younger than me and was cool but kind of a wuss.
It was October and Halloween is tomorrow. Every step we took you heard autumn leaves going Crunch, Crunch, Crunch.
We then got into the woods and stopped running and started to walk.
“So what’re you going to be this Halloween?” Daniel asked me trying to step on leaves.
“You,” I laughed.
“Shut up, really, what’re you going to be, I’m going to be goblin,” Daniel said.
“I don’t know, this’ll probably be my last year of trick r treating, something exciting,” I replied.
“Well, I’m only in it for the candy,” Daniel said.
An old guy in are neighborhood named Mr. Moore walked by us. He was really nice.
“Hey boys, what’re you up to?” Mr. Moore asked us.
“We’re going to work on our own fort,” I told him.
“Cool, boys, see you around,” Mr. Moore said walking away. Daniel and I kept on walking.
We then got to our fort. It was near the trench where the lake was where the van massacre happened.
“Gee, why’d we have to make the fort near this trench, it gives me the creeps,” Daniel shivered starting to work on the fort.
“Want to come here on Halloween with William and Mary to pay respects to the kids?” I asked looking over at the trench.
“No way! I’m too afraid!”
I then saw an old mobile home near the trench. It had weeds growing out of it and was so ugly looking.
“Hey come on, let’s check it out,” I said to Daniel walking towards the trench.
“No!” Daniel cried.
“Come on,” I said to him.
Daniel then sighed and followed me. Daniel didn’t like being left alone.
I looked down the trench kind of scared. I saw a big lake with black water.
I gulped. Daniel then came by my side and looked down nervously.
“Can we go now?” Daniel asked looking around.
“Hey, it’s daytime, it’s not that scary,” I said to him.
“Please, can we go?” Daniel begged.
I just ignored him. “Divers couldn’t find the van, because people say it sunk so freaking deep into a trench underwater, the bodies were never found, neither was the killer,”
“Now you’re scaring me even more,” Daniel whined. I then rolled my eyes and walked towards the old mobile home.
“What’re you doing now?” Daniel asked following me into the house.
I saw a bunch of drawn pictures on the old walls. There was a picture of monsters eating people alive.
“This is too creepy,” Daniel gulped stepping back. He then tripped over a weed and crashed through the wall because it was so beat up and was about to fall down the trench until he grabbed onto a rock. He was screaming so loud!
“Help!” Daniel screamed dangling.
I then gasped and dove forward and grabbed onto him. I then pulled him up.
Daniel then curled up in a ball shaking. “Can we go now?”
I then heard voices in the trench. I started to get scared. They were echoes. “Help us, help us, we’re drowning,” one echo said below.
“What was that?” Daniel then gasped.
“We want fooooooood, we’re hungryyyyyyyy,” another echo said.
“Let’s get out of here!” Daniel gasped.
I then finally agreed. Daniel started to run but I then saw an old wooden ladder that we could go down later.
“Come on!” Daniel called.
I then started to run but then tripped over a book. I looked at it and it said diary. I put it in my pocket and started to run off with Daniel.
We ran all the way home and went inside Daniel’s house. We sat down and watched some TV gasping.
“What was that?” Daniel gasped.
“I don’t know, but I’m going back there tonight with you and some other friends,” I then told him.
“Are you nuts?”
“Maybe, but I want to know what that was,”
“You can but I’m not!”
“Fine, I’ll get William,” I then said.
I ran upstairs. William was Daniel’s bigger brother who was my age and really brave.
I ran in his room and he was playing cards with a friend of mine named Brian, who is a know it all but is still really cool, Evan, a pudgy kid my age who’s kind of a jerk, and Mary, a girl who is 13 and has blonde hair and blue eyes and who I think is really pretty but I don’t tell anyone that.
“Hey Ian, what’s happening?” William asked me looking up putting down another card.
“Guys, you wouldn’t believe what happened at that trench today, I heard voices with Daniel and found this diary,” I told them.
“No way, you lie,” Evan said.
“Yeah, well let’s hear the diary,” I then said sitting down.
“Where’d you find the diary anyways?” Mary asked.
“The Mobile Home by the trench,” I answered.
“Well, let’s hear the diary,” Brian urged.
I then started to read the old cover. “Diary of Derrick M. Boccino,” I then turned to the first page.
“I hear them every night, they whisper things to my head, they say that they want food, humans, and they say that they will spare me for food, I went out at nights, capturing people, and I would make a ladder and bring them down to the trench onto the sand by the water. I would call the kids out with my curse, they whisper the curse to me every night, and the curse works between 7 PM and 12 AM.
I call Grip-Grap-Greep, they then rise and eat the person alive.

October 31, 1992

I have upset the kids, I have forgot to feed them the past days, I am going to see them tonight to apologize,” I read.
We all looked at each other in horror.
“You really found that in the mobile home?” Mary asked biting her nails.
“Yep,” I replied.
“We’re going to the trench tonight to see if that “Curse” is really true,” William said.
“No, I’m too scared,” Evan whined.
“Chicken,” Brian laughed.
“Fine, I’ll go!”
“Okay, let’s go tonight,” I then said. They all shook their heads in agreement.

