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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Crash of Sojas

Alejandro Smith never set eyes on the famous blimp Sojas.
He never thought he would get the chance to be on a voyage until him and his friend Bruce Roth won the tickets in a lucky hand.
Alejandro and Bruce were running for the blimp.
“Sojas is going to take off in 30 minutes, what’s the rush?” Bruce asked.
“I’m excited,” Alejandro answered.
“I am to,” Bruce agreed.
They walked into the giant blimp.
They sat down on a table getting ready for lunch while they cast off.
Then two men sat down across from them.
“Who are you two?” Alejandro asked.
“I’m Mamorth Chekosmoth and I hunt deer up in North
America,” Mamorth greeted.
Mamorth had a long brown mustache and darkish hair.
“And I’m Chris Bunker, I’m a cop,” the other man greeted.
Chris had blonde hair and had chubby cheeks and also had bluish eyes.
“So what brings you guys to the South Pole?” Alejandro asked taking a sip of wine.
“Chris and I are going to hunt polar bears,” Mamorth answered.

Tim Kendall was going to get Captain Bird’s permission to cast off.
“This is exciting,” Jay Hunter brought up.
Jay was a good looking guy with tan skin and a built body.
“Yeah,” Tim agreed.
Quentin Aja came in and said to cast off.
“Did Captain Bird say so?” Jay asked.
“Why else did I come here?” Quentin smarted off.
Quentin was African American and had a wide face.
Tim and Jay started up the blimp and they went up into the sky.

Phillip James and Patricia Jackson were in first class talking drinking wine.
“So how’s work?” Patricia asked.
“I’m now assistant manager,” Phillip joyfully said.
“That’s good,” she said.
Patricia had blonde hair and blue eyes.
“So how’s work for you?” Phillip asked.
“Really good,” Patricia answered.

It was 3 o’clock in the morning and every passenger was asleep except for Alejandro.
Alejandro walked to see Captain Bird.
He walked in to see him. Captain Bird was discussing whether to go through the storm or not.
“Go through the storm,” Captain Bird said.
“But Captain, ice could get into the propellers and take us down,” Jay advised.
“But it would take possibly an extra day to get to are destination,” Captain Bird defended.
Alejandro interrupted.
“Hope I’m not a bother, but I couldn’t sleep,” Alejandro brought up.
“It’s only a storm,” Tim answered.
“I’ll take some sleeping drugs,” Alejandro then said.
“Thanks for not being upset,” Jay thanked.
Alejandro left while they were trying to stay on course.
All of a sudden a piece of ice got stuck in the propeller and they started to go down!
“We’re going down!” Quentin screamed.

Alejandro fell down and gasped.
“Whoa!” Alejandro screamed.
Everyone then woke up.
The blimp tilted a little and Alejandro slid down the isle and the second he started sliding a peace of wall fell down in the place Alejandro was sitting.
“Yikes!” Bruce screamed.
“We must be going down!” Chris Bunker screamed.
The second after Chris yelled that, a piece of wall fell down and crushed and killed Chris.
“We got to get parachutes!” Mamorth screamed.
The second after he said that the Passengers part of the blimp opened up and a bunch of luggage fell out!
“Hang on to something!” Bruce screamed.
Alejandro quickly grabbed onto a seat.
A lot of luggage fell off.
Phillip couldn’t hang on any longer and he screamed and his hand slipped and he slid down!
“No!” Phillip screamed.
“Phillip!” Patricia cried.
She put one hand out for him to grab on.
Phillip couldn’t reach and fell off to his death screaming.
“No, Phillip!” Patricia yelled in tears.

Tim was trying to land the blimp.
“What’s the hesitation?!” Jay yelled.
“Captain Bird said not to,” Tim answered.
“Screw that, passengers are dying!” Jay shouted.
“Just don’t listen to Captain Bird and land the bloody blimp!” Quentin commanded.
“Fine,” Tim nervously said.
He brought the blimp down.
Captain Bird ran in and yelled at them.
“What the heck are you doing!?” Captain Bird yelled.
The blimp shook and they went down further. They were now only sixty feet from ground.

