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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Crash of Sojas

Alejandro Smith never set eyes on the famous blimp Sojas.
He never thought he would get the chance to be on a voyage until him and his friend Bruce Roth won the tickets in a lucky hand.
Alejandro and Bruce were running for the blimp.
“Sojas is going to take off in 30 minutes, what’s the rush?” Bruce asked.
“I’m excited,” Alejandro answered.
“I am to,” Bruce agreed.
They walked into the giant blimp.
They sat down on a table getting ready for lunch while they cast off.
Then two men sat down across from them.
“Who are you two?” Alejandro asked.
“I’m Mamorth Chekosmoth and I hunt deer up in North
America,” Mamorth greeted.
Mamorth had a long brown mustache and darkish hair.
“And I’m Chris Bunker, I’m a cop,” the other man greeted.
Chris had blonde hair and had chubby cheeks and also had bluish eyes.
“So what brings you guys to the South Pole?” Alejandro asked taking a sip of wine.
“Chris and I are going to hunt polar bears,” Mamorth answered.

Tim Kendall was going to get Captain Bird’s permission to cast off.
“This is exciting,” Jay Hunter brought up.
Jay was a good looking guy with tan skin and a built body.
“Yeah,” Tim agreed.
Quentin Aja came in and said to cast off.
“Did Captain Bird say so?” Jay asked.
“Why else did I come here?” Quentin smarted off.
Quentin was African American and had a wide face.
Tim and Jay started up the blimp and they went up into the sky.

Phillip James and Patricia Jackson were in first class talking drinking wine.
“So how’s work?” Patricia asked.
“I’m now assistant manager,” Phillip joyfully said.
“That’s good,” she said.
Patricia had blonde hair and blue eyes.
“So how’s work for you?” Phillip asked.
“Really good,” Patricia answered.

It was 3 o’clock in the morning and every passenger was asleep except for Alejandro.
Alejandro walked to see Captain Bird.
He walked in to see him. Captain Bird was discussing whether to go through the storm or not.
“Go through the storm,” Captain Bird said.
“But Captain, ice could get into the propellers and take us down,” Jay advised.
“But it would take possibly an extra day to get to are destination,” Captain Bird defended.
Alejandro interrupted.
“Hope I’m not a bother, but I couldn’t sleep,” Alejandro brought up.
“It’s only a storm,” Tim answered.
“I’ll take some sleeping drugs,” Alejandro then said.
“Thanks for not being upset,” Jay thanked.
Alejandro left while they were trying to stay on course.
All of a sudden a piece of ice got stuck in the propeller and they started to go down!
“We’re going down!” Quentin screamed.

Alejandro fell down and gasped.
“Whoa!” Alejandro screamed.
Everyone then woke up.
The blimp tilted a little and Alejandro slid down the isle and the second he started sliding a peace of wall fell down in the place Alejandro was sitting.
“Yikes!” Bruce screamed.
“We must be going down!” Chris Bunker screamed.
The second after Chris yelled that, a piece of wall fell down and crushed and killed Chris.
“We got to get parachutes!” Mamorth screamed.
The second after he said that the Passengers part of the blimp opened up and a bunch of luggage fell out!
“Hang on to something!” Bruce screamed.
Alejandro quickly grabbed onto a seat.
A lot of luggage fell off.
Phillip couldn’t hang on any longer and he screamed and his hand slipped and he slid down!
“No!” Phillip screamed.
“Phillip!” Patricia cried.
She put one hand out for him to grab on.
Phillip couldn’t reach and fell off to his death screaming.
“No, Phillip!” Patricia yelled in tears.

Tim was trying to land the blimp.
“What’s the hesitation?!” Jay yelled.
“Captain Bird said not to,” Tim answered.
“Screw that, passengers are dying!” Jay shouted.
“Just don’t listen to Captain Bird and land the bloody blimp!” Quentin commanded.
“Fine,” Tim nervously said.
He brought the blimp down.
Captain Bird ran in and yelled at them.
“What the heck are you doing!?” Captain Bird yelled.
The blimp shook and they went down further. They were now only sixty feet from ground.

Meanwhile Alejandro was slipping.
“Hang on, Alejandro!” Bruce screamed.
All of a sudden the passenger carriage broke off and Alejandro started falling and he hit the ground hard and darkness came over Alejandro.
20 minutes passed and Alejandro opened one eye and saw snow. Alejandro closed his right eye again. He then opened both eyes and saw snow everywhere.
He got up having a hard time keeping his balance.
Mamorth came over to Alejandro.
“Alejandro is okay,” Mamorth announced.
“Good, only 2 people were killed,” Captain Bird said relieved.
“How could I of lived the fall?” Alejandro asked.
“We were closer to the ground,” Tim answered.
“Wait, where is Bruce?” Jay asked.
“He’s over here,” Patricia answered pointing over to injured Bruce. He had a propeller blade in his leg.
Alejandro quickly ran over to him.
“You okay?” Quentin asked walking over.
“I’m b-bleeding,” Bruce stuttered.
“Is anyone a doctor?” Jay asked.
“I kind of am,” Patricia said.
She sat down beside Bruce looking at his injury.
She got a bandage out and slowly pulled the propeller out. Bruce screamed.
“It’s over,” Patricia comforted.
Bruce let out a sigh of relief. She wrapped the bandage around his leg.
“Nice,” Captain Bird commented.
“We have tents to sleep in,” Tim then brought up bringing out tents.
“It’s damn cold,” Mamorth shivered.
“Yeah, and I’m starving,” Alejandro said.
“I’ll get some sleeping bags,” Jay announced.
“Do any of you know what time it is?” Quentin asked.
“It is 7:06 AM,” Patricia answered looking at her watch.
“We should get dinner,” added Alejandro.
“We don’t have any other food in the blimp?” Bruce asked lying on the ground.
“No, fresh out,” Tim answered.
“We have to hunt, does anyone have a pistol?” Patricia asked.
“I do, and I can hunt, ask Alejandro and Bruce,” Mamorth said.
“Okay, the rest of you can stay and set the tents out while Mamorth and I hunt,” Jay commanded.
They all set the tents. Captain Bird and Quentin shared a tent, Alejandro and Bruce shared a tent, Patricia and Tim shared a tent, and they set out a tent for Jay and Mamorth to share.
Jay and Mamorth went out and saw a polar bear.
They both ducked.
“Take the shot,” Jay whispered.
Mamorth shot the bear. It fell dead.
“Nice shot,” Jay commented.
“Thanks,” Mamorth thanked.
They dragged the body back to the camp ground.
They saw Bruce dead on the ground!
“Oh my god, Bruce is dead!” Jay screamed.
Alejandro then came out of his tent.
“Yeah, he froze to death, you got food?” Alejandro asked.
“Yep, we’re going to cut it up,” Mamorth answered.