I went home and told my mom that I was having a sleepover at William’s.
Later, at 8:00, we met at William’s driveway. “Okay, so we going to the trench now?” Brian then began.
“Yep, and I got flashlights too,” William told passing us flashlights.
“Let’s do this,” Mary then said turning her flashlight on and aiming it at things.
We started walking into the woods. “I’m scared,” Evan whined.
“Shut up, Evan, you’re acting like Daniel,” I told him.
“How’d Daniel handle the trench?” Brian giggled. I laughed thinking about it.
“He handles it awful, he was whining about getting out of there the whole time,” I told laughing.
“Just like Evan, usually,” Mary laughed.
“Shut up! I live closest to the woods, the woods are my backyard! The trench is pretty close to my house!” Evan yelled.
We then got to the trench and walked towards it and looked down.
“How’re we going to get down there?” Brian asked.
“There’s a ladder I found behind the mobile home,” I said walking behind the mobile home and seeing the wooden ladder.
“Who’s going first?” William asked.
We all looked at Mary. Mary rolled her eyes and sighed. “Yes, I know, I’m oldest and lady’s first,”
She started going down the ladder. I got on next and started to climb down. The ladder was creaky and weak. William, Brian, and Evan followed.
“Is this ladder safe to go on?” Evan asked while going down.
“Sure it is,” I answered close to the bottom. A crack happened and one of the bars on the ladder fell. I gasped and almost fell until I grabbed onto another bar. I pulled myself onto the bar.
“You okay?” Mary called who was already on the sandy bottom.
“Yeah,” I answered continuing to climb down. I got to the bottom and it was all sand and about 70 feet away was the lake.
William, Brian, and Evan then made it to the bottom. We started to walk towards the lake.
“Okay, so all we’re going to do is see if this “Curse” is really real?” I asked.
“Yep, and it’ll be a good story to tell everyone at school that we went down to the lake,” William replied.
“I just want to get out of here,” Evan whined.
“So where do you think the killer went?” Mary asked us ignoring Evan.
“I don’t know, probably away from the neighborhood,” Brian answered.
“Well what about the surviving kid, he’s obviously an adult now, where’s he?” I asked.
“Who knows,” William said.
Mary then tripped over something and she landed on a skeletion! Spiders started crawling in her blonde hair!
She screamed and hugged Brian in horror. Brian smiled. “Nice,”
We then stepped back gasping. The skeletion looked about 20 years old and it had a hat on.
I carefully reached forward and picked up his wallet. It had spiders all over it. I rubbed it off and looked in it for his ID.
“What was his name?” Mary gasped.
I took out his ID and it said Derrick Boccino! I gasped. “Who is it?” William asked walking forward.
“It’s the writer of the diary, when he said that the kids were mad at him, he must have been eaten,” I said.
Evan gasped. “So it is real!”
“That doesn’t mean it’s real, he might have been bitten by a snake or something,” Brian suggested.
“Let’s just go see the lake,” Mary said starting to walk and getting scared.
We followed and saw the old lake. Mist was everywhere. William got a closer look but tripped over a root and fell in the water.
William gasped but Brian and I giggled.
“Need a little help?” Brian laughed.
“Shut up,” William growled all wet. “I hit metal or something,”
“Metal, what do you mean?” I asked.
“I don’t know, really,”
A brown van then floated up out of the water! It had cracked windows and tons of seaweed and fish inside it! We screamed and tripped back.
“It’s the van!” Mary screamed.
William then got out the book. “Let’s just see if this is real, Grip-Grap-Greep,”
We gasped and started to shake. Nothing happened. We then got up.
“See nothing happened!” Brian then told us walking in front of us near the lake.
All of the sudden an old wet and pale hand came out of the sand and grabbed onto Brian’s foot! Brian screamed and fell down!
“What the heck!” he screamed.
William, Mary, and I started to help him. Evan just watched in horror.
“Pull harder!” Mary screamed.
We then pulled harder and pulled Brian off the hand, but didn’t only pull Brian, but we pulled off the hand too! We threw the hand off.
6 kids in very old and creepy costumes walked out of the water limping towards us whispering things.
“Hungry,” one in a devil costume whispered.
We screamed and started to run towards the ladder with Evan. The monster kids started sprinting after us!
“Run!” Evan screamed getting on the ladder first. He started to climb. Mary, Brian, William, and I jumped on and started to climb. I looked down and saw one get out a knife. They started to cut the rope. I screamed.
“Jump on the cliff!” I screamed jumping on it.
The ladder was then cut and the ladder started to fall! Mary, Brian, and William gasped and jumped on the cliff but Evan was too late and he fell screaming into the monsters! The monsters caught him and they surrounded him and started to do something to him that I couldn’t see! Evan was screaming to death!
“Climb!” Mary screamed starting to climb the cliff. We got to the top and started to run screaming to William’s house.
We then got to his house and opened and slammed the door shut. We fell to the ground gasping.
“Evan was eaten!” Brian screamed.
“Let’s call the police,” Mary suggested.
“No, they’ll think we’re crazy, and Brian, I think Evan is still alive, I feel it,” I gasped.
Daniel then walked down the steps in his PJ’s. “What happened?”
“Is mom home?” William gasped.
“No, she’s on a business trip, why?” Daniel asked.
We got up. “Monster kids in costumes from the trench attacked us and ate Evan!” Mary screamed.
“You all lie, stop trying to scare me,” Daniel growled but still looked scared.
We then saw the front door knob just start to turn but the door was locked and there was no windows near the door so we didn’t know who it was. The knob started to turn over and over again.
We gasped and stepped back towards the steps. We then heard a whisper. “Hungry,”
We screamed and ran up the steps to William’s room. We looked out the window. No one was there.
“You believe us now?” we asked Daniel. Daniel then shook his head in horror still looking out the window.
“Let’s sleep over here tonight,” Mary then suggested.
“Well, we were going to do that anyways,” Brian told her getting his sleeping bag out.
“What will we tell Evan’s parents?” William asked scared.
“Look I can almost feel that Evan isn’t dead, and we’re going to stop these things until we tell anyone, they’re only kids,” I answered.
“I agree,” Mary agreed.
“Okay, we’re going to get these tomorrow,” Brian said.
“Well I’m not, I don’t want to be killed,” Daniel whined.
“You’re such a wuss, you don’t want to save people’s lives in this neighborhood?” William asked.
“No, not if it risks my life,” Daniel replied.
“Guys, stop fighting!” Mary yelled to them.
I got out the diary. “Let’s read some more of this,” I said to them.
I flipped to a random page and saw that it was dated May 21, 1990.
I started to read it. “These kids are smart, they know, that once they kill their killer, their souls are free, I help them find the kidnapper but always get the wrong guy, when they kill their killer, their souls will be free. They can hypnotize someone to help them out without other people noticing,”
“Whoa, so they can hypnotize one of us without either of us knowing,” Brian gulped.
“Let’s just go to sleep, we’ll have someone guarding each time with baseball bats that I have in the closet,” William suggested.
We then all took turns guarding that night. We then woke up that next day. I barely got any sleep that night because I kept on having nightmares about the kids.
“Come on, let’s get breakfast,” William said walking downstairs.
Brian and Daniel followed but Mary and I had trouble getting up. She stayed in her sleeping bag.
“Nightmares too?” she asked.
“Yep,” I answered.
“Guys! There’s cops everywhere outside, come on!” Daniel called from downstairs.
Mary and I then got up gasping and ran downstairs. We saw cops across the street from us at a house. It was Mr and Mrs Smith’s house. They were old grouchy people.
We ran outside and saw them pushing stretchers out with blankets over them with something under the blankets, dead bodies!
“Oh my god!” Daniel gasped barfing in bushes.
I saw Mr. Moore. I ran to him.
“What happened?” I asked him.
"A few guys who haven’t been identified who broke into their house last night and ate them!" Mr. Moore told.
I gasped and stepped back in horror. “What happened?” Brian asked.
“They were eaten by the kids,” I gulped.
William, Daniel, Mary, and Brian gasped. “We have to find them,” William gulped.
We then walked back to William’s house in horror. We just got breakfast. I got cereal, same with Daniel. William had waffles. And Mary and Brian had a bagel.
“I think the kids aren’t just hungry, they want to kill random people in the neighborhood because they think they were their killer,” I suggested.
