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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Shipwreck Island

I ran to school excited because we were going on a field trip to Tokyo for a week.
I went over to the bus because we were driving to the airport. I ran into the line to the bus.
I saw my two friends William and Jack. William was a big tough guy and Jack was a crazy kid.
“Hey guys, what’s up,” I greeted.
“Hey,” they responded.
“So we’re going to learn to speak Japanese I heard,” William told.
“Cool,” Jack and I responded.
We all got on the bus. I sat next to Drew, a friend of mine.
“I’m going to have Sushi and what not,” Drew had begun.
“Yeah,” I responded.
“So Ian, have you ever been to Tokyo, or at least anywhere in Japan?” Drew asked.
“Nope,” I answered.
Natalie who was a tough girl and Collin who was a show off started talking to us.
“I can’t wait to go,” Collin began.
“Yeah,” Drew agreed.
“Well I’m going to learn how to speak Japanese,” Natalie told.
“Good for you,” I responded.
Natalie and Collin took their seat.
Jaden who was a big trouble maker came by us and greeted us.
The bus started to go. Steve was the name of are bus driver.
“Okay, almost there at the airport,” Steve told.
I took out a map of what we were flying over.
“Okay now where is that?” Drew asked pointing to an island called Rich Island.
“Rich Island,” I answered.
“Well, where is that?” Drew asked pointing to and island called Beller Island.
“Beller Island,” I answered.
“And what’s with that coffee stain?” Drew asked pointing to this black spot.
My eyes widened. I looked at the black stain closely and it turned out it was in the shape of an island.
“T-that’s no coffee,” I stuttered.
“Then what is it?” asked Drew.
“An island,”
“What’s the name?”
I looked at the name and it said Shipwreck Island.
“Shipwreck Island,” I answered.
The bus stopped. “Okay, here we are at the airport,” Steve announced.
Everyone cheered. We then got off. I stood next to Jaden.
“So this will take 3 days,” Jaden told.
“Wow,” I said.
Collin caught up with us.
“So I heard we’re going on a private plane,” Collin told.
“It’s also going to take three days,” I added.
We got on the plane and I set next to Natalie.
“It’s just you and me for the next three days,” I told her snickering.
“You do know that we can get up from are seats,” Natalie told.
“Whatever,” I said.
The plane started to take off. I got up from my seat and sat next to William.
“Three days with no TV in the plane,” William sighed.
“Hey, it could be worse,” I told.
“How could it be worse?” William asked.
“Well um-well-um” I responded.
“Exactly,” William began.
It was then 9:00 at night. I dozed off then woke up again. I looked over and saw William sleeping. I smiled.
I went to the bathroom with a cup to fill it with hot water for William to pee in.
Collin, Jack, Jaden and Drew saw me.
“What are you doing?” Collin asked.
“Having William pee in his pants,” I snickered.
“We would like to join you,” Drew laughed.
We walked into the bathroom laughing. I turned the sink on but all of a sudden roaring sounds appeared and the plane started to go down!
“We’re crashing!” Jaden screamed.
I slipped down the hall. Everyone else was screaming.
“Help, oh gosh!” Natalie screamed.
I grabbed onto a seat. William grabbed onto my hand and pulled me up.
I sat straight down and buckled up.
Steve’s voice came on the speaker.
“It’ll be okay!” he screamed.
“Yeah right,” William muttered.
Collin and Drew slid down the aisle as well. I looked back and I saw Jack and Jaden holding onto a door.
Natalie was buckled up in her seat screaming.
All of a sudden a big huge bump happened and we went straight into the water.
Water crashed through the windows and pushed us out of are seats.
I swam up for air and breathed hard. Collin, Drew, William, Jaden, Natalie, and Jack swam up gasping for air.
I took a blow up raft and blew it up. I got in with everyone else.
Steve came swimming over to the raft. He got on it.
The raft floated out of the burning plane. Waves then came crashing through breaking the raft.
“Look out!” Natalie screamed.
I looked over and saw a huge wave coming over us. We all screamed.
The wave crashed onto the raft and the world went dark to me.

I then smelled ocean air and I could hear seagulls. I felt sand everywhere.
I then opened my eyes and saw Collin and Natalie looking at me.
“He’s okay,” Collin then called.
Steve and Jack walked over and helped me up. I had a hard time keeping my balance.
I looked around and saw a dark foggy place with trees and a volcano. It looked like we were on an island.
“W-where are we?” I asked.
“Well Ian, remember how you showed me Shipwreck Island? Well it appears we are there,” Drew answered.
Steve looked over and saw these people with black suits on with hoods so we couldn’t see their faces.
“Oh hey, thank god people are here,” Steve greeted running over to them.
“Um, Steve, I wouldn’t go near them,” Jaden warned.
“Nonsense,” Steve responded.
The cloaked people turned around and they had pale faces and blood all over their mouths!
