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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Murder of Oscar James

Stu Mason was painting a picture of a quite attractive woman.
He tried to make it look like he wasn’t looking at her. It was hard to do that because it was at a restaurant.
She then left right after Stu finished painting. He looked at his painting. He was proud of his work.
His friend John Dixon then came and sat. He looked exhausted.
“What’s wrong?” Stu asked.
“I was evicted by my damn landlord Oscar James, I could just kill him,” he answered.
“I know that idiot, he made fun of my drunk father, who- who’s now dead,” Stu added.
“Everyone hates him,” John said.
“He doesn’t deserve the money that he has,” Stu said.

Oscar James was puffing at his cigar in front of the fire sitting in his chair reading the newspaper. It was dated June 16, 1927.
He flipped the page to see that John and Melody Dixon were evicted.
“By me,” he laughed.
He turned the page and saw that the billionaire Colonel Ulrich was having a party at his mansion. Oscar sued his old company but he created a new company that is more successful.
“I guess I’m a guest because I sued his unsuccessful company,” Oscar said.

Stu Mason was reading the book The Murder on the
Links, by Agatha Christie. His wife Nancy was cooking dinner.
“Hey Stuart, did you know that your old billionaire friend Colonel Ulrich his having a party Saturday night?” Nancy asked.
Stu put his book down and sat up.
“Nancy, you know I never go to a party without an invitation,” said Stu. All of a sudden the doorbell rang. Stu walked to the door and saw Logan Fletcher, Colonel Ulrich’s African American butler who Oscar used to make fun of because of his skin color.
“Oh, hey Logan,” Stu said.
“Hey Mr. Mason, I hoped you knew that Sir Ulrich’s party is tomorrow night,” Logan advised.
“Oh, yeah, thanks Logan,” Stu thanked.
“You’re welcome sir,” Logan said. He left.
Stu turned around and saw Nancy with her arms crossed with a smile on her face.
“Well, well, well,” she said.
“Don’t rub it in,” Stu responded.

The next night Stu and Nancy went over to Colonel Ulrich’s mansion.
Logan was outside greeting everyone.
“Glad you two could make it,” Logan greeted.
Stu and Nancy walked in and it was a madhouse inside.
Instead of a nice calm party it was a crazy party.
Stu slowly walked in and saw his best friend John Dixon drunk. He walked up to him.
“Um, John, are you okay?” Stu asked.
“HELL YEAH!!!!!” he yelled at the top of his lungs drunk.
“Um, right, well did you get a different apartment?” Stu asked.
“What? Oh yeah, we have money as it is but my wife loved our old house so much and she is going to try and sue Oscar,” John answered.
All of a sudden Oscar James came in through the door.
Everyone then turned their heads toward the door.
“Um, sir Ulrich, why did you invite him?” Logan asked.
“I didn’t,” Colonel Ulrich growled.
“Hey Colonel, how is your new company?” Oscar asked.
“Oh, it’s going great,” Colonel Ulrich growled again.
Colonel Ulrich walked toward Oscar.
“What the bloody hell are you doing here?” he whispered in his ear.
“I thought I was invited,” Oscar admitted.
Melody Dixon ran up to Oscar with a knife in her hand.
“I will kill you!” she yelled.
Stu, John, and Logan quickly stopped her.
“I will get you for taking away my house, if it’s the last thing I do!” Melody warned.
“Oh no, please don’t kill me Ms. I think I’m so tough,” Oscar joked sarcastically.
Colonel Ulrich quickly ran to his automobile and drove to the police station.
Meanwhile John grabbed the knife from his wife’s hand and put it down.
“Honey shut up!” he yelled.
“But you’re thinking the same thing,”
“I think you shall leave dame Melody,” Logan commanded.
All of a sudden the police came storming through the mansion.
A cop pointed his gun at Melody.
“You’re under arrest for a short time for threatening with a weapon,” he said.
“What? No, arrest him,” John said pointing to Oscar.
“I would love to because he didn’t give the money I deserved to pay for my sick daughter who’s now dead,” he said in tears.
“Oh yeah, you’re Jake,” Oscar added.
