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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Friday, August 6, 2010

World War lll

The next global conflict has started. Germans, Cubans, and Austrailians has been traveling to Africans and they all teamed up and decided to try and take over America. Because we've caused all of them destruction from the past. Cubans our mad at us from the Bay of Pigs, and they've decided to do the same to us, except kill civilians. When they got on the beaches, the bloodiest battle in war history happened, 30,000 dead! New York, California, Hawaii, and Florida have been destroyed by the 4 nations. We've made the cubans surrender by taking over their counrty. We've bombed Sydney in Austrailia and they've surrendered. We didn't want to bomb Sydney, but we had no other choice. And with Germany, we threatened to bomb major cities of their's and they've surrendered. But Africa is different, they've destroyed every bomb we threatend to launch at a city of theirs. They're still in America, tearing apart cities. The only allies we have are the French, and that's the only reason why America is still standing. I'm Sergeant Waters and we're going to win this war, no matter what stands in our way!

The year was 2037. President Ferdinand Jameson was in the presidental bunker. Secretary of Defense Maxwell Dixon was with him. They were sitting at a big table with the leader of the military, General Shawn. Colonel Budd Shepard who was nicknamed Cottonmouth was with him. They were talking.
"These people have been tearing apart cities in America!" General Shawn yelled.
"Calm down, Shawn. We have to create a bomb strong enough to tear apart Zambia, they'll step off after we bomb there," Cottonmouth added.
"Where though? We need a secret desert to test this weapon," President Jameson.
"In New Mexico, Africans haven't gone near there yet," Secretary Dixon added.
Sergeant Waters then trampled into the room. "Mr. President sir! The Chairman of Africa Chairman Gerrafel and leader of their military Colonel Aja has set up a video call," Sergeant Waters gasped.
"Play it," President Jameson urged.
Some soldiers came in with the Tv and set it in front of the table and turned it on. Chairman Gerrafel appeared on the Tv.
"Chairman, we have come up with bombs to destroy most of your country's greatest cities, surrender now," General Shawn growled.
Chairman Gerrafel laughed. "We'll never surrender, ever! You can bomb whenever, but you'll never make us surrender, ever!"

1 year later, Chairman Gerrafel bombed all of Houston, Texas. President Jameson then launched an invasion on Egypt to overthrow the Chairman. The Chairman was assasinated by the Sergeant, Sergeant Waters.
Africans became furious and Colonel Aja sent in more troops to America to different states each to find the President and kill him. They assasinated the Secretary of Defense Dixon, but General Shawn and Cottonmouth got President Jameson out in time and moved him to a secret base in Greenland. The war raged on for 5 more years and now it is the year 2043 and the war still rages on...

