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Welcome to my blog. On this blog there are stories by me, videos, full movies, and articles. If you start to read the stories, I suggest you start out with Beatrix Boarding School, it's really good, trust me. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

William, Daniel, the Ghost, and I

The old graveyard deep in my woods is very freaky. There is this legend if you go to the cemetery at midnight you will be attacked by a ghost. I will tell you the story when William and I went down to the cemetery.

I ran over to William and Daniel's house. I rang the doorbell and William came to the door. He opened the door.
“Hey Ian,” William greeted.
“Hi,” I responded.
I went in their house. I followed William downstairs and we saw Daniel (William’s little brother who was 8 was playing video games).
“Hey Daniel,” I greeted.
“Hey,” he responded.
William and I sat down next to Daniel. We saw him playing a shooting game.
“What are you playing?” I asked.
“Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare,” Daniel answered.
“Who’s your favorite character?” I asked.
“Captain Price,” Daniel answered.
“Oh Ian, Daniel has an album of Madonna’s best hits,” William laughed.
“Shut up!” Daniel yelled.
“And he listens to it every night,” William added laughing.
“Shut up!” Daniel shouted.
“Oh, that is funny,” I laughed.
“You know, Daniel never goes down to the graveyard so we should bury it there,” William laughed.
“No!” Daniel screamed.
“Yeah, let’s do that,” I laughed.
William and I ran upstairs to Daniel’s room.
“No!” Daniel cried.
William and I grabbed the album and turned to run out of the room but Daniel was guarding the doorway.
“You aren’t burying the album,” Daniel growled.
William and I looked at each other and then ran over Daniel. Daniel started to scream.
William and I ran into the garage and grabbed a shovel and ran into the woods. We then stopped running and started to walk to the cemetery. William had the album and I had the shovel.
“Do you think Daniel will be really mad at us for doing this?” I asked.
“Yeah but he’ll get over it,” William answered.
“What time is it?” I asked.
“Why? Are you afraid of little ghosts?” William laughed.
“No, I’m just curious,” I growled.
“Um, it’s about 7:00,” William answered.
We kept walking until we got to the cemetery. It was a freaky cemetery. The graves were all old and the ground was just a bunch of dirt and a bunch of mist was floating around it.
“Hey William, do you think zombies come out at night and go grab people?” I stupidly asked.
“If they were like me they’d get up twice,” William answered.
We then came to this grave. It was the scariest one in the cemetery. It was bent over with moss covering it and it had a bunch of cracks in it and it looked very old so it was very black.
“Let’s bury it here, Daniel wouldn’t dare to walk over here,” I told.
“Yeah,” William agreed.
I started to dig but then my shovel hit something. It was hard.
“Hey, I think I hit the coffin,” I told.
“Nonsense, it would be deeper,” William told.
I started to pull on the hard thing and then I pulled a black briefcase out.
“Wow! It’s a briefcase!” I yelled.
“Open it up,” William said with excitement.
I opened it up and saw over 1 million dollars inside!
“Oh my god!” I yelled drooling in excitement.
“What?” William asked walking over to me.
He saw the money and he gasped dropping the album.
“There must me over 1 million dollars in that case!” William screamed.
“Yeah,” I replied staring at the money.
I then shut the briefcase and stood up holding the briefcase.
“Okay, let’s bury the Madonna album and get out of here,” I told.
“Okay,” William responded.
We buried the CD and headed home with the briefcase.
“Do you think it was wrong to steal the money?” I asked.
“Hey, the guy is dead, he won’t care,” William told.
“What was the guy’s name anyway?” I asked.
“I looked and saw it say Chester Wayne Gibson,” William answered.
All of the sudden a tree fell down straight toward us! We dodged it and avoided getting hit.
“We could have been killed!” I screamed.
“Yeah,” William agreed staring in horror.
We ran to William’s house and ran into William’s room. Daniel then jumped out of William’s closet.
“Alright, what did you do with my Madonna CD!?” he growled.
“Buried it, but we got something better,” William told.
“What?” Daniel asked walking over.
“A million dollars!” I cheered.
“Wow!” Daniel cheered.
“Okay, we’re going to split it into 3 ways,” William brought up.
We split the money in three ways.
I then went home with over 500,000 dollars in a briefcase I was carrying.
“Wow, 500,000 big ones,” I laughed.
All of the sudden it started to get very, very cold when it was only summer.
I shivered and got goose bumps because it was so cold. I saw trees basically dancing back and forth. I got a little scared. I then saw a tall shadow walking towards me.
It was a giant shadow with over a dozen arms. I stared in horror. The shadow’s head was bent to his side.
All of the sudden the shadow went straight towards me and something punched me in the face and I flew back screaming.
When I hit the ground the briefcase fell and slammed open and the money flew everywhere.
“No!” I screamed.
I quickly got up and grabbed all of the money and put it back in the briefcase.
My lip was bleeding from the punch in the face by the shadow.
When I picked up a dollar bill it floated from my hand and a liter floated over to the dollar and the liter burned it! I stared in horror.
All of the sudden I heard the wind whisper “Iaaan, money baaack orrrr diiie,”.
