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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Babysitter Thief

The day I got a new babysitter is when the horror began.
My name is Ian and I’m 11 years old.
My mom was looking for a babysitter and couldn’t get a good one until my mom asked William’s babysitter…
I ran over to William and Daniel’s house. William was a tough kid and Daniel was a little puny kid.
I rang the doorbell and they let me in.
“What’s up?” I asked.
“Hey,” William greeted.
This teenage girl who had blonde and had greenish blackish eyes walked into view.
“Who’s that?” I asked William.
“My babysitter Sara Renerk,” William answered.
“Hi,” I greeted.
“Hi,” she responded.
Later William, Daniel, and I ran down to the swings.
Daniel and I took the two swings before William could take one.
“What are you going to do?” Daniel laughed.
William got rocks out going to throw them at us! Daniel and I screamed.
William laughed and pelted rocks at us.
“Ouch!” Daniel and I screamed.
Daniel jumped off of his swing and William got on it laughing.
“No fair!” Daniel yelled.
I then saw my mom walk over to the driveway. Sara walked out the door.
My mom saw Sara. “Who are you?” my mom asked.
“Oh, I’m Sara Renerk, William and Daniel’s babysitter,” Sara answered.
“Well, um, I was looking for a babysitter for my son and I was wondering if you could baby sit for him,” my mom said.
“Oh yeah sure, I would be delighted to,” Sara answered.
“So is Sara a cool babysitter?” I asked William while swinging.
“Yeah, kind of, but it’s weird, because whenever she comes to baby sit money is missing from my wallet and same with Daniel after she leaves, my mom said it isn’t Sara, it’s just you losing your money, but it’s weird because she told us that her mother died of breast cancer but when she came over with a makeover we asked who she got it from and she said her mom did, it was a little to weird that Daniel and I didn’t say anything. John and Izzy have the same babysitter and things have started to disappear at their houses, it’s probably just coincidence though,” William told.
“I’ll watch out for that kind of thing,” I told.