Meanwhile Alejandro was slipping.
“Hang on, Alejandro!” Bruce screamed.
All of a sudden the passenger carriage broke off and Alejandro started falling and he hit the ground hard and darkness came over Alejandro.
20 minutes passed and Alejandro opened one eye and saw snow. Alejandro closed his right eye again. He then opened both eyes and saw snow everywhere.
He got up having a hard time keeping his balance.
Mamorth came over to Alejandro.
“Alejandro is okay,” Mamorth announced.
“Good, only 2 people were killed,” Captain Bird said relieved.
“How could I of lived the fall?” Alejandro asked.
“We were closer to the ground,” Tim answered.
“Wait, where is Bruce?” Jay asked.
“He’s over here,” Patricia answered pointing over to injured Bruce. He had a propeller blade in his leg.
Alejandro quickly ran over to him.
“You okay?” Quentin asked walking over.
“I’m b-bleeding,” Bruce stuttered.
“Is anyone a doctor?” Jay asked.
“I kind of am,” Patricia said.
She sat down beside Bruce looking at his injury.
She got a bandage out and slowly pulled the propeller out. Bruce screamed.
“It’s over,” Patricia comforted.
Bruce let out a sigh of relief. She wrapped the bandage around his leg.
“Nice,” Captain Bird commented.
“We have tents to sleep in,” Tim then brought up bringing out tents.
“It’s damn cold,” Mamorth shivered.
“Yeah, and I’m starving,” Alejandro said.
“I’ll get some sleeping bags,” Jay announced.
“Do any of you know what time it is?” Quentin asked.
“It is 7:06 AM,” Patricia answered looking at her watch.
“We should get dinner,” added Alejandro.
“We don’t have any other food in the blimp?” Bruce asked lying on the ground.
“No, fresh out,” Tim answered.
“We have to hunt, does anyone have a pistol?” Patricia asked.
“I do, and I can hunt, ask Alejandro and Bruce,” Mamorth said.
“Okay, the rest of you can stay and set the tents out while Mamorth and I hunt,” Jay commanded.
They all set the tents. Captain Bird and Quentin shared a tent, Alejandro and Bruce shared a tent, Patricia and Tim shared a tent, and they set out a tent for Jay and Mamorth to share.
Jay and Mamorth went out and saw a polar bear.
They both ducked.
“Take the shot,” Jay whispered.
Mamorth shot the bear. It fell dead.
“Nice shot,” Jay commented.
“Thanks,” Mamorth thanked.
They dragged the body back to the camp ground.
They saw Bruce dead on the ground!
“Oh my god, Bruce is dead!” Jay screamed.
Alejandro then came out of his tent.
“Yeah, he froze to death, you got food?” Alejandro asked.
“Yep, we’re going to cut it up,” Mamorth answered.