“They’re just zombies really, they want their souls freed,” Mary said.
I then saw a mark on William’s neck that showed some kind of symbol. It looked like a waterfall.
“Wait William, there’s some kind of waterfall symbol on your neck,” I then told him getting a closer look at him.
“Hey what’re you doing?” William asked alarmed.
Mary, Daniel, and Brian looked closely too. “He’s right,” Daniel brought up.
William looked directly at my neck in horror. He pointed to it. “You have it too,” William told me.
Everyone then looked at my neck. I then looked at Mary’s neck and it had the symbol on her neck. I pointed to her neck. Everyone looked at her neck.
We then saw one on Brian’s neck and Daniel’s.
“Okay, what’s going on?” I asked as we all stepped back.
I then looked in the diary and saw the sign! “Wait, I see the sign in the book, the sign means one of us has been hypnotized to be a partner with the kid monsters, but we can’t tell who it is,” I then read in horror.
We then all stood away from each other.
“Who the heck was guarding when the kids came in?” William asked in horror looking at all of us.
“Well whoever was is the hypnotized person,” I gulped.
“Then who is it?” Brian asked in horror.
“Just all stay away from me!” Daniel screamed.
“Guys, we have to get along, let’s just calm down,” Mary said to us.
“Mary’s right, let’s just keep are distance while stopping the kids,” I agreed.
“The only question is, where are they?” William asked coming closer to us.
“Don’t know, but it’s Halloween tonight, they can blend in,” Brian replied.
“Let’s just go back near the trench, and think this out,” Mary suggested walking closer to us.
We all took turns changing in the bathroom and left.
We then walked outside and down to the woods. We kept our distances though. I know that I wasn’t the hypnotized victim, it was either William, Brian, Mary, or Daniel. It’s hard to trust anyone right now.
We then walked towards the trench and looked down into it.
“Where do you think they are now?” Daniel asked kicking a rock into the trench.
“We have to stop them by tonight,” William gulped.
“I ag-AAHHHHH!” Daniel couldn’t finish because he was bit right in the neck by Brian! Brian was the hypnotized guy! Mary, William, and I stepped back in horror and we heard voices down in the trench saying “Join us, join us!”
We then noticed we stepped back to far and fell in the trench! The 3 of us fell screaming.
We then landed in water. I opened my eyes and saw all of the kids looking at us with an ice cold look. The 3 of us screamed underwater and swam up.
We took a breath gasping.
“Swim!” William screamed.
Mary then screamed and was pulled underwater. We still heard voices everywhere saying “Join us, join us”
William and I gasped and swam underwater and saw she being pulled into a cave inside pieces of the cliff underwater.
William and I swam after her and swam into the underwater cave. It was so freaking dark.
William then got out a flashlight and turned it on underwater and we saw all of the kids standing around Mary, William, and I.
We screamed and swam as fast as we could out of the cave. We then came up for a breath. We gasped in so much air.
“Swim!” William screamed.
We swam so freaking fast to the shore where Evan was taken. We go out of the water and ran to cliff.
The kids then walked out of the water in their costumes. “Hungry,” they whispered starting to sprint after us.
It started to get dark. We jumped on the cliff and climbed so fast! We got to the top and ran for it until we got to the street.
We were gasping looking back.
“Thank you guys so much for saving me,” Mary thanked smiling at us.
“Yeah, well it’s getting dark, this isn’t good, trick r treaters,” I gulped.
Trick R Treaters were walking by us. We then saw two of the kid monsters! We screamed.
They looked at us. “Hey, you okay?” one asked.
We then looked at them closely. They were only Trick R Treaters. We looked ashamed.
“Sorry,” William apologized as they walked off.
“We got to control ourselves,” Mary said to us.
All of the sudden a hand came out of the sewer we were near and pulled William right into the sewer.
Mary and I screamed. We looked into the sewer but could only hear William’s scream go silent.
Mary and I then got into tears and decided to tell someone. We ran to Mr. Moore’s house because his house was closest.
We then rang his doorbell in horror. He then came to the door.
“Yes kids, want candy, wait, why’re you all wet?” he asked us putting the candy bucket down.
“We got a lot to admit, the kids from the Halloween massacre have returned, and they’re hungry, they won’t stop till they find and kill the killer!” I screamed.
“It’s true,” Mary added.
Mr. Moore smiled. “Is that right?”
He then got out a baseball bat and smacked me right in the head with it. The world went dark for me.
I then heard water rushing. I then woke up groaning and saw that I was tied up to a chair near the cliff that has the trench. Mary was also tied up next to me.
I groaned and saw Mary waking up. I looked over at the trench.
“What’s going on?” Mary asked me in a weak voice.
We then heard laughing. We looked over and saw Mr. Moore with a shotgun walking in front of us!
“Wh-what’re you doing?!” I gasped.
“So, the kids are back, huh? Well guess what, I was their killer,” Mr. Moore laughed.
Mary and I gasped.
“W-what?” Mary gasped.
“That’s right, I drove them right off the cliff, I made a mistake with not watching the water for too long, so one kid escaped, and got the police, but the police could never find me, because I burned down the house they trick R treated at.
The one surviving kid moved into the mobile home near the trench. He knew that they turned into zombies or whatever the hell they are, he searched for me most of his life, but never found me. Instead, I found him first, and when he was down by the trench, I snuck up on him and stabbed him over and over, then, Derrick Boccino was dead,” Mr. Moore told.
Mary and I gasped. “So, the kids didn’t kill Derrick?” Mary asked.
“Of course they didn’t! They’re just stupid weak kids. And now, you’re my bait,” Mr. Moore laughed walking behind the old mobile home. He then shot the shotgun in the air to attract them.
Mary and I then heard roaring coming from the bottom and heard them but couldn’t see them.
Mary and I started to try and wiggle out of the ropes but couldn’t. We then whimpered nervous.
We then looked at each other and I finally notice how beautiful she was.
“Before we die, I just wanted to know that you’re beautiful,” I told her.
“I really like you Ian, you’re a great guy,” she told me.
We then kissed while the zombie kids came up with hypnotized Brian.
We then pulled away and braced ourselves. We saw 3 of the zombie kids and hypnotized Brian, but we didn’t see the other 3 zombies.
They then got closer to us until we heard Mr. Moore scream from behind the mobile home.
We saw that the other 3 came up another way. They were eating Mr. Moore alive!
“Killer,” they whispered.
The others walked over to Mr. Moore and started to eat him. Even Brian was eating him.
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Mr. Moore screamed. His scream then faded away and blood started to come out of the circle of the kids.
They then got away from Mr. Moore and all we saw was his skeletion.
The kids then started to look up at the sky and started to melt but they weren’t screaming.
“Their souls are being freed!” I cheered.
Brian then screamed and he started to shake and then he dropped to the ground groaning.
The kids then melted. We watched in horror. We then saw this little white floating kid in the air appear in front of us.
“Thanks,” it whispered, then faded away.
We watched in horror. Brian then got up groaning. “Ugh, what happened, oh my god! I tried to kill my friends!”
“Brian, untie us!” we called to him.
He walked towards us in horror. He untied us. Mary and I then got up and stretched.
“Is Evan, William, and Daniel still alive?” I asked.
“Yes, and they’re in pretty good condition,” Brian answered.
“Thank god, where are they?” Mary asked.
“Follow me,” Brian told us walking back into the woods.
We followed. He led us into a cave and we saw them tied up. We cheered and untied them.
Evan then got up gasping.
“I thought I was going to die,” Evan cried.
“Brian, you’re okay now!” William cheered.
“We were saved as an old snack,” Daniel gulped holding onto his bleeding neck.
“How’s your neck?” I asked him.
“It’s much better now, the wound is healing by itself,” Daniel answered.
“What happened?” William gasped.
Mary and I told everything that happened.
Evan, William, and Daniel then looked at each other in horror.
“So what now?” Evan asked.
“Let’s go trick r treating!” Daniel then cheered.
“Yeah!” we all cheered.
We then all went trick r treating and got the most candy I’ve ever gotten.
But the best part of the night, was saving my friends.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Happy Birthday, Spacepilot1999!