“Shut up or I will kill you!” Jake yelled.
“Everyone gasped.
“I mean, Melody, come with me,” he finished.
Melody quietly walked with Jake to the truck.
Everyone looked over at Oscar angrily.
“What? Did I ruin everyone’s fun?” Oscar asked.
“You sure as hell did,” Colonel Ulrich answered.
He shrugged his shoulders.
“I guess I shouldn’t spoil everyone’s fun so I’m going to read the paper in the other room,” Oscar yawned bringing his wine bottle into the room.
“Thank you,” John thanked.
Everyone started talking again.
“Thank god he left,” Dixon thanked.
“You must be pissed at him,” Stu exclaimed.
“You bet I am,” John answered.
Ulrich came over to us. “Would you like to play cards with us in the living room?” he asked.
“Yeah,” John answered.
“I think I’ll come up later,” Stu said.
“Suit yourself,” Ulrich said.
Ulrich and Dixon left leaving Stu alone.
Stu took another sip of his wine looking out the window. A few minutes passed and he started to get sleepy.
He yawned but all of a sudden he saw a person he couldn’t make out walking on the lawn. He gasped then fell off the chair. He got up again and didn’t see the figure.
He realized that Oscar was in the room the figure was heading to.
“Oscar?” Stu yelled. No reply. “Oscar?!” he yelled again.
Still no reply.
Stu then heard whispering.
All he could make out was let’s do it.
Stu ran into the room and found Oscar stabbed to death!
Stu screamed.
Ulrich and Logan ran down into the room and saw the body.
“What the hell did you do to him!” Logan screamed.
“I didn’t do anything,” Stu angrily said.
Colonel Ulrich then picked up the phone and called the police.
“I didn’t kill anybody!” Stu yelled again.
Ulrich tackled Stu to the ground.
“I felt like killing him to but I would never really do it,” Ulrich yelled.
All of a sudden Chief Allen and Jake ran in with guns.
“What’s happened now?” Chief Allen asked.
“Stu has murdered Oscar James!” Logan yelled.
Jake saw the body and threw up.
“Oh thanks a lot Jake,” Ulrich said sarcastically.
“Have any proof?” Chief Allen asked.
“Well no,” Ulrich admitted.
“Well no proof, no arrest,” Chief Allen said.
“I’m going to call my detective friend Dylan Hobbes,” Ulrich brought up.
Later the next morning Detective Hobbes came to the house with his partner Dennis Gates.
“What’s wrong?” Hobbes asked.
“Everyone’s enemy Oscar James has been murdered,” Ulrich answered.
“Well let’s see the body,” Hobbes said.
Ulrich led them into the living room.
Hobbes and Dennis looked at the body.
“What did he say when he went into the living room?” Dennis asked.
“Well a dame named Melody tried to stab Oscar with a knife so I called the police and they booked Melody,” Colonel Ulrich told.
“Sit down Ulrich,” Hobbes said.
Colonel Ulrich sat down.
Hobbes and Dennis sat down as well.
“Now, when was the last time you saw Oscar alive,” Dennis asked.
“When he almost got killed by Melody,” Ulrich answered.
“And about what time did you find him dead?” Hobbes asked again.
“Well my guests left at midnight and 3 minutes later Logan and I heard Stu scream and found the body, which on the dot was 12:03,” Ulrich told.
“Thank you Ulrich, will you please bring down Logan?” Dennis asked.
“Sure thing,” Ulrich said.
Ulrich left and Hobbes and Dennis started talking.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Hobbes asked Dennis.
“That the knife that Melody almost stabbed Oscar with was the knife that killed Oscar,”
“That’s a pretty good thought,”
Logan then came in.
“Hello, I understand you are Logan, Logan Fletcher,” Hobbes said.
“Um, yes sir, and you are the famous detective Dylan Hobbes,” Logan said.
“Now have a seat,” Dennis offered.
Logan sat down.
“Now, what did you have against Oscar?” Hobbes asked.
“He made fun of my skin color,”
“And what time did you last see him?”