They all took bites and became full.
“Wait, do you guys hear that?” Captain Bird asked.
It was a growling noise and stomping noise through the snow.
All of a sudden, the tent they were all in broke apart and a bear tore apart the tent!
They all screamed and the bear dragged Mamorth off screaming.
They saw him getting eaten alive!
They all screamed.
The bear started to walk over to them!
“Wait, where’s the pistol?” Jay asked.
“There it is over in the pants of Mamorth’s body,” Alejandro pointed out.
Captain Bird quickly slid over to it but before he could fire it the bear mauled him to death.
The bear walked back over to them until Quentin slid under the bear and grabbed the revolver and shot and killed the bear.
They all let out a sigh of relief.
“That’s how it’s done,” Quentin said.
Alejandro, Patricia, Tim, Jay, and Quentin all decided to sleep in the same tent.
“Thanks for saving us, Quentin,” Tim thanked.
“Yeah, that was a close shave,” Patricia added.
“Thanks,” Quentin thanked.
“I’m more aware now after that event,” Alejandro said holding the revolver.
“Gee, my feet are freezing,” Quentin then said.
Jay then rolled up his right pant sleeve. He saw that he had frost bite!
“What is it?” Patricia asked Jay.
“Um, it’s, it’s, um, frost bite,” Jay answered.
“Uh oh,” Alejandro stuttered.
Quentin gulped. “What are we going to do?” Quentin stuttered.
“I-I guess we’re going to have to, um, saw them off,” Tim answered.
They brought him outside with blades to take the feet off.
Quentin was lying on the ground shaking.
“Okay, I’m going to give you something to bite on,” Tim said.
Quentin shook his head starting to bite on this shirt.
“Okay, it’ll be like a band-aid,” Jay comforted.
“Okay, here it goes,” Alejandro warned holding the blade up. He smashed it down and cut off his right foot. Quentin screamed as loud as he could with tears coming out of his eyes.
“Okay, one more,” Patricia comforted.
Alejandro raised the blade again and cut of his left foot. Quentin screamed again. “It’s over, it’s over,” Jay comforted.
Blood was leaking out of Quentin’s legs.
Patricia quickly wrapped a bandage around his legs. Quentin was still screaming loud.
Alejandro was pale. Jay started to talk to Tim while Patricia was comforting Quentin.
“Tim, at least 2 of us need to go and find help,” Jay said.
“Yeah, but what if we don’t find help, we’re doomed,” Tim defended.
“I rather die trying then just wait here for help,” Jay said.
“You and Alejandro can go, but I’m staying here to help Patricia heal Quentin,” Tim said.
“Fine,” Jay agreed. Tim then went over to help Quentin out who wasn’t screaming anymore.
“Hey Alejandro, come here,” Jay called to him.
Alejandro came over to him. “Yeah Jay?” he asked.
“We can’t just sit here waiting for help to come find us, we’ll be dead within the week, so at least two of us has to go find help, since Tim is too chicken you and me go,” Jay told.
“Yes, I think we should go,” Alejandro responded.
“Great, glad you want to come,” Jay replied.
“Hey Patricia,” Alejandro called.
Patricia ran over to Alejandro and Jay.
“Yeah?” she asked.
“Jay and I are going to search for help, so can you stay here with Tim and Quentin while we’re gone?” Alejandro asked.
“Yes, thanks for finding help,” Patricia answered.
“Thanks,” Jay thanked.
Alejandro and Jay got ready. They put big fur coats on, they got big boots on, and they got gloves on.
They walked over to Tim, Quentin, and Patricia to say good bye.
“So we’re going to go over those mountains in the distance and find a civilization on the other side,” Jay told.
“Those mountains are really big,” Quentin mentioned lying down on a blanket.
“I know, but it’ll be worth it,” Alejandro said.
“Well good luck,” Tim said giving them a thumbs up.
“Thanks,” Jay thanked starting to walk off to the mountains with Alejandro.
“Wait!” Patricia called running over to them with something in her hand.
“What is it?” Alejandro asked turning around.
Patricia showed them the revolver.
“No, you guys need it,” Alejandro said.
“Are you sure?” Patricia asked walking close.
“Yes,” Alejandro answered.
Patricia then came really close and kissed Alejandro for about eight seconds. She then went away and walked back.
“Good luck,” she called running back to the tents.
“You sly dog,” Jay laughed.
“Shut up, let’s just keep moving,” Alejandro growled.
Alejandro and Jay began walking to the mountains. They soon got to the beginning of it. They both looked up.
“How high do you think it is?” Alejandro asked.
“Well, my estimation is about 15,000 feet,” Jay answered.