Private Cash came to Grotto base in a jeep for training. He jumped out of the jeep and saw a soldier criticizing new soldiers that were missing the targets.
The soldier looked over and saw Private Cash.
“Oh, Cash right? I’m Corporal Reiner and today I believe is your day to start kicking Africans asses, now first pick up an X1 machine gun, our newest invention,” Corporal Reiner said.
Private Cash picked up the gun. “What now?” he asked.
“Aim it down range and hit some targets. If you get 5 in a row you join our squad,” Corporal Reiner answered.
Private Cash aimed it down range and started firing. Instead of hitting 5 in a row he hit 10 in a row.
“You got a good aim Cash, okay gear up, we’re heading to a place that’s really cold so you might want to get a jacket,” Corporal Reiner advised.
Private Cash went to gear up while Corporal Reiner ran to Sergeant Waters.
“You think he’s good?” Corporal Reiner asked.
“He’s a born natural,” Sergeant Waters answered.
Later Sergeant Waters, Private Cash, Corporal Reiner, and Private Jones got into a Seagil(A drop ship).
“Okay so the Africans have taken over the town of Tobler, a town in Alaska, and now this is are chance to trap them and kill Aja,” Sergeant Waters said as they took off.
“Is it just are squad going here?” Private Jones asked.
“No, Delta squad will be right behind us,” Sergeant Waters answered.
“But Delta squad only has 3 people, Sergeant Rogers, Private Henry, and Private Yoder,” Private Cash noted.
“I know, General Shawn’s orders can be risky,” Sergeant Waters said. They all sighed and sank into the seats.
Private Cash fell asleep. He had a nightmare about Colonel Aja killing his dad, his mom, and his brother. He saw in his dream his grandpa hiding him under the porch.
He woke up screaming and saw bullets flying everywhere.
“We’ve been ambushed!” Private Jones yelled through the radio.
Sergeant Waters kept on firing at the Africans that came near the Seagil.
All of the sudden a bullet hit the engine and they started to go down.
“We’re going down!” Corporal Reiner screamed.
The Seagil crashed and darkness came over Cash.
He woke up and saw Reiner dragging him to cover.
He pulled him to cover and saw Sergeant Waters yelling at Sergeant Rogers.
“Where is Alpha team?!” Sergeant Rogers yelled to Sergeant Waters.
“They were wiped out on the way to the village!” Sergeant Waters answered.
“Yoder, call in an air strike on the clock towers, it will take out the snipers so we can move up!” Corporal Reiner commanded to Private Yoder.
“Command, send in an air strike on the clock towers 200 meters from are position,” Private Yoder said on the radio.
“Copy Private,” Command responded.
Jets came through the village and shot missiles at the clock tower.
“Okay let’s move up,” Waters commanded.
Both squads moved up.
Bullets flew everywhere. They ducked behind cover again.
“Private Henry, use the mortar to take them out,” Sergeant Rogers commanded.
“Yes sir,” Private Henry responded getting the mortar ready.
He put a mortar shell in the mortar and shot it at the enemies. The enemies fled.
“Fire at the flanking Africans,” Sergeant Waters said.
They fired at the Africans and moved up and saw two towers.
“Which one do you think Colonel Aja is in?” Private Jones asked.
“We’ll split up, me, Private Jones, Private Yoder, and Corporal Reiner will go in to the right building, and Sergeant Rogers, Private Cash, and Private Henry will take the left,” Sergeant Waters commanded.
They both split up.
“Okay, Private Henry, breach the door,” Sergeant Rogers commanded.
Private Henry breached the door and shot everyone in the room.
“Okay, move upstairs,” Sergeant Rogers said.
“Copy,” Private Cash responded.
They moved upstairs.
All of a sudden an African jumped on Private Henry trying to slit his throat.
Sergeant Rogers then threw him down the staircase before he could kill Henry.
He had a hard landing.
“You got to be more careful,” Sergeant Rogers told.
“Sorry, but thanks,” Private Henry thanked.
They then got to the top.
They breached the door and shot everyone in the room.
Aja was nowhere in sight.
“Search the place,” Rogers commanded.
“Copy,” Cash responded.
While Cash and Henry searched Rogers contacted Waters.
“Waters, can you hear me?” Rogers asked.
There was a bad transmission on it.
Rogers, Cash, and Henry had to cover their ears.
“What is that?” Private Cash asked.
“Bad transmission,” Sergeant Rogers answered.
“R-R-Rogers, Private Jones has been shot in the abdomen by Colonel Aja, he’s bleeding to death, get out of that building, Aja escaped and set a bomb in that tower going off in 10 seconds!” Sergeant Waters warned.
Rogers dropped the radio in horror.
Private Cash then grabbed Sergeant Rogers and Private Henry and jumped out the window. The tower blew up the second after they jumped out the window.
They landed hard but didn’t die or break any bones.
“Nice thinking Cash,” Sergeant Rogers commented.
“We better get going,” Private Cash then said.
Sergeant Rogers, Private Cash, and Private Henry got into a jeep.
Private Henry took the wheel, and Private Cash and Sergeant Rogers got in the back seat.
Private Henry started driving at 120 miles per hour while bullets were flying everywhere.
Sergeant Rogers got a radio and contacted General Shawn.
“General Shawn, we’re in a getaway jeep, we lost contact with Sergeant Waters and his men, we’re working our way back to you and follow Colonel Aja,” Sergeant Rogers said.