I screamed and started to run home with the briefcase. Trees were blowing back and forth and this tall shadow was catching up to me.
I then ran on my front porch and opened the door and shut it behind me.
I was pale with fear. I then ran upstairs into my room and put the briefcase on my bed.
I then walked to the bathroom to clean the blood off of my lip with a wet cloth.
I then went to the bathroom but the lights shut off. I got then got scared and started to get cold. I shivered.
The lights came on again and I saw a freaky smiley face on yellow paper floating in midair straight in front of my face!
I screamed.
The lights turned off again and turned back on and I saw nothing.
“What do you want?!” I screamed.
All of the sudden the briefcase with the money floated into the bathroom and floated very fast towards me!
It hit me in the face and I fell in the bath tub. I felt blood coming down my face.
All of the sudden ropes floated to the bath tub. I stared in horror.
The roped wrapped around me keeping me to the ground. I tried to wiggle out but it didn’t budge.
All of the sudden the handle started to turn around magically! I stared in horror. The water started to run.
I stared in horror because if it got to high it could drown me!
“Mom, help!” I screamed.
She didn’t hear me.
The briefcase on the ground floated up and opened with the money. I watched confused.
A picture of William and Daniel floated in the room. All of the sudden blood came all over the picture putting X’s on William and Daniel’s eyes and the picture burned to ashes.
The briefcase floated out of the bathroom window towards William and Daniel’s house.
“William, Daniel!” I screamed.
The water was rising higher to my neck. I wiggled around some more but didn’t break the ropes. I tried biting it but it still wouldn’t work.
I looked up and saw a soap container on a platform above me.
I banged my head on the wall and the soap container fell on my stomach.
I pushed it up in air and it flew towards the handle and it landed on the handle and it twisted and the water stopped.
I let out a sigh of relief.
I then saw a pocket knife on the table next to me. The soap container floated towards me.
I grabbed it with my mouth and threw it towards the pocket knife and it hit it into the bath tub.
I grabbed it with my mouth and untied myself. I emptied the bathtub and ran out of the bathroom, grabbed the briefcase and ran towards William and Daniel’s house and ran to his front porch and opened and closed the door.
“William? Daniel?” I called.
“What?” they both asked walking down their steps.
“Ghost, did the ghost get you two?” I asked.
“What are you talking about?” William asked.
“And why are you all wet?” Daniel asked.
“I’ll tell you later but the ghost of Chester Wayne Gibson is out to get my money,” I told.
“You’re crazy,” William growled.
“Just let me sleep over at your house, okay?” I said.
“Fine,” William and Daniel answered.
I got ready, got a sleeping bag, my Pajamas, my 500,000 dollars, and a camera to spot for paranormal activity.
I went over to William and Daniel’s house. I got to the front porch and knocked on the door.
William came to the door and opened.
“Okay, tonight we’ll look for nothing,” William greeted.
“There’s really is a ghost,” I told.
“Whatever,” William responded.
I went in and saw Daniel at the dinner table.
“Where’s your mom?” I asked.
“She had to go to work until the morning, so we’re going to have the whole night to ourselves and capture the ghost,” Daniel told.
“There is no ghost,” William growled.
I took the video cameras from my backpack. I showed the cameras to William and Daniel.
“To spot paranormal activity,” I told.
“Right,” William sarcastically responded.
Daniel was typing on the computer.
“What’d you say the guy’s name was that you buried the Madonna CD at his grave?” Daniel asked.
“Chester W. Gibson,” I answered.
“What’s his middle name?” Daniel asked.
“Wayne,” William answered.
Daniel started to type again and gasped in horror.
“What is it?” William and I asked.
“Come here,” Daniel said shaking.
William and I walked over to him. We looked at the computer.
We saw a picture of him in black in white. He had a missing eye, red eyes, a white mustache, and had dry, dry, dry lips. William read the article on him.
“Chester Wayne Gibson was born in 1894 and lived in Crosspointe (our neighborhood) and started his life off at a poor college, after college he moved back to Crosspointe and was hired as an assassin for a guy named Mort Jenkins. He kept his money that he got paid to kill people in a silver briefcase,” William read. He was interrupted by Daniel.
“That’s the briefcase that you two found!” Daniel screamed.
“Yeah,” William responded.
“Keep reading,” I urged.
“He killed over 20 people all over Crosspointe with a sniper rifle. During World War 11 he decided to fight and was Major Gibson and was a war hero. He came home and killed several more people. In 1959 Mort Jenkins, Chester’s boss, was shot and killed by cops while attempting to kill a female named Jo Tarver. Chester became outraged because Mort was the only friend he had. So in 1961 Chester attempted to kill the cops who killed Mort and managed to kill 3 of the 5 but then was shot to death by a SWAT team that came through. His body was buried at the Crosspointe grave yard and they also buried his briefcase full of his money with him above his coffin,” William read.
William, Daniel, and I looked around at each other in horror. William turned the computer off shaking.
“Okay Ian, s-start t-the cameras,” William stuttered.
“Okay,” I responded.
All of the sudden the fire turned on magically.
“Oh no, what will happen to us?” Daniel cried.