We all screamed. The people ran and picked up Steve!
“Oh Steve!” William screamed.
They carried him away growling. All of a sudden a one eyed cloak person with blood all over his mouth started chasing after us!
Collin, Jack, Jaden, William, Drew, Natalie and I took off. The cloaked person kept chasing us!
“Don’t look back!” Jack screamed.
The bloody faced crazy person then caught Collin and carried him away!
“Don’t stop!” I screamed.
We then ran into the forest and hid in the long grass. Three cloaked face ran into the forest but couldn’t see us. They growled and ran out of the forest.
We all got up pale and shaking.
“What the HE-double hockey sticks was that?” Jaden stuttered.
“How the heck should I know?” Natalie answered.
“I don’t know what those were, but they didn’t kill Collin or Steve but I bet they will if we don’t save them,” William told.
“What, you’re going to follow those things, are you nuts?” Drew asked.
“Hey, do you want to save are friends or not?” William asked.
“Come on, let’s save them,” I agreed.
“Okay,” Jack agreed.
“Alright, fine,” Drew, Natalie, and Jaden agreed.
We then snuck over to the beach where we first saw them and ducked.
We saw the bloody faced people carrying Steve and Collin into a cave.
We gulped.
“Alright, let’s find out what’s in that cave,” William commanded.
“Okay,” we responded.
We snuck over to the cave and snuck inside and hid behind a rock.
We looked and saw the bloody faced people tying Steve and Collin up. They were screaming. There were a bunch of other people were tied up. There was a boiling pot.
“They must be cannibals,” I whispered to Jaden. Jaden shook his head.
All of a sudden Jack tripped into sight. We all screamed.
The cannibals looked over and saw us! We all gulped. The cannibals ran toward us growling.
We all screamed and got up and ran.
“Wait, help me!” Jack screamed.
I stopped and tried to help Jack while everyone else ran away.
“Hurry!” Jack screamed.
The cannibals were so close to me.
I let go of Jack. “Sorry,” I apologized and then ran out of the cave. I heard Jack scream loud and that’s all.
I caught up with William, Drew, Natalie and Jaden.
“Where’s Jack?” Drew asked while running.
“Um, the cannibals took him,” I answered.
The cannibals caught up with us! I ran so fast that I couldn’t hear my feet!
The cannibals then grabbed Jaden and carried him away!
“No, Jaden!” I screamed.
2 cannibals still were chasing us! We ran into the forest. We ran toward the volcano. We stopped at it.
“What now?!” Natalie screamed.
“Climb!” I answered.
Natalie, William, Drew and I started to climb. The cannibals started climbing to!
“Keep climbing!” William screamed.
We got to the side of the top and looked inside the volcano and saw lava!
“Be careful!” Drew warned.
We picked up rocks and threw them down at the cannibals. I smashed their bloody faces and they fell down the volcano.
“Yes!” we all cheered.
“Okay, now be careful getting down,” I warned.
“Okay,” they responded.
All of the sudden over a dozen cannibals ran toward the volcano and started to climb up!
“Look out!” Natalie screamed.
We looked for rocks but there was no left!
“No more!” William screamed.
The cannibals then ran all the way up! We screamed. We then tripped back! A cannibal grabbed me before I could fall down. Drew, William, and Natalie screamed falling!
“No!” I screamed.
The cannibal picked me up but then tripped back and fell down into the volcano.
I screamed while falling. I saw Natalie, William, and Drew holding onto the side of the volcano.
I grabbed onto the side of the volcano while the cannibal fell into the lava.
I started to climb up to Drew, William, and Natalie.
“You guys alright?” I asked.
“Maybe,” Natalie answered.
I climbed up to them. We saw this cave on the side of the volcano.
“Okay, let’s go in there,” Drew said.
“No, let’s keep going,” I protested.
The lava then started to come up!
“It’s erupting!” William screamed.
“We have no time to get all the way up so let’s go in the cave!” Natalie screamed.
We climbed fast while the lava came up closer.
“Hurry!” I screamed.
We quickly got into the cave and the volcano erupted. We climbed deeper through the rocky cave.
“Okay, now how are we going to get out?” Natalie asked.
“We just climb the way we went in and climb out of the volcano,” Drew answered.
All of a sudden rocks started clasping blocking the path out! The rocks slid over and pushed us deeper into the cave.
We screamed loudly. The rocks then stopped clasping so we didn’t go deeper.
“Oh, that’s not good,” William brought up.
“What are we going to do now?” Natalie asked.
We were in this big huge rocky “room”. We then saw a bonfire with a lady in front of it. We couldn’t see the lady’s face though.
“Oh thank god,” Drew thanked walking toward the lady.
“Wait, stop,” I stopped grabbing onto Drew.
“Why?” Drew asked.
“It could be a cannibal,” I told.