They all took bites and became full.
“Wait, do you guys hear that?” Captain Bird asked.
It was a growling noise and stomping noise through the snow.
All of a sudden, the tent they were all in broke apart and a bear tore apart the tent!
They all screamed and the bear dragged Mamorth off screaming.
They saw him getting eaten alive!
They all screamed.
The bear started to walk over to them!
“Wait, where’s the pistol?” Jay asked.
“There it is over in the pants of Mamorth’s body,” Alejandro pointed out.
Captain Bird quickly slid over to it but before he could fire it the bear mauled him to death.
The bear walked back over to them until Quentin slid under the bear and grabbed the revolver and shot and killed the bear.
They all let out a sigh of relief.
“That’s how it’s done,” Quentin said.
Alejandro, Patricia, Tim, Jay, and Quentin all decided to sleep in the same tent.
“Thanks for saving us, Quentin,” Tim thanked.
“Yeah, that was a close shave,” Patricia added.
“Thanks,” Quentin thanked.
“I’m more aware now after that event,” Alejandro said holding the revolver.
“Gee, my feet are freezing,” Quentin then said.
Jay then rolled up his right pant sleeve. He saw that he had frost bite!
“What is it?” Patricia asked Jay.
“Um, it’s, it’s, um, frost bite,” Jay answered.
“Uh oh,” Alejandro stuttered.
Quentin gulped. “What are we going to do?” Quentin stuttered.
“I-I guess we’re going to have to, um, saw them off,” Tim answered.
They brought him outside with blades to take the feet off.
Quentin was lying on the ground shaking.
“Okay, I’m going to give you something to bite on,” Tim said.
Quentin shook his head starting to bite on this shirt.
“Okay, it’ll be like a band-aid,” Jay comforted.
“Okay, here it goes,” Alejandro warned holding the blade up. He smashed it down and cut off his right foot. Quentin screamed as loud as he could with tears coming out of his eyes.
“Okay, one more,” Patricia comforted.
Alejandro raised the blade again and cut of his left foot. Quentin screamed again. “It’s over, it’s over,” Jay comforted.
Blood was leaking out of Quentin’s legs.
Patricia quickly wrapped a bandage around his legs. Quentin was still screaming loud.
Alejandro was pale. Jay started to talk to Tim while Patricia was comforting Quentin.
“Tim, at least 2 of us need to go and find help,” Jay said.
“Yeah, but what if we don’t find help, we’re doomed,” Tim defended.
“I rather die trying then just wait here for help,” Jay said.
“You and Alejandro can go, but I’m staying here to help Patricia heal Quentin,” Tim said.
“Fine,” Jay agreed. Tim then went over to help Quentin out who wasn’t screaming anymore.
“Hey Alejandro, come here,” Jay called to him.
Alejandro came over to him. “Yeah Jay?” he asked.
“We can’t just sit here waiting for help to come find us, we’ll be dead within the week, so at least two of us has to go find help, since Tim is too chicken you and me go,” Jay told.
“Yes, I think we should go,” Alejandro responded.
“Great, glad you want to come,” Jay replied.
“Hey Patricia,” Alejandro called.
Patricia ran over to Alejandro and Jay.
“Yeah?” she asked.
“Jay and I are going to search for help, so can you stay here with Tim and Quentin while we’re gone?” Alejandro asked.
“Yes, thanks for finding help,” Patricia answered.
“Thanks,” Jay thanked.
Alejandro and Jay got ready. They put big fur coats on, they got big boots on, and they got gloves on.
They walked over to Tim, Quentin, and Patricia to say good bye.
“So we’re going to go over those mountains in the distance and find a civilization on the other side,” Jay told.
“Those mountains are really big,” Quentin mentioned lying down on a blanket.
“I know, but it’ll be worth it,” Alejandro said.
“Well good luck,” Tim said giving them a thumbs up.
“Thanks,” Jay thanked starting to walk off to the mountains with Alejandro.
“Wait!” Patricia called running over to them with something in her hand.
“What is it?” Alejandro asked turning around.
Patricia showed them the revolver.
“No, you guys need it,” Alejandro said.
“Are you sure?” Patricia asked walking close.
“Yes,” Alejandro answered.
Patricia then came really close and kissed Alejandro for about eight seconds. She then went away and walked back.
“Good luck,” she called running back to the tents.
“You sly dog,” Jay laughed.
“Shut up, let’s just keep moving,” Alejandro growled.
Alejandro and Jay began walking to the mountains. They soon got to the beginning of it. They both looked up.
“How high do you think it is?” Alejandro asked.
“Well, my estimation is about 15,000 feet,” Jay answered.
“Okay, well let’s climb this baby,” Alejandro said starting to climb up it. Jay followed.
Meanwhile, back at the tents Patricia was cooking a bear that Tim successfully shot inside a tent for Tim and Quentin.
“Do you think Alejandro and Jay will find help?” Quentin asked.
“No, they won’t make it halfway up the mountain,” Tim answered.
“I can feel that both of them will find help alive,” Patricia added taking a bite of her food.
“Oh by the way, what time is it?” Quentin asked.
“The time is 7:00 PM,” Patricia answered looking at her watch.
Meanwhile Alejandro and Jay were climbing the mountain coming close to falling off.
“This is hard,” Jay groaned.
“Yeah,” Alejandro agreed.
A big snow storm kept on almost blowing Alejandro and Jay off the mountain.
“Okay, we aren’t even close to halfway,” Alejandro sighed.
Alejandro then stepped on loose ground and slipped!
“Help!” Alejandro screamed.
He then grabbed onto a root and was dangling.
“Hold on!” Jay yelled.
Jay slid down to him carefully and stopped above him. He grabbed onto him.
“Hold on,” Jay said.
He then threw Alejandro above him and Alejandro caught onto the mountain.
“Thanks,” he thanked.
“No problem,” Jay responded.
All of the sudden they heard a crashing noise getting closer and closer.
“W-what’s that?” Alejandro stuttered.
They both looked up and saw a huge avalanche coming down toward them!
“It’s an avalanche!” Alejandro screamed.
Jay turned pale.
Alejandro looked around for something that could save them. He then saw a big wide giant rock that was sticking out.
“Jay! Let go and fall down to that rock and grab it and get under it, it will save us,” Alejandro called.
Jay let go and fell down to the rock and grabbed onto the rock and got under it.
Alejandro let go right before the avalanche hit him. While he was falling to the rock the avalanche was just inches away from him.
Alejandro then grabbed onto the rock and got under it milliseconds before the avalanche hit him.
When Alejandro and Jay were under the rock, the avalanche was going down in front of them.
“Whoa, that was close,” Jay gasped.
“Wait, that avalanche is going down toward the tents!” Alejandro screamed.
Meanwhile down at the tents Patricia and Quentin were sleeping, but Tim couldn’t sleep.
Tim looked at Patricia’s watch and saw that it was 1 in the morning.
Tim then heard a crashing noise coming toward them.
“What the heck?” he asked.
He went out of the tent and saw an avalanche coming toward them!
“Avalanche is coming!” Tim screamed.
Patricia then ran out of the tent in horror.
“Oh my god!” she screamed.
The avalanche then came over them. The avalanche kept on going over to a cliff.
Under the rolling avalanche Patricia was covered in snow and couldn’t breathe.
She could barely see the cliff up ahead. She gasped. The avalanche then rolled over the cliff. Patricia then breathed in air and screamed while falling.
Patricia then grabbed onto the cliff and climbed into a cave in the cliff saving her.
“Oh my god!” she cried.
The avalanche then passed.
Patricia climbed out of the cave shaking. She climbed back up the cliff. When she got to the top she saw Tim’s dead body frozen stuck in these thorns above the cliff.
Patricia screamed in tears. She then walked over to where the tent was.
She saw it was all beat up but somehow not pushed away. She ran to it and looked inside it and saw Quentin’s frozen dead body rolled over covered with snow.
Patricia screamed in tears.
“I’m probably the only one left!” she cried.
Meanwhile in the mountains Alejandro and Jay were dangling on the rock.
“That was a good idea,” Jay commented.
But Alejandro didn’t listen to him because he was watching the tents sadly.
“They’re gone,” he cried.
“They could have survived it,” Jay told.
“I guess,” Alejandro responded.
“Let’s keep going,” Jay said starting to climb.
Alejandro followed. They soon got to a big rock like the one they hid under.
They saw another big rock that they had to jump to because it had the side of the mountain that they needed to climb to get to the top.
Jay jumped to the other side and barely made it. Alejandro jumped too and barely made it also.
They climbed the mountain and finally made it to the top. Jay let out a sigh of relief falling to the ground.
Alejandro looked down.
“It sure is high,” he gulped.
“Yep,” Jay agreed taking off his boot and emptying out the snow.
Alejandro took out a penny and dropped it. He watched it fall.
“How are we going to get down fast enough?” Jay asked putting his boot back on.
Alejandro picked up a big hard circled piece of snow. He then picked another one up.
“Hey Jay, since this side is a little bit slanted we could sled down with this hard circled snow,” Alejandro said smiling.
Jay then stood up interested in the idea.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” Jay commented.
“See you at the bottom,” Alejandro laughed starting to slide down.
Jay followed on his hard circled piece of snow. Alejandro loved it.
“I’m going to get you,” Jay called.
Alejandro then got to the bottom and jumped off his “sled” and waited for Jay. Jay then got to the bottom laughing.
“Awesome ride huh?” Alejandro asked.
“Sure is,” Jay answered.
They both looked over and saw woods.
“Let’s go through there and try and find some kind of village,” Alejandro brought up.
“Okay,” Jay responded. Jay and Alejandro ran into the woods.
Meanwhile Patricia was in the messed up tent crying with the revolver in her hand.
“All alone,” she cried.
She then heard a growl. She ducked and aimed her gun and saw a bear.
She shot and missed! Her heart sank. The bear looked over roaring. She tried to shoot again but it was out of bullets! Patricia gasped.
The bear ran toward her. She ran off toward the cliff. She then stopped at it and turned around pale.
The bear growled and circled her. Patricia threw the revolver at the bear’s face.
The bear then ran at her! She went to the side of the cliff dangling.
The bear was above her roaring. All of the sudden the ice cracked and Patricia fell but then grabbed onto a root and the bear fell to his death.
Patricia whimpered and climbed back up the cliff. When she got to the top she saw a pack of wolves by the tent sniffing around. Patricia wanted to scream but managed to stay quiet.
Meanwhile Alejandro and Jay were walking threw the woods.
“So if there is no kind of civilization we’re dead meat?” Alejandro asked.
“Pretty much,” Jay answered.
They then heard growling behind them. Jay and Alejandro then turned around and saw wolves behind them! Alejandro and Jay screamed.
Two wolves tackled Jay and Alejandro trying to bite off there faces but the two of them were wrestling them away.
Jay then punched the wolf in the face and it fell to the ground. Jay started to punch that wolf to death. The other wolf tackled Jay and tried to bite his face.
Alejandro punched the wolf in the face but the wolf scratched Alejandro in the face.
Alejandro then felt dizzy and felt like he couldn’t do anything.
He saw the wolf raise his claw about to kill him until the wolf was shot with a gun out of nowhere.
Alejandro then looked around and saw two people with guns looking at the dead wolves.
“Do you two need help?” one of them asked.
“Yes!” Jay called.
“What happened?” one of them asked.
Alejandro and Jay told them what happened.
“Wow, well we better bring you to are village, search for the people at the camp, and get you guys out of there,” one of the strangers told.
“Thank you,” Alejandro thanked.
They helped out Alejandro and Jay at the village and then went to go search for Patricia, Tim, and Quentin.
Two strangers, and Alejandro and Jay went to search for them.
“What are your names?” Alejandro asked.
“My name is West, and this is Devereux,” West told.
They then got to the tent grounds and saw the tent screwed up with wolves around it!
“My god!” Devereux screamed.
They shot the wolves and searched for them, they then found Quentin’s body.
“Oh no, Quentin!” Alejandro screamed.
“It must have been the avalanche,” Jay added.
They walked toward the cliff searching then found Tim’s body in thorns!
“No, Tim!” Alejandro screamed.
They looked down the cliff.
“Patricia,” Alejandro cried.
“Sorry Alejandro,” West apologized.
“Help me!” a voice then screamed.
They looked down and saw Patricia climbing out of a cave on the side of the cliff.
“Patricia!” Alejandro called happily.
Patricia climbed up the cliff and they went back to the village and they helped Patricia out.
The village then called for a plane to come and pick the 3 survivors up.
Alejandro, Jay, and Patricia were waiting in the plane waiting to take off.
“What an adventure,” Jay laughed.
“Yeah,” Patricia agreed.
“Hey Alejandro, what do you think we should call that mountain that we climbed up?” Jay asked.
“Mount Millenium,” Alejandro answered.
“Sojas was actually a really great blimp,” Jay sighed.
“Who would have known are first voyage on it would be a disaster,” Patricia said.
The plane then took off and Alejandro looked back at the place they stayed at. He kind of missed the place, but also wanted to get home with Jay and Patricia.
He took his last glance at the place, then turned his head.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Monday, Cruddy, Monday

It was monday and I was walking to school. I walked in the school.
"I think a burp died trying to get out of my mouth," I said.
I went to get a drink. A dolphin was getting out of the water fountain! I gasped.
"Whoa, what a trip, my brother and uncle got caught in the pipes unfortunatly," the dolphin said.
I spat a spitball at the dolphin. "I'll get you for that!" yelled the dolphin.
The dolphin chased me up and down the halls.
"Ahh, help, help!" I screamed.
I made it inside Mrs. Sacks's room.
"I made it," I wheezed.
"Good grazy! Where were you!?" Mrs. Sacks growled. The dolphin was breaking the door down with an ax.
I screamed out Mrs. Sacks name. "Mrs-" but I was interrupted by her. "Quiet Ian, we're learning long division," Mrs. Sacks growled.
The dolphin broke in. Mrs. Sacks ignored my screams and kept on teaching while the dolphin was chasing me around the room.
I ran out of the room and ran to the street.
"You can't escape me!" the dolphin yelled.
I tripped down to the ground and couldn't get up! He was running across the street! Then the weirdest thing happened, he got hit by a car!
"Glad that's over," I said.
All of the sudden a dolphin climbed out of the sewer and looked at me with an angry face.
"You killed my brother!" he yelled. He then ran toward me.
"Oh boy," I sighed.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What a Day!

It was 1876. Laura went outside. She was practicing bow and arrow when suddenly she hit a bear's butt!
"Oops!" Laura screamed.
The bear growled at her.
"Nice bear, easy, good bear," Laura gasped shaking and backed away. The bear ran toward her! Laura ran screaming.
"It's a homiciadal psycho woods bear!" screamed Laura running.
All of a sudden Indians shot the bear with a bow and arrow. The bear fled.
"Thanks," Laura thanked.
The Chief Indian looked at her and then his eyes widened.
"Enemy!" shouted the Chief.
The rest of the Indians surrounded Laura.
"Your father steals are animal skins, now we must kill you!" yelled the Chief. But then a buffalo ran and knocked all of the Indians over.
The buffalo made a sound as if he were laughing. Laura grabbed onto the buffalo and rode it.
I felt like she was riding a dinosaur to her.
The buffalo then got Laura off of him and Laura fell into an animal trap. Bad news was a wolf was in it also!
It growled but Laura jumped on it and it threw her off of him and she flew out of the animal trap onto a horse. The horse ran over to Laura's house and threw Laura to her door. She crashed to her door and landed on the porch.
"What a day!" Laura cheered.

Elf Tails

I sitting in the house alone.
My mom went to work. She left me at home because she knew I was responsible.
It was Christmas Eve.
I heard a slam on the door. "What the heck?" I asked. I opened the door. No one was there.
I went outside to check what was going on.
All of the sudden I saw a bush shake.
"Huh?" I asked. I went to check it.
All of a sudden a little green figure ran out of the bush and ran inside and shut the door.
"Hey!" I yelled.
I tried to open the door but it was locked. I heard giggling inside.
"Hey! Let me in!" I shouted.
I heard a smash. I looked through the window and saw an elf smash are Blu-Ray player with a hammer!
"Augh!" I screamed.
I had to get inside. I grabbed a rock and through it at the window. It shattered and I ran inside.
An egg then hit me in the face. It dripped down my face.
"Hey!" I yelled.
I wiped my eyes and saw a green elf get a scoop of ice cream and threw it at my face. Ice cream dripped down my face.
"Oh yeah, oh yeah!" I screamed.
The elf threw another scoop of ice cream but I dodged it.
The elf got a crossbow out of his pocket.
"Uh oh!" I screamed.
He pulled it back. I ran and he missed. I ran around and I saw the elf. He threw a rope on me and tied me up.
He picked him up with all of his might while I was still tied up and he threw me on the couch.
"There, now you stay here while I steal everything, and here, you can watch The Smurfs while I finish up," the elf said.
I hated The Smurfs!
The elf turned it on and walked away. It was so stupid! I couldn't take it anymore!
My dog Miley came walking near the couch.
"Hey Miley, untie me!" I commanded with joy.
She came walking toward the couch wagging her tail, until she saw a brownie on the floor.
She took it in her mouth and walked away.
"Hey!" I yelled.
I started chewing on the rope and I untied myself!
I went upstairs and saw the elf putting jewelry in a suit case! The elf looked at me.
"Hey! How did you-" but he couldn't finish because a sleigh with raindeer came right through the house. It was Santa Claus!
"Grumpy! You know to stop stealing stuff!" Santa Claus shouted.
He grabbed the Grumpy and they flew back to the North Pole. I let out a sigh of relief.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Recipe to the Grossest Ice Cream Sundae

Get vanilla ice cream and put this on it. Put ketchup, a fish, spinach, bread, peanuts, old flowers, choclates that have been expired for a century, skittles, pop tarts, gas, bugs, a rat that has been dead for 3 centuries that still has skin, ants, slugs, cinnamon, pollen, metal, kitty litter, hair, jelly, creamed corn, rotten shrimp, corn with snow, dirt, spiders, sprinkles, snakes, droppings, coffee, cabbage, chicken with old black meat, frogs, red peppers, potatoes, popcorn, beans, and for a little good taste, whipped cream.

