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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Secret of Fallwood Forest

              Jaden pushed pass me to the bus.
          “Hey!” I yelled.
          Jaden was a troublemaker, he likes to tease “wimps”.
          “Awesome guys first!” Jaden laughed.
          “I think you mean ladies first,” I laughed.
          We were going on a field trip to Fallwood forest, a forest in the country with a huge lake around it.
          I sat next to Jack Jackson, a friend of mine.
          “I can’t wait, I want to kayak, and go tubing and all that stuff, you know?” Jack began.
          “Yeah,” I agreed.
          Natalie Yoder and Chase Brown turned around and started talking to us.
          “So none of you have been to Fallwood forest?” Natalie asked.
          “Nope,” Jack and I both answered.
          “Well I call tubing first,” Chase called.
          “Whatever,” I said.
          William Riffe and Paolo Gavino turned around to talk to us.
          “I hear Fallwood forest has over 2,000,000 trees in the woods,” Paolo told.  Paolo was a know it all.
          “I have kayaked and went tubing before,” William mentioned.
          “So have I,” Jack connected.
          “Okay everyone, settle down, Eddie will be are bus driver for today,” our teacher Miss Slotnick told.
          “Okay, sit back relax and before you know it we’ll be at Fallwood forest,” Eddie announced.
          Everyone cheered.
          The bus started to go.  Jaden threw a paper airplane at me.
          “Ouch, cut it out Jaden!” I yelled.
          “Sorry, Ian, it’s just that I’m awesome,” Jaden laughed.
          Yeah, my name is Ian Welfley.
          “Guys, calm down!” Miss Slotnick shouted.
          We both sighed.
          “How much longer till we get there, Eddie?” Natalie asked.
          “About an hour, just keep your shirt on,” Eddie answered.
          I looked out the window.  I then saw this little black thing, like a rat jump on the wheel of the bus and take out a nail in the wheel.
          I screamed.  “There’s a creature on the side of the bus!”
          “I refuse to turn my whole neck around and look out the window and find some “creature” on the side of the bus,” William said.
          Jack looked out the window.
          “I see it!” Jack screamed.
          Before anyone else could look out the window the creature pulled out the last nail and the bus flipped straight over.  Everyone screamed.
          “I don’t want this to happen!” Chase screamed.
          The bus then hit a tree which stopped it.
          “I-is everyone okay?” Miss Slotnick asked.
          “I have a c-cut on my head but I’ll be fine,” Paolo stuttered.
          We got out of the bus and looked around.  We were in the country in the middle of nowhere.
          “Stay here guys, I’ll go into the woods to find help,” Eddie began.
          “Okay,” we all agreed.
          Eddie disappeared into the woods.
          “What are we going to do?” Jaden asked.
          “Wait until Eddie comes back,” Miss Slotnick answered.
          We waited over 30 minutes for him to come back.
          “What’s taking him?” Jack then asked.
          “I don’t know,” Natalie said.
          We then heard Eddie scream.
          “Whoa, wasn’t that Eddie?” William asked.
          “Of course it is,” I answered.
          We then saw Eddie running straight toward us.  “Oh Eddie, thank god your back,” Miss Slotnick said relieved.
          But Eddie had red eyes.
          “Eddie?” Natalie asked.
          Eddie then growled.
          We all screamed.  He then grabbed Miss Slotnick!
          All of us screamed.
          Jack, William, Natalie, Paolo, Chase, Jaden, and I took off.
          “Keep running!” Jaden screamed.
          We then saw a mansion.
          “It’s Fallwood mansion!” I screamed.
          We looked behind us.  Miss Slotnick and Eddie disappeared.
          “What the heck was that?” Chase screamed.
          “How the heck should I know?!” William yelled.
          We walked up to the mansion and knocked on the door.  It started to get dark.
          This chalk faced woman came to the door and opened the door.
          “Um, who are you?” William asked.
          “M-mrs Daniels,” she answered.
          “Um, are bus broke down and are b-bus driver Eddie with red eyes attacked us,” Natalie told.
          Mrs. Daniels eyes widened.
          “Come in, quickly,” she commanded.
          We all walked in the house.  It was a huge house.
          We walked in the living room.
          “Sit down,” she offered.
          “Thank you,” Paolo thanked.
          We all sat down.
          “Would you like something to drink?” Mrs. Daniels asked.
          “Um, no thank you,” we all answered.
          Then a pale faced man walked over.