All of the sudden we heard the front door opening and closing.
We ran to the front door and saw the wind opening and closing the door. We saw tracks of mud leading upstairs.
We stared in horror. We walked up the steps. The smoke alarm then came on beeping. We got really scared.
“Okay, let’s keep on following the tracks of mud,” William brought up.
We followed the mud into William’s room and saw that the track kept on getting bigger and bigger like no human could of made them.
The tracks led to William’s closet and which the doors were closed.
“Oh god, I’m not going toward that closet,” William told.
“Hey Daniel, lady’s first,” I told him pushing him towards the closet.
“No!” Daniel cried stepping back.
The phone then rang. We looked at the phone. It defiantly wasn’t there when we first got into William’s room.
“Was that there before?” I asked.
William gulped. “No,”
I walked towards the phone and picked it up.
“Hello?” I greeted.
A low cold voice answered. It was talking really fast. “You and you’re friends are going to die tonight at 4, but before that we’re going to have lot’s of fun pork chop,”
I turned pale. I turned around to see William and Daniel but they were gone!
I stared in horror. I saw the closet open and mud tracks leading to where William and Daniel were. I gulped.
“William? Daniel?” I called.
I looked out the window and all of the sudden William and Daniel crashed against the window with their legs tied up to the roof!
I screamed as loud as I could. Their faces had cuts all over them and they had their eyes closed but they were only knocked out fortunately.
All of the sudden a bloody figure that looked like Chester Wayne Gibson in the picture jumped through the wall and tackled me to the ground! I screamed in horror. He wrestled me down but I fought back.
I kicked him in the crouch and he groaned. I then kicked him in the face and he fell back to the ground.
I quickly ran to the bathroom and found a loose toilet seat and smiled. I picked it up and hid behind the bathroom door.
When he ran in I nailed him in the face with it and he fell down.
“Oh yeah, you like that big boy?” I laughed looking down at him.
I rabbit punched him in the face and then did it again enjoying it.
“That felt good,” I told him.
I looked around and spotted a baseball bat. I picked it up and was about to bash him until he disappeared. I looked around confused but all of the sudden a ghost of Chester appeared behind me and picked me up!
I screamed as he started to carry me to the bathroom window. He opened the window.
“Don’t worry, you can punch me in the face and we’ll be even, right?” I asked.
He growled and threw me out the window! I screamed but then landed on a trampoline in the other person’s yard. I let out a sigh of relief and rolled off the trampoline into the ground. I got up and ran to William and Daniel’s front yard but I then saw the ghost burying William and Daniel alive! I covered my mouth trying not to scream.
Then bloody Chester ran off with the briefcase to this abandoned house in the distance.
I ran to where William and Daniel were buried alive. I grabbed the shovel and started to dig. The sun started to come out and it became light out.
I then hit two coffins. I could hear screaming coming from the inside of both of them.
I slammed the coffin open and I saw Daniel sitting up coughing like heck covered in dust.
“Are you okay?” I asked kneeling down wiping the dust off of him.
He coughed. “No,”
I moved over to William’s coffin and banged the coffin open with my shovel.
I saw William sitting up coughing with dust all over him. I rubbed the dust off of him.
“You okay?” I asked.
“I will be after we get rid of Chester,” William answered.
“How are we going to get him?” Daniel asked.
“Follow me,” William answered.
Daniel and I followed William into the house. He opened the closet and grabbed these vacuum cleaners and threw them to Daniel and I.
“It can suck in anything, trust me,” William told.
“Okay,” I responded putting the back of it on me. Daniel did the same.
William got a ghost beeper out.
“It turns green when a ghost is near and it won’t harm you, it turns yellow when a ghost is near and it might harm you, and it turns red when a ghost is near and it will harm you,” William told.
“You believe in that?” I asked.
“Yeah, the workers proved it but it never beeped because a ghost was never near me,” William told.
We ran outside towards the house and slammed the door open.
“Not beeping yet,” William told.
All of the sudden it beeped really fast in red! We looked around but then it stopped.
“Stop joking around Chester!” I shouted.
All of the sudden the stairwell collapsed and almost hit us until we dodged it.
“Stop it Chester!” Daniel shouted.
All of the sudden Daniel flew back towards the window and fell out the window!
“Daniel!” William screamed.
All of the sudden William was picked up and thrown against a candle and the candle fell to the ground and a fire started!
“There’s a fire!” William screamed.
All of the sudden while the place was burning down Chester’s bloody ghost appeared!
“You and William will die!” he growled.
“No, YOU DIE CREEP!” I shouted and sucked him up.
I dropped the vacuum and grabbed William and we ran out of the burning house.
We watched it burn down.
“Cool!” William cheered. We looked through the window and saw the money being burned.
“Oh wait, Daniel!” I screamed.
We ran to the backyard and saw Daniel eating popcorn watching the burning house. He looked over at us.
“Well, it’s about time you came out, that was the best show I have ever seen,” Daniel laughed.
William and I laughed hard.
We then headed back to William and Daniel’s house. On the front lawn we saw William and Daniel’s mom looking at the holes in the front yard. She saw us.
“Who dug up the front yard?!” she screamed.

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