Later the next day Sara came over. My mom left and was going to be gone for 6 hours.
“Hey, you must be Ian, I’m Sara,” Sara greeted.
“Hi,” I responded.
“So what do you want to do first?” she asked.
Sara and I then had an awesome day.
My mom then came over that night and Sara left. “So how was your day with Sara?” my mom asked.
“It was awesome!” I answered.
“Well William’s mom said she was perfect,” my mom told.
Later the next day I went over to William’s house to talk about Sara.
I saw William. I ran over to him.
“I don’t get what’s so bad about Sara,” I began.
“Yeah, she’s perfect the first time but Daniel just broke his arm mysteriously while walking down the stairs with Sara,” William told.
“That’s just a coincidence,” I told him.
“Ask Daniel,” William told.
I asked Daniel to come out and he came out with a cast on. He also had a black eye.
Daniel came down to the swings where William and I were.
“So what exactly happened?” I asked.
“Well I was walking down cement stairs in a parking lot with Sara. William was already at the bottom of the stairs but I was at the top of the stairs with Sara and I felt like a hand on my back and that hand I felt shoved me down the stairs and got me a black eye and a broken arm. Sara said she wasn’t paying attention and reached for the rail and on accident pushed me down the stairs, William didn’t see it and my mom believed her but I could of swore it was her hand,” Daniel told.
“See,” William said.
“That’s impossible!” I yelled.
“Hey, she was really nice the first time, but she was a little suspicious the second time, the third time she was very freaky, the fourth time was when she was freakier and that’s when money went missing, and the fifth time she seemed like a psycho and that’s when Daniel fell down the stairs, my mom didn’t believe us, but who knows what she would be like the next time,” William told.
“Fine, I’ll keep an eye out for that,” I told them.
That night while watching the TV I saw a story about a Babysitter thief who steals stuff from a house. I paid attention closely after what William and Daniel said about Sara.
It told that she had a blue Ford 1957 and was a teenager. My mouth dropped open. Sara had a blue Ford 1957. The reporter said her name was Karen Starre after told by witnesses.
I let out a sigh of relief because that wasn’t her name. I have decided to watch out for that mysterious stuff that William told me.
Later the next day Sara came back over while my mom left.
“Hi Ian,” she greeted.
“Hi,” I responded.
We then played some fun games like football and Tag.
I saw nothing suspicious until I saw a cool bracelet of hers.
“Ooh, cool bracelet, where’d you get it?” I asked.
“Oh, my mom got it for me this week,” she answered.
I had an odd look on my face because I heard her mom died.
“Um, okay,” I responded.
Later while Sara was looking through papers I snuck over to her purse for anything odd.
I looked in her purse and saw a Jack knife! My mouth dropped open and I covered my mouth trying not to scream.
I put the knife down and looked through the purse some more and saw a bunch of 100 dollar bills wrapped in a rubber band!
I dropped the money in horror.
“Ian, what are you doing?” she called from the living room.
I quickly put the Jack knife and the money back in her purse and put the purse back where I found it right before she walked into the room I was in.
“What were you doing?” she asked again.
“Um, just, um, nothing,” I answered.
“Okay,” she responded.
Later my mom came home and Sara left. I told my mom about the Jack knife and the money, and the bracelet but of course she didn’t believe me.
I later ran over to William and Daniel’s house to tell them about Sara.
We met outside by the swings.
“So what happened with Sara?” Daniel asked.
“Guys, you wouldn’t believe this, I found a Jack knife and a bunch of stolen 100 dollar bills in her purse,” I told them.
“See, she is suspicious,” Daniel told.
“I also saw this news report about a babysitter thief named Karen Starre,” I added.
“Doesn’t that sound a little odd compared to Sara Renerk?” William asked.
“Why?” I asked.
“If you move the letters around in Karen Starre it makes Sara Renerk, don’t you get it? It’s an anagram,” William told.
My mouth dropped open.
“This is getting weird, are parents don’t believe us, so what do we do?” I asked.
“Fight back,” Daniel answered.
“Hold the phone now, we don’t know if she is a thief or not,” I told.
We thought a little longer.
“Okay, Sara is coming over tomorrow and I’ll watch out for anything suspicious,” I told them.
“Okay, be careful,” William responded.
Later the next day Sara came over again. She didn’t say hi this time for some reason, only walked by me.
Later when she was going through some papers I snuck again over to her purse and dug through it.
I saw a receipt to some store. I picked the receipt up and put the purse back where I found it.
I took the receipt back to my room and looked at it. My mouth dropped open. It was a receipt to a gun store! She purchased a Desert Eagle!
Sara then came into my room! My heart sank.
“You know something Ian, I’m missing something from my purse, something pretty important,” she told me with a very scary look on her face.
“Um, I don’t know anything about that,” I lied.
She then grabbed my face and pulled me to her! I turned pale.
She got the Jack Knife I saw out of her pocket and put it by my cheek!
“You know what I do to liars and thieves, I cut their little cheek, do you want me to cut your face?” she growled. I stared in horror.
“No, No!” I cried.
“Okay then, will you give me the receipt?” she asked.
“Yes!” I cried.
She let go of me and I grabbed the receipt and gave it to her shaking.
“Thank you. And if you tell anyone about this I’ll carve your whole face,” she growled.
She then left the room. I then fell crying hugging myself shaking.
Later my mom came over and Sara left. I didn’t dare to tell my mom what happened.
Later I ran over to William’s house and saw William and Daniel on the swings.
“What happened with Sara?” William asked.
“She’s a killer! A killer I tell you!” I cried.
William and Daniel’s eyes widened.
“Why? What happened?” Daniel asked.
I told what happened with the Desert Eagle and the Jack Knife by my cheek.
Their eyes widened.
“We believe you, but no one else would,” William said.
“You got to tell your mom!” Daniel screamed.
“There are two reasons why I can’t do that, one, my mom wouldn’t believe me, two, Sara would carve my face,” I told them.
“Yikes!” William screamed.
“Well why don’t you guys sleep over at my house tonight and plan things with Sara,” I suggested.
“Okay,” they agreed.