“Okay, well let’s climb this baby,” Alejandro said starting to climb up it. Jay followed.
Meanwhile, back at the tents Patricia was cooking a bear that Tim successfully shot inside a tent for Tim and Quentin.
“Do you think Alejandro and Jay will find help?” Quentin asked.
“No, they won’t make it halfway up the mountain,” Tim answered.
“I can feel that both of them will find help alive,” Patricia added taking a bite of her food.
“Oh by the way, what time is it?” Quentin asked.
“The time is 7:00 PM,” Patricia answered looking at her watch.
Meanwhile Alejandro and Jay were climbing the mountain coming close to falling off.
“This is hard,” Jay groaned.
“Yeah,” Alejandro agreed.
A big snow storm kept on almost blowing Alejandro and Jay off the mountain.
“Okay, we aren’t even close to halfway,” Alejandro sighed.
Alejandro then stepped on loose ground and slipped!
“Help!” Alejandro screamed.
He then grabbed onto a root and was dangling.
“Hold on!” Jay yelled.
Jay slid down to him carefully and stopped above him. He grabbed onto him.
“Hold on,” Jay said.
He then threw Alejandro above him and Alejandro caught onto the mountain.
“Thanks,” he thanked.
“No problem,” Jay responded.
All of the sudden they heard a crashing noise getting closer and closer.
“W-what’s that?” Alejandro stuttered.
They both looked up and saw a huge avalanche coming down toward them!
“It’s an avalanche!” Alejandro screamed.
Jay turned pale.
Alejandro looked around for something that could save them. He then saw a big wide giant rock that was sticking out.
“Jay! Let go and fall down to that rock and grab it and get under it, it will save us,” Alejandro called.
Jay let go and fell down to the rock and grabbed onto the rock and got under it.
Alejandro let go right before the avalanche hit him. While he was falling to the rock the avalanche was just inches away from him.
Alejandro then grabbed onto the rock and got under it milliseconds before the avalanche hit him.
When Alejandro and Jay were under the rock, the avalanche was going down in front of them.
“Whoa, that was close,” Jay gasped.
“Wait, that avalanche is going down toward the tents!” Alejandro screamed.
Meanwhile down at the tents Patricia and Quentin were sleeping, but Tim couldn’t sleep.
Tim looked at Patricia’s watch and saw that it was 1 in the morning.
Tim then heard a crashing noise coming toward them.
“What the heck?” he asked.
He went out of the tent and saw an avalanche coming toward them!
“Avalanche is coming!” Tim screamed.
Patricia then ran out of the tent in horror.
“Oh my god!” she screamed.
The avalanche then came over them. The avalanche kept on going over to a cliff.
Under the rolling avalanche Patricia was covered in snow and couldn’t breathe.
She could barely see the cliff up ahead. She gasped. The avalanche then rolled over the cliff. Patricia then breathed in air and screamed while falling.
Patricia then grabbed onto the cliff and climbed into a cave in the cliff saving her.
“Oh my god!” she cried.
The avalanche then passed.
Patricia climbed out of the cave shaking. She climbed back up the cliff. When she got to the top she saw Tim’s dead body frozen stuck in these thorns above the cliff.
Patricia screamed in tears. She then walked over to where the tent was.
She saw it was all beat up but somehow not pushed away. She ran to it and looked inside it and saw Quentin’s frozen dead body rolled over covered with snow.
Patricia screamed in tears.
“I’m probably the only one left!” she cried.
Meanwhile in the mountains Alejandro and Jay were dangling on the rock.
“That was a good idea,” Jay commented.
But Alejandro didn’t listen to him because he was watching the tents sadly.
“They’re gone,” he cried.
“They could have survived it,” Jay told.
“I guess,” Alejandro responded.
“Let’s keep going,” Jay said starting to climb.
Alejandro followed. They soon got to a big rock like the one they hid under.
They saw another big rock that they had to jump to because it had the side of the mountain that they needed to climb to get to the top.
Jay jumped to the other side and barely made it. Alejandro jumped too and barely made it also.
They climbed the mountain and finally made it to the top. Jay let out a sigh of relief falling to the ground.
Alejandro looked down.
“It sure is high,” he gulped.
“Yep,” Jay agreed taking off his boot and emptying out the snow.
Alejandro took out a penny and dropped it. He watched it fall.
“How are we going to get down fast enough?” Jay asked putting his boot back on.
Alejandro picked up a big hard circled piece of snow. He then picked another one up.