Well, a week ago was my blog's 1st birthday! Sorry I didn't post this on the blog's birthday but the internet connection was down. It only seemed like yesterday when I started this blog. I'm going to run through backstories on stories I've written. So sit back, relax, and I'll run through stories I've written.
The Beginning
Before I started my blog, I used to always write stories. I'd always keep them in a big drawer I had. I then decided to start a blog and put all of the stories I write on my blog. When I started a year ago, all the stories that came out on the first day were stories I have already wrote. From then on, they were new stories I wrote.

My first story ever on my blog was Secret Of Fallwood Forest. Now this story I wrote only a few months before I started my blog. I liked the story alot and decided it should be my first blog post. I just went on from there. The first serious story I ever wrote was The White Van, and on my opinion, I didn't like. There was alot of flaws in The White Van compared to The Abduction and Mystery of the Lost Friend.
Some of my favorite stories on my blog are Mystery of the Lost Friend series, Mysterious Dolls, The Abduction, and my favorite William, Daniel, the Ghost, and I.

The Characters

There has been alot of characters in my stories but the stories where I am the narrator, the kids are my friends. I'm going to run through my best friends that have been in my stories. Now, one of my friends that you probably see most in my stories, is William. He's been in almost every story where I'm the narrator, such as The White Van, Secret of Fallwood Forest, The Abduction, and Mysterious Dolls. You also see his younger brother, Daniel in my stories alot too. He's 2 years younger than me and is really cool. William and Daniel were my best friends and the main sidekicks in the stories, until a kid who is also 2 years younger then me moved in to my nieghborhood who's name is Zack. I showed him my stories and he said he wanted to be in one. I was going to make his introduction story really, really good. I thought up of ideas and soon came up with one of my favorite stories, Mysterious Dolls.
He soon became my main sidekick in stories. And his bigger brother Eric, appeared in 2 of my stories, Soul Taker and The Abduction.
One other friend of mine that I'm going to talk about is usually the main girl in all my stories, Natalie. Now Natalie was a girl I liked in 4th and 5th grade and I decided to put her in stories I wrote. She sadly though moved only a month before I started this blog, but I kept on putting her in my stories. She was introduced in Secret of Fallwood Forest and we first kissed in my story, The Fifth Kind. I still like her and she will be coming back next summer.
The rest of the people in my stories are just other friends of mine who aren't my best friends.

Deleted Endings

I'm going to go over deleted endings in stories. Now, I have alot of deleted endings in stories. Now the story that has the most deleted endings is Laughing Until You Die. This story has 6 deleted endings! But I'm going to tell you 1 to pass the time. The original ending is Zack supposedly kills Bert by pushing him off the prison roof. The cops then come and search for Bert's body. They then cannot find him and a note hits my head and it says that Bert is still alive and we hear bert laughing in the distance.
The deleted ending is Zack pushes Bert off the prison roof and Bert supposidly dies. The cops then search for Bert's body and cannot find it. Andrew Jones then falls from the prison roof and dies. Bert then jumps down and strangles me to death. Terrible, huh?
I'll show you one more deleted ending which will be from Babysitter Thief. In the original ending, police storm through Sara Renerk's basement and arrest her. It's heard the next day that she escaped from jail.
In the deleted ending, William shoots Sara in the stomach with a crossbow before we get knocked out and tied up. Sara lives the shot and throws the crossbow and the bow that shot her on the ground. A single cop then walks down the stairs with his gun. Sara goes into a corner with a knife waiting for him. William, Daniel, William's mom, and I try to scream but tape are on our mouths. While Sara isn't looking, I pick up the bow on the ground with my feet and start to cut myself free. The cop then comes down the stairs and sees us but Sara sneaks behind him and slashes his throat. I then untie myself and grab the crossbow and shoot Sara in the head killing her. A little too violent, right.

Till Next year

Well, it's been a very succesful 1st year, over 70 posts on my blog! Let's have another great and succesful year! See you all next year and this year will be more improved and fun!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Penny's Journey