The Toxin

I was starving. I couldn't wait until we went to lunch.
"Okay, so the equal of Pi is 1 million and the square root of infinety is infinety," said Mrs. Sacks. I sighed.
"It's time to go to lunch," Mrs. Sacks said.
"Yes!" I cheered.
Before I knew it I was in the cafeteria. I saw some people pale choking something down.
I got a carton of milk and a tray. The line moved.
All of the sudden I saw an octupus giving people some disgusting thing. The octupus dropped a smelly thing on my tray.
"Nice hot stued monkey heads," the octupus said. I held my nose.
I went to punch my number in and went and sat down next to William, a friend of mine.
"Some food huh?" I asked William.
"Oh stop being so afraid to try everything, here, watch this," William said picking up his monkey head.
He put it in his mouth. I coudn't look. He started to chew on it and swallowed it.
He turned pale and then fell down throwing up.
"Ew!" I screamed.
I dropped the monkey heads in my shirt and down to my stomach. Natalie was sitting next to me.
I took my shirt off and the monkey heads were dripping down. I showed it to Natalie.
"Aaah! My intestents have burnt out!" I screamed.
"Aaah!" Natalie screamed. She ran away.
"Wow, maybe I can get out of math class," I said.
I looked down at William. A monkey was there!
Wait, William was the monkey! Wait, those octupies were turning kids into monkeys with there food!
Monkeys were surrounding me.
"Ahh!" I screamed

Sunday, August 8, 2010

William, Daniel, the Ghost, and I

The old graveyard deep in my woods is very freaky. There is this legend if you go to the cemetery at midnight you will be attacked by a ghost. I will tell you the story when William and I went down to the cemetery.

I ran over to William and Daniel's house. I rang the doorbell and William came to the door. He opened the door.
“Hey Ian,” William greeted.
“Hi,” I responded.
I went in their house. I followed William downstairs and we saw Daniel (William’s little brother who was 8 was playing video games).
“Hey Daniel,” I greeted.
“Hey,” he responded.
William and I sat down next to Daniel. We saw him playing a shooting game.
“What are you playing?” I asked.
“Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare,” Daniel answered.
“Who’s your favorite character?” I asked.
“Captain Price,” Daniel answered.
“Oh Ian, Daniel has an album of Madonna’s best hits,” William laughed.
“Shut up!” Daniel yelled.
“And he listens to it every night,” William added laughing.
“Shut up!” Daniel shouted.
“Oh, that is funny,” I laughed.
“You know, Daniel never goes down to the graveyard so we should bury it there,” William laughed.
“No!” Daniel screamed.
“Yeah, let’s do that,” I laughed.
William and I ran upstairs to Daniel’s room.
“No!” Daniel cried.
William and I grabbed the album and turned to run out of the room but Daniel was guarding the doorway.
“You aren’t burying the album,” Daniel growled.
William and I looked at each other and then ran over Daniel. Daniel started to scream.
William and I ran into the garage and grabbed a shovel and ran into the woods. We then stopped running and started to walk to the cemetery. William had the album and I had the shovel.
“Do you think Daniel will be really mad at us for doing this?” I asked.
“Yeah but he’ll get over it,” William answered.
“What time is it?” I asked.
“Why? Are you afraid of little ghosts?” William laughed.
“No, I’m just curious,” I growled.
“Um, it’s about 7:00,” William answered.
We kept walking until we got to the cemetery. It was a freaky cemetery. The graves were all old and the ground was just a bunch of dirt and a bunch of mist was floating around it.
“Hey William, do you think zombies come out at night and go grab people?” I stupidly asked.
“If they were like me they’d get up twice,” William answered.
We then came to this grave. It was the scariest one in the cemetery. It was bent over with moss covering it and it had a bunch of cracks in it and it looked very old so it was very black.
“Let’s bury it here, Daniel wouldn’t dare to walk over here,” I told.
“Yeah,” William agreed.
I started to dig but then my shovel hit something. It was hard.
“Hey, I think I hit the coffin,” I told.
“Nonsense, it would be deeper,” William told.
I started to pull on the hard thing and then I pulled a black briefcase out.
“Wow! It’s a briefcase!” I yelled.
“Open it up,” William said with excitement.
I opened it up and saw over 1 million dollars inside!
“Oh my god!” I yelled drooling in excitement.
“What?” William asked walking over to me.
He saw the money and he gasped dropping the album.
“There must me over 1 million dollars in that case!” William screamed.
“Yeah,” I replied staring at the money.
I then shut the briefcase and stood up holding the briefcase.
“Okay, let’s bury the Madonna album and get out of here,” I told.
“Okay,” William responded.
We buried the CD and headed home with the briefcase.
“Do you think it was wrong to steal the money?” I asked.
“Hey, the guy is dead, he won’t care,” William told.
“What was the guy’s name anyway?” I asked.
“I looked and saw it say Chester Wayne Gibson,” William answered.
All of the sudden a tree fell down straight toward us! We dodged it and avoided getting hit.
“We could have been killed!” I screamed.
“Yeah,” William agreed staring in horror.
We ran to William’s house and ran into William’s room. Daniel then jumped out of William’s closet.
“Alright, what did you do with my Madonna CD!?” he growled.
“Buried it, but we got something better,” William told.
“What?” Daniel asked walking over.
“A million dollars!” I cheered.
“Wow!” Daniel cheered.
“Okay, we’re going to split it into 3 ways,” William brought up.
We split the money in three ways.
I then went home with over 500,000 dollars in a briefcase I was carrying.
“Wow, 500,000 big ones,” I laughed.
All of the sudden it started to get very, very cold when it was only summer.
I shivered and got goose bumps because it was so cold. I saw trees basically dancing back and forth. I got a little scared. I then saw a tall shadow walking towards me.
It was a giant shadow with over a dozen arms. I stared in horror. The shadow’s head was bent to his side.
All of the sudden the shadow went straight towards me and something punched me in the face and I flew back screaming.
When I hit the ground the briefcase fell and slammed open and the money flew everywhere.
“No!” I screamed.
I quickly got up and grabbed all of the money and put it back in the briefcase.
My lip was bleeding from the punch in the face by the shadow.
When I picked up a dollar bill it floated from my hand and a liter floated over to the dollar and the liter burned it! I stared in horror.
All of the sudden I heard the wind whisper “Iaaan, money baaack orrrr diiie,”.
I screamed and started to run home with the briefcase. Trees were blowing back and forth and this tall shadow was catching up to me.
I then ran on my front porch and opened the door and shut it behind me.
I was pale with fear. I then ran upstairs into my room and put the briefcase on my bed.
I then walked to the bathroom to clean the blood off of my lip with a wet cloth.
I then went to the bathroom but the lights shut off. I got then got scared and started to get cold. I shivered.
The lights came on again and I saw a freaky smiley face on yellow paper floating in midair straight in front of my face!
I screamed.
The lights turned off again and turned back on and I saw nothing.
“What do you want?!” I screamed.
All of the sudden the briefcase with the money floated into the bathroom and floated very fast towards me!
It hit me in the face and I fell in the bath tub. I felt blood coming down my face.
All of the sudden ropes floated to the bath tub. I stared in horror.
The roped wrapped around me keeping me to the ground. I tried to wiggle out but it didn’t budge.
All of the sudden the handle started to turn around magically! I stared in horror. The water started to run.
I stared in horror because if it got to high it could drown me!
“Mom, help!” I screamed.
She didn’t hear me.
The briefcase on the ground floated up and opened with the money. I watched confused.
A picture of William and Daniel floated in the room. All of the sudden blood came all over the picture putting X’s on William and Daniel’s eyes and the picture burned to ashes.
The briefcase floated out of the bathroom window towards William and Daniel’s house.
“William, Daniel!” I screamed.
The water was rising higher to my neck. I wiggled around some more but didn’t break the ropes. I tried biting it but it still wouldn’t work.
I looked up and saw a soap container on a platform above me.
I banged my head on the wall and the soap container fell on my stomach.
I pushed it up in air and it flew towards the handle and it landed on the handle and it twisted and the water stopped.
I let out a sigh of relief.
I then saw a pocket knife on the table next to me. The soap container floated towards me.
I grabbed it with my mouth and threw it towards the pocket knife and it hit it into the bath tub.
I grabbed it with my mouth and untied myself. I emptied the bathtub and ran out of the bathroom, grabbed the briefcase and ran towards William and Daniel’s house and ran to his front porch and opened and closed the door.
“William? Daniel?” I called.
“What?” they both asked walking down their steps.
“Ghost, did the ghost get you two?” I asked.
“What are you talking about?” William asked.
“And why are you all wet?” Daniel asked.
“I’ll tell you later but the ghost of Chester Wayne Gibson is out to get my money,” I told.
“You’re crazy,” William growled.
“Just let me sleep over at your house, okay?” I said.
“Fine,” William and Daniel answered.
I got ready, got a sleeping bag, my Pajamas, my 500,000 dollars, and a camera to spot for paranormal activity.
I went over to William and Daniel’s house. I got to the front porch and knocked on the door.
William came to the door and opened.
“Okay, tonight we’ll look for nothing,” William greeted.
“There’s really is a ghost,” I told.
“Whatever,” William responded.
I went in and saw Daniel at the dinner table.
“Where’s your mom?” I asked.
“She had to go to work until the morning, so we’re going to have the whole night to ourselves and capture the ghost,” Daniel told.
“There is no ghost,” William growled.
I took the video cameras from my backpack. I showed the cameras to William and Daniel.
“To spot paranormal activity,” I told.
“Right,” William sarcastically responded.
Daniel was typing on the computer.
“What’d you say the guy’s name was that you buried the Madonna CD at his grave?” Daniel asked.
“Chester W. Gibson,” I answered.
“What’s his middle name?” Daniel asked.
“Wayne,” William answered.
Daniel started to type again and gasped in horror.
“What is it?” William and I asked.
“Come here,” Daniel said shaking.
William and I walked over to him. We looked at the computer.
We saw a picture of him in black in white. He had a missing eye, red eyes, a white mustache, and had dry, dry, dry lips. William read the article on him.
“Chester Wayne Gibson was born in 1894 and lived in Crosspointe (our neighborhood) and started his life off at a poor college, after college he moved back to Crosspointe and was hired as an assassin for a guy named Mort Jenkins. He kept his money that he got paid to kill people in a silver briefcase,” William read. He was interrupted by Daniel.
“That’s the briefcase that you two found!” Daniel screamed.
“Yeah,” William responded.
“Keep reading,” I urged.
“He killed over 20 people all over Crosspointe with a sniper rifle. During World War 11 he decided to fight and was Major Gibson and was a war hero. He came home and killed several more people. In 1959 Mort Jenkins, Chester’s boss, was shot and killed by cops while attempting to kill a female named Jo Tarver. Chester became outraged because Mort was the only friend he had. So in 1961 Chester attempted to kill the cops who killed Mort and managed to kill 3 of the 5 but then was shot to death by a SWAT team that came through. His body was buried at the Crosspointe grave yard and they also buried his briefcase full of his money with him above his coffin,” William read.
William, Daniel, and I looked around at each other in horror. William turned the computer off shaking.
“Okay Ian, s-start t-the cameras,” William stuttered.
“Okay,” I responded.
All of the sudden the fire turned on magically.
“Oh no, what will happen to us?” Daniel cried.
All of the sudden we heard the front door opening and closing.
We ran to the front door and saw the wind opening and closing the door. We saw tracks of mud leading upstairs.
We stared in horror. We walked up the steps. The smoke alarm then came on beeping. We got really scared.
“Okay, let’s keep on following the tracks of mud,” William brought up.
We followed the mud into William’s room and saw that the track kept on getting bigger and bigger like no human could of made them.
The tracks led to William’s closet and which the doors were closed.
“Oh god, I’m not going toward that closet,” William told.
“Hey Daniel, lady’s first,” I told him pushing him towards the closet.
“No!” Daniel cried stepping back.
The phone then rang. We looked at the phone. It defiantly wasn’t there when we first got into William’s room.
“Was that there before?” I asked.
William gulped. “No,”
I walked towards the phone and picked it up.
“Hello?” I greeted.
A low cold voice answered. It was talking really fast. “You and you’re friends are going to die tonight at 4, but before that we’re going to have lot’s of fun pork chop,”
I turned pale. I turned around to see William and Daniel but they were gone!
I stared in horror. I saw the closet open and mud tracks leading to where William and Daniel were. I gulped.
“William? Daniel?” I called.
I looked out the window and all of the sudden William and Daniel crashed against the window with their legs tied up to the roof!
I screamed as loud as I could. Their faces had cuts all over them and they had their eyes closed but they were only knocked out fortunately.
All of the sudden a bloody figure that looked like Chester Wayne Gibson in the picture jumped through the wall and tackled me to the ground! I screamed in horror. He wrestled me down but I fought back.
I kicked him in the crouch and he groaned. I then kicked him in the face and he fell back to the ground.
I quickly ran to the bathroom and found a loose toilet seat and smiled. I picked it up and hid behind the bathroom door.
When he ran in I nailed him in the face with it and he fell down.
“Oh yeah, you like that big boy?” I laughed looking down at him.
I rabbit punched him in the face and then did it again enjoying it.
“That felt good,” I told him.
I looked around and spotted a baseball bat. I picked it up and was about to bash him until he disappeared. I looked around confused but all of the sudden a ghost of Chester appeared behind me and picked me up!
I screamed as he started to carry me to the bathroom window. He opened the window.
“Don’t worry, you can punch me in the face and we’ll be even, right?” I asked.
He growled and threw me out the window! I screamed but then landed on a trampoline in the other person’s yard. I let out a sigh of relief and rolled off the trampoline into the ground. I got up and ran to William and Daniel’s front yard but I then saw the ghost burying William and Daniel alive! I covered my mouth trying not to scream.
Then bloody Chester ran off with the briefcase to this abandoned house in the distance.
I ran to where William and Daniel were buried alive. I grabbed the shovel and started to dig. The sun started to come out and it became light out.
I then hit two coffins. I could hear screaming coming from the inside of both of them.
I slammed the coffin open and I saw Daniel sitting up coughing like heck covered in dust.
“Are you okay?” I asked kneeling down wiping the dust off of him.
He coughed. “No,”
I moved over to William’s coffin and banged the coffin open with my shovel.
I saw William sitting up coughing with dust all over him. I rubbed the dust off of him.
“You okay?” I asked.
“I will be after we get rid of Chester,” William answered.
“How are we going to get him?” Daniel asked.
“Follow me,” William answered.
Daniel and I followed William into the house. He opened the closet and grabbed these vacuum cleaners and threw them to Daniel and I.
“It can suck in anything, trust me,” William told.
“Okay,” I responded putting the back of it on me. Daniel did the same.
William got a ghost beeper out.
“It turns green when a ghost is near and it won’t harm you, it turns yellow when a ghost is near and it might harm you, and it turns red when a ghost is near and it will harm you,” William told.
“You believe in that?” I asked.
“Yeah, the workers proved it but it never beeped because a ghost was never near me,” William told.
We ran outside towards the house and slammed the door open.
“Not beeping yet,” William told.
All of the sudden it beeped really fast in red! We looked around but then it stopped.
“Stop joking around Chester!” I shouted.
All of the sudden the stairwell collapsed and almost hit us until we dodged it.
“Stop it Chester!” Daniel shouted.
All of the sudden Daniel flew back towards the window and fell out the window!
“Daniel!” William screamed.
All of the sudden William was picked up and thrown against a candle and the candle fell to the ground and a fire started!
“There’s a fire!” William screamed.
All of the sudden while the place was burning down Chester’s bloody ghost appeared!
“You and William will die!” he growled.
“No, YOU DIE CREEP!” I shouted and sucked him up.
I dropped the vacuum and grabbed William and we ran out of the burning house.
We watched it burn down.
“Cool!” William cheered. We looked through the window and saw the money being burned.
“Oh wait, Daniel!” I screamed.
We ran to the backyard and saw Daniel eating popcorn watching the burning house. He looked over at us.
“Well, it’s about time you came out, that was the best show I have ever seen,” Daniel laughed.
William and I laughed hard.
We then headed back to William and Daniel’s house. On the front lawn we saw William and Daniel’s mom looking at the holes in the front yard. She saw us.
“Who dug up the front yard?!” she screamed.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Mr. Carnivore