“You wish I was a cannibal,” a voice then called.
We all gasped. We looked over and saw the lady looking at us! We screamed.
“Don’t worry, have a seat,” she offered.
We walked over cautiously and sat down across from her. The lady had a pale face and blue lips and was a real skinny shrimp.
“Um, who are you?” William asked.
“I-I’m Dolores Gamble and I know about the cannibals,” Dolores told.
“You do?” Natalie asked.
“Yes,” she responded.
“What about them?” I asked.
“Well, a plane crash had happened with me on it and we all crashed and floated onto this island and we then started to starve and we ate some of the dead body’s but I refused to and the people got a taste for people and chased after me trying to eat me and I barely escaped and hid in here and all the while the cannibals killed and ate people who got on the island, that’s why no one comes here,” Dolores told.
“Wow,” Drew responded.
“Well are friends were taken by them and saved for a snack,” told I.
“Well they got lucky, but they could have been eaten by now,” Dolores told.
“Well we could save them together and oh, that reminds me, we could get to Steve’s cell phone and call for help,” William told.
“Well, okay,” Dolores agreed.
“Yeah, but how?” Natalie asked.
“If you look up there you will see a hole at the top that we can climb out of,” Dolores told pointing to the top. We looked up and saw the hole we could squeeze out of.
“Fine,” we all agreed.
We climbed out of the hole and slid down the volcano. We slid into long grass.
“Okay, these weirdo’s are tough so watch out,” Dolores warned.
We tiptoed over to the beach. We hid behind a rock. We saw the cannibals carrying all of are friends out tied up and a boiling pot. They then put them down. We gulped.
“Okay, this is the plan, William and Ian will go on top of the cave and throw rocks down to distract them while Drew, Natalie, and I go and save them,” Dolores told.
“Okay,” Drew agreed.
William and I snuck to the top of the cave and grabbed rocks.
“You remember the plan?” William asked.
“You know I do,” I said.
We then threw the rocks down and the cannibals turned around and ran straight at the cave growling.
William and I made faces at them laughing while Dolores, Drew, and Natalie snuck over trying to untie them.
William and I went back to making faces. All of a sudden Drew tripped over the boiling pot knocking it over! William and I gulped.
The cannibals turned around and ran at them growling. Natalie screamed.
Dolores went to help Drew but they both got picked up by the cannibals! Natalie just watched in horror.
William and I ran down and grabbed Natalie and ran into the forest while Dolores and Drew were screaming.
William, Natalie and I kept running. We looked behind us and saw they were gone.
“Guys, they were about to be eaten, we don’t have much longer,” I warned.
“Yeah,” Natalie agreed.
“Wait, I have an idea, okay this is it, Ian, since you are quick you’re going to run straight out and make the cannibals chase you and you’re going to lead them under the cave while Natalie and I smash them with rocks knocking them out, we then tie them up and untie everyone else and get Steve’s cell phone and get out of here,” William told.
“Good idea,” Natalie and I commented.
Later William and Natalie snuck onto the top of the cave while I hid behind a rock.
I looked up at Natalie and William and they did a Thumbs up.
I then ran out of my hiding place running around. The cannibals then saw me and ran after me. I ran under the cave. The cannibals came and grabbed me but then a bunch of rocks came down and crushed the cannibals but not killing them, just knocking them out.
I screamed because a rock hit me in the leg. I had broken my leg.
Natalie and William came down to help. William made my leg feel better while Natalie untied everyone.
“Thank you guys, so much,” Dolores thanked.
“Yeah,” Collin agreed.
Steve came over with a cast and put it on my leg.
“Are you alright?” Steve asked.
“Yeah, thanks,” I thanked getting up.
“Wow, that was so scary,” Jack stuttered.
“Yeah,” Jaden agreed.
All of the sudden the cannibals woke up! We all screamed. But the cannibals weren’t screaming in anger, they were groaning. Their blood went away from their faces and their weird eyes turned into regular eyes.
“What’s happening?” I asked.
“They’re changing back into regular people,” Dolores answered.
“What happened?” one of them asked.
We explained what happened to them.
“Oh-my-god,” another one of them gasped.
“Well let’s untie you and let’s all get out of here with Steve’s cell phone,” Drew told.
“Well, um, um,” Steve gulped.
“What?” I asked.
“Well you remember when we were in the raft? Well it fell out of my pocket into the water,” Steve told.
“Drat!” William and Natalie screamed.
“Wait, we still have a phone in are cave from a person, we, um, ate,” one of the former cannibals told.
We ran into the cave and called for help. Help then came and we got off of Shipwreck Island.
While we were flying on the plane to Tokyo I started to talk to the former cannibals.
“How would you guys like to go to Tokyo with us?” I asked them.
“Yeah,” they agreed.
We then went to Tokyo and it turned out to be the best field trip I was ever on.

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