One day, a 1917 penny was made and it's first owner was a Private in World War 1 named Private James Francis. He called it his lucky penny. He was going into battle.
"Okay, lucky penny, give me some luck in this battle," Private Francis gulped grasping the penny.
He then ran out into battle screaming but was then shot in the head and he dropped the penny.
When the bodies were cleared out, the penny stayed. The penny lyed there for several years until a teenager named Adolf Hitler found it and picked it up looking at it.
"You'll be my lucky penny," Adolf said smiling.
He kept the penny throughout World War 2 and holocaust, and one day he was sitting in his chair in his house looking at his penny smiling.
"You've kept me alive penny, I thank you," he told the penny smiling.
All of the sudden bombs started to hit his house. He looked around and growled at the penny.
"This is all your fault!" Hitler growled at the penny.
He then swallowed the poison and died with the penny in his hand. The soldiers then walked in and saw Hitler dead.
A soldier named Sergeant Karkas saw the penny in his hand and picked it up.
"What a cool penny, I'm going to take you home!" he told the penny.
He kept it for a while and soon, in 1961, he joined the Bay of Pigs invasion and was captured by Castro. He was on the ground injured with the penny in his pocket.
Castro laughed at him. "Hey, what a failure you are, you- hey! Cool penny, I'll take that," Castro said taking the penny from him.
Castro's retarted son then smacked him on the head.
"Hi daddy, cool invasion, huh?" he asked Castro.
He smacked Castro so hard that the penny flew out of Castro's hand and into the ocean. It sunk to the bottom and stayed there for about 2 months until one night, a storm went through the sea and picked up the penny off the sea floor and it came to the top but flew onto a fishing boat going to America.
It got to America and it slipped off the boat. A fisherman then picked it up.
"I'm going to take YOU!" the fisherman laughed putting it in his pocket. He kept it for a month until one day he was walking by the white house and he didn't like President Kennedy(how dare he) and he threw the penny at the white house angrily.
It landed in the rose garden and a secret service agent picked it up and liked it and kept it and gave it to President Kennedy for being a good president.
"Cool penny," he said to himself looking at it alone in the oval office.
Secretary McNamara then ran in holding a bunch of pictures gasping. "Pr-President!" he screamed.
JFK rolled his eyes. "What?!"
"T-the c-cubans have threatened to bomb America, lives will be lost, I call this the Cuban Missile Crysis," he gasped.
"Look, I don't really care, so why don't you dig a hole and get me a beer," John F. Kennedy smurked looking at his penny.
"Hey, cool penny!" McNamara then cheered dropping the papers. He dove on the desk and made a grab for the penny. "I want it!" he cheered.
JFK then pulled it away from him and he slid off the desk knocking over a bunch of important secret papers.
"NO!" JFK yelled.
McNamara got up and tackled JFK and they fought for the penny angrily. "Let go of it!" McNamara roared.
"NO!" JFK yelled again.
While they were fighting, the penny flew from their hands and flew through the window and hit Martin Luther King's head who was walking.
He saw the penny and picked it up. He liked the looks of it and kept it. He kept the penny in his pocket during his "I Had A Dream" speeches. He thought the penny was good luck.
During an important speech of his, he was holding the penny in his hands while he was putting his arms up cheering in front of everyone. He was then shot by some guy and the penny flew out of his hand and flew halfway across town and landed on Neil Armstrong's head who was off to space training with Buzz Alderian.
He picked it up. "Oh man, I'm taking you with me, LUCKY penny," Neil told it.
A year later, Neil was going to the moon with Buzz and Michael Collins. He kept the penny in his pocket during takeoff, and when they got to space, Neil, Buzz, and Michael were doing the coin toss with the penny to see who would walk on the moon first, who would walk on the moon second, and who would not walk on the moon and have to stay in the ship.
Neil and Buzz won for going on the moon. Michael lost and he had to stay in the ship.
They soon got to the moon and Neil took the penny out to the moon with him.
Buzz looked at the camera and called Neil to come over and make a speech. Neil was giggling chasing the penny so he ignored Buzz.
Buzz sighed and said, "That's one small step for a man, one, giant leap for mankind,"
Neil then came over laughing and got in front of the camera with the penny laughing.
"I bet you want Buzz to stop yapping his mouth and listen to important stuff, look at this penny I found!" Neil cheered showing the camera the penny.
3 hours later, Buzz got the American flag out. He looked at Neil. "Would you like to do the honors?" he asked him.
"NO! Penny will!" Neil yelled picking up the flag and putting the penny on
the flag. He then put the flag in the moon.
They then went back to earth and Neil, Buzz, and Michael walked out smiling while a crowd was cheering for them.
"Yes, and also thank Penny!" Neil cheered showing them the penny.
"Dude, shut up about this stupid wasteful penny!" Buzz roared grabbing the penny and throwing it into the crowd.
A soon to be soldier in Vietnam caught it.
He looked at it. "I'll take you to 'Nam with me!"
The next day, he was on his way to Vietnam with the penny in his hand. "Give me luck," he said to it.
A few days later, he was battling in Vietnam. All of the sudden a bomb landed in front of him and blew him up. The penny flew out of his hand and landed in a river, it floated underwater and a fish grabbed it in his mouth. All of the sudden, a fishing hook grabbed onto the fish's mouth and it pulled the fish onto a wooden boat. Vietnam people then picked the fish up and pulled the penny out of it's mouth.
"Hmm, it seems to be American money," a vietnam soldier said looking at it. All of the sudden, a chopper shot rockets at the boat and blew the boat up. The penny flew onto the chopper. The chopper then started to fly back to America. It then soon landed in America and the penny fell out of the chopper and it fell down the landing platform and it hit a Pakistan person's head.
"Ow!" he growled. He then saw it and picked it up smiling. "You'll be good luck to me while I'm going to attack America!" he laughed to the penny.
He kept it for 20 years and soon, in 2001, he hijacked a plane with his friend and they flew to the two twin towers.
"Hey, don't you think this is kind of mean," the other guy asked.
"No, it's not are fault, it's my lucky penny's fault, he gives me good luck, we wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for my lucky penny," the other guys laughed.
The other guy rolled his eyes. They then got to New York and flew at full speed towards the building.
"Yee hah!" he cheered. They then crashed into the tower and the penny flew through the plane windshield and it flew towards a window and flew out and it started to fall down 2,000 feet. It landed on the ground super hard.
Osama Bin Ladin was disguised as an american watching the towers go down. He laughed and look down and saw the penny.
"Hey, a penny!" he cheered bending down and picking it up. "I'm going to take you back to Pakistan with me," he told it.
Soon, he was flown back to Pakistan and drove to his secret cave. He went in his little safehouse and closed the door and got on his bed looking at his penny.
"Your name will be Sergei," he laughed towards it.
He kept it for about 10 years and he would always talk to it and it was his best "friend".
Later one night, someone knocked on his door. He got up gulping with his penny.
He made an old lady voice to disguise himself. He held the penny up. "Who is it?"
"It's the navy seals, we're here to kill you!" one soldier yelled.
"Uh, what did I do? My name is Mrs. Penny, Osama went to the bar, uh, far away from here," he answered in his girl voice.
The soliders then broke down the door and they shot Osama in the head. He dropped dead on his bed.
The soldier that shot him, Corporal Johnson, looked at the penny and picked it up.
"Whoa, this is a 1917 penny, I'm taking this!" he cheered.
He then flew back to his hometown, Virginia. He was then driving through his neighborhood with the penny in his hand. He looked at it and sighed. "I'm famous, I don't need a stupid penny anymore!" he growled throwing it out the car window. It hit a door of a house.
A 12 year old boy named Ian walked out and looked at the penny. He picked it up looking at it.
"Gee, this is a 1917 penny, I wonder what it's been through,"

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Abduction

My name is Ian. I’m a seventh grader and it is winter break and snow is everywhere. It’s 3 days from Christmas and I took my sled over to my friend, William’s house. He’s my age and is very athletic. I saw him and his little brother, Daniel, making a snowman. Daniel is 2 years younger than us and is kind of a wuss.
William and Daniel’s dad was in the military and was kicked out for accidently shooting one of his own men.
“Hey guys, what’s up,” I then called to him walking over to them.
“Hey Ian, we’re making a snowman,” Daniel replied.
“Want to hit some slopes?” I asked showing them my sled.
“Yeah, we’ll get our sleds,” William then responded running to the garage with Daniel.
They then got their sleds and we ran off to this 200 foot slope in our woods!
I saw this red pickup truck with a bunch of scratches on the trunk of it. It had a window with a big crack in it. I figured it was some hiker’s car
Daniel looked down the slope. “I don’t know you guys, this looks kind of unsafe, there’s a bunch of trees and rocks at the end,” Daniel gulped looking down.
“Oh go down you sissy,” William yelled pushing him down on his sled.
He went down so dang fast screaming! William then layed his sled down.
“Let’s go together at the same time,” William said as I layed my sled down.
I got on it kind of nervous. “Off we go!” I screamed starting to go down the slope with William.
We went down so dang fast! William was cheering but I was screaming holding onto my sled nervously.
We then got to the end of the sloped which were woods. A tree was in my path! I screamed.
“Evacuate!” I screamed jumping off while my sled crashed into the tree. It then broke.
I went flying through the air screaming. I then crashed into a big tree and fell on the ground rolling down a hill groaning. I then stopped rolling after 2 minutes.
I groaned on the ground with bruises and cuts. William then stopped rolling on his sled unharmed to me.
“Fun, huh?” William laughed.
I groaned bleeding.
William then looked around oddly. “Hey have you seen Daniel?” William asked.
“Have you seen my sled?” I groaned still on the ground.
“No seriously, get your lazy butt up, let’s go look for him,” he responded kicking me.
I then got up groaning. I looked around and didn’t see him in sight.
I saw that the red pickup truck that I saw was gone. In the distance we heard Daniel scream.
We gasped and ran to where it was coming from. We saw Daniel’s shoes all beaten up and his sled, ripped apart!
William and I screamed.
“What happened?” I screamed looking around.
“I don’t know,” William gulped.
I then saw a blood drop on one of the shoes he was wearing! I screamed.

