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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Friday, August 6, 2010

The White Van

My nose was against the window looking outside. My friend Liam was coming to stay for a whole week since it was summer.
His car pulled on to our driveway. I smiled and ran to the door before he even got out of the car.
I opened the door and rushed out side.
“Hey Liam,” I greeted.
“Hey,” he responded.
Liam had long black hair and blue eyes.
“Want to go down to the fort me, William, Daniel, Evan, Jack, and Justin built?” I asked.
“Sure,” he said.
Liam and I went to William and Daniels house (which William and Daniel were brothers) and knocked on the door.
William and Daniel came to the door and said they would love to come.
Evan, Justin, and Jack also said they would like to go.
As we were walking down we noticed we were totally lost.
“Wait, guys, d-do any of you know where we are?” Daniel asked.
We were in some kind of field with a farm.
There was no one in sight.
“How could we get lost this easily?” Evan asked.
“Yeah, I mean one second we were in our neighborhood, and the next, we’re here,” William said.
“Wait guys, I see some kind of white van coming, maybe we can hitchhike,” I said.
“Fine,” they all agreed.
I put my thumb out and it stopped in front of us. We could only see a shadow and couldn’t see his face.
We walked up to the van.
“Thanks,” Jack thanked closest to the driver,
All of a sudden the hand grabbed Jack and pulled him straight in!
We all screamed.
I ran up to try and help Jack but he was already pulled inside.
I tried to run back but the hand grabbed me to!
I screamed and was almost all the way in until Liam ran up with the hammer he had for the tree house and smashed the driver’s hand.
The driver screamed and let go.
“Run!” I screamed.
Liam, Justin, Evan, William, Daniel, and I took of into the woods.
The van drove after us.
We ran into the woods but the van was still driving after us!
We ran even further until Justin stopped and turned around.
“I’m going to stay here and try to save Jack!” he yelled.
“No!” I yelled to him.
The others kept running while I grabbed onto Justin and started to pull him back.
“I can’t leave my little brother to die!” he yelled.
“We’ll come back for him!” I yelled.
“No!” he yelled again pushing me to the ground.
“G-good luck mate,” I said, than I took of running.
All I heard was Justin scream, then nothing else.
I ran as fast as I could and saw that I was back in are regular woods.
I saw Liam, William, Daniel, and Evan crouched in a circle.
I got down with them. William was comforting Daniel since he was crying.
“W-where’s Justin?” Liam asked.
“H-he was t-taken to,” I stuttered.
“We’re going to have to get to the bottom of this,” Evan announced.
“No, I’m not going to get killed!” Daniel yelled.
“L-let’s just go to my house and talk this over,” I brought up.
“O-okay,” they agreed.
We all got to my house and went upstairs.
Liam and Daniel sat on my bed while William, Evan, and I were standing up thinking.
“Do you think this guy is a serial killer or something?” Evan then said.
“Maybe, he just wanted some kids or something,” I then said.
“Wait guys, look,” William announced.
We all went over to him and saw that he was holding a newspaper.
He was looking at an article about a white van. We all gasped. He read it out loud.
“White van taking kids back in triple ridge, used to take kids in South Run Oaks, measured 6 kids taken,” he read.
“How come I have never heard of this before?” Evan asked.
“I actually have,” Daniel said.
We all turned to him to listen.
“About a year ago it started, my friends Brian, and Jason were taken,”