          They both sat down in a couch across from them.
          “Now, allow me to introduce myself, I’m Mr. Daniels, and I hear that your bus driver attacked you and had red eyes,” Mr. Daniels began.
          “Um, yes,” I answered.
          “Do you know why this happened?” Paolo asked.
          “Well, there has been, um, poltergeists around here, who take over a persons body, if you kayak over you’ll go to this island called Sailor island and that’s were all the poltergeists are, just look out the window and you can see the island,” Mr. Daniels told.
          We all looked out the window and saw Sailor Island.
          “It just sends a chill down your spine,” Jack stuttered.
          “Wait, just how can we be dang sure you guys are telling the truth?” William asked.
          “You just have to believe,” Mrs. Daniels answered.
          “I think we should just go to bed and worry about it tomorrow,” Natalie announced.
          Then Mrs. Daniels walked over to Natalie.  Natalie had an odd look on her face.
          “Your face is a nice one, you don’t want the poltergeists to take over it,” Mrs. Daniels said.
          I grabbed Natalie.
          “Oh gee, I think she’s tired, better get her to bed,” I said pulling her away.
          “What was she doing?” Natalie asked me.
          “She’s just a freak,” I answered.


          We all went to bed except for me.  I twisted and turned.
          I then heard this whistling noise out side.
          I walked over to the window and saw Paolo being attacked by Eddie and Miss Slotnick!
          I tried to scream but no sound came out.
          Mister and Mrs. Daniels ran out to try and help but got attacked too!
          Paolo, Mr. Daniels, and Mrs. Daniels all turned crazy and got red eyes.
          They ran into the forest.  I covered my mouth and fell back on my bed in tears.
          “You okay?” this voice asked.
          I looked over and saw Jack.
          “Get some clothes on and tell everyone else to, I’ll get a flashlight,” I commanded.
          “Why?” Jack asked.
          “Paolo and the two Daniels both turned into poltergeists, we’re going to have to save them,” I answered.
          Jack gulped.  “O-okay,” he stuttered.
          I got clothes on, then went downstairs and got a flashlight.  I checked that it worked then waited outside.
          Everyone then came out.
          “Okay, there better be a good reason for you guys waking me up at 2:30 AM,” growled William.
          I explained what happened to everyone.  Everyone gasped.
          “To bad we’re in the middle of nowhere, so we have nowhere to go,” Natalie mentioned.
          “Yeah,” Chase agreed.
          “Well let’s go into the woods and find them,” Jaden began.
          “Yeah,” I agreed starting to shine the light into the woods.
          We all started walking.
          “Wait, didn’t Mr. Daniels say something about a place called Sailor Island?” Jack asked.
          “I’m pretty sure,” Chase answered.
          All of a sudden Eddie came running straight at us!
          “Look out!” Natalie screamed.
          Before Eddie could jump on me and attack me I hit him straight in the face with the flashlight.
          Eddie then grabbed Chase and attacked him!
          We all screamed.  He blew a bunch of white air into his face.  Chase then got red eyes.
          We all screamed and ran as fast as we could.
          Chase then chased after us!  He chased us over a cliff.   All of a sudden ghost Eddie, Miss Slotnick, Paolo, Mr. Daniels, and Mrs. Daniels surrounded us.  There was nowhere to run.
          “W-what are we gong to do?” Jack stuttered.
          There was no way to escape except jumping off the cliff which was about 80 feet into a lake.
          “What are we going to do?” William asked.
          They all growled and ran toward us!
          We all screamed but I then pushed them down the cliff then I jumped down to.
          I screamed while falling.  I went down keeping myself straight.  I then hit the water.  It hurt me badly but I never broke anything fortunately.
          I swam up and when I came up I took a huge breath.  I looked over and saw everyone else swimming to shore.  To get back up we had to climb.
          I swam over to them.
          “I have to say, that was a good idea,” Natalie admitted.
          “Yeah,” Jaden agreed.
          “That was creepy you know, there is nowhere to go, so we’re going to have to stop them,” Jack brought up.
          “Whatever, let’s just climb up,” William ignored.
          All of a sudden a rat with red eyes came out of a hole in the cliff.
          “Hey that’s what I saw on the wheel of the bus!” I screamed.
          “Yeah, he right,” screamed Jack.
          “Wait everyone, that’s a ghost rat!” Natalie screamed.
          Several more rats with red eyes ran out of the hole!  We all screamed.  The rats ran at us!