We then ran home and told William’s mom what happened. The cops then arrived at the crime scene.
They looked at the boot and took the little speck of blood from it and put it in a bag.
William, William’s mom, my mom, my dad, and I were watching in horror.
A detective then came over to us.
“Hi, I’m Detective Rick Johnson, I would like to see William and Ian at one of their houses,” he said to my parents.
We then went to William’s house. We took two chairs in the living room. I was horrified of what happened that I almost slipped out of my chair.
“Now, if you nice people can leave for a few minutes, I’d like to talk to these two alone,” Detective Johnson told them.
“Sure,” my dad responded walking out of the room with my mom and William’s parents.
“Now, tell me everything that happened,” Detective Johnson commanded taking out a notebook and a pen.
I started to talk. “Well, it was snowing out, and I saw William and Daniel playing outside, so I thought we should go sledding,”
“You guys good friends?” Detective Johnson asked.
“Yes, Ian and I met when we were two, while my mom was pregnant with Daniel,” William answered.
“Right, well, keep going,” Detective Johnson said.
I kept talking. “Daniel and William then went to get their sleds and we went to a 200 foot slope in the woods,”
“Does everyone in the neighborhood go on this slope?”
“Only brave people do,” William answered.
William started talking. “Daniel was looking down the slope and was afraid to go down it so I pushed him down and he went down and we turned our heads and that was the last time we saw him, because we then went down the slope and Daniel wasn’t at the bottom,”
I then thought of the red truck in horror.
“See anything unusual?”
“YES!” I then blurted out.
“What?” Johnson asked.
“Before I went down the hill, I saw a red truck in the distance, after I went down the hill, it was gone!” I told.
Detective Johnson started to write things down. “Any details about the truck?”
“Yeah, it had a crack on the right window, and three scratches on the trunk,”
Detective Johnson was writing fasted I ever seen anyone write! He looked up.
“Did you notice this truck?” he asked William.
“No, sir, but we did hear Daniel scream in the distance after we noticed he was gone,” William answered.
“Interesting,” Detective Johnson responded.

William and I were then done being interviewed and it was time to go to bed.
I went back to my house, not being able to go to bed, I was just staring at the wall thinking.
Who would want to take Daniel? He didn’t do anything! Was the driver of that red truck hired by someone to take Daniel?
So many questions ran through my head and a few minutes later I fell asleep.

I woke up and it was the last day of school before winter break. It was 6:30 and my mom came up with a phone.
“Uncle Mark is on the phone, he would like to talk to you,” my mom told.
I smiled. Uncle Mark was my dad’s older brother and was my godfather. He was so cool, and was my favorite Uncle.
His wife was my godmother, Aunt Allison and they had a 1 year old baby named Katherine but everyone calls her Kat. She’s so cute!
I took the phone. “Hey, G,” he greeted. He called me G because I was his Godson.
“Hey Uncle Mark,”
“Listen Ian, I heard your friend was abducted, do you know who would want to do it?”
“I don’t know! That’s the question, I just hope he’s not harmed,” I gulped.
“Doesn’t he have a bigger brother?”
“Yeah, William, he was with me when Daniel was kidnapped,” I told.
“I’m sorry this has happened G, I hope the cops find him,”
“I do too,”
“Well, you got to get ready for school, sorry if I woke you with this call,”
“It’s cool, I was already awake,”
He then hung up and I got ready for school. I got on the bus and sat next to my friend Eric. He was good friends with me and William and his little brother Zack was best friends with Daniel.
“Wow, I heard Daniel was kidnapped yesterday while you guys were sledding, creepy,” Eric gulped.
“Yeah, I know, I hope he’s not harmed, or killed,” I shivered thinking about it.
“Well, let’s go to the crime scene after school with William and Zack and see if we could actually solve this,” Eric said.
The bus then got to school and I walked in with my friend Zack. Zack was 2 years younger than me and was really cool.
“Who would want to take Daniel?” Zack asked me as we were putting stuff into our lockers.
“Who knows man,” I answered.
Two kids named Dorsey and Andrei then came over. They were the biggest jerks in school.
Dorsey once knocked me out with a hammer because I touched his “Special” soccer ball.
“Hey guys, we’re sorry about Daniel,” Dorsey and Andrei said looking sad.
“Go away you two!” Zack growled.
“Hey, you’re lucky we’re apologizing! Daniel once slapped me after I gave him an arm Bar!” Andrei growled.
“You started it!” I then yelled.
“Hey man, he stole a buck from me before!” Andrei growled pointing to us.
“Yeah, and you knocked him out to get it back! You probably spent it on candy or crap anyways!” Zack yelled waving a fist.
“For your information, I gave it to my Uncle!” Andrei growled in rage.
“Yeah, stop yelling at him!” Dorsey screamed at our faces.
“What did you give it to your Uncle for?! So he can give you a kiss and you would feel loved for once?” I laughed. Zack laughed too.
“That’s none of your business!” Dorsey then yelled at both of us and they crashed into us and started to fight us.
Everyone crowded around. While me and Dorsey were fighting, he said that he hopes Daniel will never be found!
I then got sad. “Hey, Hey! Break it up!” yelled my teacher Mr. Tagert yelled pulling us apart.
I then ran into the bathroom and started to cry over the sink thinking Daniel was never going to be found.
I then went to class and sat next to Eric and William. The class was silent and worried about Daniel.
No one payed attention all day in school. Before I knew it, it was Dismissal.
Eric, William, and I didn’t take the bus and walked home. “You guys okay?” Eric asked William and I.
William didn’t speak a word all day till now. “Yeah, I just hope that Daniel is found,”
“Let’s go to the crime scene and see what’s up,” Eric then suggested.
We ran off to the crime scene and saw police there. Detective Johnson was there.
“What’s going on?” William asked walking up with us.
“We’ve found what blood it is on the boot,” Detective Johnson then said.
“Oh great, who is it?” I then asked eager to find out.
“It’s not Daniel’s, it’s not even human blood,” Johnson answered.
“What?!” Eric, William, and I asked.
“Yeah, it was a rat’s blood,”
The 3 of us then let out a sigh of relief. We were relieved that Daniel wasn’t harmed. At least then…