“Same as everyone else,”
“Where were you when the murder happened, which was exactly 12:03,”
“Um, I, was cleaning up,” Logan answered.
“Thanks for your time Logan, can you possibly bring in Stu Mason?” Dennis asked.
“Um, yes sir,” Logan answered and left.
“Isn’t he suspicious?” Dennis asked Hobbes.
“Yes, but he doesn’t seem like he would kill anyone,” Hobbes said.
“But Dylan, you once told me everyone’s a suspect till proven innocent,” Dennis said.
“That’s true,” Hobbes said.
Stu then came in.
“Hello Mr. Mason,” Dennis greeted.
“Hi, can I have a seat?” Stu greeted.
“Of course you can,” Hobbes answered.
Stu sat down.
“Now, what did you have against Oscar?” Hobbes asked.
“He made fun of my dad who is now dead,”
“Well start from the top,”
“Well I was left alone and I happened to glance out the window and I saw a figure walking on the lawn,”
“And you couldn’t see who it was?”
“No, but he was limping or something,”
“So a few seconds afterwards you found Oscar dead. Is that correct?”
“Yes, but I did hear a cold voice saying let’s do it,”
Hobbes and Dennis looked at each other reading each other’s mind.
“So it was cold?” Hobbes asked.
“Yes that is correct,” Stu responded.
“Well it might be that it was two killers,” Dennis thought.
“It could be that or you’re just lying to us, Stu,” Hobbes thought.
“I didn’t do anything,” Stu repeated.
“Well, you could of saw nothing, grabbed the knife on the ground, and went in and drugged his drink without him seeing, and he starts dozing off and you stab him multiple times,” Hobbes explained.
“I keep telling you, I didn’t do it,” Stu responded angrily.
“Can you believe how many killers had said that to me?” Hobbes asked.
“Well before we arrest anyone, let’s just interview some other suspects,” Dennis suggested.
“Fine,” Hobbes agreed.
“Can you bring in anyone else?” Dennis asked Stu.
“Sure, my best friend John Dixon,” Stu said leaving.
“He had the most interesting interview,” Dennis said.
“Interesting interviews mean more information,” Hobbes said.
Dixon then came in.
“Hello John,” Hobbes greeted.
“Call me Dix,” Dixon said.
“Well Dix, I here your wife wanted to try and kill Oscar last night,” Hobbes told.
“Uh, yes, but she did not kill anyone!” John screamed.
“Right, but my question is where were you at 12:03?” Dennis asked.
“I was walking out of Colonel Ulrich’s house,”
“See anything suspicious?”
“Well, there was this shadow figure walking in the lawn,”
“And you couldn’t see the figure?”
“No, but he was walking down into the backyard to where Oscar was,”
“And isn’t there a back door here to room where Oscar was?”
“Well there- I mean I don’t know, I don’t live here,”
“Why’d you hesitate?” Hobbes broke in.
“Well because I did see some door once in the room, but the next I didn’t see it,” John answered.
“Did you see the door before or after Oscar was murdered?” Hobbes asked.
“After, but I didn’t see it a few minutes after I saw it,” John told.
“Interesting,” Hobbes replied.
“Well, were you really mad at Oscar when your wife went to jail because of him?” Dennis asked.
“Yes, I certainly was,” John answered.
“Okay, well thank you for your time. Could you bring in Stu’s wife?” Hobbes asked.
“Yes sir,” John answered leaving the room.
“A lot of people have seen different clues,” Dennis brought up writing down notes.
“Yes, Ulrich, Fletcher, Mason, and Dixon are the people we have interviewed and it seemed Mr. Mason has the most interesting story,” Hobbes added.
“Well Dylan, after Mrs. Mason are both of us going down to the prison to interview Mrs. Dixon?” Dennis asked.
“With Dix, we need her to talk to him, and possibly Stu as well,” Hobbes answered.
Nancy Mason then came into the room.
“Hello Mrs. Mason,” Hobbes greeted.
“Nancy,” she corrected sitting down.
“Alright Nancy, where were you around midnight?” Dennis asked.
“Playing bridge with Colonel Ulrich and John Dixon,” Nancy answered.