“Oh yeah, Brian was taken,” I said.
“Thanks a lot Ian, you led him to this neighborhood,” Liam growled.
“I bet he was planning to come here anyway,” I yelled.
“Wait guys look!” Evan interrupted in tears.
We saw him pointing out the window.
We saw the van driving slowly.
“No, no, no! I don’t want to be killed!” Daniel yelled.
“Calm down Daniel, by the way, this sick idiot doesn’t kill, he just keeps and does weird stuff to,” Liam yelled.
“Guys, we can’t have more of our friends taken, I say we have to follow the van,” William began.
We all agreed except for Daniel.
“No, I’m not going to get taken!” Daniel yelled.
“Guys, will you leave me and Daniel alone in the room for a minute?” William asked.
We all smiled and agreed.
Liam, Evan, and I went out of the room and closed the door.
We heard screaming and yelling and then after 30 seconds William came out with Daniel and Daniel said in a cold voice let’s go.
We ran outside and ducked. We saw the white van drive over near the Thompson’s house.
“Okay since I know the most about war I’ll lead, first tip, be very stealthy,” William claimed.
We crawled while following the van.
“Okay, we’re to far behind for him or her to see us, so sprint towards the van,” William began.
We started running.
“So are we going to follow this creep?” I asked.
“Yep,” William answered.
We then got very close to the van so we ducked again. It stopped near Hope’s house. We saw that Natalie and Connie Yoder were playing outside!
“Oh no, what are we going to do I whispered to William. He shrugged his shoulders.
The guy got out of the car wearing possibly the scariest mask in the world!
Daniel covered his mouth trying not to scream.
I had to save them.
“Guys, we have to do something,” I whispered.
“Okay, Ian, Liam and I will save them, Evan, stay here with Daniel,” William said.
We all shook are heads and looked over and saw the guy covering their mouths taking them!
William, Liam and I ran out and attacked the guy!
He threw Connie in but before he got the chance to throw Natalie in I bit his leg.
He screamed and dropped Natalie and she watched in horror crying.
“Take this!” he yelled and punched Liam in the face!
Liam fell knocked out. He growled again and grabbed William’s neck and started choking him!
I went to the garage, got a baseball bat and beat the guy with the baseball bat.
He screamed and picked me up and threw me at the brick wall. I hit it and the world looked blurry and all I could see was the guy leaving and knocked out Liam, William still on the ground holding his throat coughing and Natalie still watching in horror.
Evan and Daniel then came down and started to help out.
Daniel was helping William and Evan was looking at Liam.
Liam then woke up and Evan came over to me.
“You’ll be alright,” Evan said.
I got up with my hand on my head. I had a hard time keeping my balance.
Natalie was crying.
“What happened?” she stuttered in tears.
“It’s this kidnapper in the neighborhood,” I answered.
“We got to get the police,” she said.
“But we read they’ve already got the police a million times and they couldn’t catch him,” Daniel answered.
“So you’re saying we have to catch him?” Natalie asked.
“Yep, you are defiantly not the only one that has had a cared one taken, we discovered this whole thing with multiple friends of us that were taken,” Evan told.
“Oh,” she responded with the tears going away.
“Do you want to help up with saving our friends?” I asked Natalie.
“If we can save my sister,” she said.
“Of course,” William answered still holding his neck.
It was getting late. “How about we all sleep over at my house and think of a plan,” I suggested.
They all agreed.