When I woke up today I got shocked by a lose wire. When I was eating breakfast I stabbed myself with a fork. When I ran for the bus I tripped in thorns. When I got to school I was beaten up by bullies.
“Things couldn’t possibly get any worse,” I said.
When I walked in I saw Braydin getting eaten by a dinosaur! I stared in horror. I tried to scream but no sound came out.
“If you are bad, I will eat you, and by the way my name is Mr. Carnivore,” the dinosaur told.
Joanne sighed. Mr. Carnivore ate her.
“Anyone else?” he asked.
No one said a word.
“Now, silent reading for the whole day!” he yelled. Carleigh groaned. Mr. Carnivore ate her.
“I can take him!” yelled William.
He got a chair and threw a chair at him. Mr. Carnivore fell down. The class cheered. William blew kisses but right at that moment Mr. Carnivore ate him. I gasped. The dinosaur came to eat me but then I woke up.
“All a dream,” I said.
I went downstairs for breakfast but saw a dinosaur cooking my breakfast.

Beatrix Boarding School

If you go to Texas once you enter turn right and keep driving straight out of the town.
You will enter a place where there is just fields and fields for miles.
Later after 2 hours you will see a bunch of old odd looking trees bent down with Dark magnolias growing out of the trees.
After 3 hours you will come across a hill and at the top of the hill will be a burnt down school house that’s been around for a century.
I will tell you a tale of that boarding school that goes back to 1897.
It was called Beatrix boarding school and once a little kid named Jimmy Benson came to the boarding school.
Everyone there picked on him. They played a bunch of tricks like when Jimmy got in bed one of the kids would jump out of his closet with a mask scaring him.
One night they were going to do the ultimate prank on poor Jimmy. They were going to tie him to his bed.
They snuck into his room while he was sleeping and tied him to his bed.
Jimmy then woke up. He saw that he was tied up. All of the kids started to laugh.
Jimmy screamed and commanded to let him go.
All of the sudden the fire alarm went off.
All of the kids screamed and ran out the door leaving Jimmy tied up. Jimmy screamed but everyone ran out so they couldn’t hear him.
After the fire it turned out it was that one room that burned down.
The firemen found Jimmy melted to his bed dead.
They rebuilt the room and left Jimmy’s bed in the room.
After Jimmy’s death strange things happened to the kids.
For example when someone went to the bathroom the door would shut behind them magically.
There would be strange noises coming from the vents. Like a girl named Tammy once went to the bathroom and she could here in the vent the air whispering Tammy.
One day kids were playing football on the field and a kid tripped and his eye landed on a nail in the ground and he was killed.
Later one night when everyone was talking in the same room Jimmy died in, the fire alarm went off.
The kids screamed and ran to the door but it wouldn’t open. It felt like someone was holding the door.
They ran to the windows and tried to open the windows but it felt like someone was holding the windows down.
All of the sudden a deep cold voice that sounded like Jimmy’s voice broke in.
It laughed and said “You get what you deserve!”
Firemen then came and put the fire out. When they searched the bedroom they found the kids melted to the walls and floors.
And they saw Jimmy’s old bed as the only unharmed thing. It didn’t even seem touched…

Waving Being

My dad and I went to a Washington Nationals baseball game.
Later after the game we walked to the car and got in it and started to drive home.
While we were driving home we saw this shadow waving to us.
My dad and I screamed and my dad slammed the brakes and we stopped right in front of the guy.
It was an old guy with red eyes just staring at us waving at us. He had a white beard with white hair.
My dad and I stared in horror. He stopped waving, and then walked into the woods.
My dad started to drive again. We tried to keep are minds off what we saw.
About 10 minutes later we saw the same guy staring at us! My dad slammed the brakes and we almost hit him.
He stared at us and then waved. My dad and I stared in horror. He then walked into the woods.
My dad started the car again. We then got home. We drove onto the driveway and stopped the car.
We got out of the car but we then looked across the street and stared in horror.
We saw a shadow of someone staring at us. The shadow then waved at us.
My dad and I screamed and ran into are house.

World War lll

The next global conflict has started. Germans, Cubans, and Austrailians has been traveling to Africans and they all teamed up and decided to try and take over America. Because we've caused all of them destruction from the past. Cubans our mad at us from the Bay of Pigs, and they've decided to do the same to us, except kill civilians. When they got on the beaches, the bloodiest battle in war history happened, 30,000 dead! New York, California, Hawaii, and Florida have been destroyed by the 4 nations. We've made the cubans surrender by taking over their counrty. We've bombed Sydney in Austrailia and they've surrendered. We didn't want to bomb Sydney, but we had no other choice. And with Germany, we threatened to bomb major cities of their's and they've surrendered. But Africa is different, they've destroyed every bomb we threatend to launch at a city of theirs. They're still in America, tearing apart cities. The only allies we have are the French, and that's the only reason why America is still standing. I'm Sergeant Waters and we're going to win this war, no matter what stands in our way!

The year was 2037. President Ferdinand Jameson was in the presidental bunker. Secretary of Defense Maxwell Dixon was with him. They were sitting at a big table with the leader of the military, General Shawn. Colonel Budd Shepard who was nicknamed Cottonmouth was with him. They were talking.
"These people have been tearing apart cities in America!" General Shawn yelled.
"Calm down, Shawn. We have to create a bomb strong enough to tear apart Zambia, they'll step off after we bomb there," Cottonmouth added.
"Where though? We need a secret desert to test this weapon," President Jameson.
"In New Mexico, Africans haven't gone near there yet," Secretary Dixon added.
Sergeant Waters then trampled into the room. "Mr. President sir! The Chairman of Africa Chairman Gerrafel and leader of their military Colonel Aja has set up a video call," Sergeant Waters gasped.
"Play it," President Jameson urged.
Some soldiers came in with the Tv and set it in front of the table and turned it on. Chairman Gerrafel appeared on the Tv.
"Chairman, we have come up with bombs to destroy most of your country's greatest cities, surrender now," General Shawn growled.
Chairman Gerrafel laughed. "We'll never surrender, ever! You can bomb whenever, but you'll never make us surrender, ever!"

1 year later, Chairman Gerrafel bombed all of Houston, Texas. President Jameson then launched an invasion on Egypt to overthrow the Chairman. The Chairman was assasinated by the Sergeant, Sergeant Waters.
Africans became furious and Colonel Aja sent in more troops to America to different states each to find the President and kill him. They assasinated the Secretary of Defense Dixon, but General Shawn and Cottonmouth got President Jameson out in time and moved him to a secret base in Greenland. The war raged on for 5 more years and now it is the year 2043 and the war still rages on...