“See anything suspicious?” Dennis asked.
“Not that I know of, but I did hear something weird,” Nancy answered.
“What was that?” Hobbes asked.
“When I was playing I heard something like something dropping into water,” Nancy told.
“Be more specific,” Dennis urged.
“Like little raindrops dropping into a glass of water,” Nancy answered.
“Was it coming from downstairs?” Hobbes asked.
“Yes, like where Oscar was,” Nancy told.
“I’m surprised Stu didn’t hear it,” Dennis said.
“Well he was a little drunk,” Nancy reminded.
“I guess, I was thinking he was drunk so that’s why he saw that dark figure but Dix saw it too,” Dennis added.
“Well thanks for your time,” Hobbes thanked. Nancy then left.
“So, hearing this and seeing that. None of it ties up,” Dennis sighed.
“Well Stu, Nancy, and Dix’s story all kind of tie up,” Hobbes told Dennis.
Dennis showed Detective Hobbes the note pad he was writing on. It showed all of the suspects and it showed the motives and alibis.
“Okay Dylan, now who out of these suspects do you think has the oddest story?” Dennis asked showing Hobbes the list.
“Mr. Fletcher obviously,” Hobbes answered.
“Exactly,” Dennis agreed circling Logan.
“After we interview Melody Dixon, Chief Allen and Jake we’ll circle the biggest suspect,” Hobbes told.
Dylan Hobbes and Dennis Gates went out of the room and saw everyone sitting at the dinner table.
“Dix, we’re going to go interview your wife at the prison, would you like to come?” Hobbes asked getting shoes on.
“Yes, I would like to see Melody,” John answered.
“Oh and Stu, if you would like to come along you may,” Dennis told Stu.
“I would love to come,” Stu answered.
Hobbes, Dennis, Stu, and John got ready. “By honey,” Nancy said to Stu.
“Bye,” Stu responded.
“Dinner will be ready when you come back,” Logan told.
“Thanks,” John thanked.
“See you guys,” Colonel Ulrich said.
Hobbes, Dennis, Stu and John got into Hobbes’s auto mobile and drove to the police station.
They got out of Hobbes’s car and walked into the police station.
“Wow, it seems almost impossible to escape from here,” John brought up.
“Yep,” Stu answered.
Chief Allen was standing on the front porch of the police station.
“Well hello Dylan,” Chief Allen greeted.
“Hey Allen,” Hobbes responded.
Chief Allen walked in the station with his red sneakers.
“You know this guy?” Dennis asked.
“Yeah, we investigated the murder in central park,” Hobbes answered.
The 4 of them walked in and saw cops everywhere. They saw Chief Allen sitting at a desk reading the newspaper.
“Have a seat,” he allowed.
Hobbes, Dennis, Stu and John sat down.
“Okay, now what have you come for?” Chief Allen asked.
“Oscar James was murdered last night,” Stu answered.
“Yikes,” Chief Allen responded.
“Yes, and now what did you have against Oscar?” Hobbes asked.
“Nothing, nothing at all, but I was kind of mad at him for making my partner Jake feel bad,” Chief Allen answered.
“Okay, and now what were you doing around midnight?” Hobbes asked.
“Watching the hall,” Chief Allen answered.
“How long?” John asked.
“From 11:00 to 1:00,” Chief Allen answered.
“So there was no way anyone could have gotten in or out?” Dennis asked.
“No, some of the other cops were guarding the back door,” Chief Allen answered.
“Where was Jake?” Hobbes asked.
“Out here with Officer Foley,” Chief Allen answered.
“Well, could you bring Jake in the room?” Stu asked.
“Sure,” Chief Allen answered leaving the room.
“So, do you believe him?” Dennis asked Hobbes.
“He has the story I believe most,” Hobbes answered.
Jake came into the room and sat down.
“Hello Jake,” Stu greeted.
“Hi Stu, John, Dylan and Dennis,” Jake responded.
“Now, I don’t want to have you say your motive so what were you doing at midnight?” Hobbes asked.
