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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What a Day!

It was 1876. Laura went outside. She was practicing bow and arrow when suddenly she hit a bear's butt!
"Oops!" Laura screamed.
The bear growled at her.
"Nice bear, easy, good bear," Laura gasped shaking and backed away. The bear ran toward her! Laura ran screaming.
"It's a homiciadal psycho woods bear!" screamed Laura running.
All of a sudden Indians shot the bear with a bow and arrow. The bear fled.
"Thanks," Laura thanked.
The Chief Indian looked at her and then his eyes widened.
"Enemy!" shouted the Chief.
The rest of the Indians surrounded Laura.
"Your father steals are animal skins, now we must kill you!" yelled the Chief. But then a buffalo ran and knocked all of the Indians over.
The buffalo made a sound as if he were laughing. Laura grabbed onto the buffalo and rode it.
I felt like she was riding a dinosaur to her.
The buffalo then got Laura off of him and Laura fell into an animal trap. Bad news was a wolf was in it also!
It growled but Laura jumped on it and it threw her off of him and she flew out of the animal trap onto a horse. The horse ran over to Laura's house and threw Laura to her door. She crashed to her door and landed on the porch.
"What a day!" Laura cheered.

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