Private Cash came to Grotto base in a jeep for training. He jumped out of the jeep and saw a soldier criticizing new soldiers that were missing the targets.
The soldier looked over and saw Private Cash.
“Oh, Cash right? I’m Corporal Reiner and today I believe is your day to start kicking Africans asses, now first pick up an X1 machine gun, our newest invention,” Corporal Reiner said.
Private Cash picked up the gun. “What now?” he asked.
“Aim it down range and hit some targets. If you get 5 in a row you join our squad,” Corporal Reiner answered.
Private Cash aimed it down range and started firing. Instead of hitting 5 in a row he hit 10 in a row.
“You got a good aim Cash, okay gear up, we’re heading to a place that’s really cold so you might want to get a jacket,” Corporal Reiner advised.
Private Cash went to gear up while Corporal Reiner ran to Sergeant Waters.
“You think he’s good?” Corporal Reiner asked.
“He’s a born natural,” Sergeant Waters answered.
Later Sergeant Waters, Private Cash, Corporal Reiner, and Private Jones got into a Seagil(A drop ship).
“Okay so the Africans have taken over the town of Tobler, a town in Alaska, and now this is are chance to trap them and kill Aja,” Sergeant Waters said as they took off.
“Is it just are squad going here?” Private Jones asked.
“No, Delta squad will be right behind us,” Sergeant Waters answered.
“But Delta squad only has 3 people, Sergeant Rogers, Private Henry, and Private Yoder,” Private Cash noted.
“I know, General Shawn’s orders can be risky,” Sergeant Waters said. They all sighed and sank into the seats.
Private Cash fell asleep. He had a nightmare about Colonel Aja killing his dad, his mom, and his brother. He saw in his dream his grandpa hiding him under the porch.
He woke up screaming and saw bullets flying everywhere.
“We’ve been ambushed!” Private Jones yelled through the radio.
Sergeant Waters kept on firing at the Africans that came near the Seagil.
All of the sudden a bullet hit the engine and they started to go down.
“We’re going down!” Corporal Reiner screamed.
The Seagil crashed and darkness came over Cash.
He woke up and saw Reiner dragging him to cover.
He pulled him to cover and saw Sergeant Waters yelling at Sergeant Rogers.
“Where is Alpha team?!” Sergeant Rogers yelled to Sergeant Waters.
“They were wiped out on the way to the village!” Sergeant Waters answered.
“Yoder, call in an air strike on the clock towers, it will take out the snipers so we can move up!” Corporal Reiner commanded to Private Yoder.
“Command, send in an air strike on the clock towers 200 meters from are position,” Private Yoder said on the radio.
“Copy Private,” Command responded.
Jets came through the village and shot missiles at the clock tower.
“Okay let’s move up,” Waters commanded.
Both squads moved up.
Bullets flew everywhere. They ducked behind cover again.
“Private Henry, use the mortar to take them out,” Sergeant Rogers commanded.
“Yes sir,” Private Henry responded getting the mortar ready.
He put a mortar shell in the mortar and shot it at the enemies. The enemies fled.
“Fire at the flanking Africans,” Sergeant Waters said.
They fired at the Africans and moved up and saw two towers.
“Which one do you think Colonel Aja is in?” Private Jones asked.
“We’ll split up, me, Private Jones, Private Yoder, and Corporal Reiner will go in to the right building, and Sergeant Rogers, Private Cash, and Private Henry will take the left,” Sergeant Waters commanded.
They both split up.
“Okay, Private Henry, breach the door,” Sergeant Rogers commanded.
Private Henry breached the door and shot everyone in the room.
“Okay, move upstairs,” Sergeant Rogers said.
“Copy,” Private Cash responded.
They moved upstairs.
All of a sudden an African jumped on Private Henry trying to slit his throat.
Sergeant Rogers then threw him down the staircase before he could kill Henry.
He had a hard landing.
“You got to be more careful,” Sergeant Rogers told.
“Sorry, but thanks,” Private Henry thanked.
They then got to the top.
They breached the door and shot everyone in the room.
Aja was nowhere in sight.
“Search the place,” Rogers commanded.
“Copy,” Cash responded.
While Cash and Henry searched Rogers contacted Waters.
“Waters, can you hear me?” Rogers asked.
There was a bad transmission on it.
Rogers, Cash, and Henry had to cover their ears.
“What is that?” Private Cash asked.
“Bad transmission,” Sergeant Rogers answered.
“R-R-Rogers, Private Jones has been shot in the abdomen by Colonel Aja, he’s bleeding to death, get out of that building, Aja escaped and set a bomb in that tower going off in 10 seconds!” Sergeant Waters warned.
Rogers dropped the radio in horror.
Private Cash then grabbed Sergeant Rogers and Private Henry and jumped out the window. The tower blew up the second after they jumped out the window.
They landed hard but didn’t die or break any bones.
“Nice thinking Cash,” Sergeant Rogers commented.
“We better get going,” Private Cash then said.
Sergeant Rogers, Private Cash, and Private Henry got into a jeep.
Private Henry took the wheel, and Private Cash and Sergeant Rogers got in the back seat.
Private Henry started driving at 120 miles per hour while bullets were flying everywhere.
Sergeant Rogers got a radio and contacted General Shawn.
“General Shawn, we’re in a getaway jeep, we lost contact with Sergeant Waters and his men, we’re working our way back to you and follow Colonel Aja,” Sergeant Rogers said.
“I hear you Rogers, my ship is coming in,” General Shawn responded.
There was a big ship in the distance coming towards Tobler.
“You’re doing good Henry, almost there,” Private Cash told.
“I’m doing my best,” Private Henry responded.
All of a sudden Private Henry got shot in the head killing him and the jeep flipped over and came close to hurting Private Cash and Sergeant Rogers.
They came out.
“Jesus!” Private Cash yelled.
“Poor Henry, let’s go,” Sergeant Rogers said.
Private Cash followed Sergeant Rogers. Sergeant Rogers got a radio.
“General Shawn, Private Henry is dead, we’re coming back on foot,” Sergeant Rogers told.
“You know Rogers, I would like to get credit for killing Aja and be an American hero,” General Shawn said.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Sergeant Rogers asked.
General Shawn’s ship’s turrets pointed toward Rogers and Cash while it was getting nearer.
“Look out Cash!” Sergeant Rogers screamed to Cash pushing him into this hole.
The turrets opened fire and before it could hit Rogers he jumped into the big hole too.
“What the hell just happened?” Private Cash asked.
“He wants credit for killing Aja,” Sergeant Rogers answered.
“So he’s going to kill us?” Private Cash asked.
“Yep,” Rogers answered.
“By the way, where are we?” Cash asked.
It was an underground hideout.
“I don’t know,” Sergeant Rogers answered.
All of a sudden guns were put to their heads.
They both gulped.
“Get in the chair over there,” the person commanded behind them.
Their guns were taken from them and they were tied up. There were two Africans holding guns smiling in front of them.
“W-who are you?” Cash asked.
“We’re Aja’s top assistants,” one answered.
“Is Aja still here?” Rogers asked.
“Yep,” the other African answered.
All of a sudden Sergeant Waters and Private Yoder snuck behind them with machetes and cut them up.
“Thank you,” Private Cash and Sergeant Rogers thanked.
“No problem,” Yoder responded.
After they got untied they got out of the hideout and saw Reiner holding Private Jones in his arms. Private Jones was bleeding.
“Where’s Private Henry?” Sergeant Waters asked.
“Dead,” Sergeant Rogers answered.
“I’m going to contact General Shawn, tell him to get us out of this mess,” Private Yoder told.
“Shawn betrayed us,” Private Cash warned.
“Oh damn,” Corporal Reiner responded.
“P-please put m-me out of my misery, s-shoot me,” bleeding Private Jones stuttered.
All of a sudden bullets came down and shot Jones killing him.
“It’s General Shawn’s ship, fire at it!” Sergeant Waters commanded.
They did and it came crashing down toward them.
“Run!” Sergeant Rogers screamed.
Sergeant Waters, Sergeant Rogers, Corporal Reiner, Private Yoder, and Private Cash took off.
The ship came really close to hitting them.
“Check in the dust storm,” Sergeant Waters commanded.
They went in and saw heavily injured General Shawn crawling out of the wrecked ship.
Sergeant Waters pulled out a Desert Eagle and shot and killed General Shawn.
“One bastard down, one more to go,” Private Cash said.
All of a sudden an explosion happened and they all fell down injured.
Injured Private Yoder was lying down behind a car unseen, injured Sergeant Waters was in plain sight, Sergeant Rogers was unseen also behind a piece of General Shawn’s ship, Corporal Reiner was in plain sight also, and Private Cash was behind a piece of jeep.
Colonel Aja came in sight and walked up to injured Corporal Reiner and shot him in the back. He fell down dead.
Aja moved onto Sergeant Waters and shot him in the head killing him. Since Private Yoder, Sergeant Rogers, and Private Cash were hidden Colonel Aja couldn’t see them so he left.
Private Cash, Sergeant Rogers, and Private Yoder got up having a hard time keeping their balance.
“Let’s finish the African off,” Sergeant Rogers said.
“Yeah,” Cash and Yoder agreed.
Sergeant Rogers, Private Yoder, and Private Cash followed Aja.
“He’s getting on his ship, shoot at it!” Private Cash yelled.
They shot at the ship and it crashed to the ground. They checked if he was still alive and found him crawling bleeding.
“Hello, Aja,” Private Cash growled.
Colonel Aja rolled over and the second he saw Cash his eyes widened.
“Well, if it isn’t Nicholas Cash,” Colonel Aja laughed.
“This shot is yours,” Private Yoder said to Cash.
“Shut the hell up, you killed my whole family,” Private Cash hissed pointing his magnum towards Colonel Aja.
Colonel Aja pressed a button that was on his arm and said “Kill me if you wish, but just to let you know, bombs will wipe out the whole area in a minute,”
In anger Private Cash shot Aja in the head.
“Okay Cash, let’s get out of here before the bombs start dropping,” Sergeant Rogers commanded.
Sergeant Rogers, Private Yoder, and Private Cash took off running.
Bombs started to drop.
“Come on!” Private Yoder screamed.
A bomb hit a helicopter and peaces of the helicopter and peaces of it started falling and they dodged all of the peaces.
“We’re almost to the ship!” Sergeant Rogers yelled.
All of a sudden the blade of the helicopter fell and stabbed Private Cash!
“No!” Yoder screamed.
Cash fell dead.
“Come on!” Rogers commanded.
Sergeant Rogers and Private Yoder got on the ship and flew away from the madness.

To be Continued…

The Murder of Oscar James

Stu Mason was painting a picture of a quite attractive woman.
He tried to make it look like he wasn’t looking at her. It was hard to do that because it was at a restaurant.
She then left right after Stu finished painting. He looked at his painting. He was proud of his work.
His friend John Dixon then came and sat. He looked exhausted.
“What’s wrong?” Stu asked.
“I was evicted by my damn landlord Oscar James, I could just kill him,” he answered.
“I know that idiot, he made fun of my drunk father, who- who’s now dead,” Stu added.
“Everyone hates him,” John said.
“He doesn’t deserve the money that he has,” Stu said.

Oscar James was puffing at his cigar in front of the fire sitting in his chair reading the newspaper. It was dated June 16, 1927.
He flipped the page to see that John and Melody Dixon were evicted.
“By me,” he laughed.
He turned the page and saw that the billionaire Colonel Ulrich was having a party at his mansion. Oscar sued his old company but he created a new company that is more successful.
“I guess I’m a guest because I sued his unsuccessful company,” Oscar said.

Stu Mason was reading the book The Murder on the
Links, by Agatha Christie. His wife Nancy was cooking dinner.
“Hey Stuart, did you know that your old billionaire friend Colonel Ulrich his having a party Saturday night?” Nancy asked.
Stu put his book down and sat up.
“Nancy, you know I never go to a party without an invitation,” said Stu. All of a sudden the doorbell rang. Stu walked to the door and saw Logan Fletcher, Colonel Ulrich’s African American butler who Oscar used to make fun of because of his skin color.
“Oh, hey Logan,” Stu said.
“Hey Mr. Mason, I hoped you knew that Sir Ulrich’s party is tomorrow night,” Logan advised.
“Oh, yeah, thanks Logan,” Stu thanked.
“You’re welcome sir,” Logan said. He left.
Stu turned around and saw Nancy with her arms crossed with a smile on her face.
“Well, well, well,” she said.
“Don’t rub it in,” Stu responded.