“Well, I was here reading the paper with Officer Foley while Chief Allen was in the hall where Melody was in her cell and some more cops were guarding the back door, and there were watch towers out side with trained snipers and the gate is electric,” Jake told.
“May we go outside and see the watch towers and the electric fence?” Dennis asked.
“Sure,” Jake answered.
They went outside. Stu saw snipers in the watchtowers.
Detective Hobbes picked up a rock and threw it at the fence. Electricity went off.
“Well that explains that,” John brought up.
“See,” Jake said.
“Well, may I see my wife?” John asked.
“Sure, let’s go,” Jake answered.
They walked back into the police station and down to Melody’s cell. Jake opened the gate and Hobbes, Dennis, Stu, John and Jake went into the cell.
John sat down next to Melody.
“Hi honey,” Melody greeted.
“Hi,” John responded.
“Um, Melody, Oscar James was murdered last night,” Stu told.
Melody put her hand in her face in grief.
“I felt so embarrassed last night after what I did,” Melody sighed.
“Yes, well we’re trying to figure out who did it,” Hobbes told.
“Who are these two guys?” Melody asked pointing to Hobbes and Dennis.
“The famous Detective Dylan Hobbes and his partner Dennis Gates,” John answered.
“Oh,” Melody responded.
“Okay Melody, now all we need to do is ask you a few questions,” Dennis told.
“Okay,” Melody agreed.
“Okay, now what were you doing around midnight?” Hobbes asked.
“I was here in my cell taking my insomnia,” Melody answered.
“That’s pretty much all we need to know Melody,” Stu told.
“Uh, Jake, is she free to go?” John asked Jake.
“Yeah, I guess,” Jake answered.
“Oh, Jake could you and Chief Allen come over to Ulrich’s mansion so we can all figure this out?” Hobbes asked Jake.
“Yeah, I think we could work that out,” Jake answered getting a sip of his coffee.
Later Hobbes, Dennis, Stu, John, Melody, Chief Allen and Jake got into the auto mobile and drove to Colonel Ulrich’s mansion.
They walked into his house.
“Hey Chief Allen and Jake,” Colonel Ulrich greeted taking a sip of his coffee. Nancy and Colonel Ulrich were sitting down eating lunch while Logan was in the kitchen cooking.
“All of your lunches are ready, have a seat,” Logan told.
Everyone took a seat but Hobbes and Dennis.
“We’ll eat later but we’re going to investigate the crime scene,” Hobbes told.
“Okay,” they all agreed.
Hobbes and Dennis went into the side room where Oscar was murdered.
When they looked at the couch they gasped. The body was moved!
“Wasn’t the body there when we left for the prison?” Dennis asked.
“Yeah, that must mean the killer might of been Colonel Ulrich, Nancy Mason or Logan Fletcher, so it must be Logan,” Hobbes told.
“Yeah,” Dennis agreed.
Hobbes went over to the glass of wine that was still there. He took a drop of the wine and tasted it.
“What do you taste?” Dennis asked.
“Insomnia,” Hobbes answered.
“He was drugged!” Dennis screamed.
“Yeah, that’s why there was no scream,” Hobbes told.
“So many more clues,” Dennis added.
“Let’s check over to where Dix said he saw that door,” Hobbes brought up.
“Okay,” Dennis agreed.
Hobbes and Dennis walked over to the wall. Only a huge bookcase, pictures on the wall and decoration on the wall.
“So what do you think Dix meant by door?” Dennis asked Detective Hobbes.
“I don’t know,” Hobbes answered picking up books from the bookcase and dropping them.
“Why are you doing that?” Dennis asked lighting a cigarette.
“Maybe this bookcase opens,” Hobbes answered.
“Ulrich would have obviously found something like that out,” Dennis told puffing at his cigarette.
Hobbes dropped the book Frankenstein and it flipped around and a door came out on the other side.
“There it is!” Dennis screamed.
Hobbes opened the door and it led to the deck of the backyard.
“That must explain how the killer got in the room without Stu knowing,” Dennis brought up.
“Yeah, I wonder why Ulrich didn’t know about it,” Hobbes responded.
“Maybe the killer made some changes to it,” Dennis said taking out his notebook writing some notes down.