“Hey Jay, since this side is a little bit slanted we could sled down with this hard circled snow,” Alejandro said smiling.
Jay then stood up interested in the idea.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” Jay commented.
“See you at the bottom,” Alejandro laughed starting to slide down.
Jay followed on his hard circled piece of snow. Alejandro loved it.
“I’m going to get you,” Jay called.
Alejandro then got to the bottom and jumped off his “sled” and waited for Jay. Jay then got to the bottom laughing.
“Awesome ride huh?” Alejandro asked.
“Sure is,” Jay answered.
They both looked over and saw woods.
“Let’s go through there and try and find some kind of village,” Alejandro brought up.
“Okay,” Jay responded. Jay and Alejandro ran into the woods.
Meanwhile Patricia was in the messed up tent crying with the revolver in her hand.
“All alone,” she cried.
She then heard a growl. She ducked and aimed her gun and saw a bear.
She shot and missed! Her heart sank. The bear looked over roaring. She tried to shoot again but it was out of bullets! Patricia gasped.
The bear ran toward her. She ran off toward the cliff. She then stopped at it and turned around pale.
The bear growled and circled her. Patricia threw the revolver at the bear’s face.
The bear then ran at her! She went to the side of the cliff dangling.
The bear was above her roaring. All of the sudden the ice cracked and Patricia fell but then grabbed onto a root and the bear fell to his death.
Patricia whimpered and climbed back up the cliff. When she got to the top she saw a pack of wolves by the tent sniffing around. Patricia wanted to scream but managed to stay quiet.
Meanwhile Alejandro and Jay were walking threw the woods.
“So if there is no kind of civilization we’re dead meat?” Alejandro asked.
“Pretty much,” Jay answered.
They then heard growling behind them. Jay and Alejandro then turned around and saw wolves behind them! Alejandro and Jay screamed.
Two wolves tackled Jay and Alejandro trying to bite off there faces but the two of them were wrestling them away.
Jay then punched the wolf in the face and it fell to the ground. Jay started to punch that wolf to death. The other wolf tackled Jay and tried to bite his face.
Alejandro punched the wolf in the face but the wolf scratched Alejandro in the face.
Alejandro then felt dizzy and felt like he couldn’t do anything.
He saw the wolf raise his claw about to kill him until the wolf was shot with a gun out of nowhere.
Alejandro then looked around and saw two people with guns looking at the dead wolves.
“Do you two need help?” one of them asked.
“Yes!” Jay called.
“What happened?” one of them asked.
Alejandro and Jay told them what happened.
“Wow, well we better bring you to are village, search for the people at the camp, and get you guys out of there,” one of the strangers told.
“Thank you,” Alejandro thanked.
They helped out Alejandro and Jay at the village and then went to go search for Patricia, Tim, and Quentin.
Two strangers, and Alejandro and Jay went to search for them.
“What are your names?” Alejandro asked.
“My name is West, and this is Devereux,” West told.
They then got to the tent grounds and saw the tent screwed up with wolves around it!
“My god!” Devereux screamed.
They shot the wolves and searched for them, they then found Quentin’s body.
“Oh no, Quentin!” Alejandro screamed.
“It must have been the avalanche,” Jay added.
They walked toward the cliff searching then found Tim’s body in thorns!
“No, Tim!” Alejandro screamed.
They looked down the cliff.
“Patricia,” Alejandro cried.
“Sorry Alejandro,” West apologized.
“Help me!” a voice then screamed.
They looked down and saw Patricia climbing out of a cave on the side of the cliff.
“Patricia!” Alejandro called happily.
Patricia climbed up the cliff and they went back to the village and they helped Patricia out.
The village then called for a plane to come and pick the 3 survivors up.
Alejandro, Jay, and Patricia were waiting in the plane waiting to take off.
“What an adventure,” Jay laughed.
“Yeah,” Patricia agreed.
“Hey Alejandro, what do you think we should call that mountain that we climbed up?” Jay asked.
“Mount Millenium,” Alejandro answered.
“Sojas was actually a really great blimp,” Jay sighed.
“Who would have known are first voyage on it would be a disaster,” Patricia said.
The plane then took off and Alejandro looked back at the place they stayed at. He kind of missed the place, but also wanted to get home with Jay and Patricia.
He took his last glance at the place, then turned his head.

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