The next night Stu and Nancy went over to Colonel Ulrich’s mansion.
Logan was outside greeting everyone.
“Glad you two could make it,” Logan greeted.
Stu and Nancy walked in and it was a madhouse inside.
Instead of a nice calm party it was a crazy party.
Stu slowly walked in and saw his best friend John Dixon drunk. He walked up to him.
“Um, John, are you okay?” Stu asked.
“HELL YEAH!!!!!” he yelled at the top of his lungs drunk.
“Um, right, well did you get a different apartment?” Stu asked.
“What? Oh yeah, we have money as it is but my wife loved our old house so much and she is going to try and sue Oscar,” John answered.
All of a sudden Oscar James came in through the door.
Everyone then turned their heads toward the door.
“Um, sir Ulrich, why did you invite him?” Logan asked.
“I didn’t,” Colonel Ulrich growled.
“Hey Colonel, how is your new company?” Oscar asked.
“Oh, it’s going great,” Colonel Ulrich growled again.
Colonel Ulrich walked toward Oscar.
“What the bloody hell are you doing here?” he whispered in his ear.
“I thought I was invited,” Oscar admitted.
Melody Dixon ran up to Oscar with a knife in her hand.
“I will kill you!” she yelled.
Stu, John, and Logan quickly stopped her.
“I will get you for taking away my house, if it’s the last thing I do!” Melody warned.
“Oh no, please don’t kill me Ms. I think I’m so tough,” Oscar joked sarcastically.
Colonel Ulrich quickly ran to his automobile and drove to the police station.
Meanwhile John grabbed the knife from his wife’s hand and put it down.
“Honey shut up!” he yelled.
“But you’re thinking the same thing,”
“I think you shall leave dame Melody,” Logan commanded.
All of a sudden the police came storming through the mansion.
A cop pointed his gun at Melody.
“You’re under arrest for a short time for threatening with a weapon,” he said.
“What? No, arrest him,” John said pointing to Oscar.
“I would love to because he didn’t give the money I deserved to pay for my sick daughter who’s now dead,” he said in tears.
“Oh yeah, you’re Jake,” Oscar added.
“Shut up or I will kill you!” Jake yelled.
“Everyone gasped.
“I mean, Melody, come with me,” he finished.
Melody quietly walked with Jake to the truck.
Everyone looked over at Oscar angrily.
“What? Did I ruin everyone’s fun?” Oscar asked.
“You sure as hell did,” Colonel Ulrich answered.
He shrugged his shoulders.
“I guess I shouldn’t spoil everyone’s fun so I’m going to read the paper in the other room,” Oscar yawned bringing his wine bottle into the room.
“Thank you,” John thanked.
Everyone started talking again.
“Thank god he left,” Dixon thanked.
“You must be pissed at him,” Stu exclaimed.
“You bet I am,” John answered.
Ulrich came over to us. “Would you like to play cards with us in the living room?” he asked.
“Yeah,” John answered.
“I think I’ll come up later,” Stu said.
“Suit yourself,” Ulrich said.
Ulrich and Dixon left leaving Stu alone.
Stu took another sip of his wine looking out the window. A few minutes passed and he started to get sleepy.
He yawned but all of a sudden he saw a person he couldn’t make out walking on the lawn. He gasped then fell off the chair. He got up again and didn’t see the figure.
He realized that Oscar was in the room the figure was heading to.
“Oscar?” Stu yelled. No reply. “Oscar?!” he yelled again.
Still no reply.
Stu then heard whispering.
All he could make out was let’s do it.
Stu ran into the room and found Oscar stabbed to death!
Stu screamed.
Ulrich and Logan ran down into the room and saw the body.
“What the hell did you do to him!” Logan screamed.
“I didn’t do anything,” Stu angrily said.
Colonel Ulrich then picked up the phone and called the police.
“I didn’t kill anybody!” Stu yelled again.
Ulrich tackled Stu to the ground.
“I felt like killing him to but I would never really do it,” Ulrich yelled.
All of a sudden Chief Allen and Jake ran in with guns.
“What’s happened now?” Chief Allen asked.
“Stu has murdered Oscar James!” Logan yelled.
Jake saw the body and threw up.
“Oh thanks a lot Jake,” Ulrich said sarcastically.
“Have any proof?” Chief Allen asked.
“Well no,” Ulrich admitted.
“Well no proof, no arrest,” Chief Allen said.
“I’m going to call my detective friend Dylan Hobbes,” Ulrich brought up.
Later the next morning Detective Hobbes came to the house with his partner Dennis Gates.
“What’s wrong?” Hobbes asked.
“Everyone’s enemy Oscar James has been murdered,” Ulrich answered.
“Well let’s see the body,” Hobbes said.
Ulrich led them into the living room.
Hobbes and Dennis looked at the body.
“What did he say when he went into the living room?” Dennis asked.
“Well a dame named Melody tried to stab Oscar with a knife so I called the police and they booked Melody,” Colonel Ulrich told.
“Sit down Ulrich,” Hobbes said.
Colonel Ulrich sat down.
Hobbes and Dennis sat down as well.
“Now, when was the last time you saw Oscar alive,” Dennis asked.
“When he almost got killed by Melody,” Ulrich answered.
“And about what time did you find him dead?” Hobbes asked again.
“Well my guests left at midnight and 3 minutes later Logan and I heard Stu scream and found the body, which on the dot was 12:03,” Ulrich told.
“Thank you Ulrich, will you please bring down Logan?” Dennis asked.
“Sure thing,” Ulrich said.
Ulrich left and Hobbes and Dennis started talking.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Hobbes asked Dennis.
“That the knife that Melody almost stabbed Oscar with was the knife that killed Oscar,”
“That’s a pretty good thought,”
Logan then came in.
“Hello, I understand you are Logan, Logan Fletcher,” Hobbes said.
“Um, yes sir, and you are the famous detective Dylan Hobbes,” Logan said.
“Now have a seat,” Dennis offered.
Logan sat down.
“Now, what did you have against Oscar?” Hobbes asked.
“He made fun of my skin color,”
“And what time did you last see him?”
“Same as everyone else,”
“Where were you when the murder happened, which was exactly 12:03,”
“Um, I, was cleaning up,” Logan answered.
“Thanks for your time Logan, can you possibly bring in Stu Mason?” Dennis asked.
“Um, yes sir,” Logan answered and left.
“Isn’t he suspicious?” Dennis asked Hobbes.
“Yes, but he doesn’t seem like he would kill anyone,” Hobbes said.
“But Dylan, you once told me everyone’s a suspect till proven innocent,” Dennis said.
“That’s true,” Hobbes said.
Stu then came in.
“Hello Mr. Mason,” Dennis greeted.
“Hi, can I have a seat?” Stu greeted.
“Of course you can,” Hobbes answered.
Stu sat down.
“Now, what did you have against Oscar?” Hobbes asked.
“He made fun of my dad who is now dead,”
“Well start from the top,”
“Well I was left alone and I happened to glance out the window and I saw a figure walking on the lawn,”
“And you couldn’t see who it was?”
“No, but he was limping or something,”
“So a few seconds afterwards you found Oscar dead. Is that correct?”
“Yes, but I did hear a cold voice saying let’s do it,”
Hobbes and Dennis looked at each other reading each other’s mind.
“So it was cold?” Hobbes asked.
“Yes that is correct,” Stu responded.
“Well it might be that it was two killers,” Dennis thought.
“It could be that or you’re just lying to us, Stu,” Hobbes thought.
“I didn’t do anything,” Stu repeated.
“Well, you could of saw nothing, grabbed the knife on the ground, and went in and drugged his drink without him seeing, and he starts dozing off and you stab him multiple times,” Hobbes explained.
“I keep telling you, I didn’t do it,” Stu responded angrily.
“Can you believe how many killers had said that to me?” Hobbes asked.
“Well before we arrest anyone, let’s just interview some other suspects,” Dennis suggested.
“Fine,” Hobbes agreed.
“Can you bring in anyone else?” Dennis asked Stu.
“Sure, my best friend John Dixon,” Stu said leaving.
“He had the most interesting interview,” Dennis said.
“Interesting interviews mean more information,” Hobbes said.
Dixon then came in.
“Hello John,” Hobbes greeted.
“Call me Dix,” Dixon said.
“Well Dix, I here your wife wanted to try and kill Oscar last night,” Hobbes told.
“Uh, yes, but she did not kill anyone!” John screamed.
“Right, but my question is where were you at 12:03?” Dennis asked.
“I was walking out of Colonel Ulrich’s house,”
“See anything suspicious?”
“Well, there was this shadow figure walking in the lawn,”
“And you couldn’t see the figure?”
“No, but he was walking down into the backyard to where Oscar was,”
“And isn’t there a back door here to room where Oscar was?”
“Well there- I mean I don’t know, I don’t live here,”
“Why’d you hesitate?” Hobbes broke in.
“Well because I did see some door once in the room, but the next I didn’t see it,” John answered.
“Did you see the door before or after Oscar was murdered?” Hobbes asked.
“After, but I didn’t see it a few minutes after I saw it,” John told.
“Interesting,” Hobbes replied.
“Well, were you really mad at Oscar when your wife went to jail because of him?” Dennis asked.
“Yes, I certainly was,” John answered.
“Okay, well thank you for your time. Could you bring in Stu’s wife?” Hobbes asked.
“Yes sir,” John answered leaving the room.
“A lot of people have seen different clues,” Dennis brought up writing down notes.
“Yes, Ulrich, Fletcher, Mason, and Dixon are the people we have interviewed and it seemed Mr. Mason has the most interesting story,” Hobbes added.
“Well Dylan, after Mrs. Mason are both of us going down to the prison to interview Mrs. Dixon?” Dennis asked.
“With Dix, we need her to talk to him, and possibly Stu as well,” Hobbes answered.
Nancy Mason then came into the room.
“Hello Mrs. Mason,” Hobbes greeted.
“Nancy,” she corrected sitting down.
“Alright Nancy, where were you around midnight?” Dennis asked.
“Playing bridge with Colonel Ulrich and John Dixon,” Nancy answered.
“See anything suspicious?” Dennis asked.
“Not that I know of, but I did hear something weird,” Nancy answered.
“What was that?” Hobbes asked.
“When I was playing I heard something like something dropping into water,” Nancy told.
“Be more specific,” Dennis urged.
“Like little raindrops dropping into a glass of water,” Nancy answered.
“Was it coming from downstairs?” Hobbes asked.
“Yes, like where Oscar was,” Nancy told.
“I’m surprised Stu didn’t hear it,” Dennis said.
“Well he was a little drunk,” Nancy reminded.
“I guess, I was thinking he was drunk so that’s why he saw that dark figure but Dix saw it too,” Dennis added.
“Well thanks for your time,” Hobbes thanked. Nancy then left.
“So, hearing this and seeing that. None of it ties up,” Dennis sighed.
“Well Stu, Nancy, and Dix’s story all kind of tie up,” Hobbes told Dennis.
Dennis showed Detective Hobbes the note pad he was writing on. It showed all of the suspects and it showed the motives and alibis.
“Okay Dylan, now who out of these suspects do you think has the oddest story?” Dennis asked showing Hobbes the list.
“Mr. Fletcher obviously,” Hobbes answered.
“Exactly,” Dennis agreed circling Logan.
“After we interview Melody Dixon, Chief Allen and Jake we’ll circle the biggest suspect,” Hobbes told.
Dylan Hobbes and Dennis Gates went out of the room and saw everyone sitting at the dinner table.
“Dix, we’re going to go interview your wife at the prison, would you like to come?” Hobbes asked getting shoes on.
“Yes, I would like to see Melody,” John answered.
“Oh and Stu, if you would like to come along you may,” Dennis told Stu.
“I would love to come,” Stu answered.
Hobbes, Dennis, Stu, and John got ready. “By honey,” Nancy said to Stu.
“Bye,” Stu responded.
“Dinner will be ready when you come back,” Logan told.
“Thanks,” John thanked.
“See you guys,” Colonel Ulrich said.
Hobbes, Dennis, Stu and John got into Hobbes’s auto mobile and drove to the police station.
They got out of Hobbes’s car and walked into the police station.
“Wow, it seems almost impossible to escape from here,” John brought up.
“Yep,” Stu answered.
Chief Allen was standing on the front porch of the police station.
“Well hello Dylan,” Chief Allen greeted.
“Hey Allen,” Hobbes responded.
Chief Allen walked in the station with his red sneakers.
“You know this guy?” Dennis asked.
“Yeah, we investigated the murder in central park,” Hobbes answered.
The 4 of them walked in and saw cops everywhere. They saw Chief Allen sitting at a desk reading the newspaper.
“Have a seat,” he allowed.
Hobbes, Dennis, Stu and John sat down.
“Okay, now what have you come for?” Chief Allen asked.
“Oscar James was murdered last night,” Stu answered.
“Yikes,” Chief Allen responded.
“Yes, and now what did you have against Oscar?” Hobbes asked.
“Nothing, nothing at all, but I was kind of mad at him for making my partner Jake feel bad,” Chief Allen answered.
“Okay, and now what were you doing around midnight?” Hobbes asked.
“Watching the hall,” Chief Allen answered.
“How long?” John asked.