Later that night they came over at 9’0 clock with sleeping bags.
We set out are sleeping bags in my room and went downstairs to eat some brownies my mom made.
While we were eating the brownies my mom came over to tell us something.
“Hey guys, I came into some trouble at work and I won’t be back till one in the morning so Sara is here to baby sit,” my mom told.
All 3 of us turned pale. Sara then walked through the door.
“Yikes, sure is raining hard outside,” she began.
William, Daniel and I wanted to scream but managed to keep quiet.
“Okay guys, have fun, bye,” my mom said walking out the door.
Sara then walked toward us.
“How is your arm Daniel?” she asked.
“Um, it is good,” Daniel answered shaking.
“Okay, go do whatever you want while I look through a list of mine,” she told us.
William, Daniel and I left and went upstairs. We went into my room and closed the door.
“Okay, what are we going to do?” I asked.
“Let’s call the police,” Daniel suggested.
“No, she could walk into this room anytime,” William warned.
“Look, let’s go into her purse and look for any other clues,” I suggested.
“Okay,” they agreed.
We snuck down stairs and snuck over to her purse. We looked inside it and almost screamed.
We saw her license and it had her picture and it said Karen Starre!
“It’s her!” I screamed.
All of the sudden Sara A.K.A Karen came into the room with rope!
We all screamed. She had a very scary look on her face! She ran at us!
“Run!” William screamed.
I grabbed the license and we ran out the door into the thunder storm.
She ran out the door and chased after us with a Jack Knife in her hand!
“We’ll lose her in the woods!” Daniel screamed.
We ran into the woods and looked back and didn’t see her behind us.
“Okay, let’s go to my house and call the police,” William suggested.
“Okay,” Daniel and I agreed.
William, Daniel and I walked over to William and Daniel’s house in the rain.
We walked on the porch of William’s house and rang the doorbell. No one came to the door.
“Is your mom supposed to be home?” I asked.
“Yeah, she said she would be here all night,” Daniel told.
I looked through the windows and only saw the lights out so only saw darkness.
“Well the good thing is there is a key under the carpet by the glass doors in the backyard,” William told.
“Cool,” I responded.
While we were walking to the glass door I saw Sara’s car gone from my driveway.
We walked to the glass doors and screamed. The glass doors were broken and a bunch of furniture was knocked over in the house.
William, Daniel and I ran in the house and looked around.
Most of the furniture was knocked over and it seemed like a huge struggle.
We saw that someone tried to call someone on the phone.
“What the heck happened?!” I screamed.
“Who knows,” Daniel cried.
We wandered around the house and saw a bunch of broken furniture.
“I’m really scared,” I shivered.
We then saw bullet holes in the wall!
“Oh crap!” William screamed.
We then heard a noise in a closet. We walked over to the closet and Daniel opened the door and we saw William and Daniel’s mom tied up!
We all screamed.
“Mom!” William and Daniel screamed.
All of a sudden Sara came running at us!
“Look out!” I screamed.
William and I dodged her but she grabbed Daniel! Daniel screamed.
We went over to help Daniel but she got a chainsaw out!
“Run into the bathroom!” William screamed.
William and I ran into the bathroom and shut the door and locked it.
All of the sudden her chainsaw went through the door cutting it!
We screamed. Her face appeared through the door.
“I kill tattle tales!” she growled continuing to cut the door with the chainsaw.
“What are we going to do?!” William screamed.
I looked around and saw a window.
“Let’s get out by crawling out the window!” I screamed.
“Okay,” William agreed.
William then grabbed a soap container and threw it at the window and it shattered.
William and I crawled out the window just before Sara cut the door.
We jumped down and landed in wet bushes and didn’t break anything.
It was still storming out.
We ran over to the driveway and ducked. We saw Sara carrying tied up Daniel, and tied up William’s mom.
She threw them in the back seat and shut the door and she got in the driver’s seat and drove off.
“Okay, let’s follow her,” I whispered.
“Okay,” William agreed.
We followed the car stealthy. The car drove pretty far away from my neighborhood and went down to the harbor.
“Why is she going to a harbor?” I asked.
“Who knows,” William answered.
We snuck down to the harbor. We hid behind a wrecked boat. We saw her get tied up Daniel and tied up William’s mom and throw them in a motor boat. She then pushed the motor boat down to the lake and got in it and drove down the lake.
“Where is she going?” William asked.
“Only one way to find out,” I told getting binoculars that were on the ground.
I looked through them and saw the motor boat going down the lake to an old house on a dock above the water.
“Come on, we’re sailing out there,” William told getting a motorboat.
“Alright,” I agreed.
I saw that Sara dropped her cell phone. I quickly picked it up and called 911. I told the cops what happened and told them we were at the harbor then hung up.
William got into the motor boat with a crossbow.
“Where’d you get that?” I asked.
“In that wrecked ship,” William answered.
I pushed the motorboat out into the water. I got in it and started driving the boat while William aimed the crossbow. I saw that Sara went inside with tied up Daniel and tied up William’s mom.
We stopped at the dock and got out of the boat and walked in the house.
It was an old house with dust everywhere. We saw rats all over the ground!
“Yikes!” I screamed.
We saw paper taped on them with a name. One was named Tim, one was named Steve, another was named Victor, and another was Eddie. And there were much more rats with names.
“She must name the rats,” William gasped.
“Yeah,” I agreed.
We then heard laughter and screaming from downstairs.
“What the heck?” William asked.
We snuck downstairs and saw 5 dead bodies tied to a chair covered in dust that were rotted!
William and I screamed. We then looked over and saw Daniel and William’s mom tied to a chair!
“Mom, Daniel!” William screamed.
We then saw Sara behind us with a baseball bat. William and I screamed until I was hit in the head with the bat and darkness went over me.
I then woke up tied to a chair. I looked around and saw William tied to a chair.
Sara with a bow from a crossbow in her stomach walked up to William and I.
“What’s with the bow?” I asked.
“William shot me before he got knocked out, but it didn’t kill me,” she growled.
She got the crossbow out and was about to shoot us until cops came thundering down the stairs with guns and riot shields.
“Police officers, you’re under arrest!” one of the cops screamed at Sara.
“Drat!” Sara screamed getting tackled by cops.
William, Daniel, William and Daniel’s mom and I were untied.

Later Sara was arrested and William, Daniel and I were awarded with medals.
Later the next day I went over to William and Daniel’s house while they were on the swings.
“Man, that was a fun night,” Daniel laughed.
“Yep, are you getting the bathroom door fixed?” I asked.
“Sure are,” William answered.
“Thanks for saving me,” Daniel thanked.
“It was nothing,” William and I told.
William and Daniel’s mom then came outside.
“Guys, I have some terrible news, Sara escaped from jail last night,”

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