We then all walked to our houses and I got into mine and went on Facebook.
My mom nor dad weren’t there because they were both on business trips.
I went on Dorsey’s wall and wrote, You’re a Jerk!!! I’m not friends with him.
I then went on Andrei’s and wrote the same thing but I then saw an image he was tagged in.
I clicked on it and saw him and his uncle in front of his Uncle’s house.
There was his Uncle’s car in the background. But it wasn’t a car. It was a truck and it was red. Something about it looked familiar. Too familiar.
I then printed the picture and looked at it carefully. I got a glass cup and put it on where the truck was. I looked at it carefully. I thought it might be the truck that took Daniel.
I then brought William and Eric over to help me look at it.
“Hmm, what details did you say about the truck?” William asked carefully looking at it.
“It had 3 scratches on the trunk and had a crack on the right window,” I answered.
“Zoom in on the photo on the computer,” Eric suggested.
I then got on the computer and zoomed in on the computer. I moved it over to where the truck was and zoomed in one more. We still couldn’t see it that well. I then got the glass cup and put it on the computer and the 3 of us looked carefully and gasped.
It had 3 scratches on the trunk and a crack on the right window! We gasped.

“It was Andrei’s uncle!” Eric gasped.
“Yeah, it would make since! Because he always hated Daniel and he said that he gave his uncle money and he didn’t tell me why, he must of payed his Uncle to take Daniel,” I gasped.
“But what would he do to Daniel while he has him,” William asked.
“Just keep him away from Virginia,” I replied.
“Look him up on Facebook,” Eric suggested.
I then clicked on his name and he came up. He was freaky looking. He has greenish brownish eyes and was bald and fat.
“It says he lives in Fairbanks, Alaska,” William pointed out. We lived in Virginia.
“We’re going to have to get him,” I said.
“Let’s just get the police,” Eric suggested.
“But what if we’re wrong, we’ll look like idiots,” William told.
“You’re right, but what if we’re right? We’re going to Alaska!” I told.
“But how are we going to get there, are parents aren’t going to take us!” Eric reminded.
“Yes, but I know someone that would take us!” I said.
“Who?” Eric and William both asked.

We rode our bikes to Uncle Mark’s house. We knocked on the door.
“Let’s hope he takes us,” Eric gulped with his fingers crossed.
Uncle Mark then opened the door. He smiled. “What’s up G?” he asked.
We then pulled him out of the house. We explained to him what was going on and how we thought Andrei’s uncle took Daniel and we showed him the photo.
He stared in horror thinking.
“So, will you drive us to Fairbanks?” William asked.
“Drive you? Are you 3 insane, we’re going to at least take a plane,” Uncle Mark said.
“Wait, so you will go?” I asked smiling.
“Anything for you G, but when we get there, how will we find this Uncle?” Uncle Mark asked.
“We can get a directory,” I answered.
“Okay, I’ll tell your Aunt what’s going on, she’ll understand, get ready you guys,” Uncle Mark said walking into his house.
“Ok, let’s get ready to go,” Eric then said.
“Wait, Eric, we’re going to need someone here to research this guy, can you stay here and keep us posted?” I asked him.
“Yeah Eric, we’re going to need you,” William added.
Eric looked kind of disappointed but then said, “Sure, I’ll call you when I’ve got good information,”
William and I then went to our houses and got ready for this adventure.
I got a pocket knife and some extra clothes. My doorbell then rang. I went to the door and Uncle Mark was there.
“Okay G, let’s go,” he said.
I got in the front seat and we picked up William and we were off to the airport.
“Okay guys, what did you tell your parents?” Uncle Mark asked.
“My parents aren’t home,” I answered.
“Where are they?” Uncle Mark asked.
“On a business trip,”
“Wait, so your parents don’t know that you’re coming?” Uncle Mark gasped.
“Yeah, but if we find Daniel, they’ll be too happy to be mad,” I told.
“Yeah, I told my mom that I’m going to Eric’s,” William agreed.
“Okay, if you say so,” Uncle Mark replied.
My phone then rang and I saw that Eric was calling. I answered the phone.
“Hey Eric, got news about this guy?” I asked.
“You wouldn’t believe this, this guy, Gerald Pouznav, he was first in the army but went home injured because he lost his ear by friendly fire. He was mad about losing his ear that he lost it and turned into a murderer back in the 90’s, he lived in Oregon and killed a lot of people in his village, Derfald. He then escaped to Alaska and no one has heard anything of him again. Sadly his name is so common that no one knows which one he is. This guy is extremely creepy, be careful,” Eric told.
I hung up gulping. “What did he say?” William asked from the back seat.
“Um, this guy who we think took Daniel, is a murderer, he said we sh-should be c-careful,” I stuttered.
“Okay, guys, we’ll get the police when we find his house in Alaska,” Uncle Mark gulped.
We then got to the airport. We went into the terminal and boarded the plane that was going to Fairbanks.
William and I sat next to each other while Uncle Mark sat behind us.
“Man, I hope Daniel is okay,” I gulped.
“Yeah, one thing I didn’t understand was why a rat’s blood was on Daniel’s boot and not a human’s,” William replied.
“Yeah, that’s weird,”
“By the way, why was your dad kicked out of the military again?” I asked William.
“He accidently shot one person from his own squad because he was drunk, my dad is now seriously worried and scared about Daniel,” William told.
We then took off and off to Alaska we were!