“I hear you Rogers, my ship is coming in,” General Shawn responded.
There was a big ship in the distance coming towards Tobler.
“You’re doing good Henry, almost there,” Private Cash told.
“I’m doing my best,” Private Henry responded.
All of a sudden Private Henry got shot in the head killing him and the jeep flipped over and came close to hurting Private Cash and Sergeant Rogers.
They came out.
“Jesus!” Private Cash yelled.
“Poor Henry, let’s go,” Sergeant Rogers said.
Private Cash followed Sergeant Rogers. Sergeant Rogers got a radio.
“General Shawn, Private Henry is dead, we’re coming back on foot,” Sergeant Rogers told.
“You know Rogers, I would like to get credit for killing Aja and be an American hero,” General Shawn said.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Sergeant Rogers asked.
General Shawn’s ship’s turrets pointed toward Rogers and Cash while it was getting nearer.
“Look out Cash!” Sergeant Rogers screamed to Cash pushing him into this hole.
The turrets opened fire and before it could hit Rogers he jumped into the big hole too.
“What the hell just happened?” Private Cash asked.
“He wants credit for killing Aja,” Sergeant Rogers answered.
“So he’s going to kill us?” Private Cash asked.
“Yep,” Rogers answered.
“By the way, where are we?” Cash asked.
It was an underground hideout.
“I don’t know,” Sergeant Rogers answered.
All of a sudden guns were put to their heads.
They both gulped.
“Get in the chair over there,” the person commanded behind them.
Their guns were taken from them and they were tied up. There were two Africans holding guns smiling in front of them.
“W-who are you?” Cash asked.
“We’re Aja’s top assistants,” one answered.
“Is Aja still here?” Rogers asked.
“Yep,” the other African answered.
All of a sudden Sergeant Waters and Private Yoder snuck behind them with machetes and cut them up.
“Thank you,” Private Cash and Sergeant Rogers thanked.
“No problem,” Yoder responded.
After they got untied they got out of the hideout and saw Reiner holding Private Jones in his arms. Private Jones was bleeding.
“Where’s Private Henry?” Sergeant Waters asked.
“Dead,” Sergeant Rogers answered.
“I’m going to contact General Shawn, tell him to get us out of this mess,” Private Yoder told.
“Shawn betrayed us,” Private Cash warned.
“Oh damn,” Corporal Reiner responded.
“P-please put m-me out of my misery, s-shoot me,” bleeding Private Jones stuttered.
All of a sudden bullets came down and shot Jones killing him.
“It’s General Shawn’s ship, fire at it!” Sergeant Waters commanded.
They did and it came crashing down toward them.
“Run!” Sergeant Rogers screamed.
Sergeant Waters, Sergeant Rogers, Corporal Reiner, Private Yoder, and Private Cash took off.
The ship came really close to hitting them.
“Check in the dust storm,” Sergeant Waters commanded.
They went in and saw heavily injured General Shawn crawling out of the wrecked ship.
Sergeant Waters pulled out a Desert Eagle and shot and killed General Shawn.
“One bastard down, one more to go,” Private Cash said.
All of a sudden an explosion happened and they all fell down injured.
Injured Private Yoder was lying down behind a car unseen, injured Sergeant Waters was in plain sight, Sergeant Rogers was unseen also behind a piece of General Shawn’s ship, Corporal Reiner was in plain sight also, and Private Cash was behind a piece of jeep.
Colonel Aja came in sight and walked up to injured Corporal Reiner and shot him in the back. He fell down dead.
Aja moved onto Sergeant Waters and shot him in the head killing him. Since Private Yoder, Sergeant Rogers, and Private Cash were hidden Colonel Aja couldn’t see them so he left.
Private Cash, Sergeant Rogers, and Private Yoder got up having a hard time keeping their balance.
“Let’s finish the African off,” Sergeant Rogers said.
“Yeah,” Cash and Yoder agreed.
Sergeant Rogers, Private Yoder, and Private Cash followed Aja.
“He’s getting on his ship, shoot at it!” Private Cash yelled.
They shot at the ship and it crashed to the ground. They checked if he was still alive and found him crawling bleeding.
“Hello, Aja,” Private Cash growled.
Colonel Aja rolled over and the second he saw Cash his eyes widened.
“Well, if it isn’t Nicholas Cash,” Colonel Aja laughed.
“This shot is yours,” Private Yoder said to Cash.
“Shut the hell up, you killed my whole family,” Private Cash hissed pointing his magnum towards Colonel Aja.
Colonel Aja pressed a button that was on his arm and said “Kill me if you wish, but just to let you know, bombs will wipe out the whole area in a minute,”
In anger Private Cash shot Aja in the head.
“Okay Cash, let’s get out of here before the bombs start dropping,” Sergeant Rogers commanded.
Sergeant Rogers, Private Yoder, and Private Cash took off running.
Bombs started to drop.
“Come on!” Private Yoder screamed.
A bomb hit a helicopter and peaces of the helicopter and peaces of it started falling and they dodged all of the peaces.
“We’re almost to the ship!” Sergeant Rogers yelled.
All of a sudden the blade of the helicopter fell and stabbed Private Cash!
“No!” Yoder screamed.
Cash fell dead.
“Come on!” Rogers commanded.
Sergeant Rogers and Private Yoder got on the ship and flew away from the madness.

To be Continued…

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