“We are one step closer to finding out who the killer is,” Hobbes told.
Hobbes went outside to where the bookcase was and looked where he took Frankenstein out and saw a button.
“Ah-ha, a button,” Hobbes pointed out.
Dennis walked outside to the bookcase where Hobbes was.
“Yeah, there is a button,” Dennis agreed with an odd look on his face.
Hobbes pressed the button and it flipped around and it went inside leaving Hobbes and Dennis outside.
“Dang, we’ll have to go to the front door,” Hobbes sighed.
“Yeah,” Dennis agreed sighing.
“Well the good news is we know the killer is Logan cause Logan limps and that is what Stu said, and a bunch of other clues we know about,” Hobbes told smiling.
All of a sudden Hobbes and Dennis heard screaming and saw Logan falling off the balcony and landed hard.
Hobbes and Dennis screamed. Dennis went over to Logan and crouched looking at Logan.
Hobbes looked up at the balcony and saw a person in a ski mask in red sneakers running into the top room.
“Oh god, he’s dead!” Dennis screamed.
Hobbes ran to the front door and opened it.
“Oh hey Hobbes, what’s with the hurry?” Stu asked getting a pack of cigarettes out.
Hobbes saw everyone at the dinner table. Hobbes quickly went to the stairs and ran to the top floor with his revolver in his hand.
Hobbes kept his revolver ready and checked every room and saw nothing.
Hobbes ran back downstairs to the backyard to the porch and saw everyone crowded around Logan’s body.
Hobbes walked up to the body.
“Oh boss, look what I found in Logan’s pocket,” Dennis told him showing him 3 100 dollar bills.
Hobbes took the money from Dennis’s hand and looked at it thinking hard.
“What happened?” Stu asked.
“He was thrown off the balcony,” Dennis answered.
“It seems that Logan blackmailed the killer,” Hobbes predicted looking at the money.
“Looks like Logan wasn’t the killer,” Dennis sighed.
They later went back inside after the ambulance came to take Logan’s body and sat at the table with sad looks on their faces.
Colonel Ulrich put wine out for everyone.
“Since Logan can’t cook I will,” Colonel Ulrich sighed.
“Well I hope you guys catch the killer soon,” Jake sighed.
“Well I’ll go get some snacks for us from my duffel bag,” Nancy told going over to her duffel bag.
“Oh Dylan, have you and Dennis found any other clues?” Stu asked taking a sip of wine.
“Oh yeah, we found that secret door that Dix told us about,” Dennis answered.
All of the sudden Nancy screamed as loud as she could. Everyone turned around and saw Nancy pale looking in her duffel bag. Stu ran over to Nancy and looked in the duffel bag and turned pale.
“What is it?” Melody asked.
Stu picked up a bloody knife from their duffel bag.
“It’s the weapon!” John screamed.
“It’s not us!” Nancy screamed.
“We believe you,” Hobbes told her.
“I’ll get some napkins from my shed,” Colonel Ulrich told them going out the door.
“Clues everywhere,” Chief Allen brought up.
Colonel Ulrich then ran into the mansion screaming. Everyone turned around towards him.
“Oscar James’s body!” Colonel Ulrich screamed falling down.
Dennis crouched at him.
“He fainted,” Dennis told.
“He said something about Oscar James’s body, let’s go check it out,” Hobbes brought up.
Hobbes went out the door. Dennis, Stu, John, and Chief Allen followed him.
They ran over to the shed and went inside it and saw Oscar James’s body in a trash bag!
“Oh god!” Stu screamed.
“I now have figured it out,” Hobbes told.
“You found out who the killer was?” Dennis asked.
“Yes, round up everyone in the mansion into the living room,” Hobbes commanded.
“Okay,” Dennis responded.
Later everyone came into the living room and sat down on the couch.
Hobbes and Dennis walked into the room. Hobbes started to talk.
“Now, I’m going to start from the top, Oscar James was murdered last night at 12:03 exactly, Stu and Dix saw a dark figure, Nancy heard water splashing, and Stu heard a voice saying let’s do it, now, Melody ran at Oscar with a knife and Dix grabbed it from her hand and put it by the window,” Hobbes began.