I slept after the first 3 hours and had a nightmare that we found Daniel, but only his dead body!
I woke up gasping. William looked at me. “You okay?” William asked.
“Yeah,” I then said. “What time is it?”
William looked at his watch. “It’s 1:00 AM,”
“When will we get there?”
“Around 5:00,”
I then sighed and fell back to sleep. I had no dreams, It was a quick sleep to because before I knew it, I was woken up by Uncle Mark.
William and I got up groaning. “We’re here” Uncle Mark told.
We got out of the plane and saw Fairbanks. It was a chilly interesting place.
“What’re we going to drive?” William asked as we walked out of the airport.
“We’re going to rent a car,” Uncle Mark answered.
We then rented a car and we got something to eat. While we were eating in the car, William said, “Now, where to get a directory?”
“Check in the car, they usually have one,” Uncle Mark answered.
We looked in the car and I found one under the seat. “Here’s one,” I said looking through it.
“Look in the P’s for Pouznav,” William said.
I looked in the P’s and saw Gerald Pouznav. “Here he is! It says he lives on 2134 cliff side road,”
“Okay, good thing this car has a GPS,” Uncle Mark said typing in the address.
It showed where the house was located. “Great, let’s go!” William cheered.
We then drove to where this house was located and we saw that it was on a small Cliffside and huge waves were coming to the top of the cliff because a storm was coming.
“Well, here it is, what’s the plan?” I asked.
“Okay, I’m going to call the police now,” Uncle Mark said picking his cell phone and calling the police. He put it on speaker.
“Hi, you’ve reached Chief Pouznav,” the cop then greeted.
We then gasped in horror. Andrei’s Uncle was the chief of Fairbanks!
Uncle Mark then hung up and looked at the house.
“If he’s the chief and he answered our call, he must not be home, we can probably sneak in and find Daniel,” Uncle Mark suggested.
“Yeah, but how’re we going to get in?” William asked.
“Let’s go to the front porch and look for some key to the front door,” I answered.
“Good idea, G,” Uncle Mark commented.
We then went to the front porch and looked under the front rug and around there.
The waves from the ocean were getting bigger and almost to the house.
William then checked under the front hose and pulled out a key! “Bingo!” he cheered.
“You find it?” I asked smiling.
“You bet!”
William then put it in the lock and opened the door. It was actually a nice house with lot’s of paintings on the walls.
Uncle Mark then closed the door. “Okay, let’s quickly look upstairs first,”
“Okay,” William and I agreed.
We then ran upstairs and to the guy’s room. It was full of weird antiques and such.
We searched through his belongings and found no clues.
“Okay, let’s go downstairs in the basement and see if we can find anything,” William suggested.
“Okay, let’s hope we can find him quickly though, Gerald can be back any moment,” Uncle Mark warned.
“Okay, let’s hurry,” I said.
We ran downstairs and opened the basement door. It smelled awful! Like a d-dead body!
“Uh-uh, let’s go and see if Daniel is down here,” William gulped. Starting to walk down.
Uncle Mark and I followed. We went downstairs and saw chairs with rotted tied up bodies everywhere!
We all screamed. We then heard screaming. We looked over and saw Daniel tied up with a rat stuffed in his mouth so he couldn’t scream!
We screamed. We ran over to Daniel and was about to untie him until we heard the door upstairs open and shut.
William and I looked up in horror. We heard footsteps walking near the basement door and we heard the basement door open and footsteps coming down.
We gasped and hid behind a bookcase and watched Gerald Pouznav walk down and towards Daniel. We gulped silently.
“Well hello Daniel, it was sure a hard day at work,” he laughed spitting on him.
He screamed and blood fell from the dead rat stuffed in Daniel’s mouth.
Which means the blood from Daniel’s boot was the blood from the rat stuffed in his mouth!
We then heard waves crashing against the house. Gerald looked over.
“Man, the waves are rising, aren’t they Daniel?” he laughed.
He then walked upstairs and closed the basement door. Uncle Mark, William, and I walked from behind the bookcase and walked over to tied up Daniel.
William then took the dead rat out of Daniel’s mouth and Daniel gasped and barfed all over his shirt.
“Daniel, you okay?” William asked his little brother nervously.
Daniel then started to cry and said “No,”
“We got to get you out of here,” Uncle Mark said starting to untie Daniel with William and I.
“He was going to kill me today,” Daniel cried.
“I can’t believe Andrei would tell his Uncle to kill you,” William cried.
“He’s a sick troubled kid,” I then said.
Daniel then got out of the chair and started to stretch groaning. He then stopped.
“Okay, let’s go,” Uncle Mark said turning around with us. A gun was then pointed at us.
“What the hell are you doing here?” he growled cocking the gun.
“We figured out what happened Gerald! Andrei payed you to take Daniel and kill him!” I yelled at him!
“What’re you talking about? Andrei never payed me to take Daniel! He payed me for my birthday, nice kid, goes to your school I bet. Well I took Daniel and was going to kill him because Daniel’s dad, my Sergeant in the army, was drunk and shot my ear off! I was so mad I just wanted to kill him so bad! But then I thought, to make it worse, I’d kidnap and kill one of his kids. So I traveled to Virginia and to your neighborhood. I saw my chance when I saw you guys sledding. I parked my truck in the woods at the bottom of the hill.
Once I saw Daniel come down, I got out of my car and got ready. He flipped over onto the ground and I quickly got him and he screamed so I shoved the rat into his mouth and blood fell from the rat onto his boot. I quickly threw him into my truck and drove 13 hours back to Fairbanks with him in my trunk the whole time,” Gerald told.
“You’re a sick person,” Uncle Mark growled.
“Not smart,” Gerald growled about to shoot.
All of the sudden, a huge storm started outside and a huge wave came to the top of the cliff and pulled the house and some of the cliff to the bottom.
The house crashed and we all fell down groaning. Water then crashed through the windows and before I knew it. The basement was filled with water and we had to hold our breaths.
William and Daniel started to swim to the top of the basement stairs until they got air.
Uncle Mark and I started to follow until Gerald swam over to us and grabbed us! I screamed underwater and kicked Gerald in the face and he let go and I started to swim up the basement stairs too.
Upstairs was underwater too. I saw the TV floating, and all sorts of stuff like that. I then saw the 3rd floor and saw it water free.
I swam up the stairs and got out of the water gasping. William and Daniel were there.
“Great, let’s get out of here!” Daniel screamed running to the window.
“Wait, my Uncle Mark is still down there!” I scream at them.
“He’s probably dead with Gerald! Now come on, let’s go!” William called to me.
“You can go, but I’m staying here and getting Uncle Mark!” I screamed at them.
William then walked over to me and looked at the water. He then looked at me.
“You go look for him, Daniel and I will get the police and come back for you,” William told.
“Okay, see you later, I hope,” I said nervously swimming under.
I held my breath and swam down to the basement. I opened the basement door and swam down.
I saw Uncle Mark with his eyes closed. I swam towards him and grabbed him until Gerald then grabbed onto me and pulled me to him and he started to try and punch me. I then got angry and kicked him in the groin.
He then screamed underwater and then he breathed in water by accident and started to choke and then died.
I then grabbed Uncle Mark and started to swim to the 3rd floor but I had to take a breath so bad that I started to just fade away. I got to the steps that led to the 3rd floor and pushed Uncle Mark up and he floated up and I was too blurry to swim anymore and I took a breath underwater and just faded away.

It felt like I was dead. I was dreaming that I was a fish, swimming through Gerald’s house, able to breath.
I then woke up gasping in a hospital.
My mom, my dad, William, Daniel, William’s mom, William’s dad, Eric, Zack, Andrei, Aunt Allison who was carrying baby Kat, and Uncle Mark then got up and looked at me.
I looked around confused. My mom and dad then hugged and kissed me.
“Oh thank god you’re okay!” My mom cheered kissing me.
“Where am I?” I asked thinking that I was still in Fairbanks.
“You’re in Virginia honey!” my mom said.
“G, you saved my life! You truly are a super G!” Uncle Mark commented. I smiled at him
“Hey man, I’m so sorry about my uncle, I never thought he would do such a thing, I swear I wasn’t envolved!” Andrei told me.
“Hey man! It’s okay, I know!” I told him.
“And I’m sorry too, this wouldn’t of happened if I didn’t shoot the guy in the ear,” William’s dad apologized.
It happened to be January when I woke up because I was in a coma.
The next day of school, William, Daniel, Eric, and I told all about how we found and rescued Daniel and we told how we swam through the house and how Andrei’s uncle died.
It was like we were celebrities or something. But my most favorite thing of all was that Daniel was home, nice and safe.