“From 11:00 to 1:00,” Chief Allen answered.
“So there was no way anyone could have gotten in or out?” Dennis asked.
“No, some of the other cops were guarding the back door,” Chief Allen answered.
“Where was Jake?” Hobbes asked.
“Out here with Officer Foley,” Chief Allen answered.
“Well, could you bring Jake in the room?” Stu asked.
“Sure,” Chief Allen answered leaving the room.
“So, do you believe him?” Dennis asked Hobbes.
“He has the story I believe most,” Hobbes answered.
Jake came into the room and sat down.
“Hello Jake,” Stu greeted.
“Hi Stu, John, Dylan and Dennis,” Jake responded.
“Now, I don’t want to have you say your motive so what were you doing at midnight?” Hobbes asked.
“Well, I was here reading the paper with Officer Foley while Chief Allen was in the hall where Melody was in her cell and some more cops were guarding the back door, and there were watch towers out side with trained snipers and the gate is electric,” Jake told.
“May we go outside and see the watch towers and the electric fence?” Dennis asked.
“Sure,” Jake answered.
They went outside. Stu saw snipers in the watchtowers.
Detective Hobbes picked up a rock and threw it at the fence. Electricity went off.
“Well that explains that,” John brought up.
“See,” Jake said.
“Well, may I see my wife?” John asked.
“Sure, let’s go,” Jake answered.
They walked back into the police station and down to Melody’s cell. Jake opened the gate and Hobbes, Dennis, Stu, John and Jake went into the cell.
John sat down next to Melody.
“Hi honey,” Melody greeted.
“Hi,” John responded.
“Um, Melody, Oscar James was murdered last night,” Stu told.
Melody put her hand in her face in grief.
“I felt so embarrassed last night after what I did,” Melody sighed.
“Yes, well we’re trying to figure out who did it,” Hobbes told.
“Who are these two guys?” Melody asked pointing to Hobbes and Dennis.
“The famous Detective Dylan Hobbes and his partner Dennis Gates,” John answered.
“Oh,” Melody responded.
“Okay Melody, now all we need to do is ask you a few questions,” Dennis told.
“Okay,” Melody agreed.
“Okay, now what were you doing around midnight?” Hobbes asked.
“I was here in my cell taking my insomnia,” Melody answered.
“That’s pretty much all we need to know Melody,” Stu told.
“Uh, Jake, is she free to go?” John asked Jake.
“Yeah, I guess,” Jake answered.
“Oh, Jake could you and Chief Allen come over to Ulrich’s mansion so we can all figure this out?” Hobbes asked Jake.
“Yeah, I think we could work that out,” Jake answered getting a sip of his coffee.
Later Hobbes, Dennis, Stu, John, Melody, Chief Allen and Jake got into the auto mobile and drove to Colonel Ulrich’s mansion.
They walked into his house.
“Hey Chief Allen and Jake,” Colonel Ulrich greeted taking a sip of his coffee. Nancy and Colonel Ulrich were sitting down eating lunch while Logan was in the kitchen cooking.
“All of your lunches are ready, have a seat,” Logan told.
Everyone took a seat but Hobbes and Dennis.
“We’ll eat later but we’re going to investigate the crime scene,” Hobbes told.
“Okay,” they all agreed.
Hobbes and Dennis went into the side room where Oscar was murdered.
When they looked at the couch they gasped. The body was moved!
“Wasn’t the body there when we left for the prison?” Dennis asked.
“Yeah, that must mean the killer might of been Colonel Ulrich, Nancy Mason or Logan Fletcher, so it must be Logan,” Hobbes told.
“Yeah,” Dennis agreed.
Hobbes went over to the glass of wine that was still there. He took a drop of the wine and tasted it.
“What do you taste?” Dennis asked.
“Insomnia,” Hobbes answered.
“He was drugged!” Dennis screamed.
“Yeah, that’s why there was no scream,” Hobbes told.
“So many more clues,” Dennis added.
“Let’s check over to where Dix said he saw that door,” Hobbes brought up.
“Okay,” Dennis agreed.
Hobbes and Dennis walked over to the wall. Only a huge bookcase, pictures on the wall and decoration on the wall.
“So what do you think Dix meant by door?” Dennis asked Detective Hobbes.
“I don’t know,” Hobbes answered picking up books from the bookcase and dropping them.
“Why are you doing that?” Dennis asked lighting a cigarette.
“Maybe this bookcase opens,” Hobbes answered.
“Ulrich would have obviously found something like that out,” Dennis told puffing at his cigarette.
Hobbes dropped the book Frankenstein and it flipped around and a door came out on the other side.
“There it is!” Dennis screamed.
Hobbes opened the door and it led to the deck of the backyard.
“That must explain how the killer got in the room without Stu knowing,” Dennis brought up.
“Yeah, I wonder why Ulrich didn’t know about it,” Hobbes responded.
“Maybe the killer made some changes to it,” Dennis said taking out his notebook writing some notes down.
“We are one step closer to finding out who the killer is,” Hobbes told.
Hobbes went outside to where the bookcase was and looked where he took Frankenstein out and saw a button.
“Ah-ha, a button,” Hobbes pointed out.
Dennis walked outside to the bookcase where Hobbes was.
“Yeah, there is a button,” Dennis agreed with an odd look on his face.
Hobbes pressed the button and it flipped around and it went inside leaving Hobbes and Dennis outside.
“Dang, we’ll have to go to the front door,” Hobbes sighed.
“Yeah,” Dennis agreed sighing.
“Well the good news is we know the killer is Logan cause Logan limps and that is what Stu said, and a bunch of other clues we know about,” Hobbes told smiling.
All of a sudden Hobbes and Dennis heard screaming and saw Logan falling off the balcony and landed hard.
Hobbes and Dennis screamed. Dennis went over to Logan and crouched looking at Logan.
Hobbes looked up at the balcony and saw a person in a ski mask in red sneakers running into the top room.
“Oh god, he’s dead!” Dennis screamed.
Hobbes ran to the front door and opened it.
“Oh hey Hobbes, what’s with the hurry?” Stu asked getting a pack of cigarettes out.
Hobbes saw everyone at the dinner table. Hobbes quickly went to the stairs and ran to the top floor with his revolver in his hand.
Hobbes kept his revolver ready and checked every room and saw nothing.
Hobbes ran back downstairs to the backyard to the porch and saw everyone crowded around Logan’s body.
Hobbes walked up to the body.
“Oh boss, look what I found in Logan’s pocket,” Dennis told him showing him 3 100 dollar bills.
Hobbes took the money from Dennis’s hand and looked at it thinking hard.
“What happened?” Stu asked.
“He was thrown off the balcony,” Dennis answered.
“It seems that Logan blackmailed the killer,” Hobbes predicted looking at the money.
“Looks like Logan wasn’t the killer,” Dennis sighed.
They later went back inside after the ambulance came to take Logan’s body and sat at the table with sad looks on their faces.
Colonel Ulrich put wine out for everyone.
“Since Logan can’t cook I will,” Colonel Ulrich sighed.
“Well I hope you guys catch the killer soon,” Jake sighed.
“Well I’ll go get some snacks for us from my duffel bag,” Nancy told going over to her duffel bag.
“Oh Dylan, have you and Dennis found any other clues?” Stu asked taking a sip of wine.
“Oh yeah, we found that secret door that Dix told us about,” Dennis answered.
All of the sudden Nancy screamed as loud as she could. Everyone turned around and saw Nancy pale looking in her duffel bag. Stu ran over to Nancy and looked in the duffel bag and turned pale.
“What is it?” Melody asked.
Stu picked up a bloody knife from their duffel bag.
“It’s the weapon!” John screamed.
“It’s not us!” Nancy screamed.
“We believe you,” Hobbes told her.
“I’ll get some napkins from my shed,” Colonel Ulrich told them going out the door.
“Clues everywhere,” Chief Allen brought up.
Colonel Ulrich then ran into the mansion screaming. Everyone turned around towards him.
“Oscar James’s body!” Colonel Ulrich screamed falling down.
Dennis crouched at him.
“He fainted,” Dennis told.
“He said something about Oscar James’s body, let’s go check it out,” Hobbes brought up.
Hobbes went out the door. Dennis, Stu, John, and Chief Allen followed him.
They ran over to the shed and went inside it and saw Oscar James’s body in a trash bag!
“Oh god!” Stu screamed.
“I now have figured it out,” Hobbes told.
“You found out who the killer was?” Dennis asked.
“Yes, round up everyone in the mansion into the living room,” Hobbes commanded.
“Okay,” Dennis responded.
Later everyone came into the living room and sat down on the couch.
Hobbes and Dennis walked into the room. Hobbes started to talk.
“Now, I’m going to start from the top, Oscar James was murdered last night at 12:03 exactly, Stu and Dix saw a dark figure, Nancy heard water splashing, and Stu heard a voice saying let’s do it, now, Melody ran at Oscar with a knife and Dix grabbed it from her hand and put it by the window,” Hobbes began.
“Oh yeah, and I heard the window was open,” Dennis added sitting down.
“Yes, so, Stu was alone in the room and saw a limping figure, and Logan limps so that must have been LOGAN that was the limping dark figure. Now he must of saw the murderer and he must of blackmailed the killer, and when the killer gave him the money he was counting it by the balcony and the killer snuck behind him and pushed him off of the balcony killing him. I saw the killer in a ski mask with red sneakers and the only person who wears red sneakers is Chief Allen,” Hobbes explained pointing to Chief Allen.
Everyone gasped.
“Are you crazy?!” Chief Allen gasped.
“No, I’m not Allen,” Hobbes said.
“But we’ve been friends for as long as I remember,” Chief Allen reminded.
“Wait, I’m not done yet. Now, Stu said he heard let’s do it which means there was a second killer, now Mrs. Nancy Mason told she heard little drops of water fall into a cup, now Dennis and I found out that he was drugged with insomnia which much of been the drops, but how could the killer do that when Oscar was still up, so the killer must of put it in before Oscar went in the room, and a person who was present at the time when Oscar was out at the party with insomnia was Melody Dixon,” Hobbes told pointing to Melody Dixon.
Everyone gasped.
John jumped from his seat. “My wife didn’t kill Oscar James!”
“How do you explain the drops?” Melody asked growling.
“You tried to take the insomnia out put some fell from your hand but you didn’t have the time to get it back out because Stu started to walk in the room,” Hobbes told.
“How could Chief Allen and I get out of jail?” Melody asked with a mad look on her face.
“Because, Jake was your other accomplice,” Hobbes answered.
“What?!” Jake screamed jumping from his seat.
“That’s right, you, Melody, and Chief Allen tipped the other cops in the police station,” Hobbes told.
“You’re crazy Hobbes! My wife didn’t kill anyone!” John screamed.
“You’re right John, she didn’t kill anyone. Chief Allen killed both. Melody drugged Oscar, Chief Allen murdered him while Jake watched for anyone coming. The let’s do it was by Melody and Chief Allen because Melody watched Chief Allen stab him while Jake was outside on the porch looking for anyone coming and saw Logan and got him and told him to not tell anyone but Chief Allen saw him and was blackmailed and Chief Allen killed him. Because Jake and Melody didn’t want to kill anyone else except Oscar,” Hobbes told.
Chief Allen, Melody and Jake sighed. “Alright Hobbes, you win,” Jake sighed.
“You can’t outsmart Dennis and Detective Hobbes,” Dennis told.
“Wow, pretty good investigation Hobbes,” Colonel Ulrich commented.
Chief Allen then grabbed a pistol from his pocket and put it to his head.
Hobbes and Dennis ran towards Chief Allen and stopped in front of him.
“Easy,” Stu screamed.
“Yeah,” Nancy said.
“Good bye Dylan,” Chief Allen told Hobbes.
“No wait!” Hobbes screamed.
Chief Allen then shot himself in the head and fell dead.
“Oh god!” John screamed.
“Well how long in prison?” Jake sighed.
“Well for Melody 5 years and Jake 3 years,” Hobbes answered.
“Wait why is Jake staying shorter in jail then Melody?” John asked.
“Because I can’t really blame him because of his daughter,” Hobbes told.
“By the way they didn’t really kill anyone, only helped out,” Dennis added.
The cops then came and arrested Melody and Jake and left. Stu saw John against the wall with a sad look in his face.
“You okay?” Stu asked.
“Yeah, it’s just that I won’t see Melody that much for 5 years,” John sighed.
“Well you’re lucky she’s in jail for only 5 years,” Stu told him.
“Yeah,” John agreed.
Detective Hobbes and Dennis Gates walked to the door.
“Hey Hobbes, you going?” Stu asked.
“Sure are,” Hobbes answered.
“See you Dylan, see you Dennis,” John said.
Hobbes and Dennis walked out the door.
“So you did well with the case,” Dennis commented.
“Yep, I have officially retired from the case,”