“Oh yeah, and I heard the window was open,” Dennis added sitting down.
“Yes, so, Stu was alone in the room and saw a limping figure, and Logan limps so that must have been LOGAN that was the limping dark figure. Now he must of saw the murderer and he must of blackmailed the killer, and when the killer gave him the money he was counting it by the balcony and the killer snuck behind him and pushed him off of the balcony killing him. I saw the killer in a ski mask with red sneakers and the only person who wears red sneakers is Chief Allen,” Hobbes explained pointing to Chief Allen.
Everyone gasped.
“Are you crazy?!” Chief Allen gasped.
“No, I’m not Allen,” Hobbes said.
“But we’ve been friends for as long as I remember,” Chief Allen reminded.
“Wait, I’m not done yet. Now, Stu said he heard let’s do it which means there was a second killer, now Mrs. Nancy Mason told she heard little drops of water fall into a cup, now Dennis and I found out that he was drugged with insomnia which much of been the drops, but how could the killer do that when Oscar was still up, so the killer must of put it in before Oscar went in the room, and a person who was present at the time when Oscar was out at the party with insomnia was Melody Dixon,” Hobbes told pointing to Melody Dixon.
Everyone gasped.
John jumped from his seat. “My wife didn’t kill Oscar James!”
“How do you explain the drops?” Melody asked growling.
“You tried to take the insomnia out put some fell from your hand but you didn’t have the time to get it back out because Stu started to walk in the room,” Hobbes told.
“How could Chief Allen and I get out of jail?” Melody asked with a mad look on her face.
“Because, Jake was your other accomplice,” Hobbes answered.
“What?!” Jake screamed jumping from his seat.
“That’s right, you, Melody, and Chief Allen tipped the other cops in the police station,” Hobbes told.
“You’re crazy Hobbes! My wife didn’t kill anyone!” John screamed.
“You’re right John, she didn’t kill anyone. Chief Allen killed both. Melody drugged Oscar, Chief Allen murdered him while Jake watched for anyone coming. The let’s do it was by Melody and Chief Allen because Melody watched Chief Allen stab him while Jake was outside on the porch looking for anyone coming and saw Logan and got him and told him to not tell anyone but Chief Allen saw him and was blackmailed and Chief Allen killed him. Because Jake and Melody didn’t want to kill anyone else except Oscar,” Hobbes told.
Chief Allen, Melody and Jake sighed. “Alright Hobbes, you win,” Jake sighed.
“You can’t outsmart Dennis and Detective Hobbes,” Dennis told.
“Wow, pretty good investigation Hobbes,” Colonel Ulrich commented.
Chief Allen then grabbed a pistol from his pocket and put it to his head.
Hobbes and Dennis ran towards Chief Allen and stopped in front of him.
“Easy,” Stu screamed.
“Yeah,” Nancy said.
“Good bye Dylan,” Chief Allen told Hobbes.
“No wait!” Hobbes screamed.
Chief Allen then shot himself in the head and fell dead.
“Oh god!” John screamed.
“Well how long in prison?” Jake sighed.
“Well for Melody 5 years and Jake 3 years,” Hobbes answered.
“Wait why is Jake staying shorter in jail then Melody?” John asked.
“Because I can’t really blame him because of his daughter,” Hobbes told.
“By the way they didn’t really kill anyone, only helped out,” Dennis added.
The cops then came and arrested Melody and Jake and left. Stu saw John against the wall with a sad look in his face.
“You okay?” Stu asked.
“Yeah, it’s just that I won’t see Melody that much for 5 years,” John sighed.
“Well you’re lucky she’s in jail for only 5 years,” Stu told him.
“Yeah,” John agreed.
Detective Hobbes and Dennis Gates walked to the door.
“Hey Hobbes, you going?” Stu asked.
“Sure are,” Hobbes answered.
“See you Dylan, see you Dennis,” John said.
Hobbes and Dennis walked out the door.
“So you did well with the case,” Dennis commented.
“Yep, I have officially retired from the case,”

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