Later at seven o’clock they all came over.
We all went downstairs in the basement.
“Okay, so all I know is that this guy, or girl is driving in a white van taking kids,” Natalie said setting out her sleeping bag.
“I think you mean broad,” Liam laughed.
William, Daniel, Evan and I all laughed.
“Shut up!” Natalie yelled.
“Well, my plan to find where this lives,” Daniel stupidly said.
“Obviously,” William said.
“To find out where he is we got to follow the van secretly,” I suggested.
“Exactly,” Evan said.
“I can’t sleep,” Liam said.
“I can’t either,” Natalie said.

It was 4 o’clock in the morning and we still haven’t gone to bed. We then heard driving around outside.
“Guys, do you hear something?” Daniel asked.
“We all do,” I answered.
We changed into clothes and went upstairs.
I got a flashlight and we went outside. We saw a white van driving around! We all ducked. He or she couldn’t see us because it was dark.
Daniel was about to scream until Natalie and I covered his mouth.
The person then got out of the van! It was a guy who was bald, only had 4 fingers on his right hand, and 3 on his left, had brownish eyes, and had a very scary face, and when he opened his mouth their was no teeth besides a gold tooth.
Daniel opened his mouth wider but me and Natalie pushed harder on his mouth.
He got out a knife and looked around.
“Guys, don’t move a muscle,” Liam whispered.
Daniel then screamed as loud as he could. We all gulped. He looked over at us and ran at us with a knife!
“Run!” William yelled.
We all took off running. He got into his van and drove after as!
We then ran straight into the woods and ran as far as we could until we didn’t see him behind us.
Natalie let out a sigh of relief.
“I’m not moving!” Evan yelled.
“Hey, do you want to save Brian, Jason, Justin, Jack, and Connie, or not?” I asked. He sighed.
“Let’s go back and find out where he was going,” Natalie said. We all agreed and ran out of the woods and saw the van driving.
We all ducked and watched it drive by.
“Follow it,” William whispered.
The sun was coming up and it was getting lighter out.
We followed it stealthy.
It then stopped by Drew’s house which Drew (who is my friend) was outside.
We all gulped.
“Okay, we’ll all take him out at the same time,” Evan whispered. We all shook our heads and ran down and attacked the guy.
Drew watched in horror while we attacked him.
He then picked up Evan!
“Help, please help!” he yelled in tears.
We tried to save Evan but he slapped us away and threw Evan in the van.
He then got in the van and drove away.
Drew was still crying hugging himself.
“W-what’s going on?” he stuttered.
“I’ll field that one,” Natalie called.
She told him what was going on.
“So now he has Evan?” He asked.
“Yep,” Liam answered.
“I guess we should follow the van before it goes out of our sight,” Drew said.
We shook our heads and chased after the van stealthy.
We followed it into the back of our neighborhood where nobody goes and it drove up to an abandoned house. We gulped. The guy walked out holding Evan’s mouth taking him into the house. We all gulped.
“Okay, easy now,” William said.
We slowly walked into the house.
It had that old smell. We saw rats on the ground. Natalie almost screamed until I covered her mouth.
We looked around. A lot of old pictures in black and white were everywhere.
We looked at one and it was a picture of the guy next to Charles Manson!
“He must have a bunch of bad guy friends,” Liam said.
“Yeah,” Drew responded.
We looked down at his license and it showed a picture of him and his name was Cybrin Brauch.
“Creepy name,” Natalie said.
“Yeah,” I agreed.
We then heard screaming downstairs.
We tiptoed downstairs and saw over 10 kids tied up!
We all weakly screamed. We then heard footsteps coming down the stairs!
We all started to try and find ways out but Cybrin then grabbed me, Liam, William, Daniel, and Drew! Natalie ran up the steps screaming. Lucky I thought while being tied to a chair getting taped over my mouth.
Every other kid had tape covering their mouth so they wouldn’t scream.
The same happened to Liam, Drew, William, and Daniel.
“Before I shift my kids off to Spain for slaves, I tell them how I do it, I still have to shift off Connie, Brian, Jason, Justin, Jack, and Evan. I’ve already sent off the first kids I took, well, about a year ago I was hired by this guy named Dwayne Baker to capture kids and send them off to Spain to Dwayne. So I started at South Run and got only one kid, then I moved to Triple Ridge and got 3 kids, I got them by disguising as an ice cream man, then I captured Brian and Jason, then I moved on to your neighborhood and got more kids then I ever did, I was so sneaky because as you can see, as was friends with Charles Manson, so he had minions that helped me with witnesses. Anyone who saw us take someone was killed by us, which we only had one witness that we had to kill,” Cybrin told.
I gulped.
“Now, Dwayne needs some more kids shipped off so ciao,” he said taking out a big box.
All of a sudden a piano came falling down the stairs and crushed Cybrin, but he didn’t die, only was knocked out. Natalie then came down the stairs with cops!
They took the tape off of our mouths.
“Thank you so much Natalie,” I thanked.
“No problem,” she said.
“Sorry about that whole broad thing,” Liam apologized.

The police then arrested Cybrin, than they found Dwayne and arrested him, and found the kids who were slaves, and arrested his Cybrin’s back-up guys.
I invited everyone who went through the whole white van thing to my house for a party.
“Awesome party Ian,” William said.
“Thanks,” I thanked.
“Thank you for getting Jason and I out of there,” Brian thanked to us.
“No problem,” Liam, Daniel, Drew, Natalie, William and I thanked.
Natalie was reunited with Connie, Justin and Jack were reunited, and Evan was reunited with us.
We were called heroes and were awarded with medals.
“What a week,” I said.

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