Shipwreck Island

I ran to school excited because we were going on a field trip to Tokyo for a week.
I went over to the bus because we were driving to the airport. I ran into the line to the bus.
I saw my two friends William and Jack. William was a big tough guy and Jack was a crazy kid.
“Hey guys, what’s up,” I greeted.
“Hey,” they responded.
“So we’re going to learn to speak Japanese I heard,” William told.
“Cool,” Jack and I responded.
We all got on the bus. I sat next to Drew, a friend of mine.
“I’m going to have Sushi and what not,” Drew had begun.
“Yeah,” I responded.
“So Ian, have you ever been to Tokyo, or at least anywhere in Japan?” Drew asked.
“Nope,” I answered.
Natalie who was a tough girl and Collin who was a show off started talking to us.
“I can’t wait to go,” Collin began.
“Yeah,” Drew agreed.
“Well I’m going to learn how to speak Japanese,” Natalie told.
“Good for you,” I responded.
Natalie and Collin took their seat.
Jaden who was a big trouble maker came by us and greeted us.
The bus started to go. Steve was the name of are bus driver.
“Okay, almost there at the airport,” Steve told.
I took out a map of what we were flying over.
“Okay now where is that?” Drew asked pointing to an island called Rich Island.
“Rich Island,” I answered.
“Well, where is that?” Drew asked pointing to and island called Beller Island.
“Beller Island,” I answered.
“And what’s with that coffee stain?” Drew asked pointing to this black spot.
My eyes widened. I looked at the black stain closely and it turned out it was in the shape of an island.
“T-that’s no coffee,” I stuttered.
“Then what is it?” asked Drew.
“An island,”
“What’s the name?”
I looked at the name and it said Shipwreck Island.
“Shipwreck Island,” I answered.
The bus stopped. “Okay, here we are at the airport,” Steve announced.
Everyone cheered. We then got off. I stood next to Jaden.
“So this will take 3 days,” Jaden told.
“Wow,” I said.
Collin caught up with us.
“So I heard we’re going on a private plane,” Collin told.
“It’s also going to take three days,” I added.
We got on the plane and I set next to Natalie.
“It’s just you and me for the next three days,” I told her snickering.
“You do know that we can get up from are seats,” Natalie told.
“Whatever,” I said.
The plane started to take off. I got up from my seat and sat next to William.
“Three days with no TV in the plane,” William sighed.
“Hey, it could be worse,” I told.
“How could it be worse?” William asked.
“Well um-well-um” I responded.
“Exactly,” William began.
It was then 9:00 at night. I dozed off then woke up again. I looked over and saw William sleeping. I smiled.
I went to the bathroom with a cup to fill it with hot water for William to pee in.
Collin, Jack, Jaden and Drew saw me.
“What are you doing?” Collin asked.
“Having William pee in his pants,” I snickered.
“We would like to join you,” Drew laughed.
We walked into the bathroom laughing. I turned the sink on but all of a sudden roaring sounds appeared and the plane started to go down!
“We’re crashing!” Jaden screamed.
I slipped down the hall. Everyone else was screaming.
“Help, oh gosh!” Natalie screamed.
I grabbed onto a seat. William grabbed onto my hand and pulled me up.
I sat straight down and buckled up.
Steve’s voice came on the speaker.
“It’ll be okay!” he screamed.
“Yeah right,” William muttered.
Collin and Drew slid down the aisle as well. I looked back and I saw Jack and Jaden holding onto a door.
Natalie was buckled up in her seat screaming.
All of a sudden a big huge bump happened and we went straight into the water.
Water crashed through the windows and pushed us out of are seats.
I swam up for air and breathed hard. Collin, Drew, William, Jaden, Natalie, and Jack swam up gasping for air.
I took a blow up raft and blew it up. I got in with everyone else.
Steve came swimming over to the raft. He got on it.
The raft floated out of the burning plane. Waves then came crashing through breaking the raft.
“Look out!” Natalie screamed.
I looked over and saw a huge wave coming over us. We all screamed.
The wave crashed onto the raft and the world went dark to me.

I then smelled ocean air and I could hear seagulls. I felt sand everywhere.
I then opened my eyes and saw Collin and Natalie looking at me.
“He’s okay,” Collin then called.
Steve and Jack walked over and helped me up. I had a hard time keeping my balance.
I looked around and saw a dark foggy place with trees and a volcano. It looked like we were on an island.
“W-where are we?” I asked.
“Well Ian, remember how you showed me Shipwreck Island? Well it appears we are there,” Drew answered.
Steve looked over and saw these people with black suits on with hoods so we couldn’t see their faces.
“Oh hey, thank god people are here,” Steve greeted running over to them.
“Um, Steve, I wouldn’t go near them,” Jaden warned.
“Nonsense,” Steve responded.
The cloaked people turned around and they had pale faces and blood all over their mouths!
We all screamed. The people ran and picked up Steve!
“Oh Steve!” William screamed.
They carried him away growling. All of a sudden a one eyed cloak person with blood all over his mouth started chasing after us!
Collin, Jack, Jaden, William, Drew, Natalie and I took off. The cloaked person kept chasing us!
“Don’t look back!” Jack screamed.
The bloody faced crazy person then caught Collin and carried him away!
“Don’t stop!” I screamed.
We then ran into the forest and hid in the long grass. Three cloaked face ran into the forest but couldn’t see us. They growled and ran out of the forest.
We all got up pale and shaking.
“What the HE-double hockey sticks was that?” Jaden stuttered.
“How the heck should I know?” Natalie answered.
“I don’t know what those were, but they didn’t kill Collin or Steve but I bet they will if we don’t save them,” William told.
“What, you’re going to follow those things, are you nuts?” Drew asked.
“Hey, do you want to save are friends or not?” William asked.
“Come on, let’s save them,” I agreed.
“Okay,” Jack agreed.
“Alright, fine,” Drew, Natalie, and Jaden agreed.
We then snuck over to the beach where we first saw them and ducked.
We saw the bloody faced people carrying Steve and Collin into a cave.
We gulped.
“Alright, let’s find out what’s in that cave,” William commanded.
“Okay,” we responded.
We snuck over to the cave and snuck inside and hid behind a rock.
We looked and saw the bloody faced people tying Steve and Collin up. They were screaming. There were a bunch of other people were tied up. There was a boiling pot.
“They must be cannibals,” I whispered to Jaden. Jaden shook his head.
All of a sudden Jack tripped into sight. We all screamed.
The cannibals looked over and saw us! We all gulped. The cannibals ran toward us growling.
We all screamed and got up and ran.
“Wait, help me!” Jack screamed.
I stopped and tried to help Jack while everyone else ran away.
“Hurry!” Jack screamed.
The cannibals were so close to me.
I let go of Jack. “Sorry,” I apologized and then ran out of the cave. I heard Jack scream loud and that’s all.
I caught up with William, Drew, Natalie and Jaden.
“Where’s Jack?” Drew asked while running.
“Um, the cannibals took him,” I answered.
The cannibals caught up with us! I ran so fast that I couldn’t hear my feet!
The cannibals then grabbed Jaden and carried him away!
“No, Jaden!” I screamed.
2 cannibals still were chasing us! We ran into the forest. We ran toward the volcano. We stopped at it.
“What now?!” Natalie screamed.
“Climb!” I answered.
Natalie, William, Drew and I started to climb. The cannibals started climbing to!
“Keep climbing!” William screamed.
We got to the side of the top and looked inside the volcano and saw lava!
“Be careful!” Drew warned.
We picked up rocks and threw them down at the cannibals. I smashed their bloody faces and they fell down the volcano.
“Yes!” we all cheered.
“Okay, now be careful getting down,” I warned.
“Okay,” they responded.
All of the sudden over a dozen cannibals ran toward the volcano and started to climb up!
“Look out!” Natalie screamed.
We looked for rocks but there was no left!
“No more!” William screamed.
The cannibals then ran all the way up! We screamed. We then tripped back! A cannibal grabbed me before I could fall down. Drew, William, and Natalie screamed falling!
“No!” I screamed.
The cannibal picked me up but then tripped back and fell down into the volcano.
I screamed while falling. I saw Natalie, William, and Drew holding onto the side of the volcano.
I grabbed onto the side of the volcano while the cannibal fell into the lava.
I started to climb up to Drew, William, and Natalie.
“You guys alright?” I asked.
“Maybe,” Natalie answered.
I climbed up to them. We saw this cave on the side of the volcano.
“Okay, let’s go in there,” Drew said.
“No, let’s keep going,” I protested.
The lava then started to come up!
“It’s erupting!” William screamed.
“We have no time to get all the way up so let’s go in the cave!” Natalie screamed.
We climbed fast while the lava came up closer.
“Hurry!” I screamed.
We quickly got into the cave and the volcano erupted. We climbed deeper through the rocky cave.
“Okay, now how are we going to get out?” Natalie asked.
“We just climb the way we went in and climb out of the volcano,” Drew answered.
All of a sudden rocks started clasping blocking the path out! The rocks slid over and pushed us deeper into the cave.
We screamed loudly. The rocks then stopped clasping so we didn’t go deeper.
“Oh, that’s not good,” William brought up.
“What are we going to do now?” Natalie asked.
We were in this big huge rocky “room”. We then saw a bonfire with a lady in front of it. We couldn’t see the lady’s face though.
“Oh thank god,” Drew thanked walking toward the lady.
“Wait, stop,” I stopped grabbing onto Drew.
“Why?” Drew asked.
“It could be a cannibal,” I told.
“You wish I was a cannibal,” a voice then called.
We all gasped. We looked over and saw the lady looking at us! We screamed.
“Don’t worry, have a seat,” she offered.
We walked over cautiously and sat down across from her. The lady had a pale face and blue lips and was a real skinny shrimp.
“Um, who are you?” William asked.
“I-I’m Dolores Gamble and I know about the cannibals,” Dolores told.
“You do?” Natalie asked.
“Yes,” she responded.
“What about them?” I asked.
“Well, a plane crash had happened with me on it and we all crashed and floated onto this island and we then started to starve and we ate some of the dead body’s but I refused to and the people got a taste for people and chased after me trying to eat me and I barely escaped and hid in here and all the while the cannibals killed and ate people who got on the island, that’s why no one comes here,” Dolores told.
“Wow,” Drew responded.
“Well are friends were taken by them and saved for a snack,” told I.
“Well they got lucky, but they could have been eaten by now,” Dolores told.
“Well we could save them together and oh, that reminds me, we could get to Steve’s cell phone and call for help,” William told.
“Well, okay,” Dolores agreed.
“Yeah, but how?” Natalie asked.
“If you look up there you will see a hole at the top that we can climb out of,” Dolores told pointing to the top. We looked up and saw the hole we could squeeze out of.
“Fine,” we all agreed.
We climbed out of the hole and slid down the volcano. We slid into long grass.
“Okay, these weirdo’s are tough so watch out,” Dolores warned.
We tiptoed over to the beach. We hid behind a rock. We saw the cannibals carrying all of are friends out tied up and a boiling pot. They then put them down. We gulped.
“Okay, this is the plan, William and Ian will go on top of the cave and throw rocks down to distract them while Drew, Natalie, and I go and save them,” Dolores told.
“Okay,” Drew agreed.
William and I snuck to the top of the cave and grabbed rocks.
“You remember the plan?” William asked.
“You know I do,” I said.
We then threw the rocks down and the cannibals turned around and ran straight at the cave growling.
William and I made faces at them laughing while Dolores, Drew, and Natalie snuck over trying to untie them.
William and I went back to making faces. All of a sudden Drew tripped over the boiling pot knocking it over! William and I gulped.
The cannibals turned around and ran at them growling. Natalie screamed.
Dolores went to help Drew but they both got picked up by the cannibals! Natalie just watched in horror.
William and I ran down and grabbed Natalie and ran into the forest while Dolores and Drew were screaming.
William, Natalie and I kept running. We looked behind us and saw they were gone.
“Guys, they were about to be eaten, we don’t have much longer,” I warned.
“Yeah,” Natalie agreed.
“Wait, I have an idea, okay this is it, Ian, since you are quick you’re going to run straight out and make the cannibals chase you and you’re going to lead them under the cave while Natalie and I smash them with rocks knocking them out, we then tie them up and untie everyone else and get Steve’s cell phone and get out of here,” William told.
“Good idea,” Natalie and I commented.
Later William and Natalie snuck onto the top of the cave while I hid behind a rock.
I looked up at Natalie and William and they did a Thumbs up.
I then ran out of my hiding place running around. The cannibals then saw me and ran after me. I ran under the cave. The cannibals came and grabbed me but then a bunch of rocks came down and crushed the cannibals but not killing them, just knocking them out.
I screamed because a rock hit me in the leg. I had broken my leg.
Natalie and William came down to help. William made my leg feel better while Natalie untied everyone.
“Thank you guys, so much,” Dolores thanked.
“Yeah,” Collin agreed.
Steve came over with a cast and put it on my leg.
“Are you alright?” Steve asked.
“Yeah, thanks,” I thanked getting up.
“Wow, that was so scary,” Jack stuttered.
“Yeah,” Jaden agreed.
All of the sudden the cannibals woke up! We all screamed. But the cannibals weren’t screaming in anger, they were groaning. Their blood went away from their faces and their weird eyes turned into regular eyes.
“What’s happening?” I asked.
“They’re changing back into regular people,” Dolores answered.
“What happened?” one of them asked.
We explained what happened to them.
“Oh-my-god,” another one of them gasped.
“Well let’s untie you and let’s all get out of here with Steve’s cell phone,” Drew told.
“Well, um, um,” Steve gulped.
“What?” I asked.
“Well you remember when we were in the raft? Well it fell out of my pocket into the water,” Steve told.
“Drat!” William and Natalie screamed.
“Wait, we still have a phone in are cave from a person, we, um, ate,” one of the former cannibals told.
We ran into the cave and called for help. Help then came and we got off of Shipwreck Island.
While we were flying on the plane to Tokyo I started to talk to the former cannibals.
“How would you guys like to go to Tokyo with us?” I asked them.
“Yeah,” they agreed.
We then went to Tokyo and it turned out to be the best field trip I was ever on.