          We all quickly started climbing the cliff.
          The rats were all walking around on the sand!
          “Climb for your life!” Jaden screamed.  But right at that moment Jaden fell 10 feet into the pile of rats!
          We all screamed.  All of a sudden the rats climbed all over Jaden and blew a bunch of white air into Jaden’s face.
          Jaden then got red eyes and got up growling.
          “Oh my god!” Natalie screamed.
          We climbed faster and then got up.
          William, Natalie, Jack, and I all sat in a circle.
          “Soon a-all o-of us will be ghosts,” William stuttered.
          “Guys, we have to go over to that island, um, what was it called, Sailor Island,” I brought up.
          “But how the heck will we get there?” Jack asked.
          “Kayak of course,” I answered.
          “But I don’t know how to kayak,” Natalie protested.
          “It’s not that hard,” I said.
          “I can kayak, and I know Jack can,” William added.
          “Okay, fine,” Natalie agreed.
          Jaden then climbed all the way up growling!
          We all screamed and ran to the kayaks.
          Eddie started to chase them to!
          I quickly got into a green kayak and started kayaking away, Jack then quickly got into a red kayak, William got into a yellow kayak, and Natalie got into a white one but she started to struggle.  She was going a round in a circle because she didn’t know how it worked.
          Eddie then grabbed Natalie!  Natalie started to scream but before she could be pulled out I whacked Eddie in the face with my paddle.
          “Natalie, jump into my kayak, quickly!” I screamed.
          Natalie jumped into the back seat of my kayak.
          I kayaked away quickly and caught up with William and Jack who were ahead of me.
          “That was close,” William stuttered.
          “Yeah,” I agreed.
          “So this is the plan, we’re going to destroy the lead ghost?” Jack asked.
          “Yeah, but how?” Natalie asked.
          “Remember, these are real people with demons in their soul, so that means all we have to do is push the demon off of the cliff,” William answered.
          “So we have to kill a real person?” Natalie asked.
          “Sadly yes,” I answered.
          “Is there any way we could get the soul out of the body?” Jack asked.
          “I don’t know,” Natalie answered.
          We then kayaked onto the beach of Sailor Island.
          “Okay, how do we avoid ghosts?” I asked.
          “You mean crazy people, and all we have to do is run for are lives,” William answered.
          “Okay, Mr. Daniels told me that the head demand was at the top of the island,” Jack told.
          “Okay,” Natalie said.
          We started walking.  It started to get light out and the sun came out.
          We then heard a bunch of growling and heard a bunch of footsteps running.
          We looked ahead and saw a bunch of people with red eyes running toward us!
          We screamed.  We them dodged them and ran as fast as we could.  They chased after us!  We ran faster then made it to the top.
          We saw this old lady with red eyes in front of us!
          “This must be the master demon,” I whispered to Jack.  He shook his head.
          All of the demons surrounded us including Jaden, Paolo, Chase, Miss Slotnick, Eddie, Mr. Daniels, and Mrs. Daniels.
          Natalie quickly picked up a sharp rock.
          They all growled.  The lead demon then ran toward us!
          “No!” William, Jack, and I screamed.
          Natalie then stabbed the lead demon in the heart with the sharp rock!
          The demons then gasped surprisingly.
          The lead demon started to trip back and fell off the cliff.  All of the other demons started screaming in pain holding their heads falling down.
          “What’s happening?” Natalie screamed.
          “No need to worry, they are changing back into original forms,” I answered relieved.
          Their red eyes went away.
          “It’s working!” William said smiling.
          Then all of them came up having a hard time keeping their balance.
          “Guys, you okay?” I asked.
          “What the heck happened last night?” they all asked.
          Natalie, William, Jack and I all laughed.
          “We’re really asking, I dreamed I was a zombie, and it felt really real,” Paolo mentioned.
          We explained what had happened.
          “Oh my gosh!” Jaden screamed.
          “Do you remember how it felt being a demon?” Jack asked.
          “Well it felt like I was sleep walking kind of,” Miss Slotnick answered.
          “Let’s go back to the house now and throw a party!” Eddie enthusiastically yelled.
          “Okay, but how?” Mr. Daniels asked.
          “We brought four big kayaks that we could all split up in,” William answered.
          We went back and threw a big party.
          “We have to thank you guys for stopping the demons,” Ms. Daniels thanked.
          “No problem,” William, Jack, Natalie, and I responded.
          “This sure has been a fun